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54428085 No.54428085 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>laughing at SVB fallout
>find out my shithole nation doesn't have ANY bank insurance
>worst property market in the world (no long-term fixed rates)
>current interest rates are near 8%
>no bank insurance
dubs decides the future of NZ

>> No.54428095

That's why I use BTC as my bank account.

>> No.54428096
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Based poster kiwifren

>> No.54428104

save the image and spread it to your normie kiwifrens who aren't aware of just how bad it is and how much worse it could be

>> No.54428137

Kiwis are the dumbest sheeple around.

They won't care until the whole thing collapses.

>> No.54428141

based, imagine being in 2023 and thinking there is any point in holding worthless fiat

>> No.54428159

Absolutely couldn't agree more, read the comments on this plebbit thread for a good laugh https://www.reddit.com/r/PersonalFinanceNZ/comments/128s0ov/public_service_announcement_your_bank_deposits/ it's such a good sub for salt harvesting

>> No.54428175

Aren't they importing hundreds of thousands of people like Australia and Canada

>> No.54428185

We were before covid, I think it's been pretty flat since

>> No.54428193

There are huge areas of Auckland where you can drive around and only see pajeets. Not a single white person anywhere.

That's why I don't invest anything in this country despite living here. It will be third world within a generation.

>> No.54428202

Yeah Auckland is beyond gone, and Wellington is populated by basedjak red-brick barcade enjoyers who just love the hustle and bustle

>> No.54428220

The best way to get fucked by the banking system is to encourage everyone else to pull out their money. If you trigger a bank run it’s gonna make the banks actually in trouble, and most likely the government will bail them out, which would fuck you even more than normal.

Bankers always win. They have to, because sovereign currencies depend on banks making loans to affect the monetary supply, and government depend on banks buying sovereign debt with deposits. So governments will always make sure banking continues to operate unless we radically change our economic system

>> No.54428234

They can't print more bitcoin

>> No.54428238

Were, it's slowed down as it's less desirable (as pay is shit and prices are too high). Most who do come are planning to slingshot over to Australia as residents are allowed to live ad work in Oz freely.

>> No.54428246

Every single western country is importing the third world on masse.
Every. Single. One

>> No.54428247

There's plans to change that
It's only 100K though and will be voted on later this year.

>> No.54428255

Yeah and if you read more about it, it will take years to actually create the fund required for any level of insurance lol, it's another just trust us promise

>> No.54428268

NZ is a non-country, lesser than even Canada. There is no hope, there is no future. I fear that this will trickle into all Anglo countries.

>> No.54428274

Governments are more likely to restrict cryptocurrencies than to throw away their entire economic paradigm in favor of something they can’t control

>> No.54428296

Our inflation is still high, the government just decided to increase all cost of living payments and the reserve bank seems to be nearing their terminal rate, basically admitting they're not really going to do whatever it takes to tame inflation.

>> No.54428869

>dubs decides the future of NZ

rolling for enormous volcanic eruption

>> No.54428893

doesn't matter what government thinks
that's the whole point of creating a side economy
get it now?

>> No.54429031

>worst property market in the world (no long-term fixed rates)
Lmao biggest scam

>> No.54429108

Yeah it's insane, people who bough at the peak financed for 2%, now they're looking at 7-8%

>> No.54429252

>Yeah it's insane, people who bough at the peak financed for 2%, now they're looking at 7-8%
My idiot friend bought a car on floating interest.
He's kicking himself in the head now that interest rates have spiked her and I don't see it going down for a long time since loadshedding is crippling our economy and it's only getting worse.

>> No.54429262

kek, we are only a few days away from the RBNZ raising rates again

>> No.54429307

Isn't that a recipe for a bank run? Deposit insurance complacency is the only thing that keeps regional banks solvent in other countries.

>> No.54429326

Sounds like Australia needs to invade NZ - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9y-yT7o6y6k

That will fix her up<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.54429354

We don't really have very many banks at all in New Zealand, it's very centralized already, but a lot of them are exposed to real estate through their mortgage holdings

>> No.54429561

That is actually a good thing, I would be concerned if private insurance were illegal however.

I mean, it is an insurance, it costs money, so purchase your own insurance tailored to your risks. This way those with small amounts would pay token insurance prices while those with millions over millions would also be able to be fully insured.

How is the insurance market there?

>> No.54429580

99% of NZ population was genocided over the last 3 years. Everything you see is stock footage. Once the job was done Jacentaur went back to Elysium for her medal. Idk if this actually happened but it should have.

>> No.54429729

Do you also have infinite fractional reserve banking (0% deposit requirements)?

>> No.54429789

We actually were one of the few (don't quote me on this) countries to still have at least some fractional reserve requirement, but fiat is worthless anyway so it doesn't matter

>> No.54429961
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>tfw grew up in small town NZ
>left 9 years ago with no intention to ever return
Literally has only gotten worse
Pollies have completely fucked the country

Even putting aside WEF vax agenda meme shit, the maoris have been given everything they want, it's turning into apartheid now.
The greenies have restricted ANY industry that emits the tiniest amount of carbon.

No mineral extraction, no coal mining (We just import it from shit hole countries who create even worse emissions)
No local oil refining, we only import refined petroleum

The nation's railways were sold to a company for $400 million and then ran into the ground without a single dollar invested and rebought for $800 million a few years later

Cars are villainised, new cycle lanes put in every where and speed humps every 200m while there's potholes across every major highway in the country.

Fuck NZ and fuck anyone living there contributing to the disgrace that it's become

>> No.54429999

I wish
Wipe it all fucking clean

>> No.54430067
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Holy fucking checked
Taupo will erupt again

>> No.54430221

uh oh

>> No.54430792


Where did you go?

>> No.54430914

Eu citizen spend half my time there and other half in aus

>> No.54431353

God I wish I had another passport
I went to aus for a few years but it really just felt like the same shit as nz. Maybe it was just Sydney

>> No.54431464
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It's almost like there's some kind of organised global operation to flood White countries with invaders.<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.54432158

The whole nation reaches consensus that saint tarrant was right, and within a month everything returns to the old normal. 'The new normal' is never spoken about again