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54433655 No.54433655 [Reply] [Original]

How could they do this?

>> No.54433672


>> No.54433679
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>> No.54433680

lmao, no one's afraid of you amerimutts anymore

>> No.54433687

The Great Satan will fall to its knees.

>> No.54433693
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>> No.54433700

Looks like the world has decided they want Trump in the White House.

>> No.54433704
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>> No.54433707

They're expecting a global recession and reduced demand. Isn't complicated.

>> No.54433721

Because what’s the point in pumping it when Biden just releases all the SPR onto the market, if we can sustain ourselves in strategic reserves why would the producers bother producing as much?

>> No.54433723

Yea, good luck invading the entire MENA region with your army of transgender brown women.

>> No.54433743

Brandon used them all.

>> No.54433750
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The west is over.

>> No.54433760

I'll let Private Tyroniqua and Sergeant Martinez know about your disdain for democracy lol.. sikes!

>> No.54433764

nope, they are also ditching the petrodollar, they want to nuke the US Dollar purchasing power

>refuce oil supply so it increases in $ value
>decrease $ demand by settling in yuan
>$ becomes very weak, the US must print more and more to meet imports and war

>> No.54433769


>> No.54433777

This is also economic warfare. America is far too reliant on oil due to our sprawling infrastructure. I can't remember exactly how much it is, but even penny the price of oil increases shaves of billions of our GDP due to it being such an important input to our economic activity. There are also millions of people struggling on the margins in this country, and if oil increases then suddenly our own citizens could be falling off or be required to be subsidized by the states etc.
This could be a simple anticipation of a slowing economy but this does look like a new burgeoning economic regime tightening the screws on their new powers.

>> No.54433801
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>> No.54433840

I don't disagree that economic warfare is a factor and we definitely started it.
I'm just saying that in the near term, this is one of the biggest flashing and honking indicators you'll find of an incoming global recession.

>> No.54433888

I'm embarrassed to say you're right. The woke vaccine removed any based soldiers, we only have the mystery meat mulattos now

>> No.54434119

how sustainable are these OPEC cuts?
all it takes is a single opec country deciding to export above their quota before problems start piling up

>> No.54434279


>> No.54434287

pretty sustainable. that's why even russia which is already getting buttfucked and is forced to sell oil at a discount for rupees to jeets is cutting too.

>> No.54434313
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>> No.54434377

2 more weeks until the death squad is deployed
trust the plan, city dweller

>> No.54434549

They know that someone's figured out portable nuclear fusion and that this will change the way the world works. This is also why the Americans ran down their strategic reserves, and this is also why Europe didn't enter a civilization-ending tailspin as their energy import dynamic changed just over a year ago. How long did we really think the keys to that holy grail of technology would stay hidden, given that all the players of the game are now using AI to assist with the big-picture decisions? How quickly do we think that the material science and technical roadblocks start to dissolve as the problem solving models get more and more sophisticated?

>> No.54436156

is this going to affect gas prices too? or just the prices of like motor oil?

>> No.54436252

THIS. America is heckin cute and invincible!

>> No.54436559

The great satan created modern china, they'll be just fine.

>> No.54436681
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>> No.54436697


So it’s time to buy oil futures?

>> No.54438089

first thing monday

>> No.54438117

Done like it then build your own oil rigs and refineries.

>> No.54438162


>> No.54438214

>drills oil in alaska
nothing personal brown people

>> No.54438223

Please take your mediterraneans

>> No.54438227

Yall were making fun of oil and gas bros last week. Not so funny now is it.

>> No.54438296

They are doing this, at the same time everyone is going to dump US treasures. It's over.

>> No.54438531
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My mediterranean came to me -- there was no taking involved!

>> No.54438711

Do you think the USA is going to just roll over and take it?

>> No.54438746

It's OK, we'll just buy more oil from Venezuela instead of drilling it domestically. Makes perfect sense.

>> No.54438899

Makes sense to deplete the coffers of potential competition before your own.

>> No.54439010

Dont sleep on Ramirez, that fool took on the russian army.

>> No.54439119 [DELETED] 


>> No.54439302
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It’s over. Normies are already on edge.

>> No.54439438

They're just making war more expensive for the US. Oil is what fuels war.
Meaning either someone plans to start shit somewhere (Taiwan maybe) or that someone has info about the US wanting to start shit somewhere.

>> No.54439485

Now you have green power so who cares about fossil fuels

>> No.54439497

They can release the SPR.... OH WAIT

>> No.54439555

But all the ammunition is in Ukraine right now

>> No.54439563

haute cuisine

>> No.54439613

Of course it's not retard. Ukraine takes up negligible ressources for the US and Europe, not that Europe will get involved in a WW anyway.

>> No.54439645

there's about 370 million barrels left

>> No.54439647

>Ukraine takes up negligible ressources for the US and Europe

>> No.54439664

Ukraine recently got all the extra ammo that America and Europe have. Any prolonged war right now would result in Americans and Europeans running out of bullets if ammo manufacturing isn't ramped up

>> No.54439673

He was one of them white spics

>> No.54439680

back to plebbit and your safe space faggot, here we deal in truth not media lies and psyops

>> No.54439683

The fed pivoted back to money printing recently, and since this is oil and is still mostly traded in USD, could opec be saying fuck you to your exported inflation, we will do our best to force you into a recession?

>> No.54439688

. . . i-is it over?

>> No.54439694

Indeed, the US has foolishly shipped many Cold War era stocks of weapons to Ukraine, spending roughly 6% of its yearly GDP on a war that they aren’t even participating in. Now BRICS will surely crush them hahahahhahaaa :)

>> No.54439703

it's so fucking over it's not even funny... the best part is that there are no winners.

>> No.54439709
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Have an EV, don’t give a shit lmao

>> No.54439760
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>> No.54441024

Wait, aren't we busy with Ukraine and Taiwan? Otherwise I think we would have responded more violented to Iran's Syria incursions

>> No.54441047
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>> No.54441080

Unironically 2 weeks compared to 6 months or more typically found there.

>> No.54441485

So why did Biden beg MBS to increase output

>> No.54441505

>Do you think the USA is going to just roll over and take it?
OPEC did the same thing in the 70s during high inflation or whatever.

>> No.54441546

We all do. He's our only hope for global peace

>> No.54441556

Lol they already know the US has overplayed its hand in Ukraine. They can't do shit or Korean penn will pop off.

>> No.54441564

Yes gasoline is refined from crude oil.

>> No.54441593

Any good oil etfs?

>> No.54441650

>round tesla wheel

>> No.54441659

I bought VLO last week. Am I gonna make it?

>> No.54441682

LaQueesha is gonna ventilate those arab fuckers while Lil Krystal offers emotional support.

>> No.54441685

They don’t have much of a choice.

>> No.54442001

ever heard of "Peak Oil" ? nothing, and again, Nothing of any kind of alternative energy at this moment can replace Petrol in all its applications (agriculture, energy, housing, mining, clothing, plastics, petrochimy, ...). the future is going to be more expensive. The comfort of society we got accustomed to since 1920 (discovery of petrol) will slowly fade away. petrol will always be present, but it'll become waaaay more expensive to use.

>> No.54442155

You can power a car on water. There's free energy via the aether as proven by Tesla. I'm sure there are plenty of other parents that have been confiscated and suppressed for 'national security' reasons.
Don't need fancy fusion.

>> No.54442212
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Alberta here, we got lots and lots of oil for sale. You have refineries.

We could have built more pipelines already, for some reason America dark cucked us by facilitating all these 'environmental groups' and pushing for green earth politics behind the scenes. So no pipelines.

W.e I guess maybe we will build our own refineries, probably not because we're cycked so hard.

America would rather drill in Alaska then buy our oil. I don't get it. The dollars going to collapse before they finish the project.

I have a feeling were going after helium 3 real soon.

>> No.54442272

Yes actually. the old adage "don't just do something, stand there" comes to mind. Market forces can correct it. If a contraction in supply exists that makes it profitable, us companies can produce more. The strategic oil reserve needs filling too. There's a market of buyers, just let US producers fill the hole. It's unfortunate considering the high inflation environment but there's not much more that can or needs be done. Just go to work. Make stuff. That's all people need to do to fix this.

>> No.54442303
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>> No.54443244

>vaccine removed any based soldiers, we only have the mystery meat mulattos now
That's what globohomo wanted all along. They don't want soldiers that won't follow the orders when they're told to mow down American citizens.

But with their new breed of soldier, they'll have no problem when ordered to mow down Americans on American soil.

>> No.54443249

>Do you think the USA is going to just roll over and take it?
"The planned collapse of America" has been a talking point of the global elites for a decade now. They care not for individual countries, for they rule the world. This is just a redistribution to greener pastures for them.