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54432532 No.54432532 [Reply] [Original]

How do I defeat pic related?

>> No.54432544

L2 discipline coomer zoomer

>> No.54432550

do it now

>> No.54432558

the best moment to do something is yesterday, and the second best moment right now. Tomorrow doesn't exist, live the present.

>> No.54432562
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Find a purpose just for yourself. Not for others, not for your family, not for females, not for npcs. They didn’t give you the support and environment to make you productive by nature so produce just for yourself and those like you fren.

>> No.54432575

stop cooming

>> No.54432899

how to purge demons
>cardio - 30 minute jog, demons start to release at 20 ish minutes
>cold showers - actually works best if you do your regular shower, then switch back and forth from cold water to hot water for 1 minute each
>fasting - just dont eat, works much better (spiritually) if you also do not drink anything other than water. water fasting might also be good
>do not use any electric powered objects for a day

>> No.54432910

"It" is just a habit. Set an alarm to repeat every day at a time you'll have nothing else to do. Then, sit down and do it. You don't need to do it for an hour, or even a minute. Just sit down and give it a try. Whatever "it" is, the hardest part is usually just starting the activity regularly. The activity tends to just follow automatically afterwards. So just focus on starting. Let the rest of the chips fall where they may.

>> No.54432917

Wash your penis

>> No.54432923

the best time to procrastinate was yesterday.
the second best time is tomorrow.
when btc's at ATH's I like to parrot the original flavor of the quote to normies.

>> No.54432949

baby steps. if you want to start working out, building the habit is harder than working out. Start with doing 5 pushups. Once you consistently do 5, add 5 crunches. Then more at greater quantity

>> No.54433311
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>> No.54433382

I'll give you an answer tomorrow

>> No.54433424

unironically and literally good advice...

>> No.54433465

>They didn’t give you the support and environment to make you productive by nature
I've always kinda felt this way too but have been too hesitant to admit it to myself. I've done decent for myself, still only a 5 figure net worth but climbing and help from none of my family. Things seem so much clearer when I focus on what's right for me instead of "what would make Dad proud?"

>> No.54433595
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Causes more stress and burnout

>> No.54433635

boomer tier cheesy, but also good. checked

>> No.54433653

this desu
its a paradox that is only solved by forcing yourself to do it. Otherwise the vice of sloth will destroy you

>> No.54433741

Basically you just have to consciously decide that you enjoy doing things that are not enjoyable. Start doing the thing whether you want to or not, and then think to yourself this isn't too bad this is actually kinda fun. Amazingly, this actually works.

>> No.54434058

This is the best advice here. Jogging and listening to podcasts

>> No.54434077

What part of read mein kampf do you not understand

>> No.54435234

You literally reframe your mind and actually do all that shit. Its possible

>> No.54435244

Read Dopamine Nation or listen to the HubermanLab ep on dopamine that just came out
Honestly tho you should be using the thought of crushing your enemies and women in totality and fueled purely by rage or you're low t

>> No.54435284

Does yesterday exist, then?

>> No.54435343
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It's crazy how I could get demon purging advice here instead of from /x/ or /pol/ schizos. They have this weird "do not cast pearls before swines" mental hang up when regular people teach others, make a book, or do something instead of fear the audience's reaction.

>> No.54435359


>> No.54435371
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If you have something to do today, leave it for tomorrow. Hopefullly, you may die in your sleep and you don't have to worry about it anymore.

>> No.54436873

Great advice, thanks

>> No.54438340

1% improvement approach, dedicated 10 mins a day to improving something, anything, and let it snowball from there.

>> No.54439463

Thats me

>> No.54439473

THere is no porpose alone