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File: 87 KB, 1039x1039, MarriageAmendmentinNorthCarolina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
543953 No.543953 [Reply] [Original]

Why exactly would you get married these days, in the United States specifically?

Risking half your assets for... Sex? Which isn't really guaranteed, certainly less than during a relationship. Companionship? Also not guaranteed, because most women would cheat if they knew they wouldn't get caught.

I don't understand, /biz/. Why not just stay in long term relationships, and once she gets too old, leave her and find a younger girl?

>> No.543957

It's basically choosing a long-term business partner that you go all in with. If that makes sense to your situation, by all means consider it. If that doesn't make sense (most people), then you shouldn't.

>> No.543958

Ah typical misogynist bullshit.

Men are the ones who cheat. Look all around you. How many famous famous everyday we hear "woods, khalifa, arnold, weiner" cheating?

Also you mention "you just get married for what, sex?" Ah so that's the only reason you end up with someone ey? You proved my point.

:) but go on

>> No.543960

>admits you should just fuck girls and leave for the next one
>sounds like a creepy fuck
>claim women are cheaters
seriously though, did your mother not hit you hard enough

>> No.543961
File: 561 KB, 625x626, bait.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too obvious.

>> No.543963

Yeah, men are showing their true color more and more everyday. Too bad people can't talk about topics without bringing hatred for women into it, especially on male dominated sites. Way to prove feminism is necessary.

>> No.543966


Its' actually not bait, men cheat more than women and statistics have proven this time and time again.

>> No.543968

>"too obvious"
too obviously what? How is what we're saying wrong? It's like walking into a thread where everyone is saying "i hate nigg0rz!" and someone going "the racism in here is fucked" and you replying with "haha bait :P!"

>> No.543972

Not like it's a surprise. Like it was said previously, you see famous faces caught cheating every other day. Even men claiming "lol you're delusional if you don't think men cheat if they have the chance", and a recent SP episode where they made fun of how surprised people are that rich men cheat and naming them "sex addicts". It's so sad. Where are the good goims? I mean, guys.

>> No.543974

See >>543961

>> No.543979

>has no intellectual refute because he knows he's wrong
huehue I'll keep saying it's bait! We get it, kid, you're wrong.

>> No.543980
File: 497 KB, 245x200, 1405698051618.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Risking half of your assets for... Sex?

This guy actually thinks that people get married because they think the will have a lot of sex.

lmao oh goy. 0/10 bait or actually stupid

>> No.543998

Prenups, since divorce law favors the woman.

Also use your judgment and marry a loyal, financially responsible person who isn't a fucking golddigger.

>> No.544005

The problem with prenups is that they can get thrown out, with some jurisdictions being more likely to do so than others.

>> No.544017

>not marrying a good looking woman with no debt, a doctorate, and inherited a house and put it in both of our names after we got hitched

10/10 would do again

>> No.544021

1. No, they don't. They favor whoever has more money, and since centuries of women not having the right to work and make the same amount of $ (still being paid less) you shouldn't be crying.

>> No.544030
File: 24 KB, 387x353, 1367275932147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>people get married so they can have sex all the time
>most women cheat
>leave her for a younger more naive woman

>> No.544036

Are you being serious?

Who usually gets custody of the child? All other things being equal. who is more likely to gain favorable consideration from a divorce court: a man making more than his wife. or a woman making more than her husband?

>> No.544038

>are you being serious
No, he's a troll. Just look at his other posts.

>> No.544045


He actually has a point, the reason that divorce courts favor women is because historically women spend more time with the kids and make less money, which is due to traditional gender roles. Does this make it "fair" ? Thats a separate question.

>> No.544052

The way I see it is that you can't have it both ways. If you point to gender pay gaps as evidence of a structural bias against women, how can you simultaneously argue that outcomes in divorce courts are not structurally biased (against men) at the same time?

Just considering whether you want to be the man or woman in a divorce, the choice is obvious.

>> No.544241

People of this type cheat regardless of gender, because they are power hungry, cold and machiavellian. Saging in an obvious troll thread.

>> No.544271

> why would anyone get married

mostly pressure. from the girl. from the family. Also if you are gonna have kids, you should just make it official.

but yeah more and more American men are staring to realize that getting married is a serious fucking risk. My only 2 friends that are married had the pregnancy trap put on them.

>> No.544320

The way I see it is that you can't have it both ways. If you point to gender pay gaps as evidence of a structural bias against women, how can you simultaneously argue that outcomes in divorce courts are not structurally biased (against men) at the same time?

I dont disagree.... I think feminism is a bunch of bullshit but you can't deny that men cheat more on women than women do it.

>> No.544329

>marrying a woman who's poorer than you

>> No.546246

Marry a lady in your own social class who is invested in the relationship after a lengthy courtship instead of a duplicitous gold digger. Seriously, why is this so hard?

>> No.546258

If you can get a tight family relationship, 100% trust with no doubt of it ending ever, you could share your assets (income division) and save some serious taxes
>how do you think jews got so rich?

>> No.546271

My sister just got courthouse married with her girlfriend of 8 years for the insurance and tax benefits, it's going to save them a lot of money. To answer your question: Nowadays, (I think) you should get married only after you've been with that person a long time. I don't know if I'd get married to someone until I had 5 years to make sure they're sane, and not threatening to break up if I don't pop the question. What it comes down to is that marriage should not be necessary for a good relationship and a good relationship should be necessary for marriage. In the end, marriage should be about saving money under the letter of the lay.

If you're religious or a romantic it's a whole nother story.

>> No.546275

*letter of the law

>> No.546419

>If you're religious or a romantic it's a whole nother story.
It's a bad decision, that's what that is.

>> No.546427

Depends on the situation and outcome. Unhappy marriages, to a gold digger wife that yanks 50% and alimony for 10 years, leaving him poor without a chance of attracting another spouse, sure, would have been FAR better to stay single. A good marriage can be like a good partnership, but partnerships are risky when trouble comes up.

I'm not married, but that only because I'm a 4chan loser, it has nothing to do with fin planning.

>> No.547354

Because the same options are open to that 'lady in your own social class who is [currently] invested in the relationship' but could leave at any time for any reason and take half your stuff and get more alimony than someone from a lower social class. The risk HAS NOT CHANGED, you're still rolling the dice and putting half your income as the bet in return for bad sex and maybe some tax savings which may or may not be offset by her spending habits.

>> No.547380

I think most men know its a trap, especially rich ones, but that's why women play the long con. They get you hooked in just for sex/mutual attraction in the beginning, but those things wear off. However, most guys do end up genuinely falling in love with the girl to an almost delusion point in their mind. Fast forward a few years, she's been talking marriage, and you keep saying you're not ready because that voice in the back of your head is still yelling "BITCH U WASNT WIT ME SHOOTIN IN THE GYM". But all her whore friends have been getting married recently, and you love her like crazy and is practically all you know at this point, and it gets to the point where she says either the relationship moves forward or she goes. Many men make the wrong decision. I mean seriously, what guy actually wants to get married?

>> No.547385

I feel like most of the posts in these threads come from teenagers and scorned lovers. Marriage is a social standard here in the US (North America in general and probably in Europe too), as such it is expected of all adults to get married before ~33. The problem is that this social standard means people will just marry someone regardless of the qualities a person posseses that would make them a good spouse (this goes both ways for men and women), a marriage should be between two people who truly love and care about each other, as a man though you need to marry a woman when you're in a long term relationship because marriage is used as the test of whether or not you really want to be with someone, so marriage is really you locking down an ideal partner for life or until you experience some strange existential crisis that makes you do shitty things that would hurt that person. For men the problem is that they think that good looks are important in a wife but a chubby woman who will remain faithful and do an equal or greater share in domestic tasks is a lot better than a woman who will cheat/waste your collective resources/be lazy and uncaring. This of course goes both but since 4chan has a small female population I won't go into that. Sure you can fuck escorts for your pussy fix but that won't change the fact that once you're in your last decades of life you will be entirely alone not to mention the fact that most of your bosses won't take you as seriously as your married colleges since you appear to either be gay, completely unappealing to the opposite sex or are a serial killer/rapist, although it is still better to be single in your 40s then divorced in your 30s.

Basically you should see what's out there, try and find a great person to love rather than try to find a sex partner to lust after.

>> No.547386

>expected of all adults to get married before ~33
>bosses won't take you as seriously as your married colleagues
These used to be true, but times have changed. The percentage of men that never marry has risen dramatically in the past couple decades and now many employers actually prefer singles since you'll have fewer conflicting interests for your time.

>> No.547390

I don't think you underdtand divorce, or the point of marrying someone innyour own social class. If they are in your own social class, they are bringing more (fincially) to the table than nothing, unless you're both poor. Both the husband and wifes shit gets split up, if her net worth is .9 of yours, she probably ends up at like .96 and you at .94. You really havent lost much. Don't marry poor bitches who bring nothing to the partnership

>> No.547410


good goyim

>> No.547792

I can see this making a lot more sense.

>also if most of your equity is in a house, give it to her and take a higher percentage of cash => she's stuck with a house generating no money and you're stuck with assets that can be (or already are) invested

>> No.547834


As a single person that thinks marriage isn't all that important as it's made out to be, this is good news.