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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54406052 No.54406052 [Reply] [Original]

Do you actually have any interest in the projects you hold or is everything just a means to an end? picrel

>> No.54406088

drop this stinking bankman shit and buy nexa!

>> No.54406094

will hit three digits around september.......

>> No.54406116

I care about btc. I think we need to change the system before anything else is actually useful. For now everything is limited because crypto isn't widely accepted. Who cares if it's faster or cheaper if I can't do anything but gamble with it? BTC actually helps people who need it.

>> No.54406158

only the blockchain is considered a suboptimal solution in cybersecurity. everything above that communicates with the blockchain is shit in comparison. If the blockchain is not fast in handling transactions there will be queues at the supermarket, there will be queues when I have to buy my $1000 hamburger. just a fucking fagot wouldn't appreciate a quick fix. this is needed. fuck if this shit is needed frens..

>> No.54406747

This is literally the doge meme token of L1 chains. It's bullshit how successful it was last run, it's even bigger bullshit that it will get a new ATH next run. But it will. And that's just how it is.

>> No.54406772

Charles is based imo
got caught up in the biz hype, but i do think it has real use case if smart contracts ever become common
alien tech, great team, end game of crypto etc, you've heard it all before but what this project is trying to do is possibly 10 years too early for the crypto world to even comprehend

oh and
store of value, hardest asset in human history, obviously is incredible etc etc

other shit i bought/held/sold was a means to an end, mainly AVAX and ALGO

>> No.54407133
File: 897 KB, 1100x616, Screenshot 2023-03-31 at 11.05.02 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but i do think it has real use case if smart contracts ever become common

Shows such a fucking lack of understanding. It has a real use case now. Everything that matters is already using LINK, and soon they'll be paying for the privilege of using it because they're dependent on it. LINK is about to go from subsidised working product to monetised working product. Honestly, it's been years and statements like yours just baffle me.

> oh yes quite indubitably I do suppose an eventuality such as this may occur

There is no crypto ecosystem without LINK. There are two potential markets. One that is solely BTC, and a second one that is the one we've been watching form for the past few years. The current crypto ecosystem is impossible without LINK.

How the fuck do you people not fucking understand the importance of oracles after this much fucking time. It just blows my fucking mind. It blows my mind that I will make it because people like you still haven't got a fucking clue. An inkling. A bare-minimum basic understanding of why this is of extreme importance.

You know when you see something like pic related and think "fucking idiot". That is everyone in this space right now who "knows" about LINK, but doesn't own any LINK.

It fucking hurts to witness this kind of idiocy, while simultaneously it brings me immense satisfaction knowing I'm not the retard who can't figure out which slot to put the shape in.

>> No.54407447

jesus christ chill out faggot, yeah i know LINK is used today, try to calm down and enjoy life.
everything is going to be ok

>> No.54407460

Hahahaha another retard LINK cope it never gets old

>> No.54407512
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The coin I hold will bring about the genocide of my precious white race but at least it will make me rich. I hope it will be worth it