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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54364324 No.54364324 [Reply] [Original]

Or is it?

Community call at 2 PM EST.

Likely to be a boring one. Maybe Guillherme's designs will finally be part of the shop?

Only two weeks to self serve bros. I'm so excited for you guys.

Commence fudding.

>> No.54364341
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>Community call at 2 PM EST.
**2PM PST. 5 PM EST.

Fuck me.

>> No.54364361

SEC case against Brave when?

>> No.54364625
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Two weeks. duh.

>> No.54364691

>two more weeks
Nothing ever fucking changes

>> No.54365533

so what happens to the vbat when they sunset the current rewards scheme?
does it just vanish from the browser file and go to zero again? does brave take it back and add it to their pile?
its unclear

>> No.54365664


I'm pulling this out of my ass but honestly, probably nothing - you never had that BAT anyway. Functionally, they likely cross off the liability on their balance sheet and whatever arrangement they have with Gemini and Uphold to honor your collected vBAT dissipates into the ether. Your vBAT balance will disappear. Brave won't get more BAT from the deal.

The way I assume this works is Gemini and Uphold dole out whatever amount opted in users earned and Brave either pays Gemini and Uphold for the amount that BAT costs on the open market or transfers that BAT amount to Gemini and Uphold to dole out.

In other words, whatever the arrangement turns out to be in fact, you probably won't see Brave's BAT balance go up as a result of this, but your vBAT balance will poof.

>> No.54365724

>In other words, whatever the arrangement turns out to be in fact, you probably won't see Brave's BAT balance go up as a result of this, but your vBAT balance will poof.
so in other words you are saying that brave never had vBAT backed up 1:1 and the purchases on the transparency page were bullshit. thats the only way brave just "crosses off" their liability

>> No.54365808

Will be on the call. Bowels improved when I started eating choclo. Corn poops 4 ever.

>> No.54365888

>you never owned the attention token you were told you got after giving attention to our adverts that were sold for real money
>see the terms and conditions said so
>you read those right anon?
>nothing personal fellow privacy web3 kid
bad faith af

>> No.54366079

the entire things a scam. there are only 2 scenarios with vBAT. either:

1. brave never had the BAT in the first place and the transparency page is a lie

2. brave does have all vBAT backed up by real BAT and will profit by taking it back from people when it sunsets

neither are good and basically brave are a bunch of cock sucking faggot scammers

>> No.54366184

option 2 is likely and this explains why they removed the restore key function to coincide with windows 10 going over to windows 11
they knew millions of users were gonna upgrade and lose their existing brave/rewards files and have to d/load the browser again so they pulled restore keys
scam af

>> No.54366221

>the entire things a scam.
They’re completely tied up with VCs from Silicon Valley Bank. That’s really all you need to know. They just use and abuse BAT to siphon money from retail investors. 100% jew scam.

>> No.54366383

>the purchases on the transparency page were bullshit
Yes most of them were fake. Eich is so fucking stupid for letting the Jews overtake his project. And he keeps going back to the well

>> No.54366409

its gonna completely pop off when users see zero in their ''v''bat balance lmao

>> No.54366740

haven't posted here in about a year are these threads always this slow now?

>> No.54366745

its not backed 1:1 but the transparency page is not fake

>> No.54366784

Then where is the remaining BAT

>> No.54366790

most retards who bought into this shit have probably cut their losses or necked it by now

>> No.54366853

That's my suspicion, yes. And likely confirmed unless someone can produce a wallet, similar to the UGP, where that 1:1 allotment is being held.

>> No.54366862

fucken glad I got out of everything the day unky joe got sworn in

>> No.54366875
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Based Turtle Shitter

>> No.54366878

Only a handful of anons left. We lost our last big chunk from the flop that was the state of bat article.

>> No.54367063

These threads used to be lit. Had a a folder of a few hundred whores I saved from these threads

>> No.54367105

post em

>> No.54367205

I doubt BAT survives the SEC onslaught. Either Gary comes for them directly or they come for Uphold and Gemini. We already know Brave will cuck as they always do.

>> No.54367270

That PC crashed forever ago but thotanon still dumps I think

>> No.54368180

Good call today. Too much to summarize

>> No.54368251

I just want to know how many BAT I need to be able to buy Selena Gomez.

>> No.54368254

How are people still debating this? It was never backed 1:1. That was painfully obvious when Luke was asked if it was 1:1 backed and his response was "we have enough to cover all withdrawals".
As a comparison, banks have enough to cover all withdrawals (most of the time) despite have a 0% reserve requirement. Brave was doing the exact same thing. The BAT never existed because they receive USD from advertisers. They probably had a pool, and would only buy enough BAT to keep it topped up as withdrawals went out.

>> No.54368261

Welp self serve is marketable so that’s a good thing

>> No.54368267

It was never purchased, it never existed on their books.

>> No.54368287

Is something actually happening? Is it time to break out the celebratory thots? Preferably Asian?

>> No.54368353

Well it's honestly still a "soon"TM deal but they're giving some detailed and substantive info about search ads and self serve. They're either larping hard or wheels are finally in motion for once.

>> No.54368414

Bullet points. Buzzfeed listicle 3/28 Brave Community Call. I am a dipshit.

>> No.54368449

I guess I’ll get my hopes up for the sixth time…heh

>> No.54368610

I was doing the Gensler larp on the call. Some funny shit happened after I closed the Brave talk tab. I could still hear Brave tech support talking about me. It was a larp you paranoid fucks. JFC I thought I was a schizo. Turn off your mic first if you’re gonna do that shit.

>> No.54368788

>>>54368180 (You)


>> No.54368818
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>Good call today
I really needed to read that. Hope you're doing well as always, BAP <3!

The lad who used to upload the calls is gone right?


>Had a a folder of a few hundred whores I saved from these threads
Based! Sorry you lost the collection, but I'll help you build it back.

What do you fancy seeing?

>Preferably Asian?
<-- this one is for you (holy16partwebm)

>> No.54368867
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Czech'd and Based!

>> No.54368957

Imma need the rest and a name for this perfect specimen pls

>> No.54369011

Could we get some indian girls with huge tits but really fugly faces?

>> No.54369048
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TP my lad/lass! Good to see you. Glad to report BasedBraveUser is still with us and uploading regularly.

>> No.54369379
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Czech'd, but I have no idea what you consider fugly. Do you want thicc Indians or slim thicc Indians?

Never would've guessed you lads like Indians so much.

>> No.54369412

>Never would've guessed you lads like Indians so much

>> No.54369460
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I'll be here until the moon or zero! Hope the waifu is doing better!

>> No.54369490

listening now will update with the minutes

>> No.54369543

I just came here to say this is disgusting. Women are so fucked in the head now.

>> No.54369553

they were really sussed over my gensler larp. brendan was coy when he entered the call until he turned my camera on and found out im in india

>> No.54369589

Thanks TP. We're hanging in there
Based. Thanks bro

>> No.54369602

Everyone is influenced by the people around them. This is all just a lottery. When I see someone I don't like I just get angry at society for the greed that causes it.

The more abused she gets the more skin she shows off to get approval. It's a vicious cycle.

>> No.54369620

I like skin. It's this weird obsession with abnormally giant ass so now she looks like a retarded clown

>> No.54369658
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>Women are so fucked in the head now.
What about the MEN who enable them by handing them 5-7 figures PER MONTH?

>> No.54369702
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Men are swine and women are children. The cycle of natural selection has been irrevocably altered. We are fucked as a society. All we can do is look after our own.

>> No.54369762

I stand corrected. I 100% support this thot. Imagine having putting babies inside this one

>> No.54369817
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community call minutes-

*self-serve SOON SOON tm. luke says they are writing up announcement for it

***self-serve will give discounts to advertisers if they pay in BAT for ad campaigns instead of USD

*self-serve will reduce minimum ad campaign spend from 10k to 1k

*BAT rewards search ads being worked on coming "soon tm" (probably not til eoy if this year at all imo)

*android playlist soon tm (actually soon tm)

*work being done on customizing notification ads on user end (maybe in browser on mobile instead of annoying push notifications, not sure they didnt clarify much on that)

*wallet still a piece of shit

*brave search will allow you to pick your own maps provider soon (google maps etc)

*eich reiterated at the end of the call that bat search rewards wont be out for a while, until regular search ads are working well and they have it all built out and its been running for a while

self-serve giving discounts to campaigns that pay in BAT could be good for us. it seems like it maybe might possibly be hopefully maybe possible that they are getting their shit together now. i dont believe BAT will moon hard at all this year but it seems like they are trying to get the infrastructure in place and hopefully things start to come together going into the next bull run. 2024 might be good. im cautiously pessimistic as usual though due to brave being a bunch of niggers

>> No.54369825

face filter. dont trust these hos.

>> No.54369832
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> i dont believe BAT will moon hard at all this year but it seems like they are trying to get the infrastructure in place and hopefully things start to come together going into the next bull run.

>> No.54369860
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If you lads ever have any questions about it, feel free to ask. I've been a Social Media wagie most of my adult life. I've seen it all and used to post a ton of threads exposing Social Media on /biz/.
The duality of man.

Based and factspilled. I'd love to pick your brain at the thot party or San Transcisco at some point kek.

>> No.54369896

What do you mean? What's your job?

>> No.54369947

>We are fucked as a society
You have reached the final stage of redpilling. Fuck bitches and enjoy the decline

>> No.54370024
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Will have to talk my wife into it. It's remarkable how regular sex kills the thirst that (most of) TP's thots inspire.
Look forward to it. I swear I don't have a stick up my ass. I've indulged my share of intrigue and deviance in my time. Just disgusted with the way men waste their testosterone and the way women take advantage of it. It's a vicious cycle and both perpetuate it in their own right. Women have been whoring out for money and seeking attention from men since time immemorial. So it's nothing new. The internet has only made it too easy and attractive for people who probably wouldn't otherwise debase themselves to do so and be rewarded for it. Sickens me that my nieces want to be influencers when they "grow up." What the fuck happened to wanting to grow up to be a doctor, lawyer or cop? Not enough dopamine.

Blog over. On the other hand, I do enjoy your thot posting. Hypocritical as it might be. That one in particular is worth some attention.

>> No.54370170

what will happen when the amount of users participating in the rewards scheme suddenly declines by a significant amount?
also, are the search ads going to be rewards user opt in or hard embedded for all?

>> No.54370193

How do you continue to enjoy sex with your wife? All my long term relationships have resulted in lazy sex, blow job ultimatums and infidelity.
>total testosterone level 1140

>> No.54370247

Yeah my wife had no labido and sucked cock like a prisoner. Although I loved her, I had to leave her.

>> No.54370271
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Can I get a quick rundown on the community call?

>> No.54370274

She's adventurous and creative enough and definitely not lazy. Just works. I'm sure at some point we will get very familiar but we've been together seven years and so far so good. Also that stupid rule about going away from home for a weekend together every couple months is weirdly effective.

Many such cases. I'm sorry anon.

>> No.54370397


>> No.54370614

>self-serve will give discounts to advertisers if they pay in BAT for ad campaigns instead of USD
>self-serve will reduce minimum ad campaign spend from 10k to 1k
>brave search will allow you to pick your own maps provider soon (google maps etc)

I like all of those things, they seem reasonably achievable and smart

>> No.54370700

We got a nice pump going that’ll be rekt by greedy VCs by the am

>> No.54370901

Like maybe crooked teeth or just… I’ll find a pic of a bitch on insta when my wife isn’t laying next to me lol.

>> No.54371690


>> No.54372250

Checked. We sinking

>> No.54373174

Token not needed