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54452993 No.54452993 [Reply] [Original]

I was born into a 8 figure blood line and I still managed to be a complete fucking loser. I’m only 22, but I have no direction in life. Wat do?

>> No.54453016

touch grass

>> No.54453037

Kill yourself.

>> No.54453040

Same as what a poor aimless 22 year old would do. Just try shit, see what works.

>> No.54453046

start a rock band

>> No.54453054

Sounds like my high school buddy. His parents owned a regional real estate company and he never got a job within the company

>> No.54453055

I'll hang out with you and help you score / gain experience for 1k a month.

t. Broke neet that decided to change his life in his mid 20, got a gf, and is going to make it

>> No.54453062

Wash your balls bro, seriously.

Just wash your balls every day.

>> No.54453082
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Jerry, George, and Elaine are sitting in their usual booth, discussing the latest cryptocurrency craze.

JERRY: I don't know about this whole Bitcoin thing. It sounds like a scam.

GEORGE: Oh, come on, Jerry. It's the future! We should get in on it.

ELAINE: I don't know. My mother always told me, "If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is."

Just then, Sam Bankman Fried walks in.

SAM: Hey, guys!

JERRY: Sam! What are you doing here?

SAM: I heard you guys were talking about cryptocurrency. I'm actually the CEO of a new one called "BagelCoin."

GEORGE: BagelCoin? What does that have to do with bagels?

SAM: Well, we figured, you are what you eat, right? And everyone loves bagels.

JERRY: I don't know, Sam. It sounds a little fishy.

SAM: Trust me, Jerry. You'll make a fortune.

ELAINE: I don't know about this. It seems like a scam.

GEORGE: Elaine, you're always so negative. We're going to be rich!

Cut to a few weeks later. Jerry and George are counting their riches, while Elaine watches in disbelief.

ELAINE: I knew it! I told you guys this was a bad idea.

JERRY: Oh, come on, Elaine. We're millionaires now!

Just then, the SEC walks in.

SEC AGENT: Freeze! You're all under arrest for creating a fraudulent cryptocurrency!

GEORGE: What? No! We didn't do anything wrong!

SEC AGENT: Oh, really? Then how do you explain this?

The SEC agent pulls out a bag of bagels.

SEC AGENT: We found these in your office. Care to explain how they're related to your cryptocurrency?

JERRY: (sarcastically) Oh, yeah. Because everyone knows bagels and cryptocurrency go hand in hand.

The group is eventually released, but they lose all their money and their reputation is ruined.

ELAINE: I told you guys this was a bad idea.

JERRY: (defeated) Yeah, you were right.

GEORGE: (sarcastically) Well, on the bright side, we can always fall back on airplane food.

The end.

>> No.54453442

So I should hang out with other rich kids ?

>> No.54453544

Either that, but if you're a loser already you won't be getting anywhere in the presence of other rich kids.
What you need is character, and the incredible prosperity you have will never build it, as it will always shelter you from discomfort.

1k a month, a big financial change for me, while being nothing for you, a big change in perspective for you, for nothing much changing for me.

>> No.54453672
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You are what terrifies me about building legacy. Protecting everything I've built from inevitable fuck ups like (you) over the generations takes priority. How tf did the Rockefellers do it??? I'm sure there's no shortage of fuckups that met untimely ends, yet the family is still around and the estate is prospering. I need to hit the books bros

>> No.54454328

just go to the gym bro

>> No.54454712
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start getting off your ass and find a job or find things to put your money into, I saved my whole life to start spreading my money around to things like hami or even a possible business from my dad, I hate that all my time is only about working or thinking about my future

>> No.54454911

unless you've been in an acid attack, get rid of the goatie

>> No.54454927

Poo Kanye

>> No.54455583
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holy shit 8 figures is quite a lot

I literally had a 4 figure inheritance and turned it into 7, imagine what I could do being you.

>> No.54455637

>ow tf did the Rockefellers do it???

inbred lines fella

>> No.54455700

Pick a thing and decide to do it. Forget how long it takes and how much time it would waste. You just have to pick a thing and start it or you will never have anything. If you don't know what you enjoy then you need to just start random shit because figuring that out also takes time and sitting around pondering is the real waste.

and then if you spend 4 years with no outside help and still fail then it's not on you. You are free to blame whoever you please. We thrive as a community and if you look at all the pathetic people you will find that they have no common goals with the people around them. I don't blame them for that personally, maybe you do. But people are assholes which is why I think you'll disagree. Being on the other side I'm sure you have managed to manipulate your fair share of people into some pathetic action.

>> No.54455708

Post on 4chan for 5 years then panic and work as a door to door salesman to try and "get your shit together", then make posts on 4chan about how all these gen alpha kids are lazy and back in your day covid destroyed the economy but based zoomers put it all back together and 18 kids in 2030 would never have survived 2020.

>> No.54455766

desu people your age got dealt a really bad hand and fucked over hard by the bullshit lockdowns stealing a very prime part of your life. being born into that much money can be a blessing and a curse. I would say just do what you want, dont feel pressure to do anything you dont have to, and make sure when you do something to do your best at it. dont get preoccupied with other peoples expectations, whatever they may be.

>> No.54455783
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Management consultant here. I specialize in babysitting retarded children's businesses so their parents aren't embarrassed. If you are high IQ, then I suggest learning from family how to run small companies. Then you get them to buy you one based on you working successfully there for a while. If you are low IQ, then I suggest asking for a large plot of farm land. You can pay other people to farm it and they can avoid being embarrassed by you.

>> No.54456733

>8 fig family
Honestly not that much. you certainly upper middle class, congrats great job.

>> No.54456953
File: 96 KB, 672x864, st1pxn_da3df2c76ad804884b7b7ead63188852105b0293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally same but now Im older
Best friend is the same way
All we can do is smoke weed and talk about how everything sucks