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File: 123 KB, 1024x926, Zased.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54406182 No.54406182 [Reply] [Original]

How can I profit from the imminent collapse of the west? You cant make money creating shitcoins furbaby apps and excel spreadsheets dumbass colonizer honkeys

>> No.54406191

Invest in guns, ammo, gold, and dehydrated food. Apparently vodka and cigarettes are good too.

>> No.54406195

>imminent collapse of the west
two more weeks buddy.

>> No.54406200

by going back to plebbit, buddy

>> No.54406222
File: 16 KB, 952x611, 200milliondollarlogo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54406229

I hate the west as much as any guy but what a retarded take from Putin. The west's prosperity came from the rennaisance and from mercantilism or whatever the fuck its called. While the slavs were being being steppeniggers, Europe and china were busy progressing.

>> No.54406240

>two more weeks
No, not two more weeks, It's actively collapsing. Unless you think inflation, race riots, military defeats, and collapse of moral values all happening in the span of five years is not an inherent sign of civilizational collapse, in which case you're just naive.

>> No.54406241

Fuck this perma-butthurt KGB manlet

>> No.54406242

Lmao when the trannyUS thought they had russia by the balls they turned the table arround
Putin is hella based

>> No.54406253

What do you mean collapse? Didn’t you hear on the news today the world decoupling from the dollar is now bullish for the SPY? Everything is literally bullish at the moment. Solar flares, bank runs, Trump arrest, you name it. Literally no one cares. It’s just up from here.

>> No.54406259

ZOG actually thought they were hurting Russia by banning pornhub, mcdonalds, and hollywood movies lmfao

>> No.54406264

He's not trying to be factual. He's trying to rile up third world countries to make them side with BRICS

>> No.54406267
File: 44 KB, 400x400, 8D7E65D7-71E1-4A39-A3D7-42B7192A3EE2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>124 KB JPG
>How can I profit from the imminent collapse of the west? You cant make money creating shitcoins furbaby apps and excel spreadsheets dumbass colonizer honkeys

>> No.54406279

It's not retarded. He is fully aware that his take is sensationalist and exagerated, but he is acutely aware of how divided western societies are on historical issues like this.

>> No.54406292
File: 39 KB, 374x600, 1664430496647384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really not that much has changed.
Why, they even shill the bonds too.

>> No.54406297

>we wuz mercantilists and sheyat.


>> No.54406328

more like negative 22 years

>> No.54406335

to a large extent Russia is a shithole

>> No.54406343

Whereas Russia certainly didn't benefit from serfdom and robbing the resources from Azerbaijan and Central Asia, oh no

>> No.54406353

Lol at progressives who now have to explain why Putin's wrong here and the west is le good after they've been saying exactly the same thing for decades.

>> No.54406361

janjan, wake up and get to work

>> No.54406367

so much mystery meat westoid womxn cope in this thread it is delicious

>> No.54406373

It would much better if people from all sides stopped pretending to care about morals and simply admitted that they want money, power and influence.

>> No.54406432

>dumbass coloniser
yea it’s real dumb conquering the world

>> No.54406594

>two more weeks buddy.
more like 2 more months, but also unironically