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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54383105 No.54383105 [Reply] [Original]

Serious thread. With all of the zoomers, thots, and other sheep getting Flavor of the month tattoos, is learning laser tattoo removal a potentially great career move?

LTR has been up 40% since 2020 alone with the market forcasted to reach $800M by 2027. Think there's a lot of potential here, with the average salary already over $60k in the US. Might be a based side hustle.

>> No.54383124

could be based
hope it hurts too

>> No.54383128

the smell of all smells to be imagined

>> No.54383141

seems like a great idea. every sheep nowadays has a retarded tattoo

>> No.54383145
File: 43 KB, 976x549, pe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what mental illness drives someone to paint their ass crack permanently

>> No.54383162

A winged anus is spectacular to behold

>> No.54383184

>part 2
Post part 1 and more of these

>> No.54383194


>> No.54383197

That's a man

>> No.54383205

Being a woman.

>> No.54383210

retard tatts are the best ones tho... ya good idea OP

>> No.54383217

It's a good idea Anon. Would be pretty hilarious too. Imagine the ridiculous shit you'll get to see every day and the humiliation you can subject every customer to.

>> No.54383232

I looked into this ages ago. I recall you need some expensive equipment, and possibly someone with medical or nursing quailifications on staff to operate it.

>> No.54383249

Imagine the smell

>> No.54383261

yes but she is now ready to settle down
so she need to look pure and innocent so you anons can take care of her kid(s)

>> No.54383262

Can I specialize in tattoo removal for women?
I'd prefer not to do it to dudes.

>> No.54383268

I believe the medical term is Being Phemale Disorder

>> No.54383284

Bro... what if LASERS just like STAR WARS BUT FOR TATTOOS


>> No.54383289

440 lbs shewhale will make you quit

>> No.54383296

Lucky for you, most trannies identify as women.

>> No.54383317

Finally an out of box thinker! Most people here are idiots

>> No.54383319

Do you know who makes this tech? Are they publicly traded. Great idea OP

>> No.54383340
File: 217 KB, 902x1200, photo-jan-19-9-39-21-am.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek imagine getting paid thousands to inflict immense pain on some cunts ass cheeks.
Doesn't seem too bad... until picrel steps in.

>> No.54383341

>get to see goth zoomer bitches almost naked
>get to burn them consensually
think ur onto something mate

>> No.54383350

I thought about this a few years ago but I was deterred by the fact that you need to be a licensed dermatologist to use the machines. If you could just buy one and open a tattoo removal shop I'd do it tomorrow.

>> No.54383358

We actually are living in the future. Most of the new technology like advanced AI art seems crazy to what younger me would have thought 10 years ago.

It's just the future is really really shitty otherwise.

>> No.54383378

Yep. My biggest fear would be a smelly obese fatass stinking up the room

>> No.54383383

that's a shewhale

>> No.54383410

weird how she got a ms. piggy on her leg when she herself would suffice

>> No.54383414

Holy shit, that's retarded. That would be like if you needed to be a dermatologist to do tattoos. I don't see the logic behind it. You should still need a certification of like a few months, but 12 years for THAT is RETARDED

>> No.54383433

That's one way you'll land yourself in a bad lawsuit or two and completely lose your life savings to lawyer fees, bankruptcy, etc.

Now of days, people file lawsuits even over a trip and fall that's completely their fault. When they see laser scars on their skin, they'll instantly bitch and sue, knowing how zoomers and millennials are.

>> No.54383448

Yeah it's almost as if a (((select few))) know the value of tattoo removal and want to keep most people out of the business

>> No.54383456
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How would the tattoos look if she were to stop stuffing her face with cake and lose weight? Would they stretch out, creating Dali-esque monstrosities, or would they mostly retain their shape?

>> No.54383457

no that is how the state is
the state has bad laws made against you

>> No.54383524


>> No.54383526

>Dali-esque monstrosities
Probably that. They will stretch out and get distorted beyond recognition.

>> No.54383582
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>> No.54383595

Not true in California. You can have technicians do it. There is a program at my community college.

>> No.54383617

Morbidly obese people are fucking disgusting.

Wokeness is trying to make this "acceptable"

>> No.54383799
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it's funny how you can make a profit from a lot of silly things, I want to see if I can make a business out of portable gas tanks so people can rob banks like in payday2, or just be a good boy and wait for my sora card

>> No.54383889

It sucks that these people can just undo their mistakes like this
Ideally mistakes would live with a person and be very noticeable so one could know who to avoid

>> No.54383912

I want to watch her lose weight and the tattoos get more colorful.

>> No.54383923

>not getting non permanent ink

>> No.54383927
File: 1.08 MB, 1132x744, Skärmavbild 2023-03-29 kl. 23.54.33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dali, but the reverse is even cooler, if you get a tattoo and then lose weight it literally increases in quality

>> No.54384158

is the tech that good yet?
i thought it still leaves visible scarring on the body?

apparently, years ago, there was some new pharma cream being tested on pigs (do not recall what for) that was also found to successfully remove the pigs tattoos.. nothing more came from it

>> No.54384217

Anon that bitch got the tattoo then got pregnant

>> No.54384396
File: 2.43 MB, 720x1280, 257906790_1309998036130718_8618662886684265042_n.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You lads really want to see more tattoo removal?
I think it varies. All is needed is a certification in my area. A lot of class time hours but you can complete the course in a few months to a year.
Tech is getting much better. Scarring is minimal for top level equipment from what I'm reading. Cheaper equipment and shitty techs can leave a lot of scarring though.

Stay on topic lads, but imagine the rates you could charge if someone like this wanted to get everything removed.

>> No.54384450

>every sheep nowadays has a retarded tattoo
Those are smit marks.

>> No.54384459


>> No.54384468

Nice instead of buttfucking a butterfly you can now buttfuck a 12” in diameter scar. Her bf is a lucky man.

>> No.54384538


>> No.54384703


>> No.54384722

>no flying cars
>no moon bases
>no decent jobs
>technology didnt change standard working weeks
>BUT we have the ability to generate sweet AI art with fucked up fingers and also bro LASERS
yeah its really shitty and its going to get worse

>> No.54384783

Sayuri Sakai has a anus tattoo, it makes me diamonds.

>> No.54384803

But financially speaking a few of these whores per month and you’d make it in 2 years

>> No.54384889
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So apparently the laser breaks up the ink and it gets carried off into the lymph nodes where it just stays. Fucking dumb roasties will have a compromised lymph system for the rest of their pathetic lives

>> No.54384894
File: 19 KB, 350x327, lymphnode-tattooink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ink doesn't disappear, the laser just breaks it up so your body can dispose of it. Unfortunately the body's disposal method, the lymph system, cannot break down iron based inks like black.
It stains their lymph nodes and weakens their immune system permanently.

>> No.54384901

That's just (((america))) in general.

>> No.54384951

I think compromised health and shortened lifespan is a fair price to pay for being a brainless normie faggot who likes to inscribe permanent doodles on themselves. This is great news!

>> No.54385249

>Sayuri Sakai
literal tranny lmao

>> No.54385451

My Uncle did this for awhile, he made good money at it. But then all these tattoo parlors started offering the same service without a license or properly calibrated lasers.
Basically, its an idea where you need to gauge your competition in the area to see if it profitable. After all it is a somewhat generic service.

>> No.54385487

Not having a strong farther figure in the house.

>> No.54385538


>> No.54385646

So instead of having a gawdy butterfly over your asshole you have the scar of one. Great life decisions.

>> No.54385688

Every old woman which usually are single mothers have tattoos in my job I work in a shitty factory. Tattoos are pretty shitty trend now it really makes me feel disgusted .

>> No.54385768

Every nurse has one. I wouldn't be surprised if the ass of OP belonged to a nurse

>> No.54386045

Pretty standard bullshit. Regulate it out of accessibility, maximize profitability for you and your cronies.

>> No.54386327


>> No.54386409

My uncle owns a laser tattoo removal business and it's pretty lucrative.
What most people don't know is that he also owns a chain of tattoo parlors in the same city, but they're all registered under different names.
Yes, he is part Jewish.

>> No.54386425
File: 95 KB, 640x464, tatoos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm always impressed by /biz/'s ability to think outside the box with these threads kek. It might really be a good and profitable idea. Go for it nigger

>> No.54386476

Kek based, this thread is gold

>> No.54386515

based trad girl, she is marriage material.

>> No.54386521

I don't get why she wouldn't just leave it.

>> No.54387204

asshole butterfly

>> No.54387669

Imagine the smell…really. Is it like burned flesh or what?

>> No.54387728
File: 894 KB, 1320x816, screen_shot_2017-11-08_at_8.59.40_am[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Imagine getting your butthole tattooed
>imagine getting tattooed at all
Btw I googled "pussy/asshole butterfly tattoo" the idea isn't even bad lmao, would've been fun to fuck.

>> No.54387819
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i think i've seen this girl before

>> No.54388264
File: 567 KB, 640x661, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>give customers great introductory price
>tattoo removal takes several sessions
>by third session just start talking complete shit about how retarded they are
>idunno man but me for my money I probably wouldn't have gotten a bowser surfing over a weed leaf and the cross playing a guitar saying lets party happy birthday rick
>no yeah it's a sick tat the art was great shame you got a job that requires you know being around other people
>I just like what were you thinking when you got it?
>oh drunk haha yeah i've been there
>one time I paid 20 dollars for a gacha phone game and
>I mean it was a gift card I got from work
>but i get it. . . we all make dumb mistakes when we're young
>it's only a year old?
>damn dude that sucks
>you paid 600 dollars for it? wow I would have kept it these sessions cost like 2 thousand dollars bro
>nah nah you made the right decision there and here
>don't forget you need to schedule another session too
>I see your daughter got some ink since last time, I could idunno set up a deal for you
>how old did you say she was?
>12? . . . yeah we could work something out

>> No.54388306
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Found the video

>> No.54388655

i wonder what the people that put those tattoos there think about these people

>> No.54388663

RIP trevor

>> No.54388791

>muh wokeness
understand what you are seeing is not some temporary social movement you can swing the pendulum back from, but the century of decay that proceeds the death of a terminally ill empire. This is not demoralization, it's just the truth. Go read Spengler and Glubb.
Good news is you can still have a great time as things start to fall apart

>> No.54388799


biblically accurate angle

>> No.54388969

Smell my burning feces wagie

>> No.54389210

>earn $250,000 with p0rn
>blow $350,000 of that on drugs
>max last-remaining credit on $10k anal butterfly vanish (and perhaps, hymen restoration, dependent upon how far you wish to stretch reality..)
>find nice guy, settle down

>> No.54389287

bro, you're literally fucking a drawing. i'd only be able to tolerate straight up hentai drawing, or like spongebob/simpsons sneed tattoos.

>> No.54389330

>the idea isn't even bad

>> No.54389436

yeah but the divorce lawyer character in that silly shit probably makes more

>> No.54389456

its not mental illness its symbolizing the guy fucking her putting his cock into a butterfly. how fucking hard is that to understand you moron...

the dick goes in the butterfly. open your eyes. ...

the absolute state of bizfags

>> No.54389468

tattoo removal doesn't actually leave scars unless its done wrong.

>> No.54389479

nigger jiggling. dont ever fucking post this trash again

>> No.54389501

>its not mental illness its symbolizing the guy fucking her putting his cock into a butterfly.
yes, to be known as Wanda of the Winged Arsehole is entirely conducive to good mental health.

>> No.54389508

the definition of good money after bad
if I had a butterfly tattooed on my anus it'd just be there forever. theoretically only two people would ever have to know.

>> No.54389524

>face of a coal burner

>> No.54389531

yourself and your colorectal surgeon?

>> No.54389566

Old navymen in WW2 got to live until old age with their gettho quality tatoos.

>> No.54389616

What if you want to wear a string on the beach ?

>> No.54389624

Mentally deranged pussy.
Excellent and dangerous fucks.

>> No.54389889

It only worked on certain types of pigments.

>> No.54389899

Then you're a whore and having your caterpillar lazered was a waste of money

>> No.54389936

I hate women.

>> No.54389948

Don’t act like you wouldn’t fuck
You just know

>> No.54389955

ha ha imagine if she became uncomfortable with tatto removal and lost control of her bowels and farted and pooped a little turd into the laser and it got burnt and then the smell oh god it would be stinky and she would be embarrassed ha ha that be weird ha ha ha

>> No.54389975

Need some before and after pics of removal.

>> No.54390444


>> No.54390513

I will actually put money towards this. Every woman that hinge sends my way has tattoos despite me never engaging it's wild

>> No.54390547

This service becomes cheaper and accessible you will see the rate of old woman with tattoos go down in your life

>> No.54390586

I guess? Are you already a tattoo artist? Do you enjoy touching felons and gang members bodies for hours at a time? Are you experienced with tattoos in general?

Btw someone minted Meghan Markle


>> No.54390761

On the scale of mental illness, tattooed people are not far from trannies.

>> No.54390914

>the dick goes in the butterfly
Holy **** you r*dditors are fucking lunatics.

>> No.54391315

Good idea anon.
Not in America.

>> No.54391391
File: 261 KB, 1080x1936, Screenshot_20230330-123601.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, I'm going to start DCA'ing into SILK not only for the tattoo regret but for the effects of

>screen time
>make up
>alcohol and drugs

Women will do anything to slow down the inevitable hitting of the wall

>> No.54391411
File: 63 KB, 720x960, 1680080303001204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the LORD.

>> No.54392184

The only cool tattoo I've ever seen in my life

>> No.54392993

>is learning laser tattoo removal a potentially great career move?
Are you a literal fucking retard? Are /biz/tards even capable of thinking in terms of business even though the whole fucking board is literally called Business & Finance.

Does anyone doe even own a business here, or is it just gambling faggots and shitcoins?

>> No.54393251

>Taking a meme thread seriously
You're unironicly NGMI in the era of AI

>> No.54393312


>> No.54393343 [DELETED] 

imagine the smell

>> No.54393537

Literally E V E R Y O N E has a shitty tattoo these days

>> No.54393673

Could I just start a business and hire a few techs? I smell profit and butterfly bussy

>> No.54393949

I need a sauce for this bitches onlyfans

>> No.54394986

>the idea isn't even bad lmao

>> No.54395050
File: 1.60 MB, 284x234, chang-laugh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wanda of the Winged Arsehole

>> No.54395068

>its not mental illness its symbolizing the guy fucking her putting his cock into a butterfly

>> No.54395138
File: 2.49 MB, 500x324, 1677825633447038.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been thinking of getting a tattoo to commemorate the birth of my first son and something special to us, but honestly I am so frequently disappointed by other people's tattoos it makes me not want to do it. I'm a grown man now so I feel like I missed the boat to be "young and stupid" and do things like this.

>> No.54395538
File: 621 KB, 685x1022, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Protip, tattoo ink does get absorbed in to your body and gathers in your lymphatic system. Great way to commemorate your child is by making yourself immuno-compromised.

>> No.54395592

It doesn't actually affect your immune system, though

>> No.54395613


>> No.54395658

/fph/ thread on biz?

>> No.54395699
File: 40 KB, 413x395, 135537059425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wanda of the Winged Arsehole

>> No.54395702

I'm actually getting one in a few months and I suppose most of my friends will do it in the future

>> No.54395775


>> No.54395864

I got a tattoo that I didn't like and painted over it. No way I'm burning my skin to get rid of it. It's whatever.

>> No.54395888
File: 155 KB, 2267x1729, Draw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and yet you fuckers took the vaccine... pureblood without tattoos or troon bullshit here. Im the real deal. I have the almost unadultered human blood.

>> No.54395905
File: 65 KB, 556x604, 1579539869900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54395937

>its symbolizing the guy fucking her putting his cock into a butterfly
>the dick goes in the butterfly. open your eyes. ...
what did he mean by this

>> No.54395973
File: 1.99 MB, 782x440, 1636335900007.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He has seen the eye beyond the butterfly... he has felt the touch of the void-rift . Anon has ascended.

>> No.54396093

>tfw watched that webm expecting something like "OP's faggotry" at the end, towering above all else
I'm thoroughly disappointed

>> No.54396174
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>> No.54396181

seems like the damage is already done. I'm removing it anyway.

>> No.54396252

I was thinking it would zoom out from Morgan Freeman's eye.

>> No.54396575

>Look, daddy, I made it

>> No.54397010


Unironically it might be a good move indeed.

>> No.54397053

Yeah I was just thinking that investing in tattoo removal companies in the next couple of decades is probably a great move. Also look into companies developing new and better tattoo removal tech.

>> No.54397118

Maybe in the not so distant future we'll have laser based normie removal services.

>> No.54397126

I suppose childless roasties will just save up for euthanasia desu. Laser tattoo removal won't fix spinsterhood.

>> No.54397146

Not just that. I guess she is some kind of sex worker or into heavy drugs.

>> No.54397785


Doesn't really surprise me lol.

>> No.54398484

>have some gloves with "accidental" holes in the fingers
>"accidentally" touch a woman's ass with your finger
later virgins

>> No.54399028


There appear to be at least as many studies showing that tattooing can improve your immune response. I'm getting the sense this is in the same vein as "Are eggs good or bad?"