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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 20 KB, 377x286, Cardano_Logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54407006 No.54407006 [Reply] [Original]

Why do you hate Cardano?

Just because it is different?
Because of Charles?
Because mETHeads told you to?
Because of "Haskell is too hard and I rather want brainlets to code my exploitable smart contracts"
Because of """tps""", even though with a UTXO model a single tx can send outputs to hundreds of addresses at the same time and L2 will be used anyway?
Because you rather use a chain where staking has unbounding periods and your funds can be slashed?

>> No.54407017

ghostchain, buy nexa instead, it has developers!

>> No.54407033

Because of reddit
It's GME tier really

>> No.54407034

btw, even the reddit normans will stop buying it since it is not a "cheap" "penny stock" anymore!

>> No.54407090

If that's the case then why do redditors buy BTC and people here are the target for $0.00000261 per token jeet projects?

>> No.54407623

hate is a strong word
I won't use anything that requires an (((off chain ordering)))

>> No.54407709

cardanko? I don't dislike it. that's a good thing I actually sold really high at 5k sats.

>> No.54407940

Does anyone even use it? That is assuming it has now working dapps on it.

>> No.54408069

No, it's completely dead. Someone released a stablecoin on cardano and only around 900 wallets hold it.

>> No.54408172

Because that DJED stablecoin is dogshit, everyone is waiting for USDA, which is backed by USD

>> No.54408279

Honestly it's not a bad project. I just think it's incredibly overvalued relative to what it currently offers, and I also think/know that it's a ghostchain.

>> No.54408455

You gotta be kidding me bro. It was last year November iirc that bag holders here we're celebrating the smart contracts getting onboarded and there is still not one fucking dapp on this thing? Like will this ever even work?

>> No.54409065
File: 166 KB, 547x531, 1679663305779348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hate it because it's a weak project I fell for back in the day. I was wasting my time. Moved on to $POND and other such security coins and I haven't looked back since. Even DOGE is a better acquisition nowadays.