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54375978 No.54375978 [Reply] [Original]

why isnt pumping with this bullish news on alibaba? isnt this shit related to them???even scam AI tokens like RLC pumps more than this... wtf????

>> No.54375988

Kaspa new bitcoin

>> No.54376096

k nice shilling, now gtfo of my board

>> No.54376602


>> No.54376665

this is my cat. her name is pretty. she die

>> No.54376668

I gave up on it, It's the technically competent man trap, You see how undervalued it is, how complete the protocol is, You see how it's practically the only valid protocol available expect Ethereum and maybe Solana, Yet it refuses to pump. I realized narratives are all that matter, especially illiterate ones, and already doubled my net worth once i sold and bought OP and AI shitcoins

CT hate it for some reason, More than Solana even, For all the wrong reasons, If CT influencers don't shill your coin=It's over

>> No.54376712

good point but avax is related to Alibaba, and today/yesterday it split in diferente companys, now why isnt pumping because of this??

>> No.54376838
File: 1.36 MB, 896x1344, 6026FD15-19D9-42EE-A54F-39FCDEE47CFB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eventually AVAX is gigamoon and niggers that sold for a 2x in shitcoins will rope.

>> No.54376856

Absolutely unpumpable this shitcoin. Too much inflation. Its never going back to $100 never mind $10000

>> No.54377163

Avax is an eth fork. Solana is even more shit since it basically just an sql database. They are both shit on the protocol level and bring nothing to the blockchain space other than scams. They have no innovation and bring nothing new to the table so why wouldn’t you just use eth and an l2 instead? They aren’t going to get registered as a commodity either so why take the risk when eth is confirmed a commodity

>> No.54377306

Every technical point you made is wrong including the regulatory one but agree with the overall picture, That's why i bought OP and plan to add ARB when it dumps to 50-70 cents as well as farming zksync airdrop (the better one of the 3 imo) Hopefully i'm not too late to the narrative

>> No.54377405

Literally everything you said is wrong and you have no idea of what you're talking about, you black gorilla nigger.

>> No.54377717

Ask yourself this... will Avax replace ETH and all of ETH's Dapp users/creators?

Ask yourself this... why not Hedera, Fantom, Algorand, Cardano, Polkadot, EoS?

Will Avax replace BNB?

You see... BNB has more users than Avax, Hedera, Fantom, Algorand, Cardano, Polkadot, EoS, Cosmos, ICP

all combined.

So when will Avax replace ETH?

>> No.54377935

The thing is, Users, TVL, Metrics etc are all proved time and time again to be fleeting (Except in Ethereum case), Even BNB, The most stable coin (price wise) seen a -80% dump in TVL and activity. So i wouldn't use this narrative as defining.

In reality a sound design (future proof/flexible) with capable tech is what should be the most defining thing, But crypto NEVER proved that it is, And that's the problem and the cognitive dissonance people have. Tldr, The problem is unironically this space, the average investor and the whales/VCs, and when everything is rotten at the absolute top and at the absolute bottom, There's no reasonable middle ground thus nothing makes any sense and you get a clown market.

>> No.54378010

>will Avax replace ETH
>why not Hedera, Fantom, Algorand, Cardano, Polkadot, EoS?
broken products.
Eth with a different front end.

>> No.54378128

>why not Hedera, Fantom, Algorand, Cardano, Polkadot, EoS?
customizable VMs, language, and node requirements, making them regulatory compliant accross juridictions if needed.

>> No.54378151

Everything I stated it correct. Avax and sol brought nothing new to the table for the crypto space that a eth and an l2 can’t do. You’re just coping baggies mad that bought scams. Every single l2 that has ever existed on avax and sol were straight up scams. Avax and sol will never be considered commodities.

>> No.54378176

The fucking cope here is ridiculous. Please keep buying these scams

>> No.54378180


>> No.54378182

>nothing new to the table for the crypto space that a eth and an l2 can’t do.
Ethereum and L2s dont have Sub Second finality. basically you are a cuck waiting for confirmations while all my transactions are almost instantly finalized.
if you cant figure out why Sub Second finality is important you might be brain damaged.

>> No.54378233

All of these don't matter. The reason Avalanche will win is because Gun, Wu, and Kevin have Epstein type connections and regularly leverage them. They are CZ tier greasy and this makes me bullish avax.
>t. Former ava Labs dev

>> No.54378292

Which literally means nothing. Nobody in the crypto space gives a shit about that. Especially if you’re trying to get normies to onboard. It’s fucking cope. You basically made a premined eth shitcoin that has faster transactions that literally every single other eth competitor can do. There’s nothing new just new ways these competitors claim to move money which doesn’t matter at all if the popular alternatives already work even if they are slower.
Whales don’t trust these chains for shit unless they got in early and those early ico founders did with their money once received? Dumped on retail for btc and eth. Doesn’t avax and solana have a staking platform? If whales(insiders) really believed or gave a shit about the project wouldn’t they restake and receive constant rewards?
There are no signs and no incentive to believe avax and solana will be adopted at all.

>> No.54378312

>Ask yourself this... will Avax replace ETH and all of ETH's Dapp users/creators?
>Ask yourself this... why not Hedera, Fantom, Algorand, Cardano, Polkadot, EoS?
Yes it absolutely should given what it does. If you dont agree you dont understand it yet. The problem it has is that 1) people dont get it and 2) the marketing is shit and 3) its inflation is fucking ridiculous

>> No.54378326

> Avax and sol brought nothing new to the table for the crypto space that a eth and an l2 can’t do
How about removing consensus as a throughput bottleneck while simultaneously decoupling the number of nodes in the network from said throughput capacity and time to finality. No amount of centralized sequencers and janky debt laden code will ever get you there.

>> No.54378328

Avax spent all their money on marketing. You don’t remember the stupid ass ads in the subway during the bullrun?

>> No.54378345

>brain damaged nigger cant figure out why sub second finality and no reorgs is superior to reorgs and waiting for confirmations
lmao not gonna make it. keep waiting.
>Especially if you’re trying to get normies to onboard
Avalanche doesnt depend on retail niggers as it will be adopted by institutions and corporations like KKR, Deloitte, FEMA, intain, Re, Alibaba, Amazon and many more.

basically they dont want to run on an L2 or on Ethereum because they want their own custom sub second finality Subnets without reorgs.
Normalniggers will use Avalanche and not even realize it.

>> No.54378356

Imagine wanting to use a L2 through a bridge that you can be hacked on, instead of benefitting through an instantaneous final settlement using a novel consensus, through a safe, decentralized system which scales literally infnitely through subnets which communicate, and which are fully customizable, can be written in any language, and which are permissionless. There is just no need on earth to use a clunky l2. The blockchain trilemma is solved - by only one project in history. The answer is right there before your eyes but people keep putting money into L2 solutions to help a fundamentally broken product 'scale'?

>> No.54378360

Literally just jargin on saying you move money differently. Why the fuck would any whales, btc Maxie’s, eth Maxie’s ever have a reason to love their bags to solana and eth?
Then what about bugs and the downtime. Yeah btc is old shit but at least I can still move money in a very secure manner and not have to worry about the network going down unlike solana and avax?

>> No.54378367

Theyve got shit loads of money. Marketing is shit. No one even KNOWS what avax is - every man on the street knows what cardano is. EVERYONE has heard of SBF and Sol. EVERYONE knows what eth is. Ask 100 people in the street about avax you wont get 1 person who knows it.

>> No.54378385

Avax and solana have had both protocol breaking bugs and l2 hacks. Again why should anybody give a shit about moving money in the special ways that avax and solana offer?
All I hear from you guys is we move money in a special way please use my chain. When I can straight up just use btc and eth to do the same

>> No.54378419

Avax put literal ads in the subway and billboards for normies to pump the top. That is 100x more marketing than your regular eth competitor. It close to on par with centralized exchanges and also why the fuck do you give a shit about marketing. BTC doesn’t pay for adds and same with eth. If avax wants to be a commodity why would you fucking advertise a commodity. Then where do the funds come from to advertise the chain? A centralized source? Printing more avax?

>> No.54378433

>When I can straight up just use btc and eth to do the same
too slow, cant scale and fees are too high.
Avalanche improves on all of that.
also Transactions should be finalized instantly, no reorgs, no MEV shit.
only Avalanche offers that and nobody else can compete with that.

>but but why would anyone sub second finality
Listen nigger, imagine you took on some leverage but the shitty market moves against you.
on Avalanche you can adjust your leverage in under a second and not get liquidated, on Ethereum and L2s you have to wait, you get liquidated and frontrun.
of course poor people who never had anything to do with money cant figure this one out.

>> No.54378452

>Printing more avax?
AVAX is hardcapped like BTC and deflationary as all AVAX fees are burned.
Also most AVAX is staked or delegated to Validators.
>where do the funds come from to advertise the chain?
from Ava Labs pockets

>> No.54378480

One of the other baggies is begging for more marketing that means you depend on retail. Literally every crypto depends on retail. If there’s no retail popularity then there’s no money to be made. Basically whales would just dump it over the years when their coins unlock and barely anybody would buy

>> No.54378485

No it's anything you use BFT consensus for. The protocols work on arbitrary data submitted to the nodes in the network to perform arbitrary computation on. You can literally do just about anything a single computer would do but with multiple computers in a byzantine fault tolerant manner.
BTC is always live because it prioritizes liveness over safety, meaning that the network will always make progress even if it results in disastrous things like forks, reorgs, etc. in the event of network partitions. Avalanche went down because the consensus protocol essentially detected ~30% of the network was "byzantine" but that was due to an execution bug. The network then halts to prevent anything from corrupting network data. All data was safe during this event because it prioritizes safety over liveness. It is MORE secure than BTC in this sense.
SOL's downtime has various causes but a few were literally because the consensus protocol brokeand safety was violated. It's a huge difference.
Additionally, both ETH and BTC had significant multi-hour long downtimes early in their histories, they are not immune to such issues.

>> No.54378496

can you read nigger? Normalniggers will use this without even realizing it as Avalanche will get true institutional adoption and its already happening.

>> No.54378500

Why did the supply increase by 50% in the past year. The money to fund the ads must come from somewhere right?

>> No.54378523

>Why did the supply increase by 50% in the past year
Most AVAX is staked or delegated to Validators, despite unlocks the Staking Ratio didnt change by much and Validator count keeps going up.
also AVAX Staking is the best Staking Mechanism in Crypto.
another thing where nobody else can compete with it.

>> No.54378547

Wait if there’s staking how the fuck is there no inflation? Then also what is the inflation rate? The past year avax is at 50% which sounds terrible. Then what’s the hard cap? Is there a halving/burning mechanism similar to btc?

>> No.54378596

>how the fuck is there no inflation?
nobody is selling it, AVAX is needed for Staking and Validating and for Subnets.
>Then also what is the inflation rate?
like 8% or so
>The past year avax is at 50% which sounds terrible.
nigger can you read? nobody is selling, everyone is staking it.
Even overall AVAX trading volume is really low as nobody is selling it.
>Then what’s the hard cap?
can you figure out anything by yourself? its 720 million.
>Is there a halving/burning mechanism similar to btc?
again dumb nigger, can you read? I already mentioned its deflationary as all fees are burned. its burned, gone never coming back. capiche?

>> No.54378626

The literal cope from you baggies is unreal. You sound like icp fags. Icp layer0 and avax layer0. Fucking retarded cope from baggies thinking their centralized chain will appreciate in values when ico(insiders) are constantly dumping and increasing the supply. I mean at least icp you can supposedly host a website but same shit. You’re just moving money around in a different way with no incentive of anybody to use it when you can use btc and eth.
>People are going to use it without knowing
This is peak cope. If anybody claims this they are delusional baggies blinded by their own delusions and regrets of buying the top

>> No.54378643

it's actually only 4-5% because the inflation rate is the staking ratio of ~0.6 times the reward rate of ~8%
50% is the increase in circulating supply from the last of the unlocks occurring at the first half of the year. Inflation specifically is new tokens which is the aforementioned 4-5%

>> No.54378662

Literal fucking cope. I swear nobody is selling but the circulating supply increased by 50% in a year. That means people are fucking selling retard.
8% inflation is fucking horrible. Chains are worse than the us about stating the true inflation rate. So I’m gonna double that number where the true inflation rate is probably 16%

>> No.54378668

see >>54378485

>> No.54378688

>dumb nigger trenchbrain still cant figure out why everyone wants Sub Second finality
makes sense.
>I swear
listen nigger anyone can look these stats up. I dont have to swear shit. its immutable FACT on a blockchain.
>8% inflation is fucking horrible.
the other anon is right, its actually only 4-5% see >>54378643

>> No.54378707

selling doesn't increase circulating supply kek
The inflation rate is literally protocol defined, what is this absolute knuckle dragging take

>> No.54378810

Anyone who ever thought avax will replace eth is obviously retarded
I'm picking other L1s like algo and elrond over it if I get the chance

>> No.54378828

>"I'm picking centralized dead ghostchains over the Avalanche paradigm shift because I'm a mentally handicapped nigger"

what did he mean by this?

>> No.54378854

The fucking cope. Hell why are you even wasting your time explain this to me? If other chains are going to use it without knowing it then why do you need to advertise? Wouldn’t you want more time to accumulate? Why would you want anybody to hop in now and not do this when it’s like $100+ again to dump your stacks on Newfags?
I see this same shit with avax lurking. There’s a group of baggies that are very adamant about their chain and explain the special ways it can move your money.
If it’s so special shouldn’t the tech speak for it self. Also why the fuck would you waste your time explaining this to faggots on 4chan? It’s not like any of the old whales are lurking or will be convinced to buy this shit?
If your chain is so great why do you need advertisement and need to explain every detail to random people on 4chan? It doesn’t make sense to me honestly.
If people are lying or talking shit about your chain that you decided to back, why give a shit when you know every chain will use it without knowing.
It just sounds like you guys are desperate baggies trying to convince yourselves you still made the right decisions even though being 90% in the red

>> No.54378858

>Avax and sol brought nothing new to the table for the crypto space that a eth and an l2 can’t do

They both literally brought loads of innovations that Ethereum and its L2's are incapable of.

>Every single l2 that has ever existed on avax and sol

You are completely ignorant.

>> No.54378894

Yeah but if the supply is circulating that means it’s not staked so it’s either in a wallet doing nothing or they sold it

>> No.54378911

Baggie cope.
>They moved money in a special way. I swear it the devs told me.

>> No.54379049

>How dare you discuss crypto on /biz/
4chan is irrelevant to the market cap of a major chain like avalanche. The tech does speak for itself, it's just fun to smack down retarded FUD and to discuss the protocol with other anons. AVAX OGs put me onto it way back in Jan '21 before it ever pumped and I figure why not try to pass it forward. The real question is why are you aggressively replying with FUD?
That is not what circulating supply means kek
You keep ignoring it but read this >>54378485
>The [avalanche] protocols work on arbitrary data submitted to the nodes in the network to perform arbitrary computation on. You can literally do just about anything a single computer would do but with multiple computers in a byzantine fault tolerant manner

>> No.54379061

$1000 is FUD.

>> No.54379100
File: 2.46 MB, 736x551, lyonboogie.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RLC isnt a scamcoin just because it was 6 years early developing AI and now there is an AI meme thanks to gpt and diffusion
fucking faggot go back

>> No.54379180

Formerly elrond, now MultiversX, her updated anon.
I know this because I follow holoride

>> No.54379234

Baggie fucking cope.

>> No.54379310

>tl;dr Effereumz is the best because it was the first okay? Technology doesn't matter because it can't compete!
Cringe Ethereumnigger cuck

>> No.54379420

Yeah btc was first and look at it now. There’s no shot at dethrone. Same goes for eth. You guys are just baggies. The other guy in this thread has to reply to everything said bad about avax since he must justify to himself not selling at $100+ and holding since Jan 2021.
Keep thinking your shits gonna pump after it already did a huge pump last bullrun. It’s going to be just like the 2017 where they barely pump alongside btc.
The retards here are astounding. Literally guaranteed money from just holding btc and eth everything else that existed before and/or pumped last bullrun is not worth the risk based on historical trends.

>> No.54379809

BTC fulfills a specific niche sure but Avalanche isn't competing with BTC at all. ETH is a smart contract platform though and it's certainly fair game. ETH has cultivated and won the crypto nerd retail market by virtue of being the first and most well known. I think they're about tapped out for growth though, avalanche is going after a much bigger pie and that's where it wins. Eventually ETH people will realize that it's the superior platform when the L2 vision doesn't pan out and it'll die off.
>based on historical trends
Past performance is not indicative of future results, this is like investing fallacy number one and what someone resorts to when they don't have a fundamental understanding of what they're buying kek. Are you intentionally being retarded?
I keep replying to you because you come into our thread and derail it spamming absolutely incorrect information and retarded takes on just about everything, clearly in bad faith.

>> No.54379820

One of the few interesting projects I've seen recently, in-car gaming and all that shit, don't see how well it gets adopted though

>> No.54379902

>Yahoo! was the first search engine, it will never be dethroned, they are simply too far ahead
>Nokia have 50% of the global smartphone market share, surely they will remain on top forever
>Why would anyone sign up to a different social media platform when MySpace has all the users

>> No.54380017

Bobos kept lamenting on their mistakes. Weren't you warned to choose real utility tokens? Even the worst shitcoin on Arbitrum pumps more than this. The last Avax I had was used to buy groceries on Woocommerce via CryptMi app and I don't intend buying that shit again.

>> No.54380214

if mercedes is already making some of their cars compatible with ps5 then I don't see how this doesn't get sold easily, way better and more fun

>> No.54382551
File: 214 KB, 1080x1433, IMG_20230329_171345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WTF was that volume spike bros.... not even bitcoin had that at the same time... something is brewing

>> No.54382665

Fucking crazy. It all got sold off though and wicked. Selling pressure is fucking insane with this coin.

>> No.54382994
File: 199 KB, 605x614, avaissance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's the avaissance anon

>> No.54385195


>> No.54387144

Why so aggro, just memes kek