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54430057 No.54430057 [Reply] [Original]

>you get handed 1 million dollars tommorow what do you do
I would reinvest it into myself I would get the best instructors for fitness languages an all other forms of self improvement I would grind for a year and then emerge ready to hit billionare status

>> No.54430075

Same but I'll only hire thicc musclemommy asian women to yell at me, literally whip me into shape
With a leather whip designed to break cow hide

>> No.54430082

I have mentally trained myself for 2 years to disregard this images and refuse to let myself sexually aroused by them. I have used a concoction of numerous drugs such as sertraline and finasteride to effectively nullify my libido.

Every time that I feel sexual frustration, I study. When I am too tired to study, but still feel temptations, I do pushups. When I am physically and mentally tired, and still feel the need; I sleep imagining various scenes of nature. When I still feel the need to sexually satisfy myself. I go into the shower and make the water as cold as possible and ejaculate as quick as possible, effectively incentivizing against anything sexual.

It has worked, it takes a while. But it works, eventually with enough effort. You can finally be free, and do what you need to do.

>> No.54430114

Or I can just give an attractive woman money to beat me

>> No.54431659

i'm 3 months into nofap and i've basically become a eunuch

>> No.54431662

oh and i hate women so much it's unreal<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.54431673

Put in some fund and live off the interest.

Even at 5% per year thats 50k income for doing nothing. Pays for your free time.

>> No.54431769

Buy real estate.
>I would reinvest it into myself I would get the best instructors for fitness languages an all other forms of self improvement I would grind for a year and then emerge ready to hit billionare status

>> No.54431837

You cant invest to give yourself motivation bud. All that fitness shit is on the internet for free, but go ahead and cope thinking money will solve you being a lazy fuck

>> No.54431841


Buy us treasuries

>> No.54431871

damn bro just shut down your computer and go for a walk

>> No.54431893

You'd spend it all on chips, dip and mountain dew, sign up for a fitness class then never attend.

>> No.54431905

That sound mentally unhealthy. Yoi're supposed to think about women and get sexually aroused by tits and asses

>> No.54431917

That's actually my plan for next year, spend three time three months in three different countries to take intensive languages classes and practice doing volunteering work outside of class (I'm not at level 0 in those languages so I willvnot start from scratches)

>> No.54431934

when I feel aroused I just go into the other room and rape my asian girlfriend
you do you though broheim

>> No.54431938

I'd put 250k into 4 different high-interest (about 4%) banks and then live off the interest, which should be about 40k combined.

I'm single and I'm young, so 40k would go a long way.

>> No.54431957

buy a nice comfy house in the countryside and retire, live off some diversified passive returns. im a cheap fuck so its easily doable.

>> No.54432057

be in massive debt as a shit house in australia costs 2 M.

>> No.54432101

poker training for the world series in june

>> No.54432222

Buy a house ~300k-500k. Then split the rest between index funds and a lesser amount in rental properties. Aiming for 4% withdrawal rate in the index fund. And 10%+ between capital appreciation and rent a year in the properties.
From there I might rent out a room (as this is tax efficent in the UK) in my main home to someone I like. This should bump my income to ~£40k+ with little out goings as I wouldn't have to pay rent. Tax would also be less than normal as I would be paying capital gains tax on the index funds and the room I rent would give me £7500 (£625 a month) tax free a year. Then I would just fill my tax wrapper accounts (ISA) to the maximum each year (£20000) and live off the rest. Realistically I would have to do some research or talk to an accountant on the right blend of index funds and investment properties to be most tax efficent based on my circumstances.
All in all if you do things right you absolutely can retire or have financial independence on £1M. I assume this would carry over to $1M in America since things are generally cheaper.

>> No.54432763

Checked. I'd love to try that. Maybe go with a cheaper house and just dump the rest of the money in the FAANGs stocks?

>> No.54433734

are really there big ass asian chicks in china-japan?

>> No.54435403

>kills his own t
>thinks he’s based
another useless “male,” just kys

>> No.54435464
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I'll be honest. If I was handed a million dollars I would probably spend it all on escort and sugarbabies.

>> No.54436261

She’s from Myanmar. And yes there are some asians with big asses usually in the south east.

>> No.54436739

and right back at your parents house in less than half a year. Smart move.

>> No.54436749

asians with big asses are just fat anon

>> No.54436781

I’d set up investments that can give me a somewhat decent return that I can live off of, then get a bunch of escorts/sugar babies.

>> No.54436830

In my current life situation right now I would just pay off my rentals and get a one more and then a house and live off the rental income and be a neet and retire.

If I had nothing then I’d probably 75% in Chainlink, 25% Hbar, 10% in ICP, 10% in Urbit stars and 5% in fiat for accumulating upcoming exciting coins at start of next bullrun whenever that may be

>> No.54436853

same lol

>> No.54436863
File: 2.43 MB, 498x413, coomer 800x600.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

impregnate, impregnate

i just want to be genghis khan bro's