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5436492 No.5436492 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /biz/, total newfag here coming to you for advise.
My sister bought a bit into BTC for fun a bit more than a year ago and already got her investment back big time by selling one like two weeks ago. Now she offered to gift me a quarter btc to have me start broking a bit. (I'm not doing so well financially atm, so this is a pretty nice gesture in my book.)
Now here's the thing. She asked me if I rather wanted the whole 0.25 btc in btc or if I wanted a percentage of it in btcash as well (like 0.07 btc's worth in btcash and only 0.18 in btc).

So what should I do? Should I rather the whole 0.25 in btc or splitt it up and to what percentage would you recommend?
I have till tomorrow to decide.

Thanks in advance.

>> No.5436531

Sister hot?

>> No.5436542

>bought BTC more than a year ago

get out LARPer

>> No.5436571

whole btc because its more versatile and you can go into alts?

>> No.5436640

Show tits.

>> No.5436650

this, literally unbelievable. Post pic of sis.

>> No.5436701

Take the whole 0.25 BTC then weight it how you like.

>> No.5436733

post pic of sister first

>> No.5436760
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She's engaged and a surgeon to be. She's ok I guess, good sense of humor and a good heart, could do a bit more sports though.

She bought some from my recluse brother who isn't normally really sharing or anything about his btc stash, nobody in the family knows how much he has or had; I suspect he has around 8 or so left. He needed some money some time ago and asked her if she wanted to buy some btc off of him which were at about USD600 back then I think. So she bought like four of 4 off of him to support him or something. You know how the rest went.
Not larping here, really asking oppinions.

Sorry, can't.

Aren't transaction fees a bitch at this point from what I gather? That's why I'm even considering splitting it in the first place to be honest.

>> No.5436835

>Aren't transaction fees a bitch at this point from what I gather? That's why I'm even considering splitting it in the first place to be honest.
Transaction fees are $30-$50, but moving thousands of dollars around means that it's pretty inconsequential. You'd only be moving it to the exchange anyway, the trip back would be in the other currency.

>> No.5436847

I'm going to need an image of this sister to make an informed decision

>> No.5436896
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Is it really? My gut is telling me this as well, but brain and what I hear about how the fees are so brutal I'm considering splitting it 3:1 btc:btcash

Sorry no can do. And you'd be a bit disappointed anyway... but have a pic for your troubles

>> No.5436917

Blue board OP, bye-bye.
Saved tho

>> No.5436923

Post more aesthetic pictures and I might help you

>> No.5436983

Well, in my family I am that recluse brother.

>> No.5437181
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Shit. Sorry.

Have some more.

Yeah, I figure there's more of his type on here than mine. I was always more into social escapism, never into programming. When we were younger he went into books and c+ stuff while I snuck out of the house at night to hang with people and learn those codes. He always was more of an introvert, me the more extroverted version of him I guess, with a bit of a lesser tolerance against the matters of the flesh and beauty.. There was always a part of him I never 'got', but that doesn't mean I didn't look up to him and didn't love him. Tried to help him in a personal crisis when he had his first gf back then and it felt weird but also good, because for me it was the first time I felt like I could really be of help to him. But yeah.

>> No.5437237
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>> No.5437348

I would personally take the whole BTC. What's more important is that you wait a bit for the price to spike again before asking her for it

>> No.5437369
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But yeah, he chose to become quite the loner in terms of family life. Our childhood was kind of tough so I don't really blame him; our dad was basically an old fashioned farmer who made us work for our pocket money on the weekends and there wasn't alot of warmth going on in the family, we kids were kind of all of us doing our own thing trying to make it alone for some reason, each with their own strategy. In concerns to my sister this common experience brought us closer together over the years though, he kind of drifted into the distance so far, sadly..

>> No.5437439
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>that you wait a bit for the price to spike again before asking her for it
How so? Sorry if that's a dumb question.

>> No.5437469
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>> No.5437594
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Could you explain to me why it would important for me to wait till the price would spike again?

>> No.5437625
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>> No.5437718
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Anybody else wanna help me out?

0.25 btc's worth either all in btc or 3:1 btc:btcash

Thanks again for considering

>> No.5437770

misread original post, it's irrelevant. I wouldn't take any Bcash though, it's even more risky an investment than BTC

>> No.5437805

I would also immediately sell half of the BTC for some solid long term projects like STRAT or DCR

>> No.5437823

Split it up, it’s a great hedge. Generally when BTC is up BCH is down and vice versa. Meaning when either goes down you maintain your dollar value. Recommend 50/50

>> No.5437947

>gay ass faggot blogposting
This is a new low

>> No.5437986

it is Christmas eve, feels are strong amongst those with dysfunctional families

>> No.5438090
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You don't think it will go up again in the near future? As I'm said I'm totally new and out of my element with this stuff so far, so I was actually thinking of kind of a conservative bet here with btc and sticking with it, because I personally think it will stabilize itself and go up and gain again...

>Generally when BTC is up BCH is down and vice versa.
But doesn't the stats of late say exactly the opposite of this? To me the dips and reaction of btc and bch was near identical and simultaneous in the recent dips or am I retarded? Please correct me if I'm wrong

Sorry, dudes, as I said I'm new and I don't really have anything else to do now but thinking about how to progress with this gift offer... Will refrain from blogposting unless asked.

>> No.5438138

I genuinely have no idea but if you are just looking to blindly hold I would definitely advise all BTC. In 5 years BCash won't be a thing regardless of pumps

>> No.5438338
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Well, you know, blindly hold and then maybe cash out a bit or speculate around with hopeful gains in minor dips.. that was kind of my idea.
It was one reason that I was told that bch was cheaper to do transactions with; and then also that vague idea about feeling the need for 'variety', to kind of counter out a complete risk of losing it all, should it all come down with btc for some other unpredictable reason.

>> No.5438461
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DYOR but I am personally all-in on Stratis for the next 3 months.

>> No.5438576

Ok man, thanks for helping me out. This looks interesting, I'll take a look at it. Do you think a small sum like 0.07 btc would be worth it?

>> No.5438664

yes definitely

>> No.5438876
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Ok, so far I'm tending towards going full 0.25 btc and then see if I put some of it into something else in the near future, like Stratis.
Still open to further suggestions and advise here.
And feel free to help bump this thread.

>> No.5439191
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Anybody else care to give some advise? Would be highly appreciated.

>> No.5439281
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>> No.5439337

Lol thanks

>> No.5439424

Huh, I just saw another thing... I just opened a wallet with electrum and went with non-segwit one. Was that dumb? Is that by any chance where the fees are coming from that I keep hearing so much about?

>> No.5440065
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>> No.5440322
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>> No.5440345
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>> No.5440367
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>> No.5440427

All BTC OP. You don't fuck with the King. Cashies did twice and ate shit on both occasions.

>> No.5440517


>> No.5440525
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>> No.5440562
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>> No.5440621
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I only got weirder or darker ones from here

>> No.5440681
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>> No.5440704
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>> No.5440736
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>> No.5440792
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>> No.5440818
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>> No.5440850
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>> No.5440888
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>> No.5440909

Haha I'm confusion and motivation now!

>> No.5440933
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>> No.5440960
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That's it guys. Got to go. I'll come back to read on this thread again later and might repost it some other time agin. Have a good one and thanks for the input so far