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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54376300 No.54376300 [Reply] [Original]

Amerilards have to pay the following:

>Income Tax, State Tax, Social Security Tax, capital gains tax, dividend tax, inheritance tax, lottery tax, bank tax/fees

>Sales tax on goods, tariff tax, internet tax

>When you own a home, you must pay public utility taxes, property taxes, and obtain permission from the local county to cut down a tree in your front yard (LMFAO).

>Higher Education (gets tax by tuition, Textbooks and School Supplies that are mandatory by class, Room and Board, public Transportation, and much more)

>When owning a car; Fuel tax, registration tax, license plates/tags tax, DEQ tax, documentation fee, and much more!

gets cucked by everything to the left and right, believing they are still in the LAND OF FREEDOM!

>> No.54376308

>>>/pol/* kike.

>> No.54376309

We have freedom before eurojews like you showed up

>> No.54376322

also for anyone looking to cancel their us citizenship, expatriation application processing has been on hold for months.

enjoy your stay!

>> No.54376327

Rent free

>> No.54376358
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>> No.54376372
File: 16 KB, 512x512, 1627029680325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wake up to another beautiful day in Europe
>Get out of bed, squeeze past my bike in my 3 sq meter apartment to get into the kitchen
>Pay my 10 euro stove tax and turn on the grill, feeling hungry so I cook an entire egg
>"Amerifats would probably eat two of these", I remark to myself out loud
>Smoke 5 cigarettes while waiting for egg to cook
>Go downstairs to catch the tram to work, pay 3 euros to use it even though my taxes fund public transport
>A state-supported refugee dressed in full Gucci gets on the tram without paying and asks me for money
>I hand over 5 euros, he gets upset that it isn't more and stabs me
>Get off at next stop and call an ambulance, chuckling to myself as I remember how this human right would cost $1,000,000 in America
>Smoke 3 packs of cigarettes while waiting
>Ambulance arrives 2 hours later, promptly brings me to the hospital after I pay the 40 euro road use tax (can only drive at 40 km/h on the city roads due to coronavirus)
>Get to hospital, wait another 3 hours because several pregnant gypsies are busy arguing with the hospital staff in Romani
>Eventually get stitched up by a doctor, pay the 300 euro medical admissions tax
>Leave hospital and head to work at the European Foreign Affairs Global (eFAG), Internet Crimes Division
>Spend 30 minutes flagging anti-tax memes on /biz/ for followup by the cyber police
>Head home, where I boot up /biz/ (after paying the 7 euro wifi tax)
>Some tard is bitching about my beautiful Europe
>"That's not how tax brackets work, Cletus"
>Another day protecting the sanctity of Europe, another burger btfo'd
>Reward myself with 8 cigarettes and a piece of toast for dinner

Posting this again because it's hilariously obvious how many seething poorfag eurocuck incel faggots I genuinely got gnashing their teeth right now, lol. You subhuman 3rd world poor pieces of shit are so close to getting nuked. Know that I, and many others would gladly relish the opportunity to literally murder you subhuman retards.

>> No.54376850

/pol/ website

>> No.54377411

But think of all the high-quality public services and infrastructure they get in exchange for those taxes.

>> No.54377439

It's still less than most of the West, disgustingly. People act like we're a lawless wasteland when we're in the most dystopian statist period ever in our history.