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54429479 No.54429479 [Reply] [Original]

Are your friends fiscally responsible? Do they invest too?

>> No.54429595
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>> No.54429764

weed makes me feel so paranoid and scared of my own existence and god. idk how people like that shit

>> No.54429770

i mean at least hes doing something man idfk

>> No.54429783

He looks happy, I envy him.

>> No.54429786

I felt alive for the first time in my life when I was a teen smoking weed and it scared the shit out of me. For that reason I don't do it.

>> No.54429791

I had no idea the OP was about weed until reading the shiposter replies
I though "infused joints" meant he got like his knees surgically fused because they've been grinded to dust from being so overweight

>> No.54429817

At least he was #1 in something. What are you #1 at? Sucking cock over the internet?

>> No.54429826

how many updoots btw

>> No.54429884

i mean good for him, he looks happy and i bet he rolls some bomb ass infused joints. i don't think i've ever won first place in anything in my life

>> No.54429903

I only get like that if I smoke around other people, esp the wrong people

>> No.54429908
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Absolutely fucking not. In fact, one of my friends (who’s a stay at home mom) just got close to 6k for her tax refund and the first thing she did was get new tires on her Range Rover. Please note that she doesn’t have a job and never has any money.

My other friend only puts down his welfare checks into his mortgage, and everyone else I know doesn’t do shit with investment. Actually scratch that, I know one dude that is buying thousands of dollars in silver. And he’s obsessed with it. I’m the only person I know investing in crypto heavily.

>> No.54429938
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>all the stories ITT coping

Face it, being a stoner had it's run for 30 years, being a cool, underground thing, to major hype peaking in the last ten years.

Now, sobriety is in. Get ahead of the curve. Does the guy in OP look like the "cool stoner" of 15 years ago? No. All this, strong-as-you-can-make-it weed is just zombie shit for people to stuff their faces with goyslop while they consoom Netflix.

>> No.54429943

>fucking autocorrect

>> No.54429984

>Are your friends fiscally responsible?
No. They are retards.
>Do they invest too?

>> No.54430031
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This man knows.

They learned to make the mass-mind-control work with THC vs the days of old where it would scramble (but not protect against) it.

T ex-medical grower

>> No.54430035

One of my personal friends married a rich girl and then trooned out and I have to imagine the financial burden of doing such is immense. Unfortunately all of my successful friends and I grew apart because I'm a loser.

>> No.54430229

Lmao yikes

>> No.54430249

Thank you. This is not the reggie of Woodstock from back in the day, this double moon rock, dipped in wax, infused THC is basically junkie shit at this point. Fentanyl lite, no wonder we have so many deluded people these days.

>> No.54430273
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Holy fucking based. Great post, keep preaching the gospel fren

>> No.54430278

Bro but they just want to smoke, eat cereal and watch Rick and Morty

>> No.54430398

Explain? Why is medical weed bad? Better then black market chink or Mexican shit for sure?

>> No.54430403

Helps me with my assburgers.

>> No.54430409
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>> No.54430427

Yeah I got borderline suicidal when I smoked it in high school quit after that and will never again. Glad I didn’t enjoy it as it’s not obvious to me it’s for complete losers and literal niggers

>> No.54430736

Everyone who smokes weed regularly is depressed

>> No.54430757
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Of my 3 friends around 35
>2 are already rich from diligent saving, investing and job hopping to lucrative careers
>1 who is truly my best of friends, lives like a NEET with roommates. Has maybe 2500 bucks tops at any given moment works only the minimum and is pic related. He truly needs nothing to be happy

>> No.54430762

>hopping to lucrative careers
What careers

>> No.54430768
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Will do.

>used to smoke at least an 8th to a 1/4 a week in college
>even in the brief time between then and when I quit I noticed the culture change and the weed getting stupid strong
>people smoking it are not, in fact, based... just delusional
>quit entirely for years
>recently quit alcoholism full time too
>low key got superpowers

I used to be the biggest proponent of weed, like the other anon who replied to me... but it's gone too far.

>> No.54430798
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I've grown apart from all my friends so now just post here.

>> No.54430838
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On topic of the OP, I try to only surround myself with people who have SOME idea of goals and saving. I've done the whole, "my friend is useless but he has a good heart" thing... and it really is overrated. You need to surround yourself with people who at least try.

>main friend is a guy I work with/my boss. Diligent saver and investor, doesn't do options or crypto... but very good with money. In his late 30s and already owns two homes
>Other friend is a wild gambler and drinker, but has always worked in excavated and as a diesel mechanic. Not the most investment savvy in the short term (for obvious reasons), but has long term plans for businesses and has always held down a job. His house burned down and he got 100k of insurance money
>half of my "middle-ish" friends are either all with wives and kids now, doing the middle class grind
>other half are in the bar all the time, still drinking 5 days a week, running up tabs and playing VLTS
>my old stoner friends either have everything handed to them and have the ability to get stoned and muse all day with minimal work, or have crippling anxiety and struggle to hold down menial jobs

>> No.54430873

>be you
>be loser
>smoke the devil's pubes
>want to kms for being a downer loser
>akshyually everyone else is the loser in this case
>be nigger also
true story

>> No.54430926

One worked for Amazon for many many years and they paid him a lot but he lost all his hair from stress. Now he works for Microsoft traveling as a hybrid worker and doing the euroslut thing.
The other went into the field I did, copywritimg, then inherited his uncles auto business, then Got it to run on autopilot without him there. Then he went back to copywriting to make royalties. Used the cash to buy Hella nice real estate with a partner we knew from college

>> No.54431028
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I've said it a few times but I'll post again
The first 3 days quitting are the hardest. After that you will feel retarded for all that money you used
After a week you will feel empowered
Kek literally me. Unfortunately cigarettes are expensive too so that's my next goal. Don't care about the health risks but $12 a day every day really adds up

>> No.54431154


>> No.54431278

No, their parents never taught them fiscal responsibility and the joy of being debt-free so now they're averse to saving and investing. The American style of child-rearing is so broken I stg.

>> No.54431323

>and the joy of being debt-free
You're telling me you didn't enjoy having your parents argue about money all throughout your life?