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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5438027 No.5438027 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>trading crypto for three days
>last night dad asks me to usher at church service
>want to say no
>say fuck it, don't want coal for Christmas

>usher first service
>handing out pamphlets
>see giant box of them, stash them in my waistband

>spend 4 hours in my room taping qr codes to pamphlets with
"Now accepting Bitcoin donations"
>hand out flyers for evening service

Am I gonna make it?

>> No.5438059
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>> No.5438060

going straight to hell? oh for sure

>> No.5438067

>living with dad
this board is 18+

>> No.5438076

>trying to scam church goes
you are not only getting coal for chirstmas but you are also going to hell

>> No.5438085

Your goi g to hell so but in my option you did what I expect to happen at a church

>> No.5438094

>What are NEETs
Do you know where you are?

>> No.5438125

fuck off bro

im still living with my mom

im 27.

ANND my gf just moved in

>> No.5438132

>Family sends $20
>Receive $0 after fees
>Go to hell

>> No.5438146

>americans unironically believe in hell
Quite amusing

>> No.5438151

what a snake, i love it.....
>one post by this ID.
ugh, fuck off and die.

>> No.5438154

Afghani detected

>> No.5438211
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how nice for you

>> No.5438223

>implying this board isnt populated by autistc NEETS

>> No.5438264

Europeans have abandoned their faith and core values and their women are all degenerate whores fucking niggers and doing drugs; being outbred raped and pillaged in their homelands

Not amusing at all. Quite sad.

>> No.5438267

this. im an autistic basement dweller. havent left my bedroom in months

>> No.5438277

Is zucc autistic?

>> No.5438365

Black crime and rape happens at a higher rate in America than in europe
Also America started with the whole once you go black you can't go back thing
And more peopl3 died in 911 than all terrorist attacks in europe

>> No.5438375

North America is the most jew controlled country in the world, all your values have been ground up and thrown in the tar pit by judas himself.

>> No.5438419
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Unlike pure, christian white american women

>> No.5438436



>> No.5438479
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>> No.5438575
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>> No.5439045

The scam church probably would have probably just left it to sit in their treasury anyways but Saint Nick is going to shit down your chimney this year my man.

>> No.5439204
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>having a gf

>> No.5439478

This is a finance board you know. Contrary to popular belief, it doesn't make financial sense to move out as soon as you turn 18 when you're making minimum wage.

>> No.5439563

God will spite you.

>> No.5439620

Tfw when I got a donation already.

Gonna tithe it, avoiding hell

>> No.5440349
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>paying extortionate amounts on rent just to say you don't live with your parents
Who's really winning at the end of the day?

>> No.5440502

Hell is real; it's a permanent separation from God. God doesn't put you there. You put yourself there. God loves you so much that if you ask to spend eternity without Him then He'll grant your freely arrived at choice. This isn't to say it won't be torture; it will. But the fires of Hell are stoked by God's love. Please look into this further and repent before it's too late. Warm regards brother.

>> No.5440606

literally this but 25 just got done with postgrad moved back home during the summer, now 2 months away from moving to SF from LA

>> No.5440622 [DELETED] 

unironically repenting

>> No.5440697

>26 years old with well paying job
>still live with Mom
>get to support her financially while ultimately saving tens of thousands yearly on rent

>> No.5440840

This guy reads His Bible.

Also, OP, I hope this is a larp, because it made me laugh at how ridiculously awful your actions are. Shame on you. Merry frickin' Christmas.

>> No.5440871
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The chad that has his own place

>> No.5440876
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I will have my vengeance on you, in this life or the next.

Everything you do will be counted and judged.


>> No.5440906

You fucked yourself
Hell ticket confirmed

>> No.5441025
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>> No.5441047

This is basically me.