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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54445008 No.54445008 [Reply] [Original]

Someone portrayed me as a soƴjak today on /biz/. I feel humiliated, exposed and discredited as a result. I'm going to have to stop posting on /biz/ now. Goodbye everyone.

>> No.54445030
File: 7 KB, 167x301, 1680163674424947.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Someone portrayed me as a soƴjak today on /biz/. I feel humiliated, exposed and discredited as a result. I'm going to have to stop posting on /biz/ now. Goodbye everyone.

>> No.54445046

I'm sorry to hear that you are feeling humiliated and discredited due to someone's actions on /biz/. It's important to remember that people on the internet can be cruel and hurtful, and it's not a reflection of your worth or value. Don't let one person's actions drive you away from a community you enjoy. If it becomes unbearable, nigger, take a break and come back when you feel ready. But don't let them win by pushing you away. Take care of yourself.

>> No.54445063

I was trying to make a point one time and then the guy used a basedjak and I had no response
They can't keep getting away with stuff like this

>> No.54445071
File: 31 KB, 600x630, 1E125908-7099-4D2A-9690-9CADF0F7C8BE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>someone portrayed me as a Chud poljak
It’s over bros

>> No.54445077


>> No.54445105

When the poster quotes you and implies you look like the basedjack, it’s over, your argument no longer holds water.

>> No.54445131

It's interesting how you can basically basically monitor the mental state of people just by their memes alone.
When it was just wojaks most anons were still relatively sane, just mostly the odd ones out IRL expressing their feelings anonymously instead. tfwnogf etc..

But now with all the various versions of soijaks those same relatively sane people have become full on mentally ill schizos. Literal non functional people, barely even human. Closer to a pavlovian dog actually, just yelling into the abyss 24/7 whenever a reaction is elicitited from them.

>> No.54445163

For some reason you sound like chatGPT does when it replies. But I agree with that statement. Who would care what someone here thinks of you.

>> No.54445242
File: 8 KB, 161x192, 1680008318297948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's interesting how you can basically basically monitor the mental state of people just by their memes alone.
>When it was just wojaks most anons were still relatively sane, just mostly the odd ones out IRL expressing their feelings anonymously instead. tfwnogf etc..
>But now with all the various versions of soijaks those same relatively sane people have become full on mentally ill schizos. Literal non functional people, barely even human. Closer to a pavlovian dog actually, just yelling into the abyss 24/7 whenever a reaction is elicitited from them

>> No.54445254
File: 131 KB, 1024x920, 1610264294483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, now you are all better.

>> No.54445261

This, what a pseud faggot lmao

>> No.54445335
File: 88 KB, 785x1000, 1644922268754.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's interesting how you can basically basically monitor the mental state of people just by their memes alone.
>When it was just wojaks most anons were still relatively sane, just mostly the odd ones out IRL expressing their feelings anonymously instead. tfwnogf etc..
>But now with all the various versions of soijaks those same relatively sane people have become full on mentally ill schizos. Literal non functional people, barely even human. Closer to a pavlovian dog actually, just yelling into the abyss 24/7 whenever a reaction is elicitited from them.

>> No.54445376

Best thread on /biz/