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5443852 No.5443852 [Reply] [Original]

I'm new to /biz/, in fact this weekend I've been doing nothing but lurking and reading

After extensively searching through posts I've concluded that there are maybe 4 or 5 safe coins, and all the rest are risky, memeworthy coins that solve problems no one has.

The only coin I'm on the fence about investing in is Ripple. Is this a shitty pump and dumb meme coin or will its value slowly climb in the coming years?

>> No.5443889

It's going on Coinbase. Literally buy now while it's under a dollar and don't look at for a year.

>> No.5443904

bro you could of invested in ripple at 18cents 3 months ago please think with your ada and choose a better option right now

>> No.5443926

Coinbase already said it doesn't meet it's criteria.. stop spreading this shit rumor... It's a good enough buy without false narratives.

>> No.5443969

It will steadily climb over the years. It was never, and will never be a "to the moon" coin. It is made for holding for a long term.

Get in right now. January will, allegedly, be a good month for Ripple. New partnerships announcement is imminent. And then the Coinbase rumors point to January as well.

This is a "bank" coin. Banks don't fuck around when it comes to getting goy money. Ripple is going places.

>> No.5444098

Coinbase is under NDA,

>> No.5444102

Dude, check this and just buy what they tell you to. They haven't been wrong yet on 5 coins this week it's insane- look through their past signals


>> No.5444129
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I wasn't here 3 months ago, the utility is much higher than traditional coins and it's already adopted by eastern banks who have a strong vested interest in seeing it succeed and who want to spread its influence.

Now, as a complete greenhorn in buying crypto I've set about this method to purchasing.

1) transfer USD to GDAX
2) convert to Etherium
3) Transfer majoritiy of etherium to Binance
4) convert binance etherium to Ripple
5) Create private paper wallet (running ubuntu off disc while disconnected from ethernet)
6) Transfer Ripple to paper wallet
7) Wait and watch it slowly climb over the weeks

Is this the best method for doing it, while incurring the fewest fees?

>> No.5444173

>doesn't meet it's criteria

You should also realize that Coinbase's "criteria" is not written in stone. It's more of a guideline. And while they will never deviate too far from it, they are free to make small exceptions.

4th most moved coin = a LOT of fee revenue to pocket. Nobody would say "no" to this. Nobody.

>> No.5444176

>solid choices: XRP ICX REQ XVG
>good choices: XLM LINK
>risky choices: SC ADA NEO ARK WTC XMR OMG TRX
>shit choices: BTC ETH

>> No.5444194

Last chance to buy it at $1, don't miss it.

In 5 years it will worth as much as BTC nowadays.

>> No.5444216

>In 5 years it will worth as much as BTC nowadays.


>> No.5444223

>Coinbase already said it doesn't meet it's criteria


>> No.5444253

>bitcoin will never reach 1.00

>> No.5444293

you can say the same thing about literally any coin

>> No.5444337
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>extensively searching
>doesnt invest in ripple

fuck off faggot

>> No.5444364

But others coins don't have supports of banks or
gouvs at the same scale.

>> No.5444373

He is correct, but ever since then Ripple guys have been working with Coinbase, and making the necessary adjustments, such as 55BIL being locked up in escrow, and making (at least partial) decentralization one of their top priorities for 2018.

>> No.5444397

>doesn't meet it's criteria
It's not mineable

>> No.5444417

to be on coinbase a coin needs to be minable

>> No.5444449

Bitcoin cash went on coinbase and now no one holds it anymore

>> No.5444466


>> No.5444499

im drunk and bought 598 more get at me nigers. mery chjristmas buy more if you dnt want to be a fuckn loser 4 the rest of your life. I have 4.5k

>> No.5444544

why didn't you buy at .006c like 90% of the people who have XRP

>> No.5444552

So they should remove ETH, PoS soon.

>> No.5444570

eh? ETH is mineable

>> No.5444618

their next list will most likely be XMR

>> No.5444662

Right now yes, but in some month not anymore.

>> No.5444688

i bought originally at .56 its okay. Its still okay but not great. Just re-bought in for last time

>> No.5444716

XMR will be announced at the same time than XRP

>> No.5444762

i just told you XRP is NOT mineable and doesn't meet their criteria

>> No.5444823

Why does Coinbase care if a coin is mineable (hint: they don't, they just care about skimming profit off each transaction)

>> No.5445103
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> Muuuuh market cap


>> No.5445252

I've got 5 hunna, where should I all in? I feel like its too late for ICX

>> No.5445335

Ive had about 100k-USD left on exchanges just fine.

If you want to be super secure, you're probably okay. Although I personally prefer buying LTC to move to my exchange rather than ETH.

>> No.5445368

Any reason why? I did my first transaction with ETH to XRP and it seemed fine. It was fast and my fee was like $8USD

>> No.5445397

What is this guy trying to say? XRP mcap will be huge or its never going to increase?

>> No.5445438

goes up and down every day from around 0.60c to 0.90c
guy is talking out his ass. thats a 40%+ swing every day.

>> No.5445464

Ripple has so many coins that if it went from < 1 to $5, it would be worth more than much more establisbed, profitable companies

>> No.5445475

a little XRP is eaten every time it is used
he is saying the price will go up even if the mcap stays the same

>> No.5445489

No it fucken doesn't.. it sat at 75-70c for a couple weeks after recent moon. It then went up to 1.35 and has hovered around high 90's low $1's since then.

At no point did XRP swing from 60c to 90c consistently. It crossed that gap and hasn't gone back past high 80c since then.

>> No.5445543

ETH can incur some pretty big fees or major slowdown depending on the amount of transaction volume and gas price.

>> No.5445591
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>Pic related

>> No.5445663

This was designed to be a One. Dollar. Coin. Carry on.

>> No.5445693

link a single source

>> No.5445786


out of those I'd say XRP long hold or XVG if it can dip a bit more.

>> No.5446014

Just look at it's marketcap despite only being listed on small exchanges.

Will be listed on kucoin and bit-z soon, probably big exchanges in the next two months.

>> No.5446077

Does Twitter turn a profit? What about Netflix? And Amazon?

>> No.5446167
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Don't listen MacAfee or you gonna go to jail.

XVG is traceable even with wrath protocol.

>> No.5446231
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Amazon works for years now with Coinbase to add Bitcoin payment.


Q1 2018, XRP gonna skyrocket

>> No.5446375

if you are reaching your 40's and you got plenty of fiat at the bank and you don't know what exactly do with it ...
this may be a really good investment.
start building you own retirement fund by buying deflationary coins ...
it might actually work
and you know the good ol banks are getting your money anyway ...

>> No.5446492

It's never going to be "decentralized" like BTC or the others, and that's the point. They only need major, trusted institutions running validator nodes. That way there's no need for the wasteful computation you see on other coins, and the network isn't vulnerable to hostile takeover.

>> No.5446517

Yes, it doesn't waste enormous amounts of electricity for no reason.

>> No.5446539

Market cap is a pointless metric when it comes to crypto.

>> No.5446556


> he didn't read the white paper

Stop FUD, only Ripple the Network is centralized, not XRP the currency.

>> No.5446574

False. Ripple's head cryptographer has publicly stated that they want XRP to be as valuable as possible. They've already mentioned several numbers higher than $1. Until just a month ago, FUDders were groaning about how it would never reach $1, or would only get there in 2020.


>> No.5446589

Ripple is an unironically safe bet. Look at coin market caps "bitcoin dominance" history. Ripple rises to as high as 20 percent of the market cap at times. This is a good time to hold this jew coin since if it goes back up to 15 percent market cap it's going to be worth hella $$$

>> No.5446593

I've not only read the whitepaper, I've written my own command-line API for interacting with rippled servers.
gg try again

>> No.5446709

Ripple is getting me a lambo next year.

>> No.5446749


I would say XLM has more potentional but in econmic terms, you're dealing with an Apple and Android company

Ripple is 40 billion now and in 5 years might be 500billion so it depends how long and how risky you want your investment to be

>> No.5446897

Is ripple Android or apple

>> No.5447093

LOL you list xvg as a solid pick. https://monero.stackexchange.com/questions/6813/what-is-the-difference-between-monero-xmr-and-verge-xvg

>> No.5447119

They aren't shares retardbro. Buying every xrp wouldn't mean you own the company, they're a currency not a share.

>> No.5447135

Fuck cripple. It goes against everthing crypto is about. But you also sound like a normie faggot so maybe you would feel more at home at

>> No.5447257

Yes XVG has a shill army that reeks of patchouli and bong water but it's literally dodge coin dark and it's not a true privacy coin. Routing thru Tor doesn't make your coin special. XVG was good if you got in when it was cheap and the shills ans brainlets will likely keep it afloat for a while longer but eventually people will realize it's got shitty tech behind it and doesn't deliver on it's promises of privacy or anonymity

>> No.5447269
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>> No.5447279


Well if ripple literally gets all the major banks and XLM gets literally everything else in between... I would say Ripple is Apple

I believe Stellar has more market potential though as it identical to how PayPal changed the world. And we don't really know how deep blockchain technology can go (these companies haven't even made over 100million $ in their lifetime)

Plus, Stellar is like Ripple 2.0 with ICO's and a small replica of 'smart contracts'

Its a bright future for all of them, but you have to think about what the people will adopt more

>> No.5447315

the ripple organization can arbitrarily create more ripple whenever it wants, it's no different than fiat

for that reason it won't go much higher

>> No.5447517

Do you have to use coinbase for the conversion or can you use anything else?

>> No.5447571

coinbase accepts CC and Debit and grants transactions instantly

Both coinbase and GDX can withdraw USD from your bank account, but in that case you'd wanna use GDX since the fees are far less. In general you'd wanna use GDX via your bank, but it'll take a bit of time.

There are other sources but you may as well just go with coinbase for converting USD to crypto especially if you're using them to jump into binance or another service..

>> No.5447693

To clarify, I'm an ausfag without a bank account
I've been thinking of buying bitcoin, converting it to ETH and then ripple
Is there anyway to do this without using a bank account and with the least fees? Thank you and excuse me for my newfaggotry

>> No.5447694


>> No.5447734

no it can't
there's 100 billion XRP, and that's hardcoded into the protocol

>> No.5447757
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>> No.5447908

but wraith is coming out this month.