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54440468 No.54440468 [Reply] [Original]

Are hair transplants a smart investment?

>> No.54440506

not transplants, he's just using volumizing conditioner and eating healthier

>> No.54440988

imagine believing this lmao

>> No.54441019

>women can literally change their entire appearance through make-up and surgery
>man has a beard

>> No.54441026

What kind of hair transplant is that? Is that available to peasants?

>> No.54441371

I want one

>> No.54441420
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>Are hair transplants a smart investment?
Yes, especially if you start balding in early 20's like me

I got a hair transplant in silicon valley, from a guy thats been doing it 25+ years, he very well may have done elon's.

It was like $12k for 3500 grafts. It was enough for the front hairline, I have to do another 3000 graft session for the crown, thinking about going to turkey next time I am out of money currently


>> No.54441429

you're a fucking idiot

>> No.54441431

*it was16k I forgot

>> No.54441434

Do people treat you better bald or with a full head?

>> No.54441453

I know a guy who went bald at age 19 and it didn't affect him negatively at all. He has a girlfriend and all. Why did you bother with all of that?

>> No.54441455

sure, unless you're really attractive and can pull off a balding statham or even a Willis then it's not a good investment, however, if you're not that attractive, and this might be the case since you're a 4channer just like the rest of us, then it is definitely a social and self esteem booster desu

>> No.54441462

Castor/rosemary/peppermint oil (60/20/20) and a 192 1.5mm dermaroller once a week will fix your shit permanently in like 2 years

>> No.54441467

eh hard to say. I've never fully shaved to the skin, but I have kept it buzzed and everyone hairline looks less dense buzzed, so it may have helped me get a job (I have a babyface so it maybe made me look older/experienced)
I still keep it buzzed and wear hats most of the time lol. Gonna grow it out to a haircut like Elons in OP when I do the back tho

>> No.54441490

I had a gf when I was balding too. Idk, anxiety about looking/feeling old? Also aesthetics. If I was taller and didnt have a babyface I'd 100% shave it and get on with my life, but I still look like a teenager at almost 30 and wanna hang out with early 20s people lol

>> No.54441531

> I am out of money currently
You’re probably out of donor hair too, boss. 6,500 hairs is close to the max. Your donor area is going to start looking retarded if you do any more. I got 5,500 and my donor area looks thin if it’s too short.

>> No.54441612

>6,500 hairs is close to the max.
Yeah I know. My donor area is actually really thick and dark, and my skin is light, so actually having it thinner makes the contrast less. Only problem is pinpoint scars are somewhat noticeable if I shave below a 2.
>I got 5,500 and my donor area looks thin if it’s too short
How does transplant area look? Mine looks pretty sparse in certain lighting, but most of the follicles are 2-3 hairs so I think it should look fine when I finally grow it out

>> No.54441638

im getting one in a few weeks, gonna get some beard hairs filled and hairline area, because why tf not?

>> No.54443690

Start taking fin asap!

>> No.54443698 [DELETED] 

Hair transplants can be an effective solution for people experiencing hair loss or thinning hair. However, whether or not they are a smart investment depends on a variety of factors, including individual needs, goals, and finances.

Hair transplants can be expensive, and the cost can vary depending on the extent of the procedure, the expertise of the surgeon, and the geographic location. It's important to carefully consider the potential costs and benefits of a hair transplant, and to research the procedure thoroughly before making a decision.

Additionally, it's important to have realistic expectations about the outcome of the procedure. While hair transplants can be effective in restoring hair growth, the results may not be immediate and may require multiple procedures over time.

Overall, whether or not hair transplants are a smart investment depends on individual circumstances and priorities. It's important to consult with a qualified medical professional and to carefully weigh the potential benefits and risks before making a decision.

>> No.54443700


who you talking to?

fuck off /r9k/

>> No.54443714

The decision to invest in a hair transplant is a personal one that depends on various factors, such as your individual circumstances, expectations, and goals. Hair transplants can be an effective solution for people experiencing hair loss, but the procedure's success and cost depend on several factors, including the extent of hair loss, the quality and quantity of the donor hair, and the skill of the surgeon performing the transplant.

Before deciding to invest in a hair transplant, it's important to research and consult with a qualified medical professional to determine if the procedure is appropriate for your situation. Additionally, you should consider the potential risks, side effects, and long-term costs associated with the procedure.

Ultimately, whether or not a hair transplant is a smart investment depends on your individual goals and circumstances, so it's important to carefully evaluate your options and make an informed decision.

>> No.54444586

why not take fin instead?

>> No.54444600
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thanks chatgpt!

>> No.54444626

Obviously yes

>> No.54444645

You're aware that everyone who undergoes a hair transplant has to also take fin and min for the rest of their life, right? And that they have to get a new hair transplant every few years, right?

It's not a one time thing.

>> No.54444680

So you got a hair transplant just to buzz it and wear hats still? What a waste

>> No.54444694

How much extra is the beard because I want to get that done too. Im booking my hair transplant next month and thankfully I only need the hairline done

>> No.54444701

this. If it was a one time thing I'd shell out a few Ks and take a trip to turkey but fuck taking min and fin for life, I'd much rather remain content with my hogan skullet

>> No.54444707

not true

>> No.54444748

Everything I said is true. Even someone as rich as Elon Musk with access to the best of the best the world has to offer had to undergo multiple hair transplants, let alone any standard man. And if you don't also take finasteride and minoxidil your non transplanted hair will fall off behind the transplanted hair, therefore fin and mix forever with increasingly larger doses.

>> No.54445061

no, good hair system > transplant