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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54404711 No.54404711 [Reply] [Original]

>work at big 4 accounting firm
>watch mid year results video
>niggers niggers niggers we love niggers, we're going to give out scholarships for niggers who can get into tax, and we're going to continue to consult companies on DIE I mean DEI
>don't forget tomorrow is tranny day we recommend setting up your pronouns

When will this end

>> No.54404750

>work at big 4 jew

>> No.54404849
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I worked at Deloitte about a decade ago and there was only one nig in the entire 100+ person office. She was absolutely awful, would get super mad about working past 6pm and would just storm out while everyone else on her engagement team was there until 10 or 11 at night. Her grades were shit, her attitude was shit, but still they wouldn't fire her. No team would accept her, so she sat in the office for 6 months doing absolutely nothing until HR finally got the stones together to let her go. The best part is she posted on Facebook that she was "Free at Last!" the day she got fired. You guys must have a conference room of these worthless fucks by now.

>> No.54404854

honestly soon. Boomers are retiring and gen x and z dont give af

>> No.54404873

>work at big 5 canadian bank
>watch mid year results video
>niggers niggers niggers we love niggers, we're going to give out scholarships for niggers who can get into tax, and we're going to continue to consult companies on DIE I mean DEI
>don't forget tomorrow is tranny day we recommend setting up your pronouns

>> No.54404927
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Too bad Gen X is the passive do nothing generation. Which mean the faggots in Gen Y will be slowly getting into business and political positions of power. Then we're completely fucked once they run everything into the ground trying to out virtual signal each other. And since Gen Z seems to be Y 2.0 it's gonna be a long time until things get better.

>> No.54404947

One such thing is the prevalence of the so-called "Big 4" consulting companies. These firms, with their fancy offices and inflated egos, seem to be everywhere these days. And while I can appreciate their commitment to providing strategic advice to their clients, I can't help but wonder when all the funny things at the office will finally come to an end.

You know what I'm talking about - the ping pong tables, the free snacks, the "innovative" brainstorming sessions. It's all a bit much, don't you think? I mean, sure, it's great to have a break from work every once in a while, but do we really need a bean bag chair to do it in?

As a serious investor, I believe in working hard and cutting out the frivolous distractions. And while I'm sure the consultants at these firms are doing important work, I can't help but wonder if they'd be more productive without all the bells and whistles.

So to all my fellow investors out there, let's focus on what really matters - making sound financial decisions and staying ahead of the game. And let's leave the ping pong tournaments to the amateurs.