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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 617 KB, 2024x1020, bat-og.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54390115 No.54390115 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.54390695

Basic Attention Token


>> No.54390898

Batty bois got their batty fucked raw

>> No.54391000
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>> No.54391518

I'm glad this shitcoin is finally dying.

>> No.54392216

>The only token backed by a working product that millions of people use.
BAT can’t be stopped

>> No.54393889

We bussin BATTIE Bagiesss

>> No.54395017

BAT will onboard the entire NPC population into crypto

>> No.54395334
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I'm so excited for you guys

>> No.54396284
File: 1.64 MB, 1712x856, D71715D3-A244-4D6B-B04C-30D7D83036E9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thx for stopping by. Holler if you want some BAT!

>> No.54396548


>> No.54397541

I would

>> No.54397735

Stop fapping

>> No.54397790

Speaking of fapping where is TP? I want to see more Jeets and a few nigress for once

>> No.54397962

Have you guys realized yet that it’s going to be on us to market BAT? Brave will never draw attention to BAT ever and you guys know it. I’ve suggested years ago that we as a community setup a website for tips that can be used towards a traditional ad campaign. Be even better if we can get an ad company agree to accept BAT, but if not we can just start a website, get Brave verified, accept BAT tips and make everything a transparent smartcontract that automatically contributes to a billboard on the highway somewhere. I received major pushback against this idea and now I’m starting to think it was Brendan and Luke who said no, but they can’t really stop us anyway.

>> No.54398034

I have 500+ bats in my browser, where can I spend them before brave stops rewards?
none of my favorite youtubers are verified creators, same with the few twitchers I watch.
the only vc that I come in regular contact with is my email provider but whats the point of tipping them? sure I would upgrade my email/vpn if they took bats as payment, but ofc pay with bat never happened
any ideas?

>> No.54398101

If you assholes didn’t chase off Parker he could’ve setup something for us. Sure, his fud posting was getting retarded, but he would genuinely try to help us if he was asked him. We’re worse off without him

>> No.54398140

shut up parker

>> No.54398156

Feel like a looting nigger at these tasty levels

>> No.54398176

It’s going much lower

>> No.54398185

How low, starting to back the truck up now

>> No.54398189

was just gonna say this lol

as far as le community coming together to advertise BAT? fuck off. brave can spend their own fucking money. im not doing their work for them when they dont even give a fuck about their own shitcoin

>> No.54398208

i fucking hate this nigger coin and hope it goes to zero even though i hold it, but this is the bottom

>> No.54398213

Good then we keep dropping you stubborn fuck

>> No.54398243

look around you. there is no bat community. its a bunch of fucking discord tranny faggots that only care about their gay ass NFT's. the only way this nigger coin pumps is if brave starts doing something with the coin. theres no fucking billboard you are going to buy on a highway in arkansas thats going to change that.

>> No.54398248

The best part is all the really retarded fud (Batties got scammed #141423) wasn't me, I swear to fucking Christ, it was that schizo who spams the exact same shit over and over. Most of my shitposting came true (vBAT fud, ad farms, etc).

Anyways, what is it you want? I'll forward your request to Jennie/Luke/Guilherme. But I doubt they can/will do anything.
However, the 4chan ad campaigns were really cheap, and pretty effective at getting clicks/new user signups. I can post my old ads if you want them.

>> No.54398270

wow wadda ya know, parker is mentioned and shows up 10 seconds later. fuck off back to your xmr threads pedo

>> No.54398275

what is there to advertise tho? it has no use, has to be kyc'd etc... sure you can tip with it in a few places
hardly a sexy product is it lol

>> No.54398286

Yeah I'll wait until Sunday crypto crashes on UFC events since everyone uses it to gamble, market is getting pretty predictable but still the question of when market makers quit suppressing alts

>> No.54398289

You're right, often it is up to the community, and with a serious idea we can't be stopped. We need that feedback loop of people really get something out of using BAT. Appeal to fundamental drives... Like here on 4chan the fundamental drive is for socialising and discussing. What can we batty bois create that people will find useful, given brave is already built in. Peter Theil says we have to start with a small group of users, and build a product they really love and get huge value from, then grow from there. Like Amazon started with only books, and slowly grew to sell everything. And Facebook started with only Harvard students, and expanding slowly to other user types from there.
They can't stop us if the idea is good. If the idea is good, we see exponential growth because users love love love using it. Brendan can't stop us from making his shitcoin shine.

>> No.54398292

you're right there is nothing to advertise. brave needs to market their browser and actually use the coin for something

>> No.54398305

Also, getting after Okami regarding the merch on the store might be productive. Since Guilherme made a lot of really good merch designs that were all left out, and could be hype worthy if added. Anyways, that's all.

>> No.54398306

Haven’t they made it clear over the last 5 years that they’ll do absolutely nothing? Any marketing push will have to be done grassroots. If you think Brave is gonna do something with BAT you’re a fucking retart.

>> No.54398322

This is correct, advertising for people to buy the coin sucks ass. "What for..?" They ask. Right now there is no reason to use BAT We need an app that users love using BAT in.

>> No.54398325

dude why would you want to waste all this energy on a tainted shitcoin run by a team that doesnt give a fuck about it and hates all their holders. its an uphill battle. why not put that energy in something actually useful lol. this coming from someone that most likely has more bat than anyone else in this thread and has held for a long fuckin time

>> No.54398338

No that jew just needs to call Sam so they can pump the shit out of it and can sell high there literally has to be zero reason for a nice 100% pump

>> No.54398342

indeedie and they've only had 6 years to figure out a way for the user to use the token lol
it was obviously a scam the whole time, but I wonder why they're ending it now (mb they know something we don't) (transparency regs idk)

>> No.54398343

>Right now there is no reason to use BAT We need an app that users love using BAT in.
thats not our problem. brave could do something with the coin IF they wanted. they clearly do not fucking want to. even when they announced new BAT utility years back they never fuckin did it anyways. you gonna do all their work for them and make them rich just to make a couple hundred thousand bucks?

>> No.54398403

i do in fact know an app that would make BAT moon that wouldn't be difficult to do though

>> No.54398422

I was thinking you setup a Brave verified transparency page that accept tips to build a marketing campaign with a legit marketing agency. Showing the total cost of the campaign goal, total tips received, potential locations for billboards, bus stops, train stops etc. Everything very transparent. Keep a percentage of the BAT for your work. Anyone that says this community is better off without you is a fucking retart. Please accept our apologies.

>> No.54398431 [DELETED] 


>> No.54398452

>Guilherme made a lot of really good merch designs that were all left out
I’m still fucking pissed about that. A fucking janny pack? GTFO. Guilherme made some fat designs.

>> No.54398525
File: 786 KB, 645x862, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idea #1 rip this site off https://cryptodozer.io/ but less cluttered and gay, call it batdozer.io and have people deposit bat in it and try and win coins. each coin you drop worth 0.01 bat or something like that.

idea #2 batlotto.io just a standard lottery that happens once a month after payouts, everyone that buys in puts an eth address into the lotto and then livestream a random drawing for the winner

both ideas most likely will need pay with bat to gain any traction. both easy to make though, and whoever does it will probably get rich off it

>> No.54398528

>has a brave store
>can't pay with bat
tons and tons of users could have blown all their vbats on merch and be walking billboards for brave and bat but nah better to have a few million disgruntled ex-bat and ex-brave users come april

>> No.54398539

i have a few other ideas like that but i absolutely refuse to put any effort into this shitcoin after watching brave be a bunch of fucking niggers all these years

>> No.54398644

crowdfund the entire thing off the backs of the discord trannies too, and run new tab ads for it as well with their money.

>> No.54398655
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Nah man, I like reading the threads since this is still a good place for news about Brave, but I've got no skin left in that game otherwise. Appreciate the sentiments, but it'd just piss people off if I did anything.

But start with 4chan ads, except for /biz/ they're like $0.10 - $0.15 per 1000 views. Reddit ads were also pretty cheap last I checked. I know Guilherme was doing some Pinterest engagement farming for free, if you can get a hold of him, he might help.

Wordpress is pretty easy to figure out for a site, or you can check Luke Smith's tutorials on hosting simple websites, servers/html/css.

>> No.54398673

Probably making more than that, most really rich people in crypto started some kind of app, an exchange, a coinmarketcap site, an NFT page: Once users love the app you skim off fees.
Come-on, brainstorm with me just for giggles. WHAT IF you had a bomb in your chest that would go off in 1 year unless you made an app that gets 1000 real daily users, each making a BAT transaction? Think! Get wild! We can weed out bad ideas later.
When I think "advertising" and "fundamental human drives" I think sex and dating. Something in that area? That will make the BAT team seethe if it gets big "noooo stop using BAT to make people happy"
Or, How about a frens simulator and the traget is 4chan users? You can pay for entry to a super sekret club with no pajeets and comfy imagery.
Virtual reality yacht party?
Subscription Service for Rare Pepes?
eSports team with wagers that must win or die?
A.I. powered meme generating store (memes have gotten stale in the last few years)
These are shitty ideas, yes but that's how every product starts: shitty. Eth, Bitcoin, Tesla. They all started with big steaming piles of shit, then improved that shitpile. When you think BAT you think "piece of shit"
So give your shittiest ideas for driving user transactions in BAT, here!

>> No.54398677

I like idea 1 better. Both give Brave even more opportunity to run more ads. Of course knowing Brave they’d 100% rig the games. They’re Jews hiding behind a Nazi CEO.

>> No.54398717

bat lotto is the easiest one that would have a lot of users. 1 BAT = 1 lotto ticket.

the site would have nothing to do with brave you would just be using their shitcoin for it and piggybacking off of brave/bats userbase

>> No.54398804

listen, if you wanna ask luke in the next call when exactly pay with BAT is coming out and whether they will be able to integrate it with a website that the community wants to make called batlotto.io then we can grab the domain and make it happen

it will cost basically nothing to make, take a small % taker fee off the top on each lotto every month, and all the proceeds go toward developing new community bat games. then people will have an extra incentive to do it, not just to win the lottery but to fund more bat shit like the coin dozer game etc.

float the idea to luke and if hes down with it, like actually down with it which would include hooking up pay with bat to it, then next week i will buy the domain and we can make it happen

>> No.54398875

Based. I'll bring it up if no one else does.

>> No.54398880

Why don’t you just setup the page and we’ll start tipping you BAT to incentivize you to get everything going. You really wanna deal with Luke? Sure he’ll express interest and just drag his feet for eternity as to not draw any unnecessary attention to SVB their investors.

>> No.54398934

it needs community backing and pay with bat to work, otherwise nobody will use it. nobody is gonna do this bullshit on chain, it needs to be through pay with bat and zero hassle

>> No.54398952

Gambling is good, because it forces transactions. Needs to be compelling images, but AI can help with that. Helps if the user feels they are on a journey too (a journey to going completely Batty unfortunately) maybe this new A.I. generators could help expand these sites and make them more even interactive and engaging. Or even better; more shareable. I also like this because BAT team will seethe at gambling applications.

BAT lotto could work esp if there is some kind of weekly narrative, and interaction between users, obv we can compare winnings here on biz but what if it was built into the lottoapp itself? could really draw people into the community.

>> No.54399315

better for brave to not have ways for the user to spend what they earned tho
brave can have their cake and eat it

>> No.54399389

Didnt he fail to even get approved to print stickers? You legit are sitting here groveling at this absolute nobody like he actually did anything or has any power. He couldn’t pump your bags even if he blew Eich

>> No.54399420

For years the BAT community has been coming up with amazing ideas to drive up the user base and excitement over the browser and the token and every single time it has fallen on deaf ears. They couldn’t even send a bunch of people stickers a couple years ago. Would’ve cost them nothing. This company has serious fucking problems going on. They’d just rather scam and stay under the radar then actually do anything productive.

>> No.54399457

it literally pays brave to do nothing with the token

>> No.54399524

>Didnt he fail to even get approved to print stickers?
Yea but I don’t blame him for that. Brave was concerned that stickers found on public buildings would lead a trail back to them lol lmao even
>they’d rather just scam and stay under the radar then actually do anything productive.
Agree 100%. I like to believe that they’ll stop being Jews one day but look who gives them money

>> No.54399555

honestly the brave team are just scammers
i still use the browser but i turned off the ads

>> No.54399595

I'm gonna wait until they declare what the cut-off day is for rewards then I'll probably reset the wallet and disable it (idk if brave still collects MY browser balance or not) and then figure out if I want to stay with the browser or not

>> No.54399611

Name one thing he has done outside of buying ads that every Jeet pedocord faggot does? Troll some /g/ threads? Pitch Brendan some ideas that never go anywhere? Sit in Brave talk and suck ass with zero reward?
The only real impact he made was FUDing relentlessly and destroying the community even further. Fuck that faggot. Don’t care about the allegations and shit about him but the dude is a giant dork and a loser

>> No.54399693

Well he did pitch keyword staking and Brendan did say they’re gonna do it. At least he tries.

>> No.54399746

Never forget for MONTHS on end the FUD threads. The John Faggot posting. All of it stopped the second we called this piece of shit out. He ran to Monero threads pulling the same scams including the carbon copy shitty Jeet art he commissioned for Bravetan.
Parker single handily helped ruin this community as if the price action and FUD wasn’t enough and you have the nerve to sit here and beg this loser for forgiveness.
Useless faggot doesn’t and will never have the power or influence to do shit for BAT. Useless faggot is the cancer of these threads and always will.

>> No.54399781

Any Monero shilling and Cosmos shitcoin shilling, you will find this nigger. Same post style. Same images. Same file names. Same shitty web hosts for the sites. Nothing but a scamming grifter who got caught. He’s not welcome here

>> No.54399797

He said he didn’t do it. Nobody can prove he did, so why carry on with accusations? I really don’t believe it was him and there’s no way to prove it

>> No.54399862

I never seen anyone simp for anyone in these threads this hard even for the walled 35 year old goth whore. He admitted to everything. Admitted to the fud. Posts his government name all the time in Monero threads but hey keep sucking.
Fuck that faggot and fuck anyone who supports him here. If you want to sing his praises so bad go add him on telegram and try not to get Sim Swapped. All I’m going to say.
Blow him harder and maybe he can get 4 stickers printed off Eichs martini fund

>> No.54399896

State of BAT threads: Groveling on your hands and knees to the cancer that killed these threads and the absolute faggot who ran off with BAT for the Bravetan fund. Who stopped the FUD the second he got called out.
Utterly pathetic fucking losers would support this queer

>> No.54399907

It wasn't the same web hosts for the sites, the Monero thread guy outed himself as a beaner, posted a picture of himself months ago.
Though some of the cosmos shilling was me. You took cosmos to mean decentr, which was pretty funny, I rolled with it, and some other anons (I assume John) joined in.
Though as far as Brave is concerned, I was trying to push Brave into bridging BAT into cosmos, got a partner/bridge service lined up and everything, but the tech guy on Brave's end ghosted, another missed opportunity.

>> No.54399915

Dont reply to me you useless shitstain. You and your bf can have a good time, I said all I needed to say. Cancerous fucking loser thanks for the stickers

>> No.54399998

Now that this faggot is back lets have an experiment. Turtles, Abby poster, and goth groupie haven’t been banned in a while in these threads. I bet that changes soon. Funny they were banned around the clock when he was around.

>> No.54400082

The banning stopped when the last round of jannie applications went out.
Jesus Christ, I show up in threads, I don't show up, I tell you to get out of BAT at a good price (the only Brave employee to ever do so), literally anything and you blame me for it. No wonder the people at Brave despise BAT holders.

You're on your own man. Better you don't try to defend me, it'll just cause you grief.

>> No.54400132

Your presence here single handedly ensures that TP and BAP and Turtleman are scarce. You kill our vibe, bro

>> No.54400161

K, I'm out. Start a new thread or whatever.

>> No.54400239

No come back. Fuck that faggot. If anything he’s the one spreading bad energy. It makes no sense that Parker was the one who started the fud campaign.

>> No.54400282

dude parker was clearly the john faggot poster lmao. the john faggot shit was the first post in any bat thread, so it was someone that is on this board 24/7, plus once we called parker out on it, the john faggot posts stopped immediately. he carried on for a few days longer to make it seem like it wasnt him, but then it stopped

>> No.54400292

also the bannings in the bat threads stopped at the same time

>> No.54400323

Are you new here?

>> No.54400336

That’s not good enough proof. John fag probably used it as an opportunity to stop knowing that Parker would get blamed and it would further fracture the community. Even if it was him, which I’ve yet to hear any solid evidence it is, he’s not gonna do it again so wtf

>> No.54400359

Read your post out loud and tell yourself that you’re not the biggest pussy ever. I legit feel bad if you have a spouse. They don’t deserve such a weak fucking pissant. Jesus man

>> No.54400376

He said himself he FUDed you retard. This has to be Parker lol

>> No.54400396

Be sure to Kill yourself on the way out you useless faggot.

>> No.54400440

Still no proof other than “well the John fag posts stopped after we called him out”. There’s a million disgruntled John fags who hat what Brave and their VC Jews did to BAT. You and I both hate them too. You’re just a fucking retard who wants to place the blame somewhere when everyone who ever bought BAT is enraged at their greed and aloofness. I fudded BAT a million fucking times. I do now because they fucking deserve it

>> No.54400465

are you a fucking retard?

the guy had bat pasta saved in a text file on his desktop that he wrote himself along with images to post with it. he was the first post in any bat thread, and specifically in the "bat general" threads that he himself started. he would post the thread and then his gay ass pasta right after it. he told us himself that he had already sold at that point too. what other person would have such dedication to posting some lame ass pasta fud in every single bat thread, except some lose faggot with no life that grifts off the bat community? and again, once parker got called out the faggot fud stopped on a dime.

if you cant see that parker was john then you are just a fuckin moron. im just astounded that someone who frequents these threads (probably way more than me) is too dumb to make this incredibly obvious connection

>> No.54400504

im not 100% convinced he was brave-tan btw, but the john faggot = parker is case closed

>> No.54400533

It’s a combination of everything for me. Don’t like him, never will, and he’s been behind a lot of the shit. You can keep sucking his dick if you want. I don’t want him around and I’ll make sure to FUD his bitch ass relentlessly if he shows up. Would be a shame if someone doxxed him too. Kill yourself too if you’re riding with that faggot. He never did shit for us anyway.

>> No.54400554

So he called Brave and BAT for being the scam that we all now know for sure that it is and we’re supposed to be mad about that? I wish I had actually listened and sold this SVB scam last year, but I was stupid and listened to you guys instead

>> No.54400581

now this is bat posting

>> No.54400875

True. This is the most active BAT thread we've had in months

>> No.54401129
File: 428 KB, 1464x749, that's BAT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, yup getting distracted from building by namefag dramas, that's bat

>> No.54401290

The copy pasta spam is the same flow of the current Monero general threads. They read identical to BAT threads he used to make. John Faggot posts read just like any Parker post. The FUD images matched Parker’s file names.
He admitted he spends all day on /biz/ and admitted he used to FUD. Thanks for the posts, it’s good to see other Anons put the pressure on this faggot and know the truth.
Things took a turn for the worst during the John Faggot nonsense and the threads never recovered.

>> No.54401323
File: 476 KB, 1125x2436, E5C70BF7-2AFE-4F75-BEF9-C7BB095B2400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think she uses BAT?

>> No.54401592

lol it wasn't parker doing the fud. it was an og bat holder thats terminally online. just because the fud stopped after parker arbitrarily got 'called out' doesn't mean you somehow sherlock holmes'd and the case was closed - it just meant the fud poster stopped. it was the same poster that did the fud that blamed parker. alTHOUGH parker may have done some fud or other things, the turbo first poster also posted on reddit and deleted all their posts. parker had some info on this - fill us in on this lore parker pls.

>> No.54401740

>we gotta start a grassroots campaign so we can get exit liquidity
Jesus fucking Christ kek

>> No.54401778

it is the trannies choice after all

>> No.54401791

It’s time to turn the corner on this dumb shit and start doing shit with BAT that Brave disapproves of and will draw more scrutiny from the SEC. Gambling, tipping whores, dark web drugs etc. If Brave doesn’t do something with BAT to at least give us some exit liquidity at $3, we should just blow it up and get them all indicted by the feds.

>> No.54401821
File: 81 KB, 1280x740, IMG_20230330_184857_586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the turbo first poster also posted on reddit and deleted all their posts.
WRONG. The reddit poster was me and I wiped the account because you fucking pussies kept whining about the fact that I was bringing up LEGITIMATE points of concern on the sub, and called Eich out on his bullshit in the AMA when he claimed that BAT mirrored the price of ETH. Just complete horse shit. I wiped that reddit account in case it had anything doxxable on it (it didn't) and stopped using it because I know you guys are all crazy ass schizos. I had absolutely nothing to do with any of that monero pedophiles copypaste posts or any of the other bs he pulled.

>> No.54401849

And in case you can't read, that's a -95 fucking % on BAT/ETH while Eich's retarded ass was trying to lie right to my face telling me that BAT mirrors the price

>> No.54401954

god that chart. i see a lot of people complain that they held bat instead of link. all we had to do was hold fucking eth. thats it. just eth.

>> No.54402004

Wait what happened now?

>> No.54402062

Parker might be found not guilty of several felony counts by a jury of his own peers and has plead his case down to a possible misdemeanor with probation.

>> No.54402168

Who's Parker?

>> No.54402198

Some dude from Canada that worked at Brave that everyone blames for fud posting that BAT was a scam before everyone finally figured out that BAT was actually a scam.

>> No.54402205

Oh ok.

>> No.54402318

Whats bat?

>> No.54402625

If you guys really want Brave to start working on pumping BAT it’s very simple. Just setup a website with a list of goals for Brave to complete ie; self serve must be rolled out by specific date, BAT must reach $2 by a certain date, keyword staking must be completed by said date, Guilherme’s work must be in Brave store, pay with BAT must be done, vBAT holders must be compensated etc. If they don’t complete each goal by certain timelines a new fud campaign will be released. We can use bots over multiple platforms, billboards, radio ads, all using Eich’s superPAC donations against homosexuals. How Brave was tied to Silicon Valley bank, how they injected referral links on Binance, how BAT is a Ponzi scheme etc. and we can finance it all thru their own token and they’re so dumb they probably won’t even know. They’ve created so much fud on their own over the years that we don’t even need to make anything up. They can despise us all they want. They can get the same treatment right back. They can go fuck each other in the ass

>> No.54402627

A coin that is directly integrated into new Brave Browser that could have given users super fast and easy ways to do micropayements and make money online for each ad they saw, but instead the cowardly "leaders" of Brave increased friction for users and kneecapped functionality until the value of the coin dived into the shitfilled sewer

>> No.54402769

And you bought this coin?

>> No.54402832

It’s given for free and he actually bought it lol

>> No.54402875

Oof. Sounds like u bought too

>> No.54402907
File: 657 KB, 1125x2026, C571089D-6D73-49DC-B3DC-245DD89D992A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help is on the way.

>> No.54403114

What is it?

>> No.54403876

With how many hotdogs that bitch probably scarfs she could suck the skin right off your cock. The downside is making Rolie Polie Olie puns is going to get boring over time.

>> No.54404593


>> No.54406332

Instead of working for the company for free why don't you just... buy something else?

>> No.54406557

Your horniness is an inspiration to all of us.

>> No.54406560

Like what? I got other shit. I’d rather show these idiots that they can’t stop us despite all their attempts to ruin our lives

>> No.54408241

We pumping. SVB must not be open yet

>> No.54409302

is we doin a lil sumn?

>> No.54409448

nearly 8% 24hrs btc independent, we'll see

>> No.54409568

It’s still kinda early on the west coast. They’ll be dumping after breakfast

>> No.54410014

All you have to do is hold everyone

>> No.54410418
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>> No.54410436

if BAT goes to its BTC ath at this prices its $3

>> No.54410891

and why the fuck would it do that

>> No.54410976

maybe because pajeets and third-worlders are now banned from dumping BAT. Smartest decision Brave ever made.

>oh uh yeah our KYC providers no longer work in... India, Pakistan, Africa and uh... any country with too many black or brown people. Sorry!

>> No.54411192
File: 98 KB, 400x386, 168012306591526802.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>brown people don't earn tokens
>there's no need for brave to buy tokens to pay brown people
>somehow it affects the price of token

>> No.54411538


>> No.54411559

I used to believe this token would make me rich. I was very noobish

>> No.54411777

What about all the time and energy the jeets put into farming BAT? Shouldn’t they at least be compensated with janny packs?

>> No.54413081

were the pajeets really farming bat with dozens of kyc'd accounts or something? lol

>> No.54413944

They have BAT farms the size of Amazon warehouses with millions jeet passports, ID’s and bank account info. It’s a whole global network of Hindi organized crime.

>> No.54414086

Checked. Post pic

>> No.54414275

I don’t have a pic. I was talking to the jeets at the convenience store near my house and they told me. They knew all about BAT. Apparently it’s a top 5 token in India but they all said it was a scam

>> No.54414643


>> No.54414793

Buying a small amount of BAT is my biggest regret, the rest of my shitcoins I actually have some confidence in

>> No.54415367

your biggest regret is buying a small amount of a shitcoin? you must have a pretty regret-free life then

>> No.54415570

What about all those bisexual experiences you had in college?

>> No.54415638

>shat in BAT
imagine the hella views those ads got tho, there must have been a sharp decline when uphold bailed on india how ever many months ago that was (at least six I think)

>> No.54415649

lmao even the poos consider it a scam

>> No.54415695
File: 124 KB, 369x300, (((Brandon))) Eich.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go download brave browser
white paper Out soon
buY more BAT
TRUST the plan

>> No.54415713

Brave Browser doesn't give you free BAT anymore unless you KYC so I donated all my free BAT and uninstalled the browser.

>> No.54415776

probably gonna uninstall
but not gonna donate
need to know how to trash them so that brave doesn't take them back or re-circulate them

>> No.54415850

I still don't understand why they're ending the rewards shit though
why stop the scam now? aren't they selling enough ads?

>> No.54416118

Ad buys been in the toilet for over a year. Nobody is buying their ads and even then big names like Walmart, eBay etc that mostly got free campaigns don’t even want to run more lol

>> No.54416145

Donate them to me and I'll burn them for you

>> No.54416271

lol yeah my new tab brave news ads are all just ads for brave vpn
say something to extremely rapey to luke or lobes on the com talk and they're all yours
caveat: you must get banned

>> No.54416527

nice daily candle close. broke out of the range we have been stuck in

>> No.54416592

I’ll do it. How much BAT is it?

>> No.54416643


>> No.54416841

I got you. It’s giving BAT real world utility

>> No.54416914


>> No.54417128

can someone post the ETH/LINK chart?

holding ETH obviously would've been better than BAT, but I still feel like holding & selling LINK at the top would've been the best (and most obvious) move for a lot of us. I've been here since late 2017/early 2018 and LINK was like 30 cents back then. Easily would've been a millionaire kek. Instead, I'm still holding BAT. Ouch.

>> No.54417170

Nice little poomp at the moment.

>> No.54417199
File: 196 KB, 640x604, frog sweaty - Copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we do kind of be pumping. Too bad these BAT pumps are always just a flash in the pan before a big fat poopy dump

>> No.54417252

Icp has a search engine, it’s completely on chain.

>> No.54417269

Yeah I'm kind of thinking of selling it (I don't have much really) for either a stable or another token I'm eyeing.

>> No.54417306

As somebody that has held too long, I can 100% guarantee that you will not regret selling BAT on a pump and buying back lower.

>> No.54417328

It’s different this time. This is the vBAT sunset pump.

>> No.54417681

They’re only doing this pamp cuz they know we’re pissed and are trying to win us back

>> No.54418062
File: 74 KB, 960x960, ded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>already dumping

>> No.54418430

Not yet. Is SVB open tomorrow

>> No.54418504

>6 years later and people still believe in this trash
lol, lmao even

>> No.54418569

>lol, lmao even

and back to Rebbit you go, nigger

>> No.54418577

Fuck outta here zumie

>> No.54418963

Will BAT move its operations outside of USA
where are they even based?

>> No.54419286

What happened anyway?
Le pomp has given me hope, even if we retrace 4/5ths tomorrow. I was getting depressed seeing BAT out the top 100 so at least there's that.

>> No.54419331
File: 142 KB, 1355x522, bat pump.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BAT is le numero uno pumper in the past 24 hours

let's just take a moment and enjoy it while it lasts

>> No.54419781

fucking hell I remember this price back in late 2018
it's fucking over isn't it

>> No.54421219

This isn’t supposed to happen. BAT is only meant to crab and dump. What’s causing this?

>> No.54421828

im still buying BAT fuck you all

>> No.54422161

>has a brave store
>can't pay with bat
>has a brave store
>can't pay with bat
>has a brave store
>can't pay with bat
>has a brave store
>can't pay with bat
>has a brave store
>can't pay with bat
>has a brave store
>can't pay with bat
>has a brave store
>can't pay with bat
>has a brave store
>can't pay with bat

>> No.54423410

I just bought more bat too
Fuck these niggas

>> No.54423461

I don't seem to get the idea or basis for why a bot or bunch of groveling cringe-shillers are talking about this with such high expectations and profiles.

What are your basis for buying? Retard<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.54423488

It is over. I'm not expecting a shit from it to surface.

Full fledge meme in disguise. PnD

>> No.54423553 [DELETED] 
File: 331 KB, 1080x1198, 1680231278753970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if it's going to die but I'm happy left only a moon bag and moved my ass into UTK and AZERO when I had the chance. With crypto payment gaining much traction and smart contract now live on Azero Mainnet I feel like a fucking general right now.

>> No.54423606

>tonya tate
Says the 30+ roastie who lost 60% on her 401k middle manager job with interest on her student loans that’ll never be paid off. How all those bisexual experiences and shitty student meal plans were worth it.

>> No.54423626


>> No.54424011
File: 79 KB, 510x332, 1673736808263.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most bat hodlers are most likely to end up looking like genitalia roastie. Kys

There are many opportunities in DeFi with a low-risk and inclusive reward system, just like the use of NFE (non-fungible equity) on Polygon to earn from revenue generated in the real world.
DEFI as a whole is not just all about trading, which often comes with risk and manipulation by market makers.

The space is evolving and DeFi is at edge of mainstream adoption.

>> No.54424186

honestly I start getting a little depressed every time I see BAT have a little pump (which is not often) because you know it's just a tease and BAT will immediately dump either right back to or even lower than its previous price range 24 hours prior to the pump

I know people meme about BAT being funding for Brave but the chart is definitely questionable. This token has literally never held its gains in its history of existence, look at it's all-time chart. Literally just a series of pump and dumps

>> No.54424304

i buy BAT out of hatred and spite

>> No.54424331


>> No.54424627

also imagine how easy it would have been to have pay with bat as an option with anyone who verified as a creator

>> No.54424645

based sadobatochist

>> No.54425704

DeFi is dead but at least most people here have nothing to live for. It’s not much but at least it’s something.

>> No.54425798

thread is as dead as brave rewards

>> No.54425948

It is not dead. The problem with many people is that they have narrowed it down to just trading of assets. There are other ways to benefit inclusively from it with the lowest possible risk. There are many ways one can leverage these different opportunities: earn passive income, mitigate risk, and participate in shaping the future of the DeFi ecosystem.

>> No.54425960

You can barely see this traditional finance, which is often monopolistic, exclusive, and inaccessible.

>> No.54426012

I’m convinced. What token best exemplifies these lofty defi goals my currybro

>> No.54426473
File: 121 KB, 378x574, 1680370158698895.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are many that I've come across, but this one on polygonal DeFi has a fascinating approach via the use of non-fungible equity.

Don't be a lazy Chad, son. Always do what is needful by exploring, just as every smart Chad is doing.

>> No.54426489

*Polygon defi

>> No.54426762

How is your country coping with the vBAT sunsetting situation?

>> No.54428217

any official word yet from the team when rewards are being switched off? they said april, last I heard

>> No.54428663

Who’s the fuck is buying this trash right now<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.54428750

bats on the move again

>> No.54428775
File: 1.18 MB, 1199x795, holy shit im gonna pump.jpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is we poomping?<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.54428875

Is BAT healing<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.54428897

Are they really? Wtf.

>> No.54429015

Only pajeets and krauts are getting cut off.

>> No.54429098

yeah, coming soon you will need to verify (kyc) with a custodial wallet provider to receive vbats or you can choose to have your rewards donated
the option to watch ads and collect bat without giving your i.d. is soon ending
those countries (most countries) have been cut off from uphold and gemini for ages, they can still collect vbat (pointless ikr)

>> No.54429099


>> No.54429103

The fuck is this

>> No.54429114
File: 338 KB, 1125x1736, 36D0C6FC-AC23-43CD-9B71-E7BDE758A19E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does she buy BAT?

>> No.54429143


>> No.54429146

Why are we pumping again?

>> No.54429151

no sellers left. capitulatoors all gone

>> No.54429160
File: 20 KB, 412x312, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well hello there old friend

>> No.54429161

Her tires deflated because they aren’t made to carry such lard. Do you help her buy a mobility scooter with your last few BAT?

>> No.54429187

sure, throw in a sloppy bj too though

>> No.54429188

Will we still be able to earn BAT just by using the browser and having ads for websites pop-up?

>> No.54429193
File: 50 KB, 400x400, st monster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what in the FUCK was that

>> No.54429206

Maybe normies are starting to take a serious look at BAT. I always knew they’d get it one day.

>> No.54429207

yes but only if you go through the verification process (giving up your personal identity such as a passport etc.) and only if that is an option in your country

>> No.54429216

I see, thank you anon

>> No.54429222
File: 62 KB, 314x297, C0D3A580-036B-4CD3-B2E6-A78CE9A067D7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait until you see her teeth.

>> No.54429245

yw dear friend
she's opened too many bottles of cobra with them

>> No.54429287

BAT BAT BAT BAT BAT BAT BAT BAT BAT BAT was the most mentioned ticker on 4chink in the last 24hrs

>> No.54429331
File: 23 KB, 352x427, doomped.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hope you enjoyed it!

>> No.54429340

>I actually paid for this
between Brandon and Dom I'm not even sure who's the bigger scammer

>> No.54429346


>> No.54429385

And Th-th-th-that’s all folks

>> No.54429843

But's that what I thought about yesterday's pump... and then this happened.

>> No.54429933

>I tell you to get out of BAT at a good price (the only Brave employee to ever do so), literally anything and you blame me for it. No wonder the people at Brave despise BAT holders.
Indeed. just reading these retarded subhuman tier responses makes me hate BAT holders.

You guys are sad little baggies.

>> No.54432021

>one guy on 10 ips posting for days on end

>> No.54432202

I'm still here I didn't think this thread would still be up
I regret buying 90,000 BAT and I'm here to despair

>> No.54432789

I have a top 200 wallet of this shitcoin. Wagmi

>> No.54432817
File: 37 KB, 585x366, justtwomoreweeks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any day now guys! brendan even a promised a blog post about an update about the thing!

>> No.54432845
File: 12 KB, 586x123, 1for4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3 years 0 promises fulfilled

>> No.54432861
File: 13 KB, 554x119, marketingsosoon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek batties have been complaining about the same exact things for YEARS marketing soon guys

>> No.54432909

That onestrokeimdone guy used to post all the time about bat but haven’t seen them on le r*ddit bat threads in a while. Perhaps he/they capitulated - or worse from holding bat.

>> No.54433152
File: 3 KB, 305x107, 0331.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BAT had 400 daily active addresses in 2018. In 2023, BAT still only has 400 daily active addresses. And thats the upper limit, actual number is probably orders of magnitude lower as one trader moving the token from one address to another doesnt count as a Brave customer/BAT user. In 5 years absolutely nothing has happened.

>> No.54433181

>I don't think any of this is incompetence or negligence. I think all of this is intentional and malicious. Brave got $30m for free and dipped into the reserves the entire time to bootstrap their business because no VC's would give them money. The entire time they built out products for brave the company. Brave wants to intentionally shutter the BAT program and come up with a new monetization scheme. We were used, and they probably have some legal shield. If not they are located in the Cayman Islands anyways. Sometimes the best scams are the ones hidden behind faux legitimacy.
his most recent post

>> No.54433429

We already know it’s a scam. The only hope is that they are serious about finally cleaning up their act now. Forget about the ICO. Think about all the BAT dumps they did over the years. That’s way more than 30 mil. Probably more like 3-500 mil total. Brendan and Brian’s coffers are full. So far they’ve been content with just stealing money. The real question is; do they care about their legacy?

>> No.54434609

We sinking. Its over

>> No.54434808
File: 68 KB, 818x331, 1680451407736917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even this piece of shit fucking website can do this, but brave cant after how many years

>> No.54434821

>there are people who wasted over 3 years bagholding this shitcoin while missing out on pretty much everything

>> No.54434827

>crypto payment is now available for self-serve ad campaigns

is that an April fool's joke? how long has that been out? someone alert Luke/Brave, they could at least contact 4chan and ask about how it's done

I have no shame and I'm not in these threads a lot. Might as well keep bumping this one rather than making shitty new threads spammed with pornography

>> No.54435209

>they could at least contact 4chan and ask about how it's done
you set up crypto payments with a self serve ad platform. its not that hard.

>> No.54435307

so if brave are pushing tipping now, why haven't they:
1. partnered with all the major content platforms
2. written the code for real time tipping on said platforms
3. marketed the concept and product like any normal tech co. would do

>> No.54435416

Hi. I also bought ROSE.

>> No.54435414

Who said they were pushing tipping?

>> No.54435437
File: 78 KB, 1080x674, 168041947302964737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post wallet address
>get tipped any token that is available on that blockchain
>BAT is not needed
>kyc is not needed

>> No.54435455

well they're taking away the regular rewards program (for the vast majority of rewards users) and are implementing tipping instead
tldr; in a few weeks the only way to get rewards is to agree to auto contribute to creators
why would they not push their browser product?

>> No.54435473

ikr easy
but thats kinda sus and shady, I mean like for eg. be in a twitch chat and tip the creator in real time and all the bells and whistled are sounded within the chat/stream
would have been cool to tip camwhores in real time too lol

>> No.54435480

Not if they build a chat box for livestream tipping but they won’t because it would draw too much unwanted attention. I think it’s pretty obvious to anyone who’s paying attention that Brave is a Google shell corp.

>> No.54435544

I mean idk about that but it does seem weird that they didn't code some function for their product

>> No.54435550
File: 35 KB, 206x273, Over.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have been BATrayed
Captcha :PPP00P

>> No.54435743

Google uses Brave to develop and test market some browser concepts and applications and throws them some scraps. In 2015, it was clear that Google’s market dominance would come into question if antitrust regulators ever decided to crackdown. If Brave ever gets out of line they’ll be cutoff and bankrupted overnight.

>> No.54435809

im buying BAT and you cant stop me

>> No.54436627


>> No.54437394

So, how much have YOU lost on bat?

>> No.54437529

I don't track my gains and losses as I should. I just ape in, don't pay much attention, and have a general intuition of how much I've gained/lost.

>> No.54438351

BAT creates terrible UX and has less utility than World of Wacraft gold

>> No.54438500

shut up parker

>> No.54438965

Imagine buying batchest coin. You will never stop to amaze me. This coin is driven by nothing but few hands washing it up and down.
This will never 1000x, its full of bagholders

But Catgirl will melt faces, watch

>> No.54439219

Please accept my apologies come back to BAT.

>> No.54440477

The whole pump now wiped out entirely. Fuck this piece of shit

>> No.54440500

How much bat u got

>> No.54440637

350k BAT aka digital dogshit

>> No.54441494

Justd manlet

>> No.54441520

I’m a woman

>> No.54441554
File: 2.95 MB, 600x338, 167981745012188570.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will never be a woman

>> No.54441791
File: 2.01 MB, 600x338, trannys.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54441800

buy more bat

>> No.54442299

>less utility than World of Wacraft gold
What exactly is the utility of BAT? I would rather opt for other assets which have stellar products and not one with a basic af browser.

>> No.54442386

>What exactly is the utility of BAT
Since when did Utility really matter in this space? I believe you belong to the school of fags who say they are here for the "Tech"

>> No.54442566

>Since when did Utility really matter in this space?
You are either a dumb pajeet or you are thinking under the influence of Spilled milk, utility has always had a huge role to play in the longevity of projects that's why we have assets like BNB and ETH doing well regardless of the market conditions. Going forward I hope to see projects like Radiant Capital and Spool follow suit because they have stellar products as well.

>> No.54442645

I don't give a fuck about it because it doesn't necessarily matter to me, as the case may be.