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54395128 No.54395128 [Reply] [Original]

>work crush mentioned she has a boyfriend

>> No.54395204

time to get her fired

>> No.54395343

Just a boyfriend? Not a problem.

>> No.54395366

My work crush is a man , trans btw not sure if it matters.

>> No.54395385

Fuck her boyfriend in the ass and then tell her he's gay.

>> No.54395554

if you ever want to fuck with your workplace put a positive pregnancy test near a trash can (clearly visible) in the office bathroom and watch chaos unfold. coworkers will talk so much shit about each other behind the back its going to be kino.

>> No.54395581

You never stood a chance. Women will never mention a boyfriend or husband around you if they are interested in you. Their friend group will be on the same page.

>> No.54395653
File: 21 KB, 920x512, dds343243.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so?, either she's truly not available or dont want anything with you.
just find someone else.

>> No.54395879
File: 26 KB, 409x445, c727d1e57873f0a20cc86b63031bd144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>work crush (that has a bf) invited me to her apt.
Don't do it, bros.

>> No.54396104

sounds fun but how do i get a positive pregnancy test if i can't get laid?

>> No.54396127

Just shoot your shot playa

>> No.54396395
File: 23 KB, 156x159, 1677865565226103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>working one on one with qt3.14 newly graduated work crush
>work crush mentions she has a boyfriend
>immediately corrects herself and says ex boyfriend

>captcha OHMYYY

>> No.54396467

Anon you need to learn the art of being a bitch
Set up situations where you can subtly piss women off without them being able to call you out on it.
>Hey BITCH can you help me open this jar?
“What you can’t open it yourself?”
*she opens it*
>ah thanks if only my hands were larger and rougher I’d have an easier time opening these things. Thanks!

>> No.54396477

Women cheat with the guy at work all the time, I'd say it's by far the most common place they do it.

>> No.54396517

maybe get a life outside of work you loser.

>> No.54396539
File: 94 KB, 750x1022, Fsc48NDXsAAn8_X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ok, I took my shot. Let's see how it goes. Fingers crossed!

>> No.54396549
File: 980 KB, 245x225, 1434906113792.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw she brings it up out of nowhere when you just say "hi" and "good morning".

>> No.54396564


>> No.54396588

Crush up birth control pills on the test, that might trigger it since it tricks the woman into thinking they're pregnant

>> No.54397259
File: 295 KB, 1242x1691, 357555DB-5F25-4515-B72F-DC8F761B6EFC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>start a new job
>some woman I have actually zero interest in tells me unprovoked that she has a boyfriend
>it came off like she thinks shes really hot shit and expects me to hit on her
>shes actually like 27 and already about to hit the wall at hypersonic speeds so my interest is actually very low
>the longer I have to sit in the same office with her and listen to her retarded conversations the more I begin hating her
>some weeks go by
>other female coworker sees me outside hugging my cute young sister
>she thought we were kissing and told everyone in the office that I have a really hot gf
>I keep them thinking that and dont tell them them that it was my sis
>the walled roastie is extremely mad and gets super jealous from this news and begins to treat me worse
>shes talking shit behind my back and trying to get other coworkers to be against me, spreads all kinds of rumors that get me into trouble
>one day her boyfriend picks her up from the office
>her boyfriend is shorter than me and has bitchtits and is very noticably balding
>she seethes when seeing us next to each other as I am clearly superior
>months later I got lucky and hit it big with my investments so wagecucking became obsolete to me and I left
>later hear from ex coworker bro that the walled roastie got knocked up by some manlet coworker from the other department that was orbiting her for years
>later turns out the kid has some sort of mental disability
>found out from excoworker bro that even after all these years she asked about me and how I'm doing

>> No.54397648

what about exboyfriend

>> No.54397700

>work crush
If you have a crush on a woman you are a failure

>> No.54397751

How long she had this problem? What’s her man got to do with you?

>> No.54397753

I remember my last work crush. I never even saw her face as I rolled over her in the forklift.

>> No.54397812

she doesn't really, but it won't be you either
>t.had work crushes before

>> No.54397842

hey no worries buddy just become an established rapper and poach her through instagram. worked for my girl

>> No.54397856


>> No.54397959

>the walled roastie is extremely mad and gets super jealous from this news and begins to treat me worse

God I hate this. My female boss had an obvious crush on me and would flirt with me but I wasn't interested *She was a gross whore* but I never rejected her because I wanted to keep my job. Till she saw me flirting with another, younger co-worker. Then she was extremely pissy at me from then on and eventually drummed up some bullshit excuse to fire me. Fucking hate having females as bosses now.

>> No.54398253

>My job is supervising a girl who does nothing but constantly fuck up
>Can't get her fired because she's the company owner's niece
>Have to fix all her messes
>She always shifts the blame on other people
God I hate working with women. The concept of responsibility is absolutely alien to most of them.