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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54419885 No.54419885 [Reply] [Original]

Simply refuse to do business with mainland China. Cut off the CCP's lifeline.

>> No.54419919

>zero graffiti on freight trailers
So China really has zero niggers?

>> No.54419929

You retards can't even boycott the Mexicans.

>> No.54419956


>> No.54419965

everything i know about china comes from sources biased for or against china and i can't sort out whats real and isn't so i don't have much of a firm opinion on china one way or another but fuck em i guess

>> No.54419989

>just boycott chinese products bro
>As of today, China accounts for 63 percent of the world's rare earth mining, 85 percent of rare earth processing, and 92 percent of rare earth magnet production. Rare earth alloys and magnets that China controls are critical components in missiles, firearms, radars and stealth aircraft.

>> No.54420001

Sorry, i cannot afford anything else because i am a poor wagie.

>> No.54420004

china is like, a free source of wagies, man

>> No.54420028
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>> No.54420029

>dont war, its a (jewish stuff anyways), and throw out your computer and any electronic stuff! be a hermit!

>> No.54420034

>same products, but now with a horrid smell

>> No.54420040

damn, where am i going to buy all my missiles, firearms, radar, and stealth aircraft from then? and the magnets, geez i go through so many magnets you know.

>> No.54420048

>implying Chinese people don't smell

>> No.54420052

you lost

>> No.54420082

You can't just boycott. You have to mock anyone doing what you oppose. If you see someone with the latest iPhone ask them how sturdy the suicide nets on the shanghai Apple factory were. If they have Amazon Prime just call them a faggot. Chances are you weren't buying chinkshit anyway so make everyone else feel like losers.

>> No.54420097

One in four American women take psychiatric drugs. 80% of the ingredients come from China.

>> No.54420111

Yes, most likely they do not.<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.54420133
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the amount of cope and seethe from amerilards just makes me smile, you are so cucked that you trick yourself into consooming (((your))) "good" products instead of importing them, while they are still made in china.
I just want to see your country getting nuclear bombed

>> No.54420137

see >>54420001
You are delusional. Wagies cannot afford to buy american. You lost.

>> No.54420157

Companies already moving out of China and not into China. Vietnam, Mexico, India, Philippines... all have way cheaper labor than China now. Which one of them will become the de facto next cheap tech? Dunno, but that country would be a good long term investment.
All of this will take years tho

>> No.54420163

That could have made sense to me 15 years ago. Why would I fight China now when looking at the state of the US (BLM trannyism)

>> No.54420166

Even shit like tools will say "assembled in America" with "made in china" below it

>> No.54420177

If you don't respond to this it confirms the impotence of your argument

>> No.54420185
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>Sent from an iPhone.

I don't give a shit, I buy what I think the best products are for their value. If they are China, so be it. If America wants me to buy some made in America shit they better up their game, instead of acting like socialist fags and banning every company that outcompetes them.

Free market baby.<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.54420350

There are no alternatives. I sell an electronic product that I designed and have a chinese factory produce, with several components that are also produced in China.
If I were to completely cut out China from the pipeline... First of all I'm not sure it would even be possible, and even if it is, the end price of my product would surely increase like 5x, thus killing any sort of market for it, and my business would die.

>> No.54420464

It's a free market you fucking commie

>> No.54420482

Exactly, it's a free market. And Im not buying

>> No.54420493

Imagine not selling gold and silver at 120% markup to the chinks.

>> No.54420515

Chinese pussy smells pretty good.

>> No.54420525

Then stop telling me what do to you fucking commie

>> No.54420542

We are going to fuck your shit up.

>> No.54420578

>hates commies
>financially supports commies
How many braincells are in there

>> No.54420602

Why? I have no quarrel with China.

>> No.54420627

I only by Mexican made.products that were made in China first. BTW make petrol mandatory.

>> No.54420628
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Yes. Cut off 90% of American imports. Makes sense.

>> No.54420692
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You 50 cent army losers need to get better at your job.

>> No.54422086

They have done nothing and are a discount america in just 40 years
They never told us to kneel or to cover our mouths<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.54422451
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>> No.54422457

Yeah sorry I'm not paying 10x the cost for unimportant things because Americans need to make $40/hour to afford a studio apartment

Not my problem

>> No.54422458

How about we boycott American products instead?

>> No.54422472

Oh and Israeli ones too, obviously.

>> No.54422493

And mustaches, yes, even the women.

>> No.54422495

Most Asian countries are openly racist

"NO AFRICANS" is a common sight in many Asian countries from China to Japan, but some are also flat out no foreigners at all and hate all races except those who were born there.<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.54422530
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It's way easier too. It's pretty much media bullshit. I've stopped watchint US movies and listening to US music and reading US writers and using US social media for 6 years now, feels great.
I discovered lots of good cinema from Spain, Russia and Asia, good music from Brazil and Argentina, and good writers from all over Europe.
I haven't seen a product with a made in USA étiquette for as long as I've been alive.

>> No.54422900
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Why you not rike China?

>> No.54422921

>Boycott Chinese products
>literally own nothing
Fuck off Schwabb