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File: 314 KB, 828x796, 7A6BBDC9-8785-45EB-9CEF-05918A4906C3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54383451 No.54383451 [Reply] [Original]

Now that we’re pumping again, how many ICP did you stack?
What’s the sui/make it?

>> No.54383489

7.5k icypees. Truthfully I gave up on getting to 10k, the price action was getting to me but I am still holding. All I want at this point is a 5x so I can exit lol

>> No.54383510

Reminder icp isn't crypto

>> No.54383571
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What pump you N*g**ger talking about?

>> No.54383635

how many ICP did you stack?
I bought 500 at 8€ and locked it for 8 years not dissolving.
If it goes to 2k each i will always earn at least 1 or 2 a month which will make my like easier, if not well at least i didn't risk much.

>> No.54383673

Reminder your crypto only move coins from A to B.

>> No.54383736

>What’s the sui/make it?

>> No.54383746

6000 at 6.5, feeling eerily close to profit

>> No.54383953

>can't refute
>regurgitates Dom's talking points

>> No.54384188

ICP isn't crypto because it moggs your erc-20 or eth-fork.

>> No.54384213

5000 suicide stack.
50k make it

>> No.54384247

Oh look another avax shill how convenient

>> No.54384286

I need it to pump about $300 more to break even

>> No.54384331

2.9k ICP
Still stacking

>> No.54384354
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Nice fren, I personally just got past 10k and hoping for a 5x

>> No.54385227

I've never owned avax in my life, copenigger

>> No.54385242

Avax fag confirmed

>> No.54385359

Same 7.5k. You're an idiot to sell at a 5x but probably some fud

>a to b
>can't refute

>> No.54385383

I didn't buy any because it's a chud token

>> No.54385422

Same I have 2k will sell at 50 plus probably 80

>> No.54386570
File: 544 KB, 572x508, 1673817024468975.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe i bought this scamcoin at $45. There is literally zero incentive to buy more since there's no evidence it'll ever do anything beyond crabbing or maybe dumping even further.

>> No.54386623
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>If it goes to 2k each
Holy shit, people still believe this is possible? I haven't checked any ICP threads in a few months cause I was trying to just keep it out of my mind how far into the negative I am, but you are straight up delusional.

>> No.54386626

But you're the type of nigger that makes $100 bets on sportgames, and get paid in Budweiser Light. No lil peckerwood nigger, real investing isn't for you

>> No.54386640
File: 36 KB, 936x455, 1 year.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been consistently dropping for an entire year. It's over.

>> No.54386816

Mein Kampf exists in it's entirety on btc forever. No such guarantee exists on icp. Every few months a new problem makes its way to the fore and every time the few remaining legitimate voices get drowned out. Dfinity is about to bailout taggr, the majority of the community is fine with it, and you don't have a problem with it. This is exactly why there will never be adoption. It's splitting the difference between ETH and AWS and the result is dogshit.

>> No.54386879
File: 132 KB, 862x989, icp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back to r/cryptocurrency
ICP was shilled here in 2020

>> No.54386920

Woah, so now you're in the negative after 3 years rather than 2. Truly a master investor.

>> No.54386952

you missed the bottom lol

>> No.54386959

Stop projecting, not my first rodeo

>> No.54386997

Everyone has said that about every price target for every crypto ever. ETH baggies were delusional when ETH was <$10 and they were saying it would one day be worth $1000. BTC baggies were delusional when they said it would be worth $1000. The technology and total supply makes $2000 a real possibility if BTC and crypto in general continues to follow the growth curve it has been on for the past 14 years. Saying it's not possible is actually more delusional that saying it IS possible given the history of how this market works.

>> No.54387007

Why do you feel this way?
What have you learned from this?
Why did you buy?
When did you realize this was a lost cause?
Do you think it's an outright scam?

>> No.54387015

What else do you hold?

>> No.54387051

dude posts on every one of these threads he's just some doom posting jeet who lost his couple hundred bucks which he would have lost buying literally anything else

>> No.54387055

You'd have to ignore the last two years or have zero critical thinking ability to still believe this is even a $10B project in real dollars. Maybe you haven't been paying attention

>> No.54387058

I bought at $35. Moonman had me fooled

>> No.54387074

It's always hilarious when I post for the first time in several weeks and get accused of being some other guy. You know there are plenty of people who are feeling scammed by ICP, right? There's not one singular guy who is mad that this shit is crabbing at $5 for like 8 months.

>> No.54387084

I lost like 10k and don't recognize him. I'm genuinely interested in his thoughts, and you aren't. Why aren't you? Don't you see this as a problem to be solved?
What is your crypto experience? I'm guessing it's not on the level of his or even mine.

>> No.54387085

I fell for the web3 meme and was unironically impressed by Super Mario 64 being ported over.
I haven't even sold (nor will I) but I honestly don't expect anything from it at this point.

>> No.54387115

And when it fails you'll say what? Go back to "DeFi can't exist on ICP" or some shit?

>> No.54387117


>> No.54387129
File: 45 KB, 1047x265, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dam that's crazy i guess posting on /r9k/ a couple days ago doesn't count but maybe you should go back and bring your absolutist doomer mindset with you >>54386623

>> No.54387146
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>Why do you feel this way?
I am financially peed
>What have you learned from this?
Nothing, I will fall for more scams
>Why did you buy?
The web3 meme
>When did you realize this was a lost cause?
When it started crabbing for like 8 straight months at $5
>Do you think it's an outright scam?
Not actually, and I haven't sold. Honestly posting fud is pretty fun for the reassurance you get from people who defend the coin, but I honestly don't have any actual hope around ICP.

>> No.54387153

HAHAHA You're so mad. I obviously meant that i haven't posted in any ICP related threads, not on 4chan as a whole.
Oh no, I'm so embarrassed that I expressed concern for someone on a different board.

>> No.54387168

When what fails? Btc? Lmao. Bro go look up the valuation of the other "new internet" companies that didn't attach a fake blockchain to it. Literally the same thing. Dfinity marketing is on point at baiting people who actually want a new way. Too bad they're all faggots and you're too busy begging for an airdrop to realize.

>> No.54387190

The vote you retard. Imagine for a minute it fails what's your take then? ICP is saved because a vote was rejected to restore Taggr?

>> No.54387208

I don't know what you're referring to specifically, but if you're focused on the price you'd have to ignore the last two years, and I'm not just talking about the ICP/USD price chart which is all you idiots care about, but also all of the context surrounding ICP including the FTX ICP-PERP manipulation, the fake Arkham Intelligence report, the constant paid FUD by SOL and AVAX shills, and the timing of the launch coinciding with a massive BTC dump.

The technology of ICP is leagues ahead of any other crypto project, and you don't need to be a software engineer to see that. Although it's obviously not perfect because there are (solvable) problems being brought to light often, the same goes for every other blockchain including Ethereum which has 150x the market cap. The fact is that nobody has been able to levy substantial criticism toward ICP in a way that calls into question fundamental flaws in the design of the protocol. It's always vague shit or criticisms that can be levyed toward literally any other crypto project, even ones with 10 or 100x the market cap of ICP, and somehow that's proof it's worthless and will never pump.

>> No.54387221
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>HAHAHA You're so mad

you might as well sell your ICP stack if you think crabbing is fud. Have you seen bitcoin, or the stock market? I thought the narrative was ICP was going to endlessly dump to 3 cents

>> No.54387244
File: 165 KB, 255x280, 1673908580919961.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I don't think I will sell.
Here's another image that I've used a few times, go look it up and try to btfo me again, schizo. It was honestly hilarious.

>> No.54387260

We're two years in and the only people that can fix it work for dfinity. This is ok with you? Arthur Falls said on his podcast a year ago that the monopoly of talent by dfinity was a problem. He was subsequently sent a legal notice and eventually silenced. Do you not have a problem with this? Funny how you keep jumping around to avoid the point that's staring at you. How is icp different from tcpip or https or any other protocol?

>> No.54387303

I've not made a single mention of price. ETH devs are in jail for code while ICP devs post pics of white cloth dinners. Post one dev who believes in an unstoppable internet. They used vague words and credentials to take your money and build a network worse than eth and worse than aws. Not reading your cope. You're a newfag, keep buying and remember I told you so

>> No.54387386
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(8) rent free FUD posts and counting, thanks for deeply caring so much about our finances u seething little pajeet.

ps sell your shit faggotttt

>> No.54387395

Not even reading your post. Answer the question - if it fails and Taggr is dead then I guess there's no problem right?

Or you just going to move goalposts again and bring up something else?

Imagine the vote fails and Taggr isn't restored, what then?

>> No.54387432
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>> No.54387467

olol shut up you monkey looking cocksmoking currynigger

>> No.54387506
File: 134 KB, 1080x1080, 1609459276649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros, I'm torn. Do I keep holding 1,500 ICP and hope for a miracle, or should I just put the money into BTC and sleep well?

>> No.54387527

Indians are literally the original aryans.

>> No.54387581

1) the vote won't fail because dom is for it
2) the nns is a joke. wen folowee reset?
3) again, you'd have to ignore two years of evidence to think it's about this specific thing. Two years of evidence says dom and dfinity don't get it. This is just another proof for you subhumans that are so new you don't even know the principles they are violating.
4) dfinity controls the network and intends to continue doing so at several levels. I challenge you to put forward a code proposal to implement the folowee reset motion that was approved a year ago. I will transfer my entire icp holdings to you upon implementation.

>> No.54387790

dravidian* poo
aren't you tired of spending time on your own feeble whining lol just sell and go away faggot

>> No.54387806

You're one of the dumbest niggers in here.
I rather not spoonfeed.

>> No.54388475

would you say ICP's issues are similar to ADA's? seems to be the same pattern of overpromising and underdelivering, obfuscating failure via hype of "alien tech" by a charismatic and (at least superficially) competent frontman(Dominic/Charles). Maybe this is a stupid comparison, but I'm getting similar vibes.

I'm thinking of buying a suicide stack at least since even if the tech never materializes it could easily become the next ADA and climb back up to top 10, even top 5.

>> No.54388511

Icp is the opposite of ada. The best thing about ada is Charles not the tech. The best thing about icp is the tech not dom. They’ve delivered on everything so far.

>> No.54388579
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I own 86.2 ICP purchased at an average price of $26.58.

>> No.54388685
File: 61 KB, 498x498, WhatsApp Image 2023-03-28 at 5.38.08 PM (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't know about ICP/SUI make it stack, but AurusX smake it istack is 3000

>> No.54388837

Shit. You didn't even get a 10k suicide stack! Try and get a few more for your suicide stack.

>> No.54388907

Zero. I never buy /biz shilled crypto. I come here for this very putpose.

>> No.54389043

dis nigga knows.
>can't refute
>muh spoonfeed
it's free to interact with this phony network and see what the community is made of
it's free to read the forums and the teams twitters
it's free to note how none of them use their own chain
it's free to ask questions that go unanswered
it's free to take a step back and realize this is closer to a cult than a blockchain
I'll literally pay you 1k icp to code a folowee reset that passes nns. I've stated this several times and no one does it. Why?

>> No.54389919

It really is just three retarded east coasters making every thread. I hope Larry lives long enough to realize how wrong he was before he dies a painful death

>> No.54390503
File: 106 KB, 1000x1200, 0F53D4D1-C577-4440-B07D-EBBDC17E8B17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All platforms have the same problem. Centralisation in the beginning allows higher competitive efficiency relative to other web3 project and ensure survival before the project thrives thrives without external help. It will solve itself in time once source control systems merge with on-chain reputation systems and developers smoothly migrate their code bases.

>> No.54390558


I'm buying lewds

>> No.54390619
File: 156 KB, 899x1200, B4BEACA5-A4AE-464A-9D1F-178F499A6B62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ICP will go up after all bigots are gone.

>> No.54390629

Niggers get the rope but check out the nfts about ur post.

>> No.54390635

300 at $30. 8 year dissolve delay. FUCK YOU MOONMAN.

>> No.54390648

Buy my Kate Middleton foot nft

>> No.54390711

a sui stack of icp is 4690

>> No.54390784

kek i make it at that price

t. bought 25k icp at 3.6

>> No.54390855

32k ICP. Still stacking.

>> No.54391036

IDK. All I know is my bags are pumping. ORE and ARB.

>> No.54391086


> ore is pumping

lol, 60% of the tokens are owned by the top 15 wallets which are bots dumping on buyers.

>> No.54391089

>Super Mario 64 being ported over

link please?
I've seen it the last bull-run and impressed too

>> No.54391208

It was removed by the person who ported it after Nintendo threatened legal action

>> No.54391279
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A-anon incitement to suicide is punishable with imprisonment and may severely affect the psychological balance of others. Please be kind.

>impressed by Super Mario 64
This is a static webpage. Proof-of-Useful-Work isn't externally impressive, but delightful nonetheless.

ICP is a governance token. It won't "go up" without reputation-seeking pressures. The protocol itself depends on cycles, which is desirable as we don't want the largest contributors to burn their own voting power away.

>> No.54391292

Oh that's make sens, thanks
At least it's not Dfinity who removed it

Any other impressive demo like that?

>> No.54391348

This was the address, there’s Pokémon on somewhere but I lost the link.
Pinball here lol https://2n2qt-5aaaa-aaaak-aebiq-cai.raw.ic0.app/

>> No.54391410

Once ICP becomes deflationary from the burn/usage mechanism things are going to get very very interesting.

Anyone with more than 10k ICP is absolutely going to make it.

Especially since MOST of the supply is locked up in staking.

Icp will face a supply shock and price will go face meltingly parabolic.

>> No.54391486

nice ones, thanks

>> No.54391803
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When will people stop associating Dfinity with a certain endogenous by-product of carbon-based structures metabolism

>> No.54392028

>anyone who puts 40k in this piece of shit will make it
>reddit spaccing
Take a gun put it to your fat fucking temple, and pull the trigger as many times as you can.

>> No.54392086

Poorfag detected

>> No.54392538

4.5k here. No idea what the sui is but I hope I have at least that much