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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54368889 No.54368889 [Reply] [Original]

Sup niggers, /fit/izen starting an LLC with his long time female friend in the fashion/accessory sector. Chicks make up 80% of the consumer market and latch onto products/trends without even knowing why they’re doing it, I’d be remiss NOT to take advantage of that.

/biz/ doesn’t seem to have a sticky, so looking for resources on the steps for building an effective action plan. Got all the registration/IP/licensing stuff covered

Have a background in marketing/advertising, what other resources and essential skills do you boys recommend?

>> No.54368910


>> No.54369503
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In college for a PTA degree atm, sending the statejew more money when you can essentially give yourself a university education online seems like a shit ROI

>> No.54369534

Surely there are LLC resources out there

Jew tube channels, blogs etc, resources like that are what I’m after

Surely the cats here know a thing or two also and this isn’t just a crypto speculation/financial gossip page

>> No.54369694

Leave this board nigger cattle consumer

>> No.54369720
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Incel thread

>> No.54369730

You'd better have an emergency fund of 1 year or you're gonna be more overleveraged than JPM is right now.

>t. someone who started several businesses, failed most of them, and had one mediocre exit

>> No.54369757

you fill out a form and pay money, and you get an LLC.