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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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54418491 No.54418491 [Reply] [Original]

My place that I rent is infested with based ant boys, they ants eat all my table scraps and crumbs, I estimate they are in the billions now. Their conga lines are biblical. I don't want to tell the boomer land lord because he will want to gas my place and I will have to leave to a hotel, i dont leave my place so that won't do. The ant boys will continue to thrive for now. As I typed this I blew of a few based ant boys off my body.

>> No.54418508

maybe now you can start a colony of spiders or wasps that eat ants

>> No.54418587
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My place is infested with lizards, or geckos? Whatever, they're small reptiles, they eat cockroaches and your ants and I love them, the ones in my house now must be at least 8th generation, they're so used to me they crawl about in the open.

>> No.54418607

You live in Hawaii?

>> No.54418612

no, but I do live on a tropical island.

>> No.54418632


>> No.54418638

My ants mog yours in the summer carpenter ants crawl on my bed

>> No.54418691


>> No.54418714

Alpine WSG, ring inside and outside your ants will be gone for a year.

>> No.54418726

10 grams per gallon, 0.5 gallon 5 grams etc
Very potent good shit can is safer than most insecticides.

>> No.54418727


>> No.54419021

>ring inside
>ring outside
This work for roaches too?

>> No.54419050


>> No.54419171

yes actually 30g per gallon for roaches, and by some Nyguard or IGR to mix in as well to kill the next two generations.
Basically kills what it can and then mutates the roaches eggs so they don't molt, no molting = can't enter the next phase of life.
I've cleared many roach houses with this combo.

And just spray everything short of counters, you're gonna wanna get behind your counters and walls/sinks/drawers with this stuff roaches love hiding behind all that shit and typically use the hinges to push out their young.
it's fucking nasty but worth it, if you got roaches buy the big bottle will last you years and just keep spraying every 30 days until you never see another roach again.

Takes a heavy hand at first, I cleared trailers out and watched the neighborhood start pouring out cause the roaches moved to them.

>> No.54419187

I get carpenter ants every spring/early summer. Wipe along the edges of walls then spray some water+ vinegar. Then I just pick up the stragglers and yeet them out my window

>> No.54419221

eat zem

>> No.54419234

Oof if you got carpenter ants you got an infestation my fren, they are eating something inside your house.
They took out my main shower without me even realizing I had them.

Here's your solution
Alpine WSG inside the baseboards of your entire home and around windows/baths
TAURUS SC or TERMIDOR ring outside your house 3 feet up 3 feet down this is going to eliminate any ants within your house and yards.

Also can get some Bayer Maxforce ant granules to endure they never return.

This will kill ground termites as well won't fix termites if they are indoors though that's a whole different nightmare.

>> No.54419243

kek I had these guys crawling over my walls when I was living in Thailand

>> No.54419269

This will work on most pests and roaches as well but alpine/termidor are both colony killers which means as the effected insects spread out they carry the poison as a granule themselves at that point causing all insects to get effected and paralyzes them, then the neurotoxin penetrates the protein barrier inside their brains so they never recover from the paralysis, it uses chrysanthenum as the source of it's paralysis.
Basically flowers do this to pests but the pests recover, the synthetic version kills them
>t. one of the top countries pest techs
>t. probably also got nerve damage from doing this shit too much

>> No.54419302

>they do it for free