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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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54405496 No.54405496 [Reply] [Original]

> use chatgpt to get a high paying tech job
> everything is going "okay"
> first month is like a free pass
> collect ridiculous pay each week ($1900 a week after tax)
> start to struggle with basic bitch problems that all the rest of the guys have no problem with
> stall using chatgpt to generate emails that explain why XYZ is taking so long
> month 3
> using gpt to solve problems
> copy/paste powershell shit into client servers
> accidentally copy the "generate me powershell to do X" part along with the powershell
> the pam software shit has been recording this
> powershell commands are monitored
> teams meeting
> jokes going around about gpt use for powershell
> haha yeah
> boss chimes in
> I know who you're talking about, and yep, we're looking into it

it's fucking me. I know it is. this gravy ride is about to end

>> No.54405521

Look at the bright side, you got at least 3 months worth of "free" money.

>> No.54405523

Learn from your mistakes and try again somewhere else, simple as.

>> No.54405540

You get what you deserve grifter, people like you should be deported to africa.

>> No.54405554

Just say it was the only time you ever did it. even if you get fired at least you have 3 months of 'experience'.

I think you should just mass apply for like 100 work from home tech bro jobs then spend all day prompting chat GPT to do the work for you.

>> No.54405555

I’m manage an entire information security team with skilled engineers. That’s like getting fired for putting scripts together with reusable code. From stack overflow. Oh and you didn’t even cause an outage? Shit Larp this isn’t High school

Using ChatGpt to augment your skills or save time is not a fireable offense.

>> No.54405558

just fake it at the next job anon
you don’t have to put your previous employer down and your 3 month gap is because you had to take care of your sick mother

>> No.54405559

Retarded larp. Everyone knows people use stackoverflow for code, you don’t make everything from scratch. For chatgpt its exactly the same thing.

>> No.54405575

I don't think its a larp so much as OP is probably over worried. The manager is probably too busy to give a shit and is just trying to make the angry wagie snitch who does all the work feel better.
If anything comes of it OP just say you wrote out the whole command and deleted it so you regenned it in GPT and tweaked it or something. Youll be fine.

>> No.54405581

Nice quads. And thank you so much anon that makes me feel so much better. I feel genuine relief. I feel like I've become the idiot joke of the team.

>> No.54405650

Makes no sense. You sound like a sysadmin or an infra engineer, not a dev, so I’m not sure why being efficient would matter. This is not the same thing as cheating on a test in school.

The only thing that would make me chew my guys out is if they caused downtime because they threw a bunch of shit into chatgpt without understanding the code that was spit out and then used it in production, though understanding heavily commented code doesn’t mean you need to know how to write it, if we are talking sysadmin level work.

Your manager had a faggy response and should not of acknowledged the issue publicly though. (If it really is an issue ) that’s a silly response. “WE ARE. LOOKING INTO IT” as if it’s a security incident Lmaoo I mean it’s better Posture to have chatgpt using variables That you modify yourself instead of giving chatgpt knowledge of the names of your corp assets and infra and IP’s etc

>> No.54405679

Fuck you dude. FUCK YOU FUCK YOU

>> No.54405697

We're just heading into a world where it's only through connections that you will be able to get a job since assessment can't be trusted.
Not my problem, I've built a strong network after7 years of working but graduating zoomers are utterly fucked.

>> No.54405700

>collect ridiculous pay each week
>$1900 a week after tax
That doesn't seem all that high

>> No.54405737

How is it any different from getting answers from stack overflow etc, which nearly every dev does? Like as long as you didn't plug some shit in without checking that caused some massive failure what's the issue?

>> No.54405769

You just got valuable experience to add to your resume. If you’re nervous, start applying for jobs. Lie about how much you’ve worked there and tell the new jobs you’re not comfortable with your current employer being contacted.

>> No.54405788

Fucking hell is that what devs actualy think ? makes me question myself going into this field if you can just copy paste code from chat gpt together to make something barely functional that no one will be able to edit

>> No.54405797

>Using ChatGPT to save time is not a fire able offense
Funnily enough I work as a managerial consultant and our firm decided that "due to the sensitive nature of our work, anyone caught using ChatGPT will be let go."
I realize it's a completely different career field from you or OP but thought it was kind of funny.

>> No.54405805

Let the blue-collar folks have their larps

>> No.54405807
File: 75 KB, 750x1000, 2b8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>use chatgpt to get a high paying tech job
yep, its a larp

>> No.54405808

Negotiate about a raise, cause you perform very well with all tools available. ChatGPT is like using google, unless there is a company policy you are completely fine.

My girlfriend is software engineer, and with GitHub co-pilot and GPT she improves her output a lot. You still need to code, as some stuff is still not that good, but it’s like a faster version of google.

>> No.54405903

Quit immediately and hop to the next job. Keep the grift going indefinitely, like a true faggot.

>> No.54405917


just say you like to be fast and use gpt for efficiency.

You are only rekt if you legitimately know nothing about wtf you are doing. in which case your copy pasting shit is a big liability and risk for the company

>> No.54405958

>be me, work in gaming
>CEO is a nerd programmer, deeply into AI
>issues emails telling people to use ChatGPT and github co-pilot on the regular
>artists are using StableDiffusin to iterate concept art
>can't use AI for anything because I'm not a programmer but a lowly QA

>> No.54405960

>start acting like a fag
>go to hr and complain about bullying and homophobia
>bawss gets fired and replaced by a thick black lady
>have sex with her
>continue collecting company gibs while AI does your job (fed printer -> blackrock -> companies -> you -> irs -> interests on printed money)

>> No.54406041

Fuck you ferret

>> No.54406060

How the fuck did you pass the interviews anon? I guess it’s also their fault for not testing you first. Is it infrastructure job?

>> No.54406068

I talked about classic video games the whole interview. They just liked me I guess

>> No.54406081


The alternative is you copy pasting stuff from stack overflow and other sites, if you can the same result in less time using gpt thats a good thing

You just need to portait that you know what youre doing and only do it that way because its faster than doing it yourself

>> No.54406090

Twitter also has no way of verifying who worked there over the last number of years. Put in some experience with them.

That company isn't gonna wanna admit they hired a GPT copy pasta so you'll get a reference no bother.

>> No.54406108

Remember: Always make them fire you, and always deny any allegations.

>> No.54406112

> Twitter also has no way of verifying who worked there over the last number of years. Put in some experience with them.

source on this?

>> No.54406130

The people you work for are genuinely retarded. Get a new job. I mean that you work for simpletons, morons who use words they don't understand to talk about things they don't understand and they think the whole wold is full of other people who just do the same. Actual retards in suits

>> No.54406179


>> No.54406208

>What is a background check
You're retarded the
Is a fucking joke the internet advanced oh lets see 17 years since then.

>> No.54406209


>> No.54406216

You're literally 16 aren't you.

>> No.54406230

Should have subcontracted to a chink and watched cat videos all day instead.

>> No.54406609

If the outcome is the same who cares how you reached it?

All coders copy other peoples work and modify it. Why would using ChatGPT be bad if the work gets done?

>> No.54406643

lmao, but still good for you, maybe try sharpening your skills a bit in your free time, so things don't take so long.

if they fire you over using chat gpt, they're a bunch of homos anyway.

>> No.54406701

you probably are, but they still like you if you are friendly and productive they will not fire you.

>> No.54406811

It doesn't take a lot to sanitize chatgpt inputs though?

>> No.54406878

Did you manipulate your LinkedIn too?
Also I’ve been trying to get a new job lately and I’ve been using chatGPT to help with my resume but no luck. Would you mind sharing your resume without any personal info? I just wanna see the experience descriptions

>> No.54406914

These but also be arrogant about it. They aren't making best use of available resources, are driven by fear, and not doing their best to save the company time and resources or produce the best possible results.

>> No.54406959

I'm not going to speculate or pass judgment here, but between your raging over nothing and your thoughts being scattered all over the place, maybe it would be best if you took a break. Also, stop sucking cocks.

>> No.54408613

Why haven't you spent the last three months trying to actually understand the Powershell? It isn't that hard, start reading Learn Powershell in a Month of Lunches so you don't look like a total dumbass when you're inevitably questioned

>> No.54408635
