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54405597 No.54405597 [Reply] [Original]

I want to be /fit/ but I'm fat and broke /biz/. I have no core strength and weak knees, can't walk 5 minutes before wheezing and sweating. How do I start

>> No.54405630

eat less to save money to buy kneepads to pay for rope after you buy high and sell low

>> No.54405633

Yoga with Adriene on Youtube. Work through the 30 day programs, just do what you can each session, and if you hit the wall, don't stop the video, just do what you can.
If you're at least getting tired and sore every day, you're on the path.

>> No.54405635

get glp-1, then buy audible or any other audiobook subscription and go for 2h walks daily.

>> No.54405702

Is this what you're talking about? https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLui6Eyny-Uzx-IzGg48K4aHGyBwtPh7Sw I'm kinda in a similiar situation. Not from walking got 5 mins but walking up a flight of stairs and i caught some chick filming me at the gym while i was practically dying on the stair climber

>> No.54405832

Thanks for the rec

>> No.54405857

This isn't relevant. You are cutting not bulking, you don't need to wory about budget. Just do calisthenics if you can't afford a gym membership.

"Error: Our system thinks your post is spam. Please reformat and try again." Literally how?

>> No.54405893


walking is for weak fat cunts to LARP that they're doing something physical

>> No.54405933
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Just go out and walk around anon, then go to jogging, then running, takes time but you’ll get there

>> No.54405934

just dont eat any carbs and do a workout every other day

>> No.54405953

>fat and broke
You aren't that broke then if you can stuff your face still.

>> No.54405977

First step for a fat person to get in shape is losing weight, which is free and will actually save you money on food. Look into intermittent fasting and start small by just delaying breakfast by an hour

>> No.54405980

you will lose your first 10lbs in 1 month by simply eating one meal a day
t. went from 205 to 185 lbs in a little under 2 months on omad

>> No.54406001

running when you're fat is the most retarded thing one can do. not only it damages your knees it also looks silly.

>> No.54406023

I would say start with swimming. Take it easy at first, but it is a complete sport and easy on the joints.
Do this for 6 month, and then decide if you want to continue swimming but put more volume, or other activities

>> No.54406147
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You can't be /fit/ or /biz/ because you're /reddit/ and will forever remain so.

>> No.54406304

Eat 1 meal per day- 3x Taco Bell potato soft tacos, no chipotle sauce. Drink only distilled water. One 32oz grape Poweraid is permitted per week. Do this for 120 days. You will lose so much weight that several inches of your wang that were previously hidden by body fat will be usable dick length.

>> No.54406316

Hide the TV remote so you have to get up to change the channel

>> No.54406559

nigger wtf are you doing
just buy some eggs and chicken breast
takes 2 minutes to cook and you get actual nutrients instead of toxic goyslop waste
add some greens like romaine salad or broccoli, can eat that shit raw if you are lazy
you still can eat fastfood on off days but you should cook at least every 2nd day

>> No.54406599

This plan is assuming OP is too fat to move. It works.