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54418230 No.54418230 [Reply] [Original]

I was too young to experience or know about 2008

How bad will it be this time? How clear are the signs now of a crash compared to 2008?

>> No.54418336

The crash started 2 years ago zoomer
We’re almost on our way back up
Taking out the crypto banks was the main goal now they just want to crash a few more to consolidate control so they can force a CBDC on us

>> No.54418405

So 7% inflation is the new norm then?

>> No.54418412

Worse than 2008. Here are the reasons why.
>people are holding way more debt
>prices are higher
>political tensions escalating every year
>increasingly amount of mental illness
>less patriotism and more migrants within communities
2008 is nothing how it is now. It's far worse. Banks are on the verge of collapsing and war is imminent. It's going to get a lot worse but we will make it through. Just don't be near big cities and have some form of protection and food. Keep saving cash for the big crash and clear all debts.

>> No.54418429

2008 was extremely bad because of poor risk management leading to extremely rapid, almost bomb-like price discovery of distressed assets that comprised an enormous portion of major institutions' balance sheets

the current crisis is a retail/consumption bubble mixed with excess commercial real estate exposure. the effects of its collapse will be a long agonizing depression due to lost of confidence in retail lending and consumption by major institutions as well as assets that are heavily influenced by such

>> No.54418441

7% logarithmic, will be 7000% next year

>> No.54418467

I'm in a big city have no cash and about 3k debt, and having to start a new job in 2 weeks I'm seriously ngmi.

>> No.54418476

I would like to add to your list reasons why it's worse:
>bubble is more than just one sector or asset classes; it's all of them
>proliferation of mobile and internet means people react instantly to news
>debt and liquidity problems is more than just USA it's like half of the world's countries
>new subversive techniques like hacking, genetic engineering, and HAARP mean countries have more techniques at their disposal.

Anyone got more?

>> No.54418520

counterpoint: line go up

>> No.54418528

Work hard and pay off your debt. Do whatever it takes. Trust me. Work 7 days a week if you can stomach it. Rent a small room with a cot to cut down living expenses. Less consuming more saving. $3k debt isn't a lot. Get money and fuck what everyone thinks.

>> No.54418532

Likely worse because high inflation will make quantitative easing less desirable. Course, they're already sort of doing that via BTFP. It's pretty complicated right now.

>> No.54418571

The only thing I can tell you is that in 2008 it was in the west but this time it will be global remember what I tell you right now its the have Nots and they have yachts there won’t be any remnants of a middle class that’s the difference and one thing

1. These “recessions” are not accidental

2. The real conspiracy is not a bunch of robed men around a pentagram it’s the conglomerates looking at the rule books finding a loophole and exploiting it with the many vast resources that they have they can exploit it and milk it right through the bone

3. Lastly and the most important one keep being financially literate do the research don’t depend on the Government or the corporations to do their due diligence and use litigation if you can I use that term lightly because again it’s not what you know it’s what you can prove and these big organizations have big resources

>> No.54418574

Yes, the truth is that the Fed already printed their way out of the recession. The “2% target rate” of inflation is not achievable without bringing unemployment to 10%. It’s better for everyone to just accept the 4-5% inflation average we’ll have for the next decade

>> No.54418589

There is no crash. It already happened.

>> No.54418597

There are currently no signs of a 2008-style crash on the horizon. If it happens it will be a black swan (again).

>> No.54418605

It wasn't overnight. It took a few years to crash. After that was set in motion an everything bubble of which we are paying the price for. 2008 was a motivation for the creation of BTC so that is an option you have during this crash that you didn't have before. This crash is going to be worse. The money printing and geopolitical changes will accelerate the decline even more this time.

>> No.54418617

2008 hasn't ended

>> No.54418622

Suicide sounds a hell of a lot easier and cheaper.

>> No.54418627

>Anyone got more?

Massive and geopolitical conflicts, changes and realignments.

>> No.54418642

It’s just the great purge of idiots usually leverage. People who bouts with 5-10-% down or took out help a will get fucked.

It’s pretty simple to be bullet proof in RE investing. Don’t have a mortgage that exceeds 25% of you income. Min 20% down payment. Have 6+ months of savings in case you need to change jobs

>> No.54418650

2008 wasn't about a housing bubble. By 2005 everyone knew we were in a massive housing bubble. 2008 was about certain complex mortgage-backed securities that were systematically overpriced during the bubble and that became worthless overnight. There is nothing remotely similar going on today, as far as anyone knows. But we don't know what we don't know.

>> No.54418678


Yea I've got one. Don't ever mention HAARP seriously again you fucking retard.

>> No.54418713

Do yourself a favor kid, if you want to get rich, do the opposite of everything that Zerohedge recommends, or the opposite of everything you read on this bullshit forum full of broke doomsday cult pikers. You think people in the know are on an anonymous message board at 11:30pm on a Friday night? This place is the financial knowledge equivalent of the bottom bristles of a toilet brush.

>> No.54418732

>contemplating suicide rather than pay off a $3k debt
Sort your life out.

>> No.54418740

lot more than 3k debt, I'm miserable from losing about 90k and haven't recovered financially or mentally from it and my physical health went to shit.

>> No.54418743

All you need to know is; this is what happens when a democrats are in control.

>> No.54418787

>You think people in the know are on an anonymous message board at 11:30pm on a Friday night?

>> No.54418816

Cry me a river. Your life isn't that hard.

>> No.54418825
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The line only goes up because it's pricing in population growth and economic expansion, because it assumes the 1990s are coming back.

The reason why 4 dollars of debt is 1 dollar of gdp now, instead of 1 dollar of debt being 3 dollars of gdp is because Ronnie Raygun did one thing correctly and that was taking pages out of old harry truman's book and spending money on investing in americans instead of random third worlders or whatever, which gave the boomers (who were in their 20s-40s, like the millennials) at the time a lot of cash, which they spent and stimulated economic growth.

Wiping away student loan debt would stimulate the economy, but boomers in power won't do that. All their spending goes to boomers, not millennials. Millennials will eat cat food in old age to survive. Because boomers don't want a 60 trillion dollar gdp or a gen alpha baby boom when they can redirect millennial taxes towards insolvent 40 year old boomer companies that are relics of the reagan era so boomers can get on Seeking Arrangement and fuck zoomer college thotties, cucking zoomers and millennials out of potential fucks/wives/girlfriends/dommy mommies.

The only way for line to go up is massive investment into millennials and gen z, like how reagan's policies benefited boomers and gen x in the 1980s. This would cause another echo baby boom and gen alpha would become the largest living generation with 90 million people, which would grow the economy. Instead it currently looks like there will only be about 60 million of them (55% white).

>> No.54418826

Stick to one ID nigger, you're some ESL faggot I can smell you through your posts.

>> No.54418830

Your life must be shit to contemplate suicide over 3k of all things. Embarrassing, I hope you’re under <20yo to be thinking as emotionally as a woman would. Get over it, life is full of change.

>> No.54418832

2008 wasn’t bad for me. Weed was still illegal and I had a constant supply. I quite my dead mortgage job and went full time weed until the fed cut rates again. Now the government took over the weed biz. This time I’m fucked<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.54418834

>I was too young to experience or know about 2008
It's worse because western courtries can't just can't tell zoomies and millennials to go bomb the fuck out of a little brown countries with oil and murder 250k civilians under a dictator because of big nasty bad weapons or BNBWs like boomers and gen xers did.

>> No.54418842

Oh shit.....
4chan implementing a bot checker?

>> No.54418848

Up the alley way, not across the street

>> No.54418850
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i sneed therefore i am<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.54418856 [DELETED] 

Uh oh samefaggot niggerjeets looks like your times coming to an end.
Enough bitching and threatening to make new forums might have actually got them to start implementing changes.

>> No.54418921

kek nvm fucking april fools.

>> No.54418995

pretty much. credit lending tightens, commercial realestate and zombie businesses go down. interest rates will stay elevated for ages, maybe a decade or more, cos inflation aint going nowhere. earnings will drop, equity prices will reflect that and maybe go back to reality. the age of free easy money is over.

>> No.54419032
File: 197 KB, 806x806, Screenshot_20221208_104826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So if you're in your 20s, I'm sorry to tell you that this is going to be a miserable decade for you. Absolutely nothing you plan will work out, you will need to work twice as hard to earn even a tenth of what you need. This experience will scar you permanently, you will be unable to form high trust relationships with anyone, and even when it is over you will remain in this siege mentality for most of your adult life.

All the older people in your life, like your parents, will be completely unable to understand why you simply can't find a job. They will blame your generation for everything that's wrong. Despite constantly looking for work, studying, and taking 20-hour shifts to earn a meager living, you will simply be regarded as lazy. Your grandparents will gloat about mythological hard work they did when they were teenagers back when the minimum wage was $1.25, or $22 in current-year money. This experience will permanently damage your relationship with the older people in your life and you will never believe they respect you, even when this is over.

The good news is that when you're in your 30s things should be less shit.

>> No.54419069

the only money gen Y will get is what they inherit from their parents. Same shit happened in 2008 and they never recovered

Jamie, pull up that wealth by generation chart

>> No.54419095

I can't imagine coming out of college now in search of a job, especially with student loans.

>> No.54419203

>Do yourself a favor kid, if you want to get rich, do the opposite of everything that Zerohedge recommend
So you're shorting right now? Zionhedge has been bullish for months and is currently saying the US dollar will collapse and all assets will moon.

>> No.54419322

Fuck is that true? If so I'm about to close my longs

>> No.54419329

If it was logarithmic it’d be good to hold USD. BTC is logarithmically inflationary. USD is exponential, which is what you probably meant.

>> No.54419340

Dude $3k is just a month of work at the post office, you can clean that up no problem.

>> No.54419357

correction, YOU don't know what YOU don't know
but now you know.

it's 2008 exactly with the exception that central banks instantly and massively switched to more QE
so hyperinflation it is. Rate hikes are just a distraction, what matters is fed total assets and it ballooned that day

>> No.54419563

The more faggot screech about how a crash can't happen is an indicator that a crash is inevitable.

>> No.54419570

Utter nonsense. AT1 bonds functioned as they were intended. The liquidity currently being injected by the Fed is to cover redemptions, it's not being used to increase nominal purchasing power. The money supply is actually contracting due to tightening lending standards.

>> No.54419706

Last time no one knew it would happen before it happened, right now everyone's been on guard for 3 years or so. People are expecting a crash, not sure if that's a good or a bad thing.

>> No.54419719

>Powered by GPT-4chan

>> No.54419733

in the crash is when your generation will become adult-children. no jobs, no cars, no houses, no wives, no children. millenials 2.0

>> No.54419738

April fools retard

>> No.54419739

I am a human

>> No.54419750

The bigger our savings accounts are, the bigger the recession. In our attempts to prevent economic collapse we are creating a wider and wider gap for the natural moment an economy shifts around.

People are holding on to so much money there isn't enough to go around and the FED's only choice is to change their balance sheet. They can't just force equality.

This causes more desperation to hold on to wealth.

>> No.54419752

What's the trigger?
I sense it's got something to do with the name field, everyone who does that has a generic name. Or is that part of the way the reply is edited?

>> No.54419777

AI can't triforce, newfags confirmed for subhuman

>> No.54419800

its a bot
surprising to see all these people haven't seen a bot yet and assume theres some trick. we've been telling you bots were in the board for years shilling you shitcoins and you didn't think it was possible did you?

>> No.54419804

thus the midwit spoke

>> No.54419810

Not an argument. You have no clue what you're blathering about.

>> No.54419832

7% LOLL i have a 9 month old cut of meat in the fridge that costs 35% less than the same exact one I bought yesterday. ngmi if you don't realize how bad this is gonna get. you're here so i get the feeling youre somewhat prepared but holy shit my dude it's not what they are saying.

>> No.54419850
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what the fuck is going on here

>> No.54419888
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>> No.54420002

that's demoralizing but considering suicide over it is fucking pathetic. you'll make it back if you try again and play to win, that's going to sound like token platitudes but it really is attitude backed up by intelligence
I assume if you had 90k you aren't completely retarded

>> No.54420026

This is 100x worse than 2008.

Debt is so much higher now and it won't be possible to print their way out.

>> No.54420066

if we print a 10 trillion dollar coin and at the exact same time have jpow jack bepsis points to 1000 it might just cancel out and stabilize the economy

>> No.54420740

Best case it's going to be worse than the Great Depression.
Worst case it's going to be worse than the Fall of Rome.
Have fun.

>> No.54421459

When Lagarde was pranked a few weeks ago on a zoom call she revealed the ECBs strategy and she implied that the americans are following the same strategy. Which was to try to balance on a razors edge with double digit inflation for the next 5-10 years while using targetted QE to put out any serious fires caused by the tightening of liquidity, like the collapse of SVB or Credit Suisse.

So problems arise because of excessive moneyprinting and they print more money to fix these problems. It's a negative spiral that inevitably leads to hyperinflation, but it's the only thing they can do at this point other than allowing major financial institutions to collapse and dragging the global economy into a brutal depression

>> No.54421577

The poster I replied to said $3k you fucking cunt. $90k is no excuse either. Ffs sort your shitty life out.
Eat a bullet retard.

>> No.54421770

Recession cancelled, it was all FUD. This is why BTC is at 28k and stocks are green

>> No.54421883

Holy shit so financial turmoil falls exactly around shemitah years and progressively gets worse each time around until they bring in the beast system?

>> No.54421929

Yes because our demographics are inflationary

>> No.54421941

7 days a week to clear 3k?
What's the point? Stupid advice.

>> No.54421961

this will be like the fall of Rome but it won’t take a century. if you can’t buy land to fuck off onto, buy gold and silver so you can buy someone else’s land when the bank takes it from them. mentally prepare to be self-sufficient. buy tools

>> No.54422148

Everyone warning about not being able to print our way out is right. The other thing that makes it terrible (funny) is the generational dynamics. Boomers are poised to all retire into the storm. They really thought they'd be able to have the mcmansion and retire in peace, or the fat pension. They are the ones who will start the panic selling.

>> No.54422333

I know, it's a weird coincidence isn't it? Anyway did you hear what Putin did today?

>> No.54422794

>How bad will it be this time?
Much. MUCH worse anon.

>> No.54422807

finally someone who understands.

>> No.54422833

Nothing will happen you idiots, tech is deflationary and were on the precipice of the greatest financial revolution of our time. Crypto will save the economy

>> No.54423942

You got the first part right but you’re wrong about the second there is another recession coming and it will be global its coming get ready

>> No.54424022

Oldfag here.
I graduate uni as engineer 2009. It was impossible to find a job. High educated new grads got rekt. People who had some experience did not get affected as much. Of course people got fired but they got benefits and applied to same jobs as me.
It was horrible, after 5 years of studies I got a job as manually testing source code (the job is usually outsourced to 3rd world because anyone can do it and the pay is low). Took me 3 years to finally get into my field after that.<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.54424163

You slaves are legit disgusting

>> No.54424201

>tech is deflationary and were on the precipice of the greatest financial revolution of our time. Crypto will save the economy
I totally agree, man. With the rise of crypto, we're about to experience a financial revolution like never before. Plus, with QAN's Quantum resistance blockchain, we'll have a next-level solution to keep our transactions safe and secure. The future is looking bright, my friend.

>> No.54424294

Doomers are literally always wrong.

>> No.54424316

I was a freshman in high school. Both my parents worked in medical fields and were unaffected.

>> No.54424458

Recessions happen, they are nothing to be feared. 2008 was not simply a recession, it was an implosion of the financial system.

>> No.54424506

Ie bitcoin and gold the only real hedges against hyper inflation? Maybe property ownership as well?

>> No.54424524

>>>/pol/ is that way

>> No.54424539

depends if you actually own it or if the bank owns it and you owe them

>> No.54424551
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post nose

>> No.54424922
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Yeah but the piercing questions are:
1) WHEN the fuck does the recesion actually hit?
2) What asset(s) to hold before it hits?

If you were to look on this graphic, you would assume the insanely fast rise of rates would end up causing a recesion, however, the recesion is not there. You would argue that it's because they are doing QE, which will lead to higher rates, which will lead to a faster and deeper crash, but when? Inflation seems to be lowering, the SP500 is going up and bond prices are going lower. Everyone is talking about pivoting. Is the FED really going to pivot without first knowing the inflation isn't solved? why would they do this unless they want to cause a clusterfuck like 6 months to 2 years from now? Shits fucking retarded and making me insane. Im 100% cash waiting for shit to crash and buy cheap, but I see the SP500 go up again, bond prices are going low, and inflation is going lower, so this looks like no recession, meanwhile im getting fucked by inflation.

Im not buying gold or let alone silver because they suck, it wasn't that great during 2008, and I presume this time they will be even worse. Crypto sucks and they are going to ban exchanges to cut liquidity.

Real state just crashes a recesion along with the rest of assets.

What do you do then?