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54429020 No.54429020 [Reply] [Original]

Is it a good financial decision to join the Army reserves? I just joined, what are the best ways to maximize money? Any tips on ways to get as much money from the Government as possible?

>> No.54429025

>I just joined

>> No.54429026

Bro the army is dog shit

>> No.54429030
File: 175 KB, 900x1200, EeVdbtyXsAALPXi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How easy is it to go to sick call in the reserves? What to say my knee or something hurts and get tax free disability for the rest of my life

>> No.54429033

enjoy dying for israel in ukraine 2024

>> No.54429034

>fell for the military meme

>> No.54429044
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Any other scams or tips? Open to military discounts too. Maybe buy a bunch of something in bulk with discount then flip

>> No.54429046

no. dont do it; i did and was by and large huge waste of time

either go active or dont go at all; youre far better iff getting a trade skill job and working 10 hours a day than army bullshit

>> No.54429092

What’s your MOS?

Let me give you a protip. Go AGR. Trust me. Go into basic, hopefully you have a good AIT/MOS that can transfer into an AGR position.

Do your one or two years as a drilling reservist, get a good few ncoers, and a few letters of recommendation, and apply to the army reserve AGR program. If not, switch to National Guard and do their AGR program. Trust me. It’s the best, and biggest scam of the entire military

>> No.54429110

you have to be a fucking retard to even consider joining the army, specially its designed to kill you if you are white.

>> No.54429124
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I didn't actually join. I have one year left in the inactive reserve and wonder if I should join for the last year to try and get hurt and to lessen my healthcare bill
35 series. I already work a clearance job

>> No.54429126

I will enjoy fucking your slut wife while you're deployed.

>> No.54429233

I'm single tho

>> No.54429605
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>> No.54430240

Not ever job is infantry man

>> No.54430362

Not if they require the clotshot

>> No.54430373

>selling your dignity to the extent of being willing to kill for the worst people on the planet for minimum wage

>> No.54430392

There's like 150 jobs in the army alone, infantry is only one

>> No.54430422

Guess which one you'll be dumped into when we go to war with China. Either way, you are declaring your dignity is so low value that you are willing to roll the dice on being an actual killer for the worst people in the world to killing other retards like you who do the same for the extra-national partner of the people who sent you. Really pathetic

>> No.54430447

Lotta headcanon right here. Not reading the entire thing

>> No.54430450

you'd have to be retarded to join the military.

>> No.54430455

Cope with having insufficient working memory to understand a dense sentence.

>> No.54430474

Also cope with having your wife cheat on you while you go kill people and come home with a trauma it takes you 30 years to barely begin to overcome. You really sound like a bad ass screaming hoo rah when you can't hear fireworks without hyperventillating or make it through a night without actively facing the depths of the wrongness of what you did for a camaro or "to see the world." Lol Find real meaning.

>> No.54430500

Cope wannabe toughguy faggot

>> No.54430511

Marry your gf so you can live off base.
Then when you get deployed to Ukraine or Taiwan or whatever I'll make sure to fuck your wife while you're away.

>> No.54430514

Hi anon. Serious answer here. I seriously considered doing this, but I got engaged so ended up not. For the benefits you can get, it's not a bad idea. Especially if you have no family obligations and afford to be gone for boot camp and a few weekends. Your employer legally can't fire you for doing this either. Now, you don't get the same benefits as active duty, but they would still help you. I don't think you'll be going to war anytime soon, to be honest. Even if you do, do good enough on the ASVAB so you aren't infantry.

>> No.54430525

Dude out here writing fanfiction about something he doesn't understand

>> No.54430531

See>>54429124 I'm prior enlisted, it would be one year and I already have most benefits

>> No.54430555

>t. cook

>> No.54430557

Zero percent chance he as reserve is not drawn straight into infantry.
UN ocean treaty, internet cables cut to Taiwan, US cutting chip access to China and UNANIMOUS house vote to release covid origins data. We are ramping up conflict with China. You would be an absolute fucking idiot to join reserves in general. You would be brainless to join right now.
Zoomie out here writing bussin clapback frfr no cap. Find a real identity. Don't be so heteronomous and so much of a non-entity you would go fight the CCP/Globohomo war and kill the Chinese version of your own greedy, integrity-lacking, substance-less self. Find real meaning.

>> No.54430563

You have to be 18 to post here. Please respect the rules.

>> No.54430569

>asks for advice after he already joined
You honestly belong in the army you retarded zogbot. Do us a favor and raise those military suicide statistics.

>> No.54430644

Entire paragraph that just says "I have no idea what I'm talking about" sad

>> No.54430655

I haven't joined, you haven't read the thread

>> No.54430674

Single sentence that says "I don't know how to reply to that but am a butthurt egoist so rather than admit it I cope by projecting." Find real identity. Stop being this

>> No.54430682

Kek the paragraph I replied to had a first sentence the was literally incorrect. Sad stuff but keep bumping my thread

>> No.54430698

Enjoy dying in a war literally just created to give narrative direction to the unwinding eurodollar system/deglobalization/etc. What an unbelievably meaningless way to live (and die (mentally even if you physically survive)). Helpless..

>> No.54430705

lmao you have a hollywood idea of what the military is like. Kinda cute. You'll get to the real world eventually anon

>> No.54430724

"Your thread?" Are you OP samefagging to make your reality look less pathetic? Lmfao How was the first sentence "literally incorrect," aside for the typo, which if you couldn't comprehend the meaning of the sentence because of portrays you as the biggest midwit fucking ever. There is a typo, sure, but you are the type of person who cannot grasp meaning in presence of it. Which would you rather be associated with, a typo, or being a fucking moron who self-proclaims it unknowingly as argument? Lol

>> No.54430730

>Zero percent chance he as reserve is not drawn straight into infantry.
that's incorrect

>> No.54430734

I don't. You are just extremely naive and stupid. Which explains why you joined the military.

>> No.54430742

>this same pic again
Wait a minute

>> No.54430743

No, it isn't. Cope healthier. You probably took the vaxx. Lol

>> No.54430744

>I don't
yeah is obvious kiddo

>> No.54430750

keep it coming man I'm trying to hit the bump limit. your wrong and seething because you look stupid

>> No.54430754

You got called out for being an obvious zoomer fag so are literally trying to sophistically pivot to the "no u." Even your argument tactics portray how unquestionably young and stupid you are.

>> No.54430764

Cope healthier with semi-consciously realizing you know you are wrong and look bad and dumb.

>> No.54430771

But your the one who knows nothing about the military? You say everyone in the reserves will be going infantry Kek. Where will they go? You think you join to a foxhole in the desert? Which country? Where are they dying? Why are the "reserves" going to a war immediately. Very naive thinking you got there. A child's idea of what the army is like

>> No.54430785

>realizing you know you are wrong and look bad and dumb.
lmao you have no idea what you're talking about though?

>> No.54430789

Not everyone. Just OP (you), who obviously lacks anything to distinguish them in a recruitment shortage leading into war. I am very happy to oblige bumping. This type of thread is the best possible advertisement to get people here to not join the military, by seeing exposition of the types of retards who would. Did you take the vaccine?

>> No.54430797

No one replies this much (as you are doing) this emotionally and samefags their own thread to try to look better without being wrong and also dumb.

>> No.54430799

>Not everyone. Just OP (you)
ah okay so you're just trolling then. got it. very epic

>> No.54430803

>35 series. I already work a clearance job
computer, language, or map tard?<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.54430806

I think like in the 80s and 90s it was based. Now it is globohomo big gay
OP you have fucked up massively. Especially going reserves.

>> No.54430807

>No one replies this much
the classic *insert cope/seethe here defense*

>> No.54430808

Saying you are objectively an unexceptional idiot is not trolling. It is addressing you at face.

>> No.54430814

computer/map but also some cyber

>> No.54430817

Cope healthier. Find real meaning/identity, vaxxtard who's willing to kill for a cause they don't know or care about for minimum wage and lifetime PTSD.

>> No.54430820

enjoy fort sill

>> No.54430821

nice April fools anon you really got me.
>Not everyone. Just OP (you)

>> No.54430827

that's an artillery base though?

>> No.54430842

You are specifically stupid (a fool). Addressing you specifically (as proxy for 80% of those who join the military) is not a joke. I'm sorry you have trouble conceptualizing non-hyper-generalities but am not surprised that you do at all, which is why I refer to you so. Cope healthier and stop taking boosters (sincerely want you to not have a terrible life or bad health). You are either not smart or really young. The sooner you accept this and live life knowing it the better your life will be.

>> No.54430870

yeah none of that has to do with the military because you have no idea what you're talking about. Backtracking and moving goalposts, keep it coming anon

>> No.54430880

What? Lol What goalposts? Cope healthier.

>> No.54430883

How is OP not the one coping? You clearly are an equivalent retard in a similar position.

>> No.54430906

Seriously no idea how I've backtracked anything. I've stuck by everything I've said. How is OP not understanding I was talking to him (as opposed to a .000001% genius who tests out) while I was talking directly at him me "backtracking" or "moving goalposts?" How are people this incapapable of low level categorical thinking?

>> No.54430910

>goes entirely ad hominem and doesn't answer any of the military questions
sad how he back down. ad hominem is always last resort of people like you with no actual argument

>> No.54430919

What military questions? Lol Seriously, this makes no sense..You made a bad choice. Cope or more preferably find a legitimate way out. Stop doubling down and encouraging others to make it to cope.

>> No.54430920

didnt america firebomb his grandparents

>> No.54430934

This is 100% OP on a third IP. Why do this if you are going to write with the same completely recognizable butthurt style? Do you think it makes it seem as though your position is stronger? Because I promise it just makes you look weird and insecure and alienates people from joining you in your retardation.

>> No.54430944

Pointing out he is not one of the few very small minority which will not be thrown into infantry is not an "ad hominem"

>> No.54430950

>you say everyone in the reserves will be going infantry Kek. Where will they go? You think you join to a foxhole in the desert? Which country? Where are they dying? Why are the "reserves" going to a war immediately.
still waiting on answers to these. I get you guys down know anything about the military. keep the replies coming though. we'll hit the bump limit

>> No.54430962

I already said China multiple times, you seething fucking retard. If you don't see the conflict mounting you are helpless.

>> No.54430973

So to be clear, by "me moving goal posts" and "not answering questions" you meant you either being so inept you forgot or didn't understand my answers (despite specifically using the country's name) or so butthurt you didn't even read the reply before spamming the same gushing bullshit? Which is worse?

>> No.54430986

Yeah everyone who joins the army reserves will be fore to be infantry lmao. AND THEN in two weeks we'll be fighting China kek.

>> No.54430994

yeah you don't answer any questions and just write paragraphs that boil down to
>ur heckin dumb

>> No.54431036
File: 9 KB, 164x308, 5E5DF681-1B9C-4CD2-9E59-390ECCE74E44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is unironically you. You are the type of person who completely unjokingly is incapable of understanding statements about subsets and their constituents without needing to reduce the thought to the broader basis. It isn't an ad hominem to say retards in reserves will be dumped almost uniformly into infantry. And again since you can't understand this, it says what part of the group you belong to. Enjoy dying (and living) for nothing.

>> No.54431053
File: 131 KB, 545x1024, 801321C6-48F7-4C72-8726-A7D36D875027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bad pic sorry. Maybe you aren't stupid and are just young and need time. Give it to yourself. It isn't too late.

>> No.54431066

Please go back to Rebbit

>> No.54431070

>needs to post multiple walls of text because his is too clueless to actually type something of substance.
sad. not reading because you obviously have no idea about anything military related so those will be the same

>> No.54431075

kek. when you cant think of anything else so you you just scream
>le reddit
definitely a newfag

>> No.54431083

You saying you lack the comprehension/working memory to read a paragraph proves my point completely and ironically makes the pic more relevant. You can't even understand a description detailing the IDEA of a subset and its differences from the broader base let alone an example. Almost literally unbelievable if I didn't know I was dealing with someone in military. Lol

>> No.54431095

It isn't that. You're just trying way to hard and no one >25 who has been here >2 years would ever think using heckin in a "this is u" greentext would be compelling or worthwhile rhetoric.

>> No.54431141

imagine being in an argument with someone and they pull out some random shit they found on the internet because they don't understand what they are saying and aren't articulate enough to even make a useful statement
>nooooo you can't heckin do that!!!
>I've can't give any actual isignt on military related stuff so I just resort to ad hominem

>> No.54431160

I literally explained it specifically and you called it a "wall of text you refused to read." I even followed up with. a description or the idea generally as well as a picture detailing specific types of thinking you are probably associatedly incapable of and you are complaining about not enough or outsourced description. Really sincerely not sure how to convey this to your level of stupid, which is really the topic at hand.

>> No.54431164

you have no idea how stupid you look. The stilted use of 4chan terminology along with zoomie speak and unfamiliarity with pics used in argument. What is wrong with you..

>> No.54431167

a description of* the idea

>> No.54431196

>you have no idea how stupid you look
wow great gotcha
>wall of text you refused to read."
again imagine being in a debate with someone then just dropping some random 4chan text because you can't say anything of value and then going
>heh you won't read my irrelevant bullshit looks like I win
you say nothing of actual substance. it's all just buzzwords that has nothing to do with this thread. keep bumping though

>> No.54431249

This isn't ad hominem. You LITERALLY are too stupid to understand the argument and the description of why you are too stupid and the description of the description of why you are too stupid. You accused me of not answering questions I addressed before you even asked. And then you go on and super weirdly act like my answering you is me being avoidant or insubstantive. I literally couldn't have been more thorough even hypothetically at addressing you on layers of argument. You have used buzzwords and le 4chan words and greentext strawmen over and over and over. Man it is almost too insufferable to continue and honestly seems pointless to even try. I have tried to conceptualize your lack of understanding to you and even give examples of other types of misunderstandings which are similar to help to circumscribe the idea. What is the point if you are too dumb to understand general descriptions of how you are this dumb? Lol

>> No.54431306

>This isn't ad hominem. You LITERALLY are too stupid
and the irony is lost on him. would think its bait if it wasn't for his dozens of other replies

>> No.54431333

It isn't ad hominem when I give thorough description of what you're not understanting and you can't understand it. And at the point that you are demonstrated to not understand it becomes relevant to the argument. Lol If I just called you stupid it would be ad hominem. Giving specific argument as to why and you deeply proving it right not even being able to understand it is not ad hominem. If in a court a lawyer argued that the defendant was too stupid to be competent at their job it would be fallacious unless demonstrated. Ironically on the otherhand you have been fallacious and accused me of buzzwords, saying nothing etc. when that is literally all you have done. Cope.....

>> No.54431337

Leaving it here. Continue for last word if you want to cope. Up to you. Nothing productive possible to come

>> No.54431344

>I just joined, what are the best ways to maximize money?
Do the absolute bare minium for your yearly bonus tick off.

>> No.54431361

>Do the absolute bare minium for your yearly bonus tick off.
is this a thing in the reserves?

>> No.54431362

>Find real identity.
>Me? I provide coaching and mentoring services on an anime imageboard.
>No it's not all anime ahah, we also talk about games and crypto.

>> No.54431368

>if you want to cope
yeah you have nothing to say except "cope" and "seethe". perfect way to end you multiple paragraphs of buzzwords with another

>> No.54431388
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/pol/ must leave.

>> No.54431393

>he thinks anybody gives a shit about Russia
Wait until you get drafted to have to squint to see short gooks on an island.

>> No.54431401

why is your skin color like shit ?<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.54431446
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/pol/ must leave.

>> No.54431473
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Fuck you and everybody like you.

>> No.54431586

yeah maybe before they went full retard with the covid and anthrax vaxses, but the truth is they tested radiation and shit on their pawns way back in the 40s-50s.
armymen have always been cattle. some are brave, some are loyal, some are good, some are smart. but they are cattle.

rght now you'd have to be flat out braindead to risk your life for a society and govt that loathes you and the values that made your country any good in the first place. that goes for every country. no exceptions.

>> No.54431786

poor choice anon. ARMY IS TRASH. Reserve is dumb as fuck. You wont be a veteran after your 6 year obligation. You have to activate under title 10 orders for active duty. Should have sucked it up and went active duty. then you could be a veteran. Unless you get a disability while in, then you are a disabled veteran. If you just do you 1 weekend a month and 2 weeks in summer then you get bootyhole fucked and cannot claim vet status.