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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54390104 No.54390104 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.54390119


>> No.54390124

CCP working overtime tonight with all the threads not sure what happened to piss them off? Meeting with Taiwan’s president?

>> No.54390127

I'm not even a thirdie but you americans are seething so HARD it's funny

>> No.54390141
File: 8 KB, 161x192, F936D8BC-C79B-4294-A8DE-51133D8BD27D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not even a thirdie but you americans are seething so HARD it's funny

>> No.54390142

>I'm not even a thirdie
yeah sure thing

>> No.54390151

It’s like 4am in muttland. Unless the wage slaves are getting up EARLY, this isn’t mutt posting

>> No.54390178
File: 529 KB, 576x704, 1668202198383489.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>11am in Israel

>> No.54390181

the west is so over, how do i compete with pisskins?

>> No.54390189

What's up with the angry mutts on biz?

>> No.54390191

>Amerimutt seethe

>> No.54390192

people stay up all hours on the chans though
pretty sure the JIDF is busy shilling their own country right now to stop them from overthrowing the government lmao

>> No.54390194

Im thirdie scum and idgaf

>> No.54390197

3rdies and Australians are retarded

>> No.54390198


I'm french

>> No.54390202

step 1: dont go above 50 usd net worth

>> No.54390205

cope thirdie

>> No.54390209

Are you a mohamed?

>> No.54390211

>I'm french


>> No.54390287

the overdome is over

>> No.54390311

Europeans think they'll come out better off by joining brics.

>> No.54390350

i can't stop thinking how over is the west bros

>> No.54390366

You're a vassal state to america

>> No.54390401


the world's factory and the world's oil producers uniting.

what does the USA do, exactly?

>> No.54390409

>GPT4 just released
>What exactly does the US do?

Lmao 3rdies

>> No.54390421

>>GPT4 just released
>>What exactly does the US do?
>Lmao 3rdies

oh the USA does chatbots, OK. All that does is consume electricity.

>> No.54390445
File: 241 KB, 1149x1024, B5E61811-F2DD-4961-B0FE-6999870F10B3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dude so what if the US is an innovator and creates technology that will change the world
It’s funny because it’s an immediate example of US innovation, I’m not going to spoonfeed you on how the US is energy independent and a net exporter of fuels.
3rdies will never learn

>> No.54390541

the west is so over bros, SO OVER

>> No.54390571

>dude so what if the US is an innovator and creates technology that will change the world

you're greatly overestimating the importance of chatbots and fake images.

>> No.54390593

>I’m not going to spoonfeed you on how the US is energy independent and a net exporter of fuels.

energy independence is a made up term that means nothing. The US is a net importer of the heavy oil needed to make diesel fuel.

>> No.54390604


fracking is real but very expensive and does not produce the kind of oil the US actually needs. That's why it exports so much fracked oil. US refineries don't want it.

>> No.54390640

i wish /k/ and /pol/ could come up with a proposal for Russia to mitigate the damage they've caused, a contingency plan for Putin's withdrawal from the public (not execution...), and a new state government restructure. there's so much we could be doing to help instead of stoking this stupid fire.
nope. the west is grounded in every modern advancement of human progress from industrial age metallurgy to today's information technology aiding botanical science in space. it's also grounded in moral philosophy that's been dug up from ancient Greece and Rome. i hate to say this but i'm siding with India in this elephant in the room douche-turdsandwich dilemma. those country's putting money into China is better than putting it into our economy so we alone can repay our debt. it's better for those countries this way, if it all.

>> No.54390653

>nope. the west is grounded in every modern advancement of human progress from industrial age metallurgy

that's great, only problem is today's West is deindustrialised and therefore weak

>> No.54390662

>today's information technology aiding botanical science in space

we can't grow our food in space.

>> No.54390668

They need the West more then we need them.
But China has been telling them sweet lies about how the US will just sit and do nothing if they refuse the petrodollar.

>> No.54390675

>They need the West more then we need them.

they don't need the West at all. The West's sanctions have had no effect because the West simply doesn't matter any more.

>> No.54390680
File: 120 KB, 473x500, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahahahaahhahahahahahahah holy fucking cringe. You have to be 18 years old to post here

>i wish /k/ and /pol/ could come up with a proposal for Russia to mitigate the damage they've caused, a contingency plan for Putin's withdrawal from the public (not execution...), and a new state government restructure. there's so much we could be doing to help instead of stoking this stupid fire.
LMFAOOOOO u can't be serious hahahaha

>> No.54390686

>But China has been telling them sweet lies about how the US will just sit and do nothing if they refuse the petrodollar.

France just bought a tanker load of natural gas using the Chinese yuan

>> No.54390787

To be fair, how knows what genetics a Amerimutt has. They practicly bastardation of every nation in the world.

>> No.54390804

one? its long term contracts that matter

>> No.54390807
File: 84 KB, 580x300, temple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am, and don't call me Shirley. Be honest, and this is an ultimatum I present to you in all sincerity:

IF Russia is the enemy in this scenario, and they've made such a stupid, horrible mistake given this invasion; from what you've seen, or what you know, can you honestly say the austists on this site (or any other chan) could not possibly come up with a better plan? If we couldn't come up with something, together, that would technically work in place of the current Russian approach, is not every suggestion presented herein on this site not to be considered complete rubbish as well?

>> No.54390927
File: 91 KB, 504x694, 1631398140285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every single thing you just wrote was cringe, and not just a little cringe. the Airplane reference, the kindergarten level understanding of geopolitics, the wishy washy writing style, everything. absolute cringe. I'm kind of impressed honestly, but you need to go back.

>> No.54390938

you're mimicking my typing style because you've got some stupid ass point to prove. you can eat every booger that comes out of my nose nigga.

>> No.54390960

I just noticed the filename. Yeah that's also cringe. jeez dude

>eat my boogers
>soft r
no, I am not going to discuss politics with a r*dditor, or a child for that matter. you need to go back.