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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54427631 No.54427631 [Reply] [Original]

I literally cannot get off this board…

>> No.54427824

You're here forever.

>> No.54427836

Tips on how to quit 4chan?
>inb4 muh hobbies
something concrete niggers

>> No.54427852

Get a girlfriend with a nice shaved vagina

>> No.54427854

i mean that's literally it. no one actually has fun here except the schizos, we just browse because we have nothing better to do.

>> No.54427855
File: 9 KB, 183x183, 1680015046267304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take out loans for "business"
Quit anime forever
Don't even go to anime conventions to fuck slutty fatherless autistic girls who will suck your dick if you pretend to care about genshit impact
Go on a world star tour
When you return you will have so much debt to pay off the thought using 4chan when you have all this fucking debt will be impossible

>> No.54427866

Find something productive to do you stupid lazy ass nigger

>> No.54427872

get a black gf
marry her
have children with her

>> No.54427881
File: 501 KB, 1000x1000, CDBDEB17-BB6C-4F45-B16A-B5F7B6AAA286.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should help

>> No.54427898

>Don't even go to anime conventions to fuck slutty fatherless autistic girls who will suck your dick if you pretend to care about genshit impact
is this real? im a CHADlite, i need a small pool so i can seem like giga chad when contrasted with my competition.

>> No.54427904

kek'd and checked.

>> No.54427928

Have the same problem where is my life going, getting a gf is the answer. love you guys though you keep me going when it gets tough

>> No.54427961

literally the worst board on this site

>> No.54427966

same. it feels like I will somehow lose money if I don't F5 the catalog every 2 minutes

I'll continue doing this for the entire bear market, once the bull is so strong that the catalog changes every second I refresh I'll sell it all and fuck off to some other board lol

>> No.54427976

Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The Screen Like Nigga Close Your Eyes Haha

>> No.54427980

The only time I laugh is when i'm on the chans, i think every media outlet i read, every youtube channel i follow, all the "economists/investors" i can name, they have all been introduced to me on /biz/. I have no idea how non-/biz/ users find things like Raoul Pal, Mark Meldrum and Tone Vays? How do you know of Inverse Cramer or Nancy P's investments, if you don't browse /biz/..

Maybe reddit? Quora?

>> No.54428350


>> No.54429822
File: 181 KB, 1289x1329, BAC7F7FC-582F-41D5-958B-02B02185C642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The suffering never ends.

>> No.54429958

nothing wrong if you use it a source of information, there's a lot to learn if you filter well

>> No.54429980

>Iphone faggots 90th thread today
Oh what a shock the narcissistic nigger spams 3x as hard on weekends.
You killed this fucking board you fat fucking sandnigger faggot.

>> No.54430112

Seethe tranny

>> No.54430290
File: 155 KB, 579x578, 1670976910517741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally type 'b' first thing on browser and b_oards.4ch.../biz/ is queued up as i press enter. i just want to make it bros

>> No.54430316


>> No.54430326

have that, still on 4chan

>> No.54430335

only true response<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.54431183

That's not the answer either. I've gone through several over the last 20 years and still can't seem to leave this place.

>> No.54431376

Zerohedge is a good aggregator too
Few even here know but they were the first the call the buying the most shorted thing that eventually resulted in gme
Otherwise twitter youtube suggestion Algo plus paid spamming from the content creators<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>