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File: 351 KB, 1179x727, D7D834FB-1AA7-435A-8DCE-09D5CDFE74AF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54446499 No.54446499 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.54446538

it's always been two more weeks, months, years or decades

>> No.54446539

That's not true.
You can't refute this.

>> No.54446616

I've scoured her twitter, she doesn't provide an adequate reason as to why the latest would be September other than referencing a "naughty list". Uphold just relisted XRP, that "pump". End of March was hopeful, but that was the target date speculated by many people months ago, up to June at the latest.

>> No.54446664

Happens this month. Simpsons told me so

>> No.54446732


>> No.54446758

April is their harvest month

>> No.54446796

Dev told me tomorrow

>> No.54446806

wow people still hold this scam?

>> No.54447191

Just listen to yourself. hHahahahahahahaqhaha

>> No.54447406

Fake and gay

>> No.54447425


TWO MORE DECADE ANONS! TWO MORE DECADES! XRP is gonna miss the entire bull run again.

>> No.54447658

It's a woman with tits on her profile photo.
Don't even pretend you were looking for XRP information.

>> No.54447682

Why do these silly ass chicks always acting like they know something on twitter.

I instantly want to block these cunts when they spout this mystical bullshit. These low tier women LARP they know facts about the case.

Silly, low IQ folks follow these front cuts.

>> No.54447781

The case will end when it needs to. Somehow it will magically be the perfect time for it to finish.

>> No.54448160
File: 67 KB, 613x1024, 8649661B-1477-4482-86D9-B4EC388BA8B2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my only thoughts
Opinion discarded. Bitfucks are seething.

>> No.54448356
File: 606 KB, 593x580, 890DFA70-3D16-42BA-906C-18FE6FDA530E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

XRP is crashing back to 30 cents

>> No.54448384

Let's hope so i can get some more

>> No.54449413

Aim lower. Sun power.

>> No.54449854

Who is this bitch?

>> No.54449899

Tits with legal knowledge.

>> No.54450693
File: 133 KB, 976x946, 32138188-8B34-40EC-8B7C-46D4E604F686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yet it’s not dumb nigger, holding well at .51 just waiting for the SEC to get blown out like everyone knows they will.
It’s funny to watch niggers like you fud XRP, when it only shows how broke and stupid you are.
I mean really anon how much of loser do you have to be not to take a 10 to 1 bet.

>> No.54451014

Two more years.

>> No.54451267

It has to be part of the crash - solution phase. Before June would be too early.

>> No.54451379

>CherryEmpress21 says we have to wait until September
Pack it up boys, onlyfans nocoiner needs time to accumulate so all those legal experts better revise their predictions or she'll be angry

>> No.54451995

lol front cuts
I call them slits

>> No.54452197

Only been two hours and it’s already 48 cents. Ripplecucks will never admit they’re wrong.

>> No.54452263
File: 747 KB, 4624x968, cripple-road-to-10c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shit coloured id
ripplephags lol

>> No.54452284

Uhh and why do I give a fuck what crypto Twitter thot "cherryempress" has to say about us jurisprudence

>> No.54452306

Link to the judges twitter??? I wanna know when to short it

>> No.54453943
File: 37 KB, 400x400, FFDAEC6F-A720-467E-86D0-68B1474E6C65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

James k filan @filanlaw

>> No.54455860

I doubt that anon, with their SEC win closing in XRP would gain more adoption. I'd keep doing my DCA on it alongside alts like Zpay and Ride which were building during the bears

>> No.54455879

XRP ruling delayed so the CFTC can go after binance.

Fuck you america, you should just blow up already.

>> No.54455938

What “ruling?” They’re on cross summary judgement motions right now, does she think the SEC is getting SJ? Based on what, is she fucking the judge?
The law isn’t exactly clear here, it’s probably going to trial.

>> No.54456177

imagine taking financial advice from a pair of tits

>> No.54456202
File: 187 KB, 636x900, jokerblowingitallup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boobs and pepes are a top signal and have been from the beginning. Everyone is being psyopped before it all goes down.

>> No.54456240

>only shows how broke and stupid you are
Cripple is the original poorfag coin. Stay mad while the jews continue to dump on your empty head.

>> No.54457369

These are linkes now.

>> No.54457379

>Literal who posts something on twitter

>No official information

>> No.54458361

Tragically, it's possible the XRP schizo's don't even notice tits these days. The wait can't be good for them, Gensler is just being cruel now.

>> No.54458370

>Waaaa you have to be an obvious virgin or coomer and only need to look at tits!

Some people aren't sexually depraved virgins and can actually focus on other stuff

>> No.54458921

>Yes im going to take the word of a titty twitter
how retarded are you?

>> No.54458989

how is that any different to all sorts of Cucks or Bulls or MoonLambos?

>> No.54460967

Look past the titties and you’ll see she has a good head on her.

>> No.54461007

>Some people aren't sexually depraved virgins and can actually focus on other stuff

But you aren't amongst them.

>> No.54461059

show me your tits

>> No.54461825

You don’t want to see those tits.

>> No.54463455

>anyhow here are my tits

>> No.54464329

I love that tits are what sustained this thread for 24+ hours

>> No.54465449