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File: 396 KB, 498x498, dominic-williams-internet-computer.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54450852 No.54450852 [Reply] [Original]

Why did we buy this piece of shit I Can't Pump ticker ICP? It doesn't do anything, BTC integration was supposed to be an industry game changer but instead hbar is pumping, what the fuck is going on? Should I market sell my stack right here right now? It's fucking over isn't it

>> No.54450864

You're just another victim
Just another dupe
Just another victim

>> No.54450875

moonman was a straw man

>> No.54450891

i still receive emails from him
all his emails are shit ngl

>> No.54450895
File: 314 KB, 828x796, 1680124692999073.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why did we believe the moonman?
Because you're a retarded /pol/cel and moonman larped as 'le ebin nazi' so you believed him 100%.

>> No.54450905

All he did was appeal to nazi racists and shill VC vaporware shitcoins

>> No.54450931

>Why did we believe the moonman?
Because you're literally retarded lmao

>> No.54450954

Didn't you join his group?
He's been giving trades signals
I've made more money with him than I would have made from ICP going to 2k

>> No.54450970

is he still sending those?
actually i liked the tech
i must admit the posts were so kino, it all makes sense now, he had a big fat stack of vc pees and he did not want to market dump so he sold otc to retards at a much larger premium than what it is now. Smart move

>> No.54450980

how can i join? please post link

>> No.54450982


3d first person shooter running at web speed 100% on chain. There is no other Blockchain in crypto that can even come close to replicating this. The internet computer is the best tech in crypto BY FAR. imagine accumulating anything else.

>> No.54451002

He's only letting people join for 10 Monero and one sharpy in bum pic

>> No.54451047

Nodes are close source, it's easy to run that shit from a data center, why can't we run a node? What is Dominin hiding

>> No.54451134

I don't even understand why he got attention.
He had posted a list of 'historical trades' he did, and by his own admission, he was getting shittier and shitter returns with each new trade.
and then yea, he was also a nazi lol.
you really gonna take investment advice from a nazi?
no, I'll take my investment advice from a jew, thankyouverymuch.
Israel is our greatest ally!

>> No.54452288
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>> No.54452446

Just hold

>> No.54452644
File: 93 KB, 745x1221, 1680507857167495.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why should we believe you, some icypee shitcoin peddler from icpchads
50,000 shitcoins moon man picked the only coin besides bitcoin that is going to stay online during a cyberattack and he shilled it in 2020. Ask chatGPT and see if I am lying.

>> No.54452723
File: 167 KB, 1099x934, 1680507982485808.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And lets not forget, companies globally spend $130 billion a year on cloud services, if ICP can capture 5% of that market that is 6.5 billion in revenue that is 4,5 x ICP's marketcap in 1 year.

>> No.54452942
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>> No.54453173


>> No.54453902 [DELETED] 
File: 1.13 MB, 1488x1809, 1680205715665782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, not build for CP, Gore, Porn.
Code of conduct = Rule of majority consensus.
Rule of majority doesn't watch CP, Gore, Porn.
The rule of the minority is centralized consensus.

We know Picrel is hired opposition

>> No.54453971

Um, sweaty…I do it for free

>> No.54454063

Because it costs $25k for the required equipment to run a node and they are nowhere near the max capacity of network usage to start onboarding fags like yourself if you had to equipment.
Its a blockchain that can solely exist by it self and has the infrastructure to back. I'm sorry your shitchain has to suck on Bezos dick just to exist

>> No.54454107


>> No.54454142

wait until they censor political speech. then what will your cope be? or when you need a VPN to use any dex. or when your wallet is blacklisted for interacting with spnnr. there's zero point if they just do whatever the law says. at some point the law will just tell them to close shop and they will. dumb faggot. Dom is in this for all the wrong reasons.

>> No.54454195

At least post the one that got the cansiter black listed, #216 Hillary Duff giving birth

>> No.54454326

There's a slippery slope with decentralization because of the illegal thing being added like hosting CP or the drug market.
How do you get mainstream adoption while still upholding decentralized values and as well not get targeted by other countries for hosting low-end illegal content like copyrights or a pirate bay but then also prevent the hardcore illegal content like CP and silk roads?
The only way I can see this somewhat apply is an AI driven dao. Where the AI given a set of boundaries of content that is allowed and what isn't. Then that is itself is another problem due over reaching power and also figuring out how to identify illegal content (as in the hardcore stuff). Basically need like a bill of rights the AI must abide by that is reasonable and cannot be change or modified.

You can't haven't full decentralization with global first world governance compliance. True decentralization includes support of illegal content which basically means youre gonna get shut down eventually.
So please someone explain to me how this can be done? How a real decentralized blockchain with web hosting capabilities and independent infrastructure can go about full decentralization without getting ransacked? I honestly want to know some ideas.

>> No.54454343

Midwit cope. Worldwide demographics on internet usage is according to this midwit politically incorrect speech, therefore ICP will never gain adoption.

How is that censoring of political speech going? Seachan is still online.

>> No.54454378

Why did u call my art “hired opposition”

Icpswap banned the canister.

>> No.54454466

>How a real decentralized blockchain with web hosting capabilities and independent infrastructure can go about full decentralization without getting ransacked?
Maybe ask the 200 world renowned cryptographers hard at work ignoring this question

>> No.54454522

Cryptographers know how to build they don't necessarily know how to create balanced governance system. Literally go read the dev forums and they start going deep into philosophy about some stupid mediocre shit and then do a whole 180 there stance on something that's bigger issue.
They made the high tech and most secure chain in space but I don't think they are capable of building working governance system that excludes over reaches of power.

The questions I asked are ones that none of the best cryptographers in the world know how to answer. Same goes with the best minds in the world and you fucks on here keep bitching and complaining cuz your cp site got shut down.
Then goes and invest in avax that's even more fucking centralized

>> No.54454558

The sad thing is: the site that was shut down was a fake gambling site that didn't have any functionality.

>> No.54454575

There is CP on the bitcoin blockchain. Do you get your door kicked in for running a full node? I think what you're missing is crypto wouldn't exist if Satoshi gave a fuck about the law. The point is to make something that is unstoppable, not play nice with the state so they let you exist.

>> No.54454611

My fucking canister was taken down. I had to delete the piss nft and the Hilary Duff giving birth nft. Fuck Icp and fuck icpswap

>> No.54454628

>My fucking canister was taken down.
Not your keys not your canister.

>> No.54454719

Well, it is MY canister I just can’t list it

>> No.54454798

Do you really think satoshi was some little faggot in his closet sized apartment that came up with this tech all on his own? Why do you think this was released immediately after the 2008 recession? It was released from most likely US governmental agency to test the waters for a global currency and introduce the tech to the space to see what the chain reaction will be and what would develop.
You're living in a pipe dream if you really think that.

Also what has happened to bitcoin since launched? It has became extremely centralized. You have blackballed coins and smart contracts. If you're found with stolen coins you'll get your coin kicked down and arrested. The developer of tornado cash is literally arrested a ridiculous amount of time.
You're decentralization pipe dream has failed and the only way to support a system like that is to have a fucking military that's strong enough to back it and take on the world. The tree of liberty is thirsty but holy shit you're not gonna win through fucking blockchain

>> No.54454872

Oh poor you, we should collectively submit to the feeling of a few mentally ill coomers, let them upload 18+ material, let them do whatever they want, over the collective welfare of the entire ecosystem. Liberalism for ICP 2024, collectively sacrifice our decentralized consensus system for the mentally-ill 5% percenters.

>> No.54454902

Listen, you must be some sour dev. That canister was getting more action and generating more fees than any other one. Babyarof tokens for .002 Icp are worthless.

>> No.54454906

So what other foundational crypto principles do I need to eschew to view icp as the future? Just admit it's not a crypto project and keep building dfinity's private network/slushfund.

>> No.54454922


It’s not crypto, it’s a Swiss software scam.

>> No.54455014

Excessive tolerance for content that violates the generally accepted social norm and values of the society should be removed right away (regardless of nationality and skin color)

If you disagree, then you're a liberal, and you are the single point of failure in any network that benefits from social cohesion for the collective good of the network.

Decentralization doesn't mean that we submit to demands of the minority and that you can upload whatever you want against the majority consensus.

>> No.54455095

When you say “we” it’s cringe. I bet I have more Icp tokens then you. I fucking run icdevs.

>> No.54455295

A one where the blockchain isn’t everything fucking goes and you can’t host your cp on it. It must walk the line with the powers at be in order for it to succeed. CP and other illegal content should be banned.
A bill of rights needs to be establishing to have guaranteed boundaries and also a way for users to protect themselves from tyranny and over reach of those right and the only what that can be implemented is through an AI I believe.