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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54384599 No.54384599 [Reply] [Original]

Uhh, doesn't the value of the dollar sort of depend on it being the world reserve currency and trade standard, i.e. the exact opposite of this?

>> No.54384655
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Yes. But we have the new standard, Bitcoin and Litecoin, so no worries.
This is the world you wanted when you bought into crypto. This is real.

>> No.54384717

Every once in a while the cartels announce a truce. Lots of good feelings all around. The mafia families sometimes do this too. Beautiful optics. Lots of champagne.

>> No.54384755

Hey kikes, good job dragging Lula out of prison to put him on the throne. You fucking morons had control over the whole world and blew it

>> No.54384807

Two more dollars

>> No.54384831

It's nothing, as usual, and nothing ever happens. Brazil's foreign debt of ~600 billions is denominated in US Dollars. Which currency they transact in is not relevant. Wake me up when they default on their heavy debt obligations, until then, I sleep.

>> No.54386540

Can you really not see the obvious trend forming? It's not just this one instance.

>> No.54386664

Two more weeks. Why are you believing the news when it confirms your bias? This is just media blowing smoke up your ass so they can buy back cheaply.

>> No.54386682

Telegraphing America's collapse is a psyop go slurp?

>> No.54386691

Who say they will pay that money back. The Us government doesnt either.

>> No.54386711

they don't have to pay anything if everyone except the us agrees that the dollar is worth nothing

>> No.54386780

Transfer it all to one guy without family - kill him.
Oh no we are debt free, how did that happen kek

>> No.54386815

Or just print all the money, pay it back and then replace it the currency the next day.

>> No.54386868
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>I don't have family

>> No.54386930

Based Joel Brandon is literally the harbinger of the decline of the American Empire and meanwhile all the country cares about is muh trannies and niggers

You just have to laugh!

>> No.54386958

This project will have limited scope.

Agribusiness and mining companies are the only ones that sell goods - say, söy, beef and iron ore - to China in any meaningful capacity.
Agribusiness has limited interest in using yuans, because they don't really buy that much stuff from China. Agricultural machinery is often already manufactured in Brazil and only a small part of fertilizers are imported from China. They also have all the interest in keeping their profits in a strong currency.
The mining industry has some concerns in manufacturing, so they might benefit from marginally cheaper Chinese imports.
The bulk of this program will pivot around a new currency market with importers buying yuans from those exporters, but even then, Brazil has a gigantic trade surplus with China, so there's no point in flooding the currency markets with yuans.
The majority of contracts will still be settled in USD.
Brazil has had trade compensation programs in the past, notably with Nazi Germany, in which trade is settled without using the international reserve currency. In the end, they are limited - although Nazi Germany briefly became Brazil's main trade partner for a while back then - because the international reserve currency will still be used for everything else.

>> No.54387612

No way I'm reading a well-informed take on /biz/ right now.

>> No.54387828

Insufferable hubris

>> No.54387835

So, burger with nothing?

>> No.54387988

Of course not, you brainlet

>> No.54388093
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Seriously what were the usa and france even thinking when they started to attack Bolsonaro non stop for years.

They literally put a chavist party in power because Bolsonaro did not liked trannies.

>> No.54388228
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It still is a mystery to me how Bolsonaro buck broke all these western european fag leaders for them to start shilling against him so badly, anyway that cost him his reelection and now Lula is going to buck break these fags again but this time it's for realz

>> No.54388247
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Time to burn some tokens.

If not its hyper inflation. So that means they have to burn.

>> No.54388366

What is China going to do with Brazilian currency? Wallpaper?

>> No.54388403

US is not doing so great under Biden huh you troons

>> No.54388434

buy brazlian resources, you stupid nigger

>> No.54388513

nigger, they buy a ton of food from us, as well as minerals and other shit

>> No.54388548

Yea I really don't understand it, they literally supported the chavist candidate

>> No.54388646

Oh neat, I was just asking for a 2 world split of currency.
It seems to be manifesting due to my desires.
I will continue to make the requests, and see if god wills it to be.

>> No.54388684

Purchase agricultural products probably.

>> No.54388704

Kind of a shit deal for China funnily enough, the Brazilian Real has been steadily losing value for well over a decade against other currencies.

>> No.54389046
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Last time i remember joe biden was praising the brazil commie president elect and calling him legit, then the amigo stabbed old pedo joe right in the back and struck a deal with china. You love to see it

>> No.54389068

The anti-american leftists from the developing world emigrated to the US, and now they're in charge of US politics. It's that simple.

>> No.54389081

No. The existence of those countries actually depends on the USA not charging them export fees, since they lack any naval projection and can't protect their ships on the ocean. Literally all of these retarded third world countries only have industry because American engineers and companies exported it to them, the minute chinese students are expelled from american universities the chinese development ceases because everything they have is reliant on American technological innovation.

And this is before considering they aren't food sufficient and their birthrate has fallen by more than half (20 million in 2001 to 10 million in 2021) despite the one child policy being replaced with the two child policy because their economy is propped up by real estate speculation (the same as canada and japan in the 1980s) which has made housing unaffordable. The Chinese lack native sources of oil and their control of rare earth metals is only because the US government allows them to, as Appalachia, Alaska and the Rockies have about the same deposits as Tibet but the US government has chosen not to develop them, which is part of a larger policy of keeping the Chinese happy as a carrot on a stick to keep them working with the US. If the chinese try to financially 'nuke' the USA, the USA will immediately rugpull them because the USA has oil, rare earth metals and furloughed industry with lots of cheap laborers in the midwest and appalachia and beaner people in mexico.

There is nothing china has which is inherently strategically advantageous for them except their larger population. Even this advantage threatens to become a noose as their birthrates are much worse despite the government paying Chinese people to have kids, as opposed to the US which basically pays women not to have kids and makes abortion a big right.

All of these threads are retarded, brazil isn't even relevant to anything.

>> No.54389139

That's what never made sense about this BRICS thing. The real sucks, the rupee sucks, and whatever currency they use in South Africa (probably USD) also sucks. Sure Brazil/Russia can trade their resources for yuan, but what good is stinky chinky money when you need USDs anyways to buy anything else? What does India and South Africa even bring to the table?

>> No.54389289

Yes, but BRICS are a meme, the only important one is China

>> No.54389326

You fools. The most important countries are the poor ones because they have the most resources. If all the poor countries embargoed the wealthier ones the wealthier ones would suffer far more.

>> No.54389345

Wrong. It's just that richer countries don't want to exploit their natural resources. If the cost of natural resources went up then it would make financial sense, but until then developed economies aren't going to go for it for the most part because the return is so low.

>> No.54389825

I agree with that insofar as a coordinated effort by current extraction economies against the US could be devastating, but Brazil is the only one of those signers on that has an extractive economy and strong trade ties with the US. If the US gets concerned about it, they'll offer the next country in line a better deal. Maybe BRICS will just be the next USSR, in that case, reroll the Cold War with an increased focus on cyberwarfare and a decreased focus on conventional and nuclear materiel. It's probably going to be more of a practical 'geopolitical blocs as organisms vying for global power' than an ideological conflict at least, since nobody who knows a thing would be labouring under the misapprehension that China is communist. China is a very fascist police state whereas the US is merely a moderately fascist police state after all. At least the US can be negotiated with and is translucent rather than opaque.

>> No.54390464
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De-industrialized EU, US, UK can't even supply Ukraine with ammunition, now the US wants to start a war with China.
Meanwhile the American financial system is fake based on exporting debt, printing trillions of dollars out of thin air, forcing the USD through everyone's throat, while hiding failures in the system through bailouts, printing more debt.

Why are burgers so deillusional?
When was the last time America won a war on it's own?

>> No.54390508

>Why are burgers so deillusional?
Because they get told that USA NUMBA ONE from birth.

>> No.54390529

>Neighbor having a fight
>Have to drag everyone instead of letting them solve their own problem
I got globalhomo so much.

>> No.54390685

And equally as those nations move away from the USD that's a lot of business that's going to end up needing to leave as the purchasing power parity they rely on for work swings out of their favour. We already see that with manufacturers pulling out of China as the great motivator for them doing business, labour costs, has effectively ended.

>> No.54391259

>They also have all the interest in keeping their profits in a strong currency.
Well yeah, but until now there weren't even any competitors to the dollar in regard to its strength as currency.
Now there are two. Yuan and Ruble.
It will come down to whether one of these 3 countries has the industrial strength, the financial capacity and the leadership potential to become reserve currency.

Which will come down to just how deep America's corruption and degeneration goes, both regarding its ruling elite and the masses.

>> No.54391309
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>US wants to start a war with China.
Trannies falling out of favor lately and pozz being dialed back a bit is 100% compatible with this scenario.

>> No.54391334


lmao. Lula is literally senile and the government is in a power struggle between the oligarchies (who just want their rackets to remain safe), the old leftist guard (who want to go hard Venezuela) and the globalist/Sorosian progressives (who are okay with neoliberalism). Right now it's the progressives who are winning, and the old guard lefties are increasingly openly criticizing the government. Lula will sell out the Amazon soon, before maybe getting impeached and his neoliberal VP taking over.

>> No.54391350

I'm glad these people are willing to put their fake currencies on a contract. China has devalued their currency, over leveraged their GDP with plenty of bad debt and there's strong evidence that they fake their GDP numbers. Brasil is a socialist country filled with corruption and might be prone to hyperinflation if the time comes where they have to pay their debts with printed money..
What could go wrong for these 2

>> No.54391611


also, it's not denominated in US dollars
I don't know where you came up with that "fact" LOL

>> No.54391621
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it's starting I guess
>inb4 amerilard comes up with his "nothignburger"
everything starts with a nothingburger
and before you know it you have an ameriburger with a dead american in the middle of the buns

>> No.54392225

>CIA gets their puppet elected
>he makes this deal with china
glowbros what were we thinking?

>> No.54392241

That's great tough if you are a r/neoliberal retard.

The left in latam is not as weaker as in the anglosphere or europe, the old guard is usually very allied to trading unions(they do't tend to like the cuban axis crap) but they are always happy to join those old guard commie fuckers to cause trouble for their own political goals.

It's like France unions but on steroids, if the neolib retards progressives try to take Lula these unions will act causing chaos as they always have done, they really don't give a crap if they destroy their system or not it is just self interest for unions in latam and they are strong.

>> No.54392429
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India has an unlimited supply of mediocre Java programmers thank you sir.

>> No.54392437

>The Chinese lack native sources of oil and their control of rare earth metals is only because the US government allows them to, as Appalachia, Alaska and the Rockies have about the same deposits as Tibet but the US government has chosen not to develop them, which is part of a larger policy of keeping the Chinese happy as a carrot on a stick to keep them working with the US.
I don't think it's that intricate.
Vid related, tl;dr he goes on how US congressmen and other big names think China's monopoly on rare metals is a mining issue, and not an industrial issue, despite all evidence suggesting otherwise. It doesn't include the slides used, which is gay, but his point still gets across.
That said, this movement is indeed too early and Brazil just sucks, I wouldn't be surprised to hear that this exchange turns out a loss for China as real is a weak currency.

>> No.54392449

Was Lula that bad? How is Brazil doing so well?

>> No.54392609

Dude... that's in percentage, relative to their GDP, which was 1.6T dollars that same year. How about you learn to read before posting here?

>> No.54392865

morde es number 1 huehuehue

>> No.54392903

Lula was a "moderate" chavist aligned leftist, but it's hard to know if his "moderation" was only beause he ruled during a commodity boom.

Not sure how such guy would act with headwinds, he seems the classic anti western leftist but kind of social democrat internally yet constantly being friends with literal chavist cuban tier marxists.

Not sure what the us glowies and france were thinking (france literally tried to bring bolsonaro down to boycot the mercosur eu trade agreement).

>> No.54392930

checked for ltc

>> No.54395703
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>> No.54397244

March to war yourself fattie

>> No.54397263

They steal money from their neighbors using Odebrecht during Lula's government

>> No.54397390

I'd be more inclined to believe this if /k/ wasnt clearly pozzed to shit by nafotrannies and special interests. Not to say pol doesnt also have a lot of shilling but the /k/ posters stick out almost as bad as the pajeet memecoin scammers.

>> No.54397557


>die for Israel goy
Fight your own wars.

>> No.54397794

Imagine being so stupid that you don't realize this is on purpose. It's a controlled demolition of the US and the USD moron. The rats are abandoning ship while they extract as much of the remaining wealth as possible and neutralize potential future threats.

>> No.54397955

the US has more control over internet activity than anyone else, see the twitter files where they just message the social media company and have people banned that they dont like. /pol/ has been ruined by shills post 2016 but /k/ isnt any better. guess you better not take any side since theres some government shilling it

>> No.54398160

Who is this chick and why do people keep posting her?

>> No.54398245

We use Rand in South Africa and we are extremely gold and rare earth minerals rich. Some shit is like 95% of it is found here. Never underestimate a South African.

Also the Rand will be worth more than the dollar soon.

>> No.54398457
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>> No.54398504

>doesn't the value of the dollar sort of depend on it being the world reserve currency and trade standard
No. It depends on foreigners wanting to export more than they import basically. As long as countries like China don't want to consume more domestically (they prefer to save) they're going to have to buy and sell dollars to manipulate their exchange rates (holding "reserves" just makes that a little easier) or find out how to turn countries like Brazil or South Africa into massive consumer markets somehow. If China just let the Yuan float and liberalize trade they'd end up manufacturing a lot less stuff and importing more from cheap stuff from poor countries and luxury goods from richer countries but the commies don't exactly want that?

>> No.54400067

I'm just telling you how it is. If the USD is bound to be replaced as reserve currency (and the renminbi will not be it's successor in that), this is not the deal that will herald it.

>in regard to its strength as currency.
Are you kidding me? The renminbi and the ruble are still light-years away from being a real competitor to the dollar. Brazilian farmers, in particular, want nothing to with the currency issued by a country that's being currently sanctioned by a good chunk of their trade partners (Brazil's exports to North America and Europe were 34% of all exports in 2022, China 27%) and has a paltry trade volume with them. They also want nothing to do with a currency that can be quickly and completely manipulated by their monetary authority, as is the case with the renminbi.
>It will come down to whether one of these 3 countries has the industrial strength, the financial capacity and the leadership potential to become reserve currency.
Naturally. And trust. Nobody trusts the People's Bank of China. They control exchange rates, they can quickly and effectively issue capital control regulations and a host of other measures to make sure their currency benefits them. If the Chinese really wants to have the renminbi as reserve currency (which is not clear that they do), they'll not just need to keep growing, but also have to reform their monetary policy to suit the task.
The most probable scenario in the forseeable future is just one of greater diversification. Central banks holding different currencies and a somewhat more complex currency market.

>> No.54400105

>If China just let the Yuan float and liberalize trade they'd end up manufacturing a lot less stuff and importing more from cheap stuff from poor countries and luxury goods from richer countries but the commies don't exactly want that?
exactly. they're not a real contender right now and they know that. that's why they have these limited agreements with a few key partners.

>> No.54400164

I just don't see how the us can win in the long term when the us is held hostage by the military industrial complex+social security and there's no willingness to reign in spending. Right no the political parties are divided between pro or anti tranny. How can the us win?

>> No.54400257

>Was Lula that bad?
He presided over a time of great prosperity that was not his making.
He inherited totally revamped government institutions - stable currency, good budgetary rules, functional banking system - from his predecessor and during his tenure Brazil benefited from a commodities' boom. He then used this budgetary surplus to spend money on the poor and to invest on infrastructure and industrial projects. He committed a lot of mistakes - not to mention crimes - and the situation could've been much better under more competent leadership. He won't have such a good time this time.
As for the degeneracy stuff that chuds love to hate, he allowed the liblefts to run free, except for abortion. Unions held strikes routinely. Farms were invaded by landless peasants movements all the time. He doesn't seem to have any opinions on matters of behavior and morality and just parrots what his advisors tell him to say. He genuinely cares about growth, labor issues and reduction of poverty.

>> No.54400352

>How can the us win?
Well, it can't. That's the issue with empires, anon. They grow, stagnate and wither. If the Chinks eventually take the crown from the Americans (which I'm not that sure about), they'll also eventually stagnate and wither.
The U.S. greatest advantage is it's superlative affluence. You complain about not having steel mills, coal mines and car plants anymore, but you're still a formidable industrial giant and you dominate finance and technology. These will not go away so fast and decay can take a long time.
It took a few weeks in 1914 for Britain permanently to lose the crown of financial leader of the world and never get it back, but took the Roman Empire centuries to irrevocably fail.

>> No.54400550

are you fucking stupid or what
I'm saying that if your debt to GDP is lower than fucking 100, how is it a huge problem?
think, fiatcel, think