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54382322 No.54382322 [Reply] [Original]

it's the third time this month we try to penetrate 29k and we fail.

>> No.54382353

google "what is market making"

>> No.54382377

Why don't you just tell me you big queer.

>> No.54382558

markets don't just happen when buyers and sellers meet in an exchange and post their orders.

There are professional firms and individuals buying and selling professionally to ensure a smooth functioning of the market on exchanges and off exchanges to meet the demand of buyers and sellers that want to buy and sell at all times and at all prices

Every time someone buys the market maker is selling and vice versa. During a bull run or uptrend the market maker is accumulating USD(for example) and selling as the asset(say btc) at BTC becomes more and more valuable. in other others the market maker is constantly going short during an uptrend and at the top he is deep under water on his shorts...as the trend stalls out the market maker continues to sell his asset for more USD absorbing all the buy orders until they are exhausted(side ways distribution) at some point buy orders dry up or theres a news catalyst or there's straight up dumping from whales on purpose and the price starts to crash. The market maker now has all the cash accumulated in the uptrend and the sideways move at the top and they now start to go long or buy on the way down as people start to sell because the price is coming down and longs get liquidated. the market maker is now accumulating BTC or the asset all the way to the bottom of the market.

Anyways the reason why price interacts with these magic numbers like 28500 is the market makers are dumping the asset at those levels and buyers keep buying the dip.... if enough buyers can keep buying the dip the market may breakthrough if not the market makers will keep dumping and drive the price down and start to recover their underwater shorts.

>> No.54382605

29k was near the last strong support to give out before price dumped down to 21k. That's why all the resistance up to it has been relatively soft.
Doesn't help that there's a CME gap there and traders see it as a natural place to sell.

>> No.54382619

Its huge resistance

>> No.54382626
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Damn , appreciate the honest analysis anon, have a nice day.

>> No.54382638

Hold on, let me go short 100% NW so we can go up. My bad guys

>> No.54382668

Merds i s too hard but market maker means just liquidity provider. There is not this all knowing dark force and whales very often lose a lot

>> No.54382708

who the fuck is "we" ?
there is no "we"

>> No.54382711

Isn't the gap already filled ?

>> No.54382845

shorting since 2 hours
doesnt go well so far

>> No.54384374

imagine shorting bitcoin on the eve of unprecedented usd hyperinflation

>> No.54384581

Technically, no, since no candle has actually closed above it. There have been wicks.

>> No.54384610

Somebody here must be FOMOing at $28500. just wait for him to sell and give up and we will break the resistance

>> No.54386039

should I open a short next time it hits 28500?

>> No.54386122

lmao and he answered what a trout

>> No.54387385


>> No.54388003
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> >

>> No.54388068

look at my invisible id

>> No.54388188

Because Bitcoin has no intrinsic value. It will violently reject all prices above $0 (or potentially negative due to compliance liabilities with stricter regulations)