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File: 73 KB, 748x745, it might be over.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54388158 No.54388158 [Reply] [Original]

really makes you think

>> No.54388168

nothing even happened

>> No.54388177

yeah, it's market manipulation. We all know this dude. This shit is fucked up. Hundreds of millions were liquidated going up and down just now, this was clearly done to pump pool treasuries with USDC. It's fucking horrible. CZ should turn himself in tomorrow.

>> No.54388232

i dont know why faggots still use cex and leverage thinking they know what theyre doing

>> No.54388293

ummm GMX, CAP, LVL, GNS, all exist and many degens are using decentralized perp protocols to make their suicidal bets.... The only people who know what they're doing right now with this clown shit are the insider traders who should be in prison for what they just did.

>> No.54388332

Looking forward to that Binance cuck getting convicted

>> No.54388356

Clean kill down both aisles. Very impressive.

>> No.54388379



>> No.54388401

You can't predict the future with charts, but you can read them to find clear market manipulation.

>> No.54388412

consider if one large player wanted to market buy bitcoin on an exchange and did so
the price on that exchange would go up
the mark price on another exchange reflects that large market buy and various limit orders get filled
the large player is done with a market buy and so the volume drops

consider what any market would look like if a significantly large enough player were to enter it and do a market buy

>> No.54388429

Nice try, but the CFTC filing precludes that. This market has puppet strings.

>> No.54388435

Yeah except the volume also increased during the dump. Coincidence?

>> No.54388441

I'm sick of every jiggle of the market being narrated by this board. Mods should put a rule in place that moves smaller than 15% are not allowed to be discussed.

>> No.54388471

The two based bros who responded to you heemed your opinion to death, CZ. You're goign to die in prison along with Helen Hai.

I wish you guys had been hovering over me and telling me not to fall for that pump. You're alright, decent people I imagine. Thank you for slaughtering CZ with your postings.

>> No.54388494
File: 37 KB, 740x703, 1622333618031.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>noooo think of the hecking poor little 20-100x leverage gambloooors

this less than a 5% move, so even if you bought the tippy top of that candle you'd have to have 20x leverage to get liq'd on this move

if you did a 20x leverage long or short that's fine, you should be prepared for the liquidation though, and if you weren't your a dumb gambler who was ngmi anyway

>> No.54388499

notice the highest spike in volume then a brief pause? that was the market buy
the next spike is the fomo crew
the next pause before the dump is everyone waiting to see if the whale/s is done market buying
the dump volume is some of the fomo crew trying to cut their losses

>> No.54388503

>gate keeping a board's conversations
You are free to leave faggot.

>> No.54388512

Nigga its the invisible hand of the market....shhhh

>> No.54388517

Why do faggots keep posting about CZ? Is binance ceo the only millionaire in the world to these retards?

>> No.54388523

that's not how leverage works idiot. this was market manipulation. Hundreds of millions were liquidated going up both and down because it fucked the price feeds up too with that much volume in that short of a time period across all the markets. THis was designed to wreck people and fill treasuries and you're an absolute faggot for pretending that it's the fault of retail doing 20x bets and not the market manipulation of about a dozen people all attached to cz, china/vietnam through binance. In fact, I'd reckon that you're part of the clique yourself.

>> No.54388536

Are you afraid CZ? You should be. Your wallets are all tracked. CZ didn't you read about how a "mysterious" entity has been spying on BTC wallets using hundreds of didfferent IPs for the last 4 years? Are you afraid you'll be killed in the carribean like they killed Nicolai Mushegian? You should be.

>> No.54388540

He's the only millionaire(billionaire?) in the world to have access to the majority of all crypto short and long positions.

>> No.54388545

You can see how many shorts and longs are posted too with websites. But you're either a disingenuous faggot or a newfag so fuck you

>> No.54388577

Okay, so you're saying the average retailloor has bit-mex, kucoin, binance, kraken, coinbase, cap, gmx, lvl, gns and however many other major perp platforms all open, all at once on their multiple large-format widescreens in their dude dens? Kek. Kill yourself cz. chico crypto said on his most recent youtube that he's going to fly to your house and bash your skull in.

>> No.54388595

You're retarded. You can find all shorts and longs regardless of exchange on 1 website

>> No.54388629

Can you find liquidation levels as well? Cause that's pretty important. Can you find how much crypto/cash is in the accounts to take as spoils? Can you find out stop loss settings on this website you're talking about?

>> No.54388652

what's the website? and then answer the guy below you who commented because I'm pretty sure you can't with the answer you're (not) going to give to me about the website.

>> No.54388657

go to bed schizo and stop drinking so much coffee

>> No.54388687

the story I posted is real fag. someone more powerful and shady than CZ has been tracking every one of his bitcoin wallets since 2018. I have a strong suspicion we're going to have more "billionaire" crypto celebrities mysteriously drown in the Carribean before the year is out. The death toll out there for crypto billionaires is shockingly high I've read. Hope he knows how to tread water.

>> No.54388698

Cz know kung fu though, he isn’t some beta bitch

>> No.54388726

read as old money precenting new money from getting a piece

also take your meds

>> No.54388741
File: 97 KB, 1024x541, 1668733543097899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one of the downfalls of dealing with unregulated, decentralized currency i suppose.

>> No.54388742

>what website
Kill yourself. It's 2023 and you need to fucking go back and stay on coinbase if you don't know this at this point

>> No.54388754

I've watched a team of mossad go into a 5-star dubai hotel to kill a yemeni oil executive who had a full security detail. All of it was leaked about ten years ago. If these types of people want you dead, you're going to end up dead. The mossad made it look like he had a heart attack and did the whole thing in about 5 minutes with about 10 operatives there and a doctor who administered the drugs to kill the yemeni businessman.

>> No.54388759

telle me the website fag. jannies like me and they dont like you. at least I amuse them.

>> No.54388760

>non answer
Sad boy.

The only place that has that kind of information is Binance's internal trading desk.

>> No.54388788
File: 331 KB, 1080x1198, Vagabond Approved.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jannies love me because I give them hope. I eat big macs and look like this. 4 hotpocket has the protein of 1 big macs. Jannies are going to make it

Joking aside I'm not telling you because you said "the story is real". Literally only places spreading binance FUD are gigantic kike websites like cnbc and CNN

>> No.54388802

Yea but cz only steal retailers money, he ain’t messing with these guys.

>> No.54388808

it's not binance fud, gookchinkkikeniggerspickfagtroon. https://cointelegraph.com/news/mysterious-entity-may-be-collecting-btc-users-ip-addresses-bitcoin-developer This shit is real and the biggest bitcoin wallets are being watched for 75% of the time passively and 15% of the time are being picked apart and alayzed. Who do you think the people powerful enough to be behind this are watchign? Folks with .06btc in their wallets or people like CZ with dozens of wallets with hundreds of btc in each that he doesn't want everybody else to know about? I don't care about CZ, I'm just convinced he was behind this recent market manipulation because who else could have been at this point...all other players are out of the market or holding stables and lending them out trying to save their necks.

>> No.54388818

okay so why did ((these)) people kill Nicolai Mushegian, creator of DAI? What was it about Nicolai, with a 1/1000th networth of CZ that made them want to kill him so badly? The story will unfold in time.

>> No.54388823

please elaborate, sounds like an interesting story

>> No.54388856

I misspoke, it was this. I was right about the time it was leaked though. I'm sure the videos are still out there, I'm pretty sure it was the mossad who leaked the videos out themselves as a terrorism campaign (what they excel at) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassination_of_Mahmoud_Al-Mabhouh

>> No.54388880

market manipulation = price going up and down from whales buying and selling
you guys realize it's legal and happens in all markets
stock brokers get caught naked shorting their own clients all the time

>> No.54388917

CZ, it's fucking over for you dude. That wasn't "whales" buying, that was entire trading desks being given a signal to go up and down at the same time to increase treasuries that have been obliterated all month. Binance desperately needs cash on hand to float BNB. If this was algorithmic, normal trading, you'd think BNB would have been heemed too....surprise surprise, it stayed the same. Now how could that be when BNB is closely correlated with ETH?

I'll tell ya: Market Manipulation. Feds reading this post right now, I hope you are archiving this thread and will use it in court docs. I'll laugh so fuckking hard seeing the words knuckle-dragging sneed'em'seed'em biden-kamala rape baby oriental suckfest in the deposition when it's leaked.

>> No.54388926

You realize that coming here to defend CZ in a thread explictly calling out Market Manipulation on a mongolian basket weaving forum just makes CZ and market manipulators look even worse, right? The feds read and archive all these posts in the Utah DAta center. For once, I'm glad big brother wants to beat teh shit out of someone other than me.

>> No.54388965
File: 975 KB, 520x375, 1678919683764324.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>6 gorillion typos

>> No.54388976

In the end, white men with intact cocks and a sense of pride for their people will run over your lands with M2 Abrams tanks and kill every single person in your country and use the remains to feed their worms in their verticulture pits.

>> No.54388993

>bringing Abrams tank to kill the guy pooping in the woods
Easiest X to doubt I've ever done in my life

>> No.54389007

USA just gave 100 billion like it was nothing in a year to whites who can't speak English. You think you're safe in Mombasa?

>> No.54389024


your every post is pure retard

>> No.54389039

read the source cited then for yourself. something is happening and has been happening for 4 years to bitcoin wallets. Why would thousands of random wallets be spied on by a centralized entity using hundreds of VPNs and algorithm to do it all? https://b10c.me/observations/06-linkinglion/?t

>> No.54389056

>why would public ledgers be spied upon

do you know what public means?

>> No.54389063

also heres one for ya

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.54389177

If you just want to make dumb posts you’re welcome to go to /pol/ or /b/. Why do you shitposters have to ruin a serious board

>> No.54389205

Okay fed faggot - they're tying bitcoin wallets to personal ip addresses. What are teh guesses that this is purely benign behavior versus this being possibly malicious behavior? I'm going to bet it's not in the best interest of btc holders to know that someone is out there trying to figure out the IP addresses they use to trade and hold bitcoin on. But of course you know that, because you're a fed faggot. You cause pain and damage to normal people under the guise of protecting them...you run the world's largest cabals. You're scum. End your life.

>> No.54389213

this used to be a place of learning.

>> No.54389228

what is this? I've seen this copy pasta but I don't speak chinese. can you broad brush strokes this one for me? I used google translate but it's just lots of words aobut vivisection and the revolutions of chingchongland which I know about.

>> No.54389234

I've tried to reply to you twice now so look at the posts that went to no one please and get back to me.

>> No.54389591

holy fuck you meth head, it's not illegal
you guys act like io care about a billionaire and this is your first day in the markets
you glowies hate CZ because he took out your jew boy
fuck you mossad

>> No.54390038

Its copypasta about china and its dirty business and politics it basically says, CHING HUNG CHOW DONG LOW SHUNG DING DONG

>> No.54390051

it's illegal to market manipulate you dravidian gook-kike hybrid monster. That scam wick will be getting discussed all this week and I guarantee you when cz goes to prison, it will be part of the deposition he is given. fuck sam bankman fried, hope he rots in prison forever too. You're just a euro-asian shitbird dickriding faggot and that's exactly how you come off right now. Insiders shoujld be beheaded by their own attendents.

>> No.54390562

>my internet funny money has a scam wick
it was really just a market buy

nobody cares about your buttcorns schizo faggot

>> No.54390588

it wasn't. show me the txns. several hundred millions btc and wbtc was also market bought and sold in a coordinated fashion in under 5 minutes. That's collusion and corruption. It will be part of the discovery phase in court, as will many other times. You don't think the government accuses someone without building a case against them, don't you?

>> No.54390812

>im mary sueing you over monopoly money
>my lawyer has a huge nose

why dont you show me the several hundred million btc wbtc transactions

>> No.54390822

Jump off a bridge

>> No.54390831

i'm not going to willingly kill myself kikes, but you will willingly kill yourselves :)

>> No.54390832

These crackers/niggers are playing with 20x+ leverage and are salty they got fucked because markets didn't got their way. Kek
you're a midwit that can't do TA. Stay the fuck away from scalping, moron.

>> No.54390837

I never said kys. I said jump off a bridge

>> No.54390853

you're such a fucking gook dude. a 20x by a small fish retail-ee is nothing compared to several 100x longs followed by 100x shorts all colluded at the same time by the same people. I hope you die or go to prison for corruption or both.

>> No.54390859

okay well then I'll jump off about a 2 meter tall bridge over chill waters with nothing underneath to hurt me. thanks, you encouraged me to get refreshed this upcoming summer.

>> No.54390860

You're making excuses up for your shit trading record LOL

>> No.54390875

keep bullying dude - doesn't change what I said. I'm not the one under investigation by the US government. It's over for your chain and for your holdings on a cex. Thanks for playing.

>> No.54390936

>I'm not the one under investigation by the US government.
newfag normie. The government has been on CZ's ass ever since CZ fucked SBF. This is just a temper tantrum. None of their fud has done shit ever besides short term volatility

>> No.54390972

Kek okay. You obviously didn't read the indictment. They have everything they need to put CZ away forever along with Sammy boy. It's funny you guys try and make this about jews vs. chinese when it's really just criminals vs. other criminals. Very pilpul and kike of you honestly to muddy the waters this way. Tick tock cz. tick tock. this time it's real. Same thing that happened to huawei is going to happen to binance.

>> No.54391002

>They have everything they need to put CZ away forever along with Sammy boy.
Lmao nigger, this isn't the first time they've taken up lawsuits against CZ. It never goes anywhere, but you normies believe anything because you have low IQ