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54453189 No.54453189 [Reply] [Original]

How do I stop longing the local top and shorting the local bottom? Ive lost 40% of my net worth to this crab.

>> No.54453201

just hold and stop being greedy

>> No.54453217
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Use Volume Profile over short/medium/long time frames to figure out where the other long/shorts are. Follow smarter money.

>> No.54453220

Have you tried buying and holding?

>> No.54453234

Ive unironically not tried that since the crash from 69k to 15k. Sold at 35 and shorted but ive since lost my gains.

>> No.54453257

Just like, do the opposite of what you were doing.

>> No.54453258

If you stopped being a degenerate gambler and just made good investments you'd be totally fine. All you retards trying to get rich quick and wrecking yourselves is fucking hilarious though.

>> No.54453271

Just stay long moron and stop over trading

Here I'll give you a bone. rats20.lol launched minutes ago. You can't fuck this up.

>> No.54453300

you stay the hell out and buy break out and sell stoch rsi DAILY tops.... butt munch

>> No.54453318

Tenka you ser I slacking little beet. Bitch whore wife curry ber good but ber stomach hurt. Remembered you redeem after ser my viliege et this month ser!?

>> No.54453503

redeem a bath smelly benchod

>> No.54453650

Só do the opposite? Like when you do your analysis and you think it's going to go up just short it, and if you think it's going to go down, just long it. Its that easy.

>> No.54453779
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You clearly are pretty inexperienced and that's OK anon. Just farm somewhat safely using rodeo finance/waves/binance's vaults and then start reading charts (other people's edits) on tradingview until you get good at understanding the lingo and patterns. take a month off of crypto (while you leave it farming that is again id recommend rodeo finance) THEN take it out and put 1/3 of that to the test for another month and so on.

>> No.54454847

ladder into a position and use less leverage. The exchanges/bots are trading against you so they will still move the market to make your entry unfavorable though.

The other method is to only long large red candles or only short huge green ones, increases your odds.

>> No.54455123

ngl I spend too much money on fast food because I feel too depressed to cook anything, or even walk, I'm afraid of getting fat or something, I do nothing but work from home and see if the fucking sora card was released, I need therapy or girlfriend asap

>> No.54455135
File: 92 KB, 1000x1000, 3E340792-A696-42C6-8CBD-16F02AD5956D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See pic

It’s literally that simple.

>> No.54455382

take this test https://www.personal.psu.edu/~j5j/IPIP/ipipneo300.htm if you score above 20 in neuroticism you shouldnt try to trade because your biology is not built for it and you wont be able to stop yourself from being an emotional trader

>> No.54456067
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See pic

It's literally this simple, buy AX moron