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54445395 No.54445395 [Reply] [Original]

Isn’t it much wiser to live home with your parents until you’re 30 if you work and save up, so you can afford a downpayment on a House instead of being stuck in rentoid inferno forever?

>> No.54445430

Yes, but some people have shit parents.

>> No.54445455

How about buying a house when you’re 25

>> No.54445461

not possible unless you live in chudville, and that "house" is a $60k, 135 year old plywood box.

>> No.54445918


>> No.54445981

that only works if you aren't American and your parent don't kick you out of the house as soon as they're legally allowed to do so

>> No.54446006


The perspective of leftist city bugboys never fails to amaze me. Just several layers of delusion and willing self imprisonment.

>> No.54446031

i grew up in a rural town of 1200 people. have fun working in a factory, warehouse, or dollar general for the rest of your life while you desperately compete for morbidly obese single mother pussy.

>> No.54446039


Thats what most of human mankind does and did

>> No.54446055

Sorry you fell for the city hustle meme, life seems truly miserable there

>> No.54446056


I'm a wfh tech worker living in a wonderful smaller city within driving distance to larger ones, I get a large affordable house, great humble honest neighbors, and all the things I could want to do near me. Consider an imagination you dumb faggot. Sounds like the hick doesn't fall far from the hick tree.

>> No.54446057

The whole american 'kick out at 18' concept just blows my mind.

How can you be that heartless. Families are supposed to stick together. Especially nowadays when kids are aging slower mentally since there's far less environmental stressors in life

>> No.54446058

have fun pretending to be cosmopolitan

>> No.54446060

I did this by living at home and working from home
renting my house out to neighbors until ready to move in myself

>> No.54446090

I was a neet in my 20s so I finally got a high paying job in my 30s and am living with mommy doing this. I'm a 32 yo turbo virgin anyway so girls don't matter anymore

>> No.54446108


Most are fine with their kids living home into their early 20's provided they're working or in school. It's the manbabies that want to play video games full time into their mid 20's that tend to spur a violent and desperate response from parents who were too clueless to raise them right the whole time prior.

>> No.54446118

Absolutely not. The wise understand the value of living on one's own and building a life away from one's parents.

>> No.54446124
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>until you're 30
You miss out on being able to bring a girl back while you're both trashy drunk and fuck on the couch in the living room if you live with your parents. And since in current year that's the only viable first date with an eye towards marriage and children, that means pushing back your breeding years until you get your own place, and by then you might have outgrown that kind of partying, so now you're just stuck as a wizard or possibly even worse, an incel (an actual one).

Now if you manage to get a highschool gf and get married straight out of highschool, then yeah live with the parents and have them help with the kid and you're golden. It's great. But you gotta land the wife first, then save money. The other way seems more rational but it doesn't work.

>> No.54446129
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You end up like pic related that way.

>> No.54446136

if ur a normie that would kill ur social status
it also depends of the size of the house
i for example got the top floor for myself

>> No.54446171


Lmao, it's kind of crazy that modern dating is basically "fuck on the first/second night then find out if you actually like each other", not "find out if you actually like each other then fuck"

>> No.54446173

>You miss out on being able to bring a girl back while you're both trashy drunk and fuck on the couch in the living room if you live with your parents.
Imagine being this retarded.

>> No.54446188

americans would shoot their children at 18 if it was allowed

>> No.54446214
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Your parents are cool with that? And even if they are, they won't stick their heads in to ogle and comment and basically make a nuisance of themselves? (No idea why every sex positive mother feels the need to bring snacks, condoms, whatever the fuck when their kid is trying to get it on) Face it parents are the worst cockblocks in existence.

>> No.54446257

You are missing out on tens of thousands just so you can fuck some slag at home? You must be either retarded or a woman. I was making 6 figures by the time I was 22 because I was living home. I had more sex than any of my peers because 1. I had money and 2. because I was traveling so much.

>> No.54446265

*living at home

>> No.54446297

seething chuds.

>> No.54446339
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Read my entire post. It's because the dating market is so fucked that you need somewhere to slam indiscriminately. Not because you want to slam for slamming's sake, but because slamming is how you get your foot in the door to start the courting process.

Traveling doesn't count, for too many reasons to fit into one post box.

>> No.54446355

So you bang them at their place. Even now that I have my own place I don't like bringing girls home because they just end up wanting to stay there. I fucking hate it.

>> No.54446382
File: 30 KB, 888x821, keef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no greater panty-drying phrase in modern American English than "I live with my parents." Just get a roommate or 2 and figure it out.

>> No.54446431
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It's not the same, and thanks for confirming you've never courted. You have to bring her to your house, for several reasons.
>it shows you can provide
>she gets to scope out your place for red flags, cleanliness, etc
>you can force her to associate pleasure with your place
>even before you slam her being willing to come over alone means she's open to courting
If you just go back to her place to fuck you're nothing more than a fuckboy. You basically don't have a shot at marriage if you're not banging at your place.

Believe me I don't LIKE any of this, but that's how it is.

>> No.54446439


>> No.54446484


>> No.54446552

Probably a place (You) have lived. The barcade calls thitty thlicker. Now pay my taxes and subsidize my comfy wfhchud lifestyle further

>> No.54446955


I was in your shoes, things can change. But you need to be out of your house.

>> No.54447657

jesus fuck gtfo with your pick up artist. I didn't have to do shit. you must be some hairlet faggot or something having to overthink shit like that. kys

>> No.54447727


The feds don't want you to know this but multigenerational housing was the norm until 80 years ago.

Having three generations living under one roof was how things went and it allowed for easier division of labour (house keeping, child minding, cooking).

>> No.54447729

>and thanks for confirming you've never courted
This is also funny. When I think about how we hooked up with each other in our early 20s. fucking lol. we were just a bunch of kids looking for someone attractive. I can already see the bald faggot who read some pickup artist garbage having written this.

>> No.54447750

Wouldn't it be even smarter to buy a wife at age 15 and start having regular sex?
Imagine, while all your classmates are still trying to figure out who likes them, you'll be sperming up the insides of your own ovary carrying female.

>> No.54447790

Maybe. If you are a sandnigglet that might be doable. Not a bad idea to hook them up with white bois on the verge of trooning out

>> No.54448755
File: 258 KB, 700x943, 1646130137037_overpaint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucked off abroad after high school to get higher education and worked in an office afterwards for a bit. Then got a remote job offer at 22 and lived with my parents until 30. Bought an apartment (eastern Europe, so it's our version of buying a house) at 28 right before Covid hit, started capital renovation and it got extremely expensive and prolonged due to price hikes and shortages, so I only moved in recently with my GF right when I hit 30.

Pros: Yea, you can save more money this way. Your food costs get shared with your parents. I only paid for electricity use since I worked on a PC remotely, so free laundry, showers and heating.
I could afford pretty expensive trips to hike mountains in Nepal and Peru that cost several grand each. Multiple smaller trips to the Alps for hiking, climbing and snowboarding. All while gradually saving up to pay about half the cost of an apartment I bought. Could have bought it outright if I decided to live frugally instead, but you're only young once.

Cons: Living with parents takes a significant psychological toll, even if your relationship is alright. Freedoms are limited. Also I got front row seat for their really messy divorce that is still ongoing.
It's okay when you're single, but dating can be hard. Dating my current GF was really challenging after we got serious - we spent a non-trivial sum of money on hotels to spend nights together over a couple of years before moving in.
And for some reason people have a really hard time understanding that remote work is still work, and expect you to do chores simply because you're at home.

So basically choose what's important for you. In contrast, my sister moved out because she wanted peace of mind, but rent and bills mean that she has very little disposable income.

>> No.54448789

Country bitches are some of the most boner-inducing women in the US. City bitches smell like cigarettes and sweat.

>> No.54449179

Idk I lived on my own a few years in my mid 20s. Changed nothing

>> No.54449205

wiser financially but it takes a toll on you. moving out was the best decision i made even though my bank account is currently at only 1k now and im looking for a new job. there's a bit more to life than just owning a mcmansion

>> No.54449220

Sounds like you're ruining shit.

>> No.54449224

It's not wise to buy a house under current circumstances. Live with your parents forever or in a car

>> No.54449292

Is this how fags that move out cope? I built up 120k in two years. Enough to put a down payment on a house. How is getting laid worth not having the ability to get a house and take international vacations?

>> No.54449345

this kills the rural chud

>> No.54449346

and to expand on my point, this is kind of why you see so many people on here 'not feel anything' when their portfolios hit 6 digits. money should just be seen as a tool to have your dreams come to fruition, it's not the solution or the dream itself. satisfaction with life and happiness comes from within, living by yourself and finding out what you want in life is worth the loss of gains from living with parents.

>> No.54449392


By relocating big corpo money to a low cost area? Nah.

>> No.54449397

im not really coping because I don't really care to have much more than what i need and moving out wasnt rooted in the idea of being able to get laid or not. i already did my vacationing when i was living with my parents, it's fun but it doesn't make you any more fulfilled.

>> No.54449407

when people say "buy a house" are you actually talking about taking on a mortgage?

>> No.54449432

>bring her home
>see how family thinks of her
>see how she acts around family
>fuck her brains out later
I fail to see the issue here
>waah she lost attraction when I took her home
stop being ugly then

>> No.54449834

My biannual trips to Japan are the only thing that fulfill me