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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 45 KB, 1200x675, Christmas-Tax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5437531 No.5437531 [Reply] [Original]

>Make $50K a year
>25% short term capital gains tax

>Married, filling jointly
>Make $50K a year
>15% short term capital gains tax

Anyone living in commiefornia want to get hitched?

>> No.5437588
File: 61 KB, 337x343, E90ED32F-FD78-4BF2-B794-9A07943EF29C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m also in commiefornia. This isn’t a bad idea actually. I’ve thought about this before. Just can’t tell anyone.

> meet up with bizfag
> get married secretly at town hall
> make lots of gains
> divorce once crypto market crashes
> walk away with more $ cuz less capital gains tax

>> No.5437657

>Still paying taxes
It's the current year

>> No.5437665


But if we file jointly, we'd have to split it 50/50 in the divorce. One of us is bound to be bitter about it.

>> No.5437689

> split 50/50 on paper
> buy/send Monero actual amount owed?

>> No.5437726


Gonna need something more concrete than that. What if one of us cuts and runs?

>> No.5437746

>serving in army
>free shelter and food + money
>no taxes

>> No.5437832
File: 14 KB, 480x343, 9EAE4580-3EA6-427D-91D9-CC9DD273B0C6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Californian here.

Do I have to worry about capital gains if I haven’t cashed out?

>> No.5437859


...you definitely still pay taxes in the military. You get tax free income only if you're deployed to a combat zone, but that doesn't include capital gains.

>> No.5437867

>>Make $50K a year
>>25% short term capital gains tax

>>Married, filling jointly
>>Make $50K a year
>>15% short term capital gains tax
Yeah and guess who acquires these gains. Your wife right? Its a fucking jewtrap. 65% tax

>> No.5437894

you need to make a smart contract on the blockchain!

>> No.5437939

Nah just get the goyim to sign a prenup agreement so both parties coins aren't touched.

>> No.5438037

Just marry another man who's also in crypto. Live separately and just talk at tax time.

>> No.5438070

Ok bizfags, who's near Sacramento?

>> No.5438128
File: 39 KB, 640x519, A7EA66EA-23A0-447B-A051-FBBBCA0EC48C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True. Hmm donno then

>> No.5438129

Or marry someone hodling some pinkwojakcoins, you can even offset his losses

>> No.5438172

Move to other state with no capital gains tax. Stay single. More money for hookers.

>> No.5438196

> fighting in ZOG wars

>> No.5438228


>> No.5438230


You need to move out of the country to escape the capital gains tax. It's federal and state. New Zealand looks pretty nice...

>> No.5438254

fucking hell biz. I lost 50k in value in the big dip and you retards are talking about getting married over gains less than that. rethink your lives.

>> No.5438315


>Trade crypto jointly

We'd have to agree on every trade though. Seems like a hassle but it might be worth it if we like similar coins.

>> No.5438316

only if you are the bottom bitch most of the time

>> No.5438324

You'd save even more than OP. Why aren't you getting a boihaven for your taxes?

>> No.5438350


50K is my salary, aka tax bracket. Not my gains.

>> No.5438367

I'm not retarded enough to get married, ever. even to a trap with a feminine dick, the judge would take his (her) side in the divorce.

>> No.5438374

your gains count towards your tax bracket brainlet

>> No.5438396
File: 3 KB, 298x169, download (9).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you are paying taxes on your crypto gains you're doing it wrong


>> No.5438417

a gay marriage?

>> No.5438456

it's not gay if balls are not touching

>> No.5438463

Did you read what I wrote? Yes can't escape fed capital gains tax. I wasn't talking about that. Not every state has capital gains tax.

>> No.5438475


Your capital gains don't increase your tax bracket. Your tax bracket is based on income?

>> No.5438494

>Your tax bracket is based on income?
and what would you call capital gains?