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54418773 No.54418773 [Reply] [Original]

How does a single male in his mid 30's, with a mortgage, no kids or wife, no hobbies, who spends his life being filled with hate online, working over 50 hours a week with emotional issues causing him to consume copious amounts of goyslop and has an extreme hatred of his country due to the wokeness in the media supposed to make it? Should this guy try to move to South East Asia? How would he survive and maintain his possessions and house in his country while living overseas? I think this guy is going to snap soon if he dosen't get some help.

>> No.54418784

Buy an escort

>> No.54418796

This and passively resist

>> No.54418800

This is the correct first step

Do you have a lot of savings?

>> No.54418804

sell house get cheap rental work less go to gym cook meals and take the hooker pill until you meet a wife

>> No.54418807

Havong sex with escorts just makes this guy feel guilt and like a loser for not being able to aquire sex normally.

>> No.54418809

Stop with the goyslop and start exercising

You’ll feel emptier afterwards especially knowing she’s already banged 10 jeets beforehand then is going back to her nigger pimp who creampies her for free

>> No.54418824

>I swallow kremlin and ccp propaganda so much I’m going to run away from my country because it makes me seethe so much

Congrats, you’ve lost to commies

>> No.54418829

Get a new job and leave a gap of a month between quitting and go on a total reset

>> No.54418835

>the commies want you to shut up and wageslave

>> No.54418837

Why rent when he owns his house? He can't stand living in someone else house and being at the whims of someone else.

>> No.54418840

As opposed to... what?

>> No.54418874

The propaganda is coming directly from western outlets, what the fuck are you smoking?

>> No.54418877

>don’t live around trannies
>control what you can in your life
>stop seething from clickbait spam on the Internet convincing you to be a doomercel

Go lift weights and have sex chud
No one cares about what you have to say thirdie

>> No.54418890
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>current year

>> No.54418891

>Go lift weights and have sex chud
Guarantee I both lift and fuck more than you chief.

>> No.54418899

i figured since you said you have a mortgage you don't own it outright and under a mortgage you have no choice but to wageslave at the whims of someone else. in a cheap rental you could work less and focus more on getting healthy

>> No.54418912

no dummy they want you to just slave

>> No.54418935

This guy's mortgage is very cheap ($260 a month). He is also in the highest paying job he has ever had and has an opportunity to save and change his life somehow. He just dosen't know how to get over his emotional issues that are stopping him from saving and living his best life. He spends a huge amount on goyslop, alcohol, clothes, gadgets, furniture etc and constantly feels he wants to escape because he totally disagrees with the direction his country is going.

>> No.54418950

How is the most traditionalist, right-wing and conservative Russia in a hundred years Commie when Venezuela isn’t?

>> No.54418983

just exercise and cook your meals. see a therapist or psychiatrist if necessary. stop using the "direction the country is going" as an excuse. its a defense mechanism and will go away naturally as you get over your personal issues

>> No.54419008

Ok I will tell this guy what you said

>> No.54419390

You're starting to sound like a baby. Boo hoo mah country. Go vote and do your part and stop watching Fox and CNN and start eating quality food and stop drinking. Give yourself rules. You can drink on the weekend or whatever rules you want. Start somewhere

>> No.54419514

Speak for yourself. I enjoy being able to buy women like food off a shelf. We're long past anything resembling natural.<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>