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54421673 No.54421673 [Reply] [Original]

Coming up later on the podcast, we continue our 24/7 round the clock coverage on TRANNIES

>> No.54421678

Why are nazis so obsessed with trans folks?

>> No.54421681
File: 90 KB, 717x495, 1669285174518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chuds are obsessed with trannies and most watch tranny porn.

>> No.54421682

they're incels with nothing better to do

>> No.54421719

Why are trans folks so obsessed with changing their gender when it’s literally impossible to do so

>> No.54421728


I can't have a wife and family until I can convince the entire world of how mentally ill trannies are. Who's winning now, kikes?

>> No.54421742
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Gentlemen, I think there are trannies in this very thread. A truly eerie feeling, you can almost smell it

>> No.54421789
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I watched his show every day in early 2020 but I stopped after his constant exaggerations and doom posting are started to get on my nerves. He's still based though.

>> No.54421811
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>Fuck around with children cause get them young
>Cant do anything about it cause its supported on every level of the state
Yea i wonder why people are upset

>> No.54421825

yeah this probably
what if a child doesn't identify with the gender it was assigned to at birth idiot?

>> No.54421836

Daily reminder that troons are doing female blackface

>> No.54421859

>what if a child doesn't identify with the gender it was assigned to at birth idiot?
A child that doesn't identify with their own gender is like a vegan cat.
Everyone knows who is really making that choice with the only difference being you can get arrested for talking about it.

>> No.54421877

>A child that doesn't identify with their own gender is like a vegan cat.
This doesn't make any sense, humans are far more complicated than that
>Everyone knows who is really making that choice
yeah... the child

>> No.54421889
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It's one of the most obvious psy-ops ever and it's pathetic that conservatives have fallen for it. Republicans no longer care for draining the swamp or limiting unskilled immigration, it's all trannies all the time. Ben Shapiro won

>> No.54421896

It's some kind of /pol/ psyop

>> No.54421906

he was a good on the ground reporter during the refugee crisis but since then he got bought out and i dont watch his stuff anymore

>> No.54421924
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Not just /pol/ all "right wing" people in general.<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.54421947

political podcasting is retarded but also a good racket. milk those paypiggies for all they're worth.

>> No.54421968

Force the child to have a axe wound?

>> No.54421982

If the child doesn't identify with the gender that he/she was assigned to at birth he/she should have the ability to transition, it's common sense

>> No.54421988

This thread is incredibly traditional and conservitive-phobic and this kind of bigotry shouldn't be tolerated in 2023.

You may not like other people's ideas or ways of life but you have to tolerate them.

>> No.54421993

there's a whole lot of them in the US, now
multiple percents of your population is tranny
it's pretty scare when you think about it
every time you go date there's a good chance it's a dude you're dating

>> No.54421994
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Are posts like this Jewish shills, or do people here really just believe any negative thing they hear about trannies no matter how absurd, or do polchuds just lie for fun? Nobody is "forcing a child to get an axe wound", kys

>> No.54422140

A child can’t articulate shit you fucking pedophile weirdo.

>> No.54422199

no, the parents should decide
pedo creeps like you do with your kids what you want

>> No.54422927

This is obviously the only sane policy, why can't people just support parental rights instead of trying to fuck with families?

>> No.54424426

Yea the Jews really did a number on /Pol/cels and MIGA boomers and clipped their nuts hard with the “glowie” Psyop turning them all into impotent cry babies somewhat aware of the issue but not willing to do shit about it.

>> No.54424454

when I was young my parents said I thought I was super mario. According to todays standards, my parents abused me by not getting me a mustache transplant so I could "be who I really was". Fuck you trannies trying to use impressionable children to push your sick fantasies about "muh trans kids".

>> No.54424477

die you fucking faggots. You just want this topic to go away cuz your masters in the party made the mistake of attaching themselves to the "men can get pregnant/trans kids" narrative and now they know it can only hurt them in 2024 but it is too late to backtrack

>> No.54424485

>Nobody is "forcing a child to get an axe wound"
No, they're just manipulating the child to that eventual end by convincing them that the best way to deal with their unhappiness is to deny reality and play pretend.

>> No.54424584

I can barely tolerate watching his show for more than 5 minutes now. Literally all he talks about is trannies, muh CRT and drag queen story hour.

He could be talking about an entirely different subject and still somehow circle back to trannies. Fucking ridiculous. He's an obsessed baldlet.

>> No.54424604

Stop talking about shemales

>> No.54424648

Because trannies are the very personification and logical outcome of clownworld and its goals.
At odds with nature, self-hating, self-mutilating, sterilized, and suicidal. All of it gleefully encouraged by political and corporate elites. Once trans is considered normal, there's no end to what they will be able to convince you of or make you do.

>> No.54424706
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Economic implications.

>> No.54424907

how can chuds say that watching tranny porn is not gay even though its 2 guys having sex?

then at the same time anytime someone post a trans girl with proper pronoun they go:


>> No.54425037
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Two more weeks

>> No.54425063

tim pool is actually great on the axe wound question

>> No.54425635
File: 263 KB, 939x723, jannies_are_100_percent_trannies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that Kadokawa and Good Smile, purveyors of plastic weeaboo crap and useless video games, own this site with Hiroshimoot as a figurehead
Reminder they want to use the jannies to erase the original culture of each board and literally turn it into reddit so they can shill their products to what they think is a larger audience
Reminder they're doing all this because a particular demographic really really likes buying cheap weeaboo crap and they want to attract this demographic to the website
Reminder that this post was about business and finance, good day

>> No.54425718

>So you're against degeneracy? You must be obsessed with it, thus your argument is invalid and I'm allowed to propagate it

>> No.54425761

You drank the globohomo koolaide anon. There’s masculine women and feminine men but having major irreversible medical procedures and drugging up children with hormones is evil and retarded. You need to stay far away from children.

>> No.54425769

>men can't be women

this is how every troon thinks/reacts, and a lot of libs are starting to react this way too. Free, easily attainable pornography and its consequences have been a disaster for the Western world

>> No.54425776

dey killin demselves do, so is good

>> No.54425794
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Please stop fapping to tranny porn this is not healthy.

>> No.54425905

Jazz Jennings regrets transitioning.
You're a monster in human skin.

>> No.54425965

maybe go back to pol mr tranny

>> No.54426009

we're unironically doomed unless Hitler comes back
protip: he will, but it's gonna get bad before it happens

>> No.54426055

>He could be talking about an entirely different subject and still somehow circle back to trannies. Fucking ridiculous. He's an obsessed baldlet.
He obviously fucked Blaire White in the bussy (or got fucked by, kek) and now he's a degenerate gay coomer. Also he's obviously funded by the same (((people))) as Ben Shapiro and Alex Jonestein, which means he's controlled op trying to ingratiate the right wing (what's left of it) with trannies and vice versa. Very subversive, but obvious when you've been around as long as I have.
t. meme war vet and unironic nationalsocialist

>> No.54426062

This is hilarious

>> No.54426124

>metro areas with more deluded trannies in them also have more people that hate trannies
totally unexpected!

>> No.54427372

They're phonies, faux, skin wearers.

They'll never truly fit in.