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54404946 No.54404946 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone here recovered from chronic masturbation

>> No.54404961

It takes me about 15 minutes to recover. Im getting old

>> No.54404967

No. But the times I staved it off for a few months were unironically the best of my life.

>> No.54404980

Just rest.

>> No.54404982

Just give it a day or two man, then you should be able to beat again

>> No.54404994

not until when i recover from fucking chronic inhalation and exhalation

>> No.54405003

whats chronic masturbation? how often would it be considered to be chronic?

>> No.54405015

When you masturbate not because you're horny, but when it becomes compulsory. Most men suffer from it and don't recognize the benefits of nofap until they try it.

>> No.54405019

Just don't touch your penis bro

>> No.54405032
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>> No.54405035

>lay down
organs push against the prostate causing an involuntary superboner that doesnt go away

>> No.54405043

I was a coomer from 12-21. As much as I hate it, the reddit community nofap really helped me. You have to start other hobbies, workout until you are too tired to even coom and just go to bed, not count the days or you will fail. If you can make it past the 2-4 week mark where the urges get horrible you will be fine. You’ll start to get addicted to how much better you feel, life starts to seem brighter, “average” looking women suddenly look much better and you realize you can go after them. STAY OFF YOUR PHONE AND COMPUTER AND FIND SOMETHING ELSE TO DO, and most of all pray to Jesus Christ to keep you from the devil anon.

I believe in each and every one of you to overcome the devil.

>> No.54405315

I am 29 and I still ejaculate once a day in average

>> No.54405970

suppose i do it if i cant sleep or im unbelievably hungover, definitely not every day though

>> No.54405986

Great post and true. God bless you anon.

>> No.54405998

I relapse every few months but it's managable. But on most days I just fap once per day before sleep without porn and that's it. I know how you feel and the jokes don't help. Shit fucking sucks

>> No.54406012

is THAT what causes it?
>the more you know

>> No.54406086

NoFap causes prostate cancer

>> No.54406117

Yes but it might just be age and having a family/no free time/no privacy and I just fuck my wife if I feel horny instead I guess. Do miss days where I could just jack off four or five times though to ever more degenerate porn.

>> No.54406171

Yes, keep yourself busy with activities where you're not sitting on your ass or laying down. You only ever do it when you're comfortable, alone, and bored. Be less comfy, alone, and bored. Basically keep yourself occupied. It's not am addiction, you're never going to break down in public, whip it out and start fapping. You can literally just stand up and start doing an activity and you'll lose the urge to fap. Next time you find yourself in a position where you start browsing porn and touching yourself, just stand up. Go do a chore, pushups, go for a walk, etc.

>> No.54406479

Yeesssss believe in le heckin' science

>> No.54406491

Since I got married, my refractory period has gone from 30 mins to 14 days, with my wife. With my mistress, I can still easily go twice in three hours.

>> No.54406524


Literally the only way is cold turkey. Stop watching porn, and stop masturbating. It is stupid, immoral and unhealthy. You will feel better after 3 weeks. You don't have to go full on catholic nun and shun the very existence of naked women just don't seek out porn and don't masturbate.

The point of sex is a motivational tool to drive you to accomplish great things which you won't if you jerk off. It destroys your motivation and literally your brain.

Discpline begins first with self control and if you can't stop yourself from masturbating you have no mastery of your body which leads to worse problems than laziness or apathy. The sooner you quit the better

t. ex-commer of 20yrs

>> No.54406532

Yes, stop trading.

>> No.54406534
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I literally sprang my penis string last time i had sex with my gf and i cant even masturbate now.

>> No.54406536

I've had ED in the past and nothing I did would work, I just wouldn't get aroused anymore (NoFap only made it worse), Got my test levels checked and they were actually high so I got even more confused. Tried shitton of supplements that claim to boost libido or boost test and none of them did anything. Tried abstaining from porn and it did not work.

Only one thing I did worked and no one on the internet caught on to it, but I don't want to share it because I spent shitton of hours diving into the literature, but if you're interested let me know

>> No.54406548

>When you masturbate not because you're horny, but when it becomes compulsory.
I think my masturbation has becomed compulsory. What can I do to fix me??????

>> No.54406554

Cut out all artificial sexual stimuli, e.g., porn, pictures, clay figurines, whatever it is that you look at while masturbating, and see how often you want to masturbate. Don’t try to provoke an erection.
If you’re a virgin coomer and you think that because you have an erection and orgasm to porn it means you’ll be able to have an erection and orgasm with a real person, you’re wrong.

>> No.54406611

Yes severe depression and accepting defeat in life killed off any urge to wank.

>> No.54406638

This sounds like the run up to spamming some shitcoin. Just say whatever it is unless you’re lying

>> No.54406648

200mg P5P a day to reduce prolactin levels in your body (make sure it's Pyridoxal, not pyridoxine), takes around 10 days to work.

If you don't believe me that's fine, you can delve into it yourself

>> No.54406708

Interesting I don’t have ED but lost my boner a few times before sex (nerves). Maybe it could help with that

>> No.54406725

If you get firm morning wood and you have no problem getting it up to porn then P5P might not help you as much, your problem might be psychological, in which case I would recommend L-theanine, it's relaxing but not in a sedating way.

300mg a day

>> No.54406751

Ever since I got the weed plantation yielding, I've just been cooming and cooming even more and in even crazier ways

>> No.54406771

>I spent shitton of hours diving into the literature
afaik there is a pill that instantly cures ED (not a kike btw)
How about you have sex, see that you can't coom from sex bcause you pressure your penis twice a day (at the least) at with all the power in your hand and think about that

>> No.54406781

Even viagra and cialis did not work in my case, this was a deeper rooted issue, too high prolactin, and the body was not getting rid of it somehow, or suspected prolactinoma

>> No.54406823

I just coomed again.

Protest vote.

I think that's three in about the last 12 hours.

>> No.54406830

Did it kill your sex drive at the same time?
Thanks I’m gonna look into this

>> No.54406839
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Yeah, high prolactin destroys sex drive, pic related is my blood test, shows HIGH test but HIGH prolactin (no libido, no erection)

>> No.54406896

I didnt jerk of from 1.1.2023. until the end of February.
In those 60 days I had more energy, I ate less food, I lost some weight but mostly lost fat because I didnt crave sugar or sweets, was more productive on all fronts, didnt sleep as much but the hours I slept were enough..
What happened was that around day 40 or something I just couldn't sit still.
The urge to go somewhere and find some pussy to fuck was extremely strong.
So you go out and you are reminded quickly that theres just very few available young women around you in the entire city. And they are all with inflated standards and asking for a lot just give you 15 minutes of their time and attention.
So you go back to square one and are at home sitting and trying to work on increasing your income and on making it.
But its impossible to just sit around and work hard. So I hired a Korean escort and fucked her roughly all night. Then her agency called to see why I only paid the all nighter and not for the extras... So we negotiated something, as I didnt want to be black listed, but I was set back $500 already and another $200 for the extras.
Then it gets even worse.
You wonder how much you need to keep a girl of that quality around permanently?
Is it 30 x $500? $15K per month just on a young woman? Certainly its much less, no?
It is maybe less but you need the net worth, the status, the house in the suburbs, the apartment in the city, the newish good looking car, the works.
Then it can maybe be $7K per month. But you cannot just like live an ordinary life of a work from home programmer.
You need to go out with he to restaurants, you need to take her to the cinema, o buy her clothes and things, to travel with her to show her off and let her show off on social media and IRL...

Than around beginning of march I just wanked one out to this nonH manga panel...
Then the next day I was like I can afford another $500 but its better to just look up that new freshly finished webtoon..

>> No.54406954

You seem to be knowledgeable on the subject. Does no morning wood implies a health issue? I have no problem otherwise but can't remember having one in the last few years

>> No.54406972

I have periodic episodes where for a couple weeks all i can think about is porn and masturbation, but then i'll have a few weeks where i am barely interested at all. almost like its my body trying to recover.

>> No.54406984

I have mid-sleep wood when i get up in the middle of the night to take a piss. but i rarely wake up with it these days.

>> No.54407052

So what is the conclusion for you? NoFap isnt sustainable long term?

>> No.54407063

I go insane and do stupid things when I nofap

>> No.54407156

Yeah, very low libido here. I guess maybe because I'm old now and have been pretty sedentary for some time. Trying to get my body back into better condition lately. I used to jerk off sometimes 3 times a day if I had a lot of alone time. Lately, (past couple years or so) I've basically quit porn except for clicking on coomer bait threads now. Occasionally my wife gives me a BJ in the shower. If I get too horny she's usually pretty accommodating.

>> No.54407177

>getting horny from the shit in your colon causing it to press against your prostate
Maybe take a magnesium citrate supplement.

>> No.54407223

Hello Steve-o

>> No.54407428
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>> No.54408070

I typed out a long reply but its marked as spam and I cannot post it...

>> No.54408151
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>> No.54408171

No but don’t beat yourself off over it

>> No.54408764

Where do you find these slavers?

>> No.54411190
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>>54404946 >>54404961 >>54404967 >>54404980 >>54404982 >>54404994 >>54405003 >>54405015 >>54405019 >>54405032 >>54405035 >>54405043 >>54405315 >>54405970 >>54405986 >>54405998 >>54406012 >>54406086 >>54406117 >>54406171 >>54406479 >>54406491 >>54406524 >>54406532 >>54406534 >>54406536 >>54406548 >>54406554 >>54406611 >>54406638 >>54406648 >>54406708 >>54406725 >>54406751 >>54406771 >>54406781 >>54406823 >>54406830 >>54406839 >>54406896 >>54406954 >>54406972 >>54406984 >>54407052 >>54407063 >>54407156 >>54407177 >>54407223 >>54407428 >>54408070 >>54408151 >>54408171 >>54408764
Buy Monero.

>> No.54411277
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>> No.54411317
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I made ChatGPT talk dirty and I liked it :(

>> No.54411384

Sam Hyde has excellent advice on what to do here:

>> No.54411477

youre a loser and always will be. jerking off is the least of your problems lol

>> No.54412438
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Effective prayer will remove all sexual desires. Try it.

>> No.54412646

Nope, it’s impossible. You will always masturbate 2 sperm cells (1 being doa, the other doing the funky chicken dance) into your crusty cum sock. Kys is the only escape.

>> No.54412923

Get cancer faggot.

>> No.54413092

Jewish hands typed this.

>> No.54413104

Any other anons beat off to ensure you don't spend money on hookers? I've gone twice today just to save my money and pride. This is the problem with having a day off

>> No.54413317

Its not porn that’s the problem for me its just that I’m horny and jobless. No matter what I’m doing, there comes a point mid-activity when I get intensely horny remembering various women I’ve dealt with throughout my life. It just gets more and more intense the more I try to ignore it or focus on something else. I was like this in my teens but now in my mid 20s its even worse.

>> No.54413392
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Yes, but not in a good way. I basically can't pop a boner anymore without hearing deep heavy female moans. I also got tired of porn. I masturbate once or twice a month now, but when I do it is for several hours.

>> No.54413442

paper stocks

>> No.54413449

Does your wife know about the mistress?

>> No.54413799

Masturbating is fine and natural. It’s the porn you need to cut out

>> No.54413936

I’d also recommend increasing your physical health. Strong body = Strong Mind.

>> No.54415586

How? Once I turned 27 my sex drive dipped a lot. I can go weeks without jerking off

>> No.54415898

this, nofap is a jewish ploy to destroy men

>> No.54415934

Yeh just learn what you're doing to yourself

>> No.54416100

Not 100% anon.
Yet I’m doing much better now.
At my worst I had days of spending 12 hours non stop watching porn and edging. I would go to the supermarket and look at women and they wouldn’t look real. In terms of cumming my most was around 12 times a day, but I was mostly a edger.
Times when I was 100% free was living with room mate in university dorm.
Afterwards I did a sertraline cycle and my sex drive went down which felt life saving desu. Still high enough though.
Also had freedom at times I had restricted internet access.

>> No.54416531

>I would go to the supermarket and look at women and they wouldn’t look real
What did you mean by this?

>> No.54416721

this, couldn't be simpler

>> No.54416752

like you see them but its like watching a tv, you are not attached to reality

>> No.54416767

Sort of... Now I don't jerk off during the work week typically soo Mon-Thursday but I'll end up "Binge jacking" on the weekend usually. So if I jerk off once the flood gates are open and I jerk off 3-4 times a day. Once a week would be ideal I think, no porn.

>> No.54416787

Yes. Getting older helps. Enjoy it honestly as long as you’re able to function otherwise. What is “chronic” to you?

>> No.54417018

Are you still in the thread? Everything you've said has made sense. I wanted to ask you how much dairy and eggs you consume. Dairy and eggs contain high levels of sex hormones, including estrogen and prolactin. Quitting those can help reduce your exposure to those hormones.

>> No.54417590
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I'm in my 30s and still precum in my pants when my thicc latina project manager sends me a flirty DM.

>> No.54417636

I lived like this since 2017 at least.

>> No.54418708

why don't you just...idk, get a girlfriend? If you jerk of THAT much...shit. How old are you?

>> No.54418734

Jacking off 3-4 times a day...? The fuck is wrong with some of you? I've never, even as a horn 13 yesr old, needed to cum more than once a day. Now a days I coom maybe twice a week. You just get depreciating returns man if you try to it twice a day or even once everyday. Just recharge for 2 days at least and it's worth it.

>> No.54418739

>listen to the glownigger goyim

>> No.54418747

this. if you keep busy with other shit you just get too tired to mess with porn. Remodel a house or build shit. Bike and run, lift weights, go fishing...etc etc.

>> No.54418818

i'd die if i did it that much..these guys are insane.

>> No.54418854

I'm reading easy peasy now, getting serious about breaking the habit.
34 and I'm unfortunately I'm the same boat. Much worse erections from porn than from sex.

>> No.54418866

yes i'm trans now and i take estrogen
life feels much more comfortable :3

>> No.54418876

That's why the Jewish owned porn sites banned together last nofap to call it a racist evil event, right? An industry dominated by jews that lowers White birth rates and intentionally funds and promotes miscegenation and cheating porn.

>> No.54418894

Made a swear to celibacy until I can fuck my future wife's lights out.

>> No.54418931

Sometimes I spend hours looking at porn when I could be doing something else. I know that feel

>> No.54418969

> just wanked one out to this nonH manga panel...
Very sad, the last time I jerked off to a drawing I was 11 years old. Let that process.

>> No.54419749

it's called the refractory period

>> No.54419757

>Most men suffer from it and don't recognize the benefits of nofap until they try it.

Then maybe it's just normal?

>> No.54419961

some of us have it really bad, I can whack it over 10 times a day and these days thats an average day.

>> No.54420013
