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54383163 No.54383163 [Reply] [Original]

Good.. This is good

>> No.54383196

those 30 people need to share their wealth with the bottom 1% since its obvious they cant competently manage capital anyway

>> No.54383231


>> No.54383431

I'm 10x wealthier than 60% of people?
Good.. This is based

>> No.54383491

I don't know about you, but if some fat fuck came to my pie party and tried to take half I would kick that fatty out

>> No.54383619

Nature is hierarchical. Deal with it, faggot.

>> No.54383674

>If we sold Amazon equity to China we could have a big party for a few days

>> No.54383832
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So if you are worth 6 figures you are automatically in the top 10% of humankind in terms of wealth ?
It really proves that money is no necessary object to having “a good life”, you can’t really “change your life” with 100k, maybe the deposit of a house and that’s it.

Anons it makes me question though: do you know regular people that are happy ? Or poor people ? I realized I have no one in my life that I’d be willing to share my life with. It made me sad for a bit because I feel like I “lack” a model in some ways but also it makes me happy that I manage to strive for something more meaningful than the consooming capitalist life™ that is promised


>> No.54383866

80% of the world lives on less than $10 a day.

>> No.54383876

it's also completely, entirely unavoidable.

the very same genetics that make europeans the superior cluster of sub-races also affect the individuals within those sub-race populations.
equality is a myth and not how biology works. iq is correlated to wealth up to a point, but inter-generational earning power is highly correlated with iq. success is genetics.

give everyone $100,000 when they turn 18 and the system will look exactly the same.

and that doesn't even get into the simple facts of compounding wealth.
you can simulate wealth distributions assuming the facts around genetic un-equality and assume random chance investment, you will just end up with a pareto distribution of wealth.

the pareto distribution is inevitable, and working against it is working against nature.

>> No.54383992

>give everyone $100,000 when they turn 18 and the system will look exactly the same.
Nepotism, inheritance and monopoly dictate otherwise. Capitalism needs a hard reset button, otherwise it deforms into something else entirely

>> No.54384001

If you are to be a materialist at least be the based type

>> No.54384015

>give everyone $100,000 when they turn 18 and the system will look exactly the same.

Ok, let's try that then.

>> No.54384149

you'll get a slightly rearranged group of people, but the same disparity everyone complains about all the same.

even assuming everyone is equal some will get luckier than others, and compound wealth, and only a small % of the population can mathematically be luckier than everyone else.

the only long-term solution is national socialism, nothing but capitalism works in a world of highly unequal races,

>> No.54384226

Ask your mom and dad then.

Protip: they don’t have shit

Pro protip: you won’t have shit either

Lmao, now ask that question again

>> No.54384251

>give everyone $100,000 when they turn 18 and the system will look exactly the same.
Genuinely sounds like a fun system. If I was ruler of a rich nation I would do this

>> No.54384252

>world population
Exclude India/Africa/China otherwise this is fucking retarded

>> No.54384315

Well if you truly believe the end result would be the same it shouldn't hurt to try right?

Protip: You're clearly bullshitting and the only reason you have anything is because you simply got lucky from the get-go and deep down you know it but don't want to admit it.

>> No.54384351

>its good that the largest portion of people have the smallest portion of wealth
This is how you enrage the working class into an uprising and get a communist shithole.

Don't change that attitude when darkies come burn down your neighborhood and rape your family.