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54390461 No.54390461 [Reply] [Original]

What is the most profitable fish to fish?

>> No.54390490

I don't know but tuna can rake in money pretty quickly.

>> No.54390501

This. Tuna is like ridiculously expensive when not in cans.

Here we call it "mackerellsturgeon".

>> No.54390510

You could rent the boat out to local wannabe anglers

>> No.54390610

Tuna fishing can kill you if you don't know what you are doing.

>> No.54390620

Pussy fish as pictured.

>> No.54390622

It depends? What kind of boat?
Get you 6pack from the coast gaurd and do family charters. Also,
Check out these nfts of princess Diana's feet

>> No.54390633

Salmon from Alaska is sought after in Asia and is considered fancy.

>> No.54390638

Would this feel like a real vagina when i put this in the microwave and put my dick inside it? I would like to know what it feels like, i'm 30 and a virgin...

>> No.54390658

I think an apple pie is as close as you can get lol

>> No.54390734

In a gold rush, do you mine gold? No. You sell shovels.
If you just got an asset, run it like an owner, not as a fisherman.
As an owner, how do you get the most money for the least amount of work? Simple, rent out the boat to local fishermen who like to fish for fun. Collect rent for just owning a boat.

That being said, if you want to focus on fishing in your own time, and just so happen to want a fish that's the most profitable, I'm not your guy lol. Maybe rockfishing, maybe tuna, maybe dolphin, I simply do not know. Also, look into import and export laws regarding open sea fishing. If you don't follow ALL the rules, you will be butt pounded by the federal government. There is one law on the books, but I do not remember what agency, that states that any imported lobsters to the US must follow not only US laws on lobster importing, but also EVERY country that is friendly with the US, you must follow their laws too. Like, Houndaras requires plastic bags for the lobsters, but Jamaica requires CARDBORD BOXES. Under the laws of the US, you're fucked if you violate either. Be smart.

t. small business owner

>> No.54390771
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Hamachi Finance
Since they're based on sushi, and sushi has fish on them, and HAMI is bullish as fuck, profitable as fuck imo

>> No.54390785

Depends whether you're a member or a free player. For members, the most profitable fish is sharks, but for free players it's lobsters.

>> No.54390791


>> No.54391343

This. OP is retarded. Insure it and rent it out. The premium will be higher if used by strangers but normies fucking suck a boating. Rent it out to kids on spring break and take em to the cleaners when they crash it.

>> No.54391369
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Wagies will never understand that commodities and products are the meat and potatoes of an economy.
Fishing salmon would net multiple times what renting a boat would.

>> No.54391469

I mean if you want to become a fritty wide eyed melanoma that talks in nautical puns sure. But if you want to be well adjusted and hold a normal job you cant rent out your boat for little effort and cash the inevitable insurance claim

>> No.54392390

>anon tries to make mad bucks fishing
>slips off the boat and drowns on his first trip

>> No.54393218

the eastern giant land sparnicle

>> No.54393256

You could do fishing charters where you charge tourists to go out fishing. Just provide rod and bait.

>> No.54393259

Sell the boat to buy crypto.

>> No.54393315

he will provide a rod alright

>> No.54393387

What lol it's a fish just let it tire itself out and rell it in

>> No.54393446

no one said OP had to fish the fish himself. why not employ fishermen instead?

>> No.54393855

starting to like this idea

>> No.54393892

Gold fish obviously

>> No.54393913
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>> No.54393951

If this isn't a larp, it depends entirely on where you're located, this is such a generic question that nobody can provide any insight without knowing your location.

>> No.54393981
File: 206 KB, 1200x1042, April-2019-yellowfin-tuna-fishing-with-Hooked-On-Africa-Fishing-Charters-Cape-Town-2-1200x1042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you clearly don't know shit about fishing

>> No.54393991

Fish the size of a human with the power of a cow. Good luck getting delimbed by the steel rope and bleeding to death alone in the sea

>> No.54394012

US east coast

>> No.54394087

I suggest you get a job fishing for like a year or so and rent out the boat during that time. That way your boat is put to use while you are out there getting hands on experience.

>> No.54394206

Still depends on location, you're at the mercy of fuel prices for offshore fish, if it's someplace like Maryland/Delaware you have to ride out 3 miles each way to the Gulfstream fishing grounds. NC it's about an hour 15 and in the Florida Keys it's less than an hour. If it's inshore you're not gonna make any money from the fish you catch, you make money on charters. But yeah go be a wagie bitch on someone else's boat for a year to learn what to do, if you're not cut out for it then you can just sell the boat.

>> No.54394232

3 hours* not miles. You're about 60-70 miles offshore in the Mid Atlantic. 20 in NC and 10 in the Keys.

>> No.54394428 [DELETED] 

I just wish I had one chance at coming back from the pits of despair, I want nothing more than just to get my life right it's been a downhill battle, I've been taking care of my elderly father whos on hospice now it's taken everything from me and im afraid I'll just kill myself when he dies.
I hope some blessed man here could change my life and give me a silver lining I'm desperately looking for
If you can my addresses are
bc1qwhzgssgrywfr28gre5f58t4yqv36cx9e76yxqu for btc and
For ltc
Thank you guys for listening or reading

>> No.54394473

stop begging and get a job

>> No.54394688

Sounds like renting it is just going to be easier

>> No.54394747

It's less risky and therefore you make less money.

>> No.54394790

yikes, alaskan crab fishing is the money maker.

>> No.54394841

Depends on the type of boat and maintenence required, I'd never trust a normie driving my inboard around. I don't know of an individual making money renting their boat to customers, you could try "GetmyBoat", it's like Turo for boats.

Honestly I'd consider just selling the boat and taking the cash unless the boat has been in your family for generations.

>> No.54394961

Bro I'm shitting blood... my health is in the gutters and I will never say die. Suicide is a permanent solution to an impermanent problem. Suck it up and keep going its what your Dad not only wants but expects. You are the genetic line in your family. Never quit. An anonymous poster wants to you to succeed

>> No.54395037

I can think of like 20 jobs where that same sentiment applies, not everyone has the luxury to stay indoors all day so enjoy and count your blessings. Also, 1 life is the maximum that 1 person can lose and we will all die anyways so the fear of death is very childish, you clearly haven’t taken much risk in your life. Which makes you weak.

>> No.54395593

Sent ;)

>> No.54396003

That sucks. I was just through the same thing, still not in the positive economically, doubt I will ever be, unless I win the fucking lottery or bitcoin goes to a million or something. Then I'll just about be able to stay in the green.

My mother took all my money ($200K) and gaslighted me about it for ten years, all while I liquidated all my positions to help her out financially, she didn't put a single dime into her loans, and I never even knew she had that much loans, so when she died of her second round of cancer, I was thinking I would get SOMETHING back at least, so I held my tongue, but there was so much debt I had to take up a huge loan just to keep what little was left. (Fucking european inheriting debt laws).

>> No.54396262

sounds like you two faggots should marry then kys.

>> No.54396286

sounds like you should go fuck yourself

>> No.54396742

Fuck off nigger you got money and are being a faggot, I've been on the verge of killing myself for two years now just got a job and my car died last thing I want to see if faggots like you asking for money.

>> No.54396782

>"you got money"
I literally have NEGATIVE MONEY.

>"Asking for money"
I fucking didn't, but you seem to think so for some fucked up reason.

>> No.54396855

how do you deal with the chinkoid fleets pillaging your territorial waters? pay higher bribes than they do?

>> No.54396875

Probably the samefaggot nigger.

>> No.54396964

This isn't about risking and lucking it out. If you have no experience, you will definitely die or injure yourself permanently before your first catch. I don't think you understand the risk at all.
It would be different if you were asking to learn.

>> No.54397072

This, I've seen 10 lbs catfish snap fishing poles like twigs, I can only imagine doing real big sea fishing or noodling, I'll stick to a rod and lure thanks.

>> No.54397165

You could eat humboldt squid
It's better when it's fresh but we don't know your location

>> No.54397180
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Where are you?

>> No.54397335

Sent you some ltc bro gold luck

>> No.54397408
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Fuck off I hope you fucking didn't, god damnit I hate this nigger board so fucking much.

>> No.54397478

>gold luck
kek okay you got me there for a second, thought someone actually helped this chud faggot.

>> No.54397839

Thank you so much if you did brother I don't know how to thank you enough from the bottom of my heart bless you anon.

I hope you make it anon you're very nice I don't know how I'll react when he dies I'm crying a lot most nights already.>>54397408
I'm not sure what upsets you but believe me you wouldn't want to be in my shoes.

>> No.54397980

I got no problem with you, I sent you some ltc as well ;)

>> No.54398320


>> No.54398412

kek rekt bye nigger.
enjoy your fake ltc hope you spent hours checking on it.

>> No.54398537

I like how the black dude got the black one and the gay looking one got the small fruity fish in the middle.

>> No.54398939

I would bite that shit raw like an animal. I love Tuna sashimi

>> No.54400636


>> No.54401054

looks like someone already took a bite out of the bead

>> No.54401076

>yikes, alaskan crab fishing is the money maker.
Isn't that one of the most dangerous jobs?

>> No.54401095

You're not different from an only fans whore, now gtfo my thread, whore.

>> No.54401185
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>> No.54402046
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>> No.54402365

Most boats ain’t worth much , the money is in the license and permits , those let you fish without hassle from government.

>> No.54402486 [DELETED] 

Send me some too anon or I'll kms too
Btw I only use BTC

>> No.54402498

No you retarded fucking faggot
Mods do your job.

>> No.54402538

How big is your boat?

>> No.54402574

Post pics of boat you can blur anything if you feel insecure but depending where you live will matter greatly of what you can do with it.

>> No.54403277

Garloids bring in high gains but you’ll need to fill your holding tank with reverse osmosis water balanced at the right PH or they’ll be worthless

>> No.54404184

Occupational stats put fishing at the tippy top of risk. Forestry is another one. It's the combination of risk and remoteness from medical care that makes such jobs dangerous.

>> No.54405163

go treasure hunting op
you can find atlantis, i believe in you

>> No.54405272

You can't fish commercially without buying a licence that allows you to catch x amount of y fish. These quotas can cost a million dollars.