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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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>> No.54364282

Needing a new alpha while btc is still cucking my fucking urge of a new bull. Pls anon I need hopium I wanna get rich sooner gib alpha

>> No.54364441
File: 1.70 MB, 2504x1924, AVAXFUDsterUngloved.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fellow AVAXchads, in honor of this being the eve of our 400th general, I'd like to introduce to you the latest AVAX pet. You may recognize his many FUD pastas from our threads as of late. If you see him shitting up our threads be sure to welcome him with the phrase "What's up handfag?"

>> No.54364508

I've been just holding on AVAX so far but I wanna make a try on farming. Which yield farm do you recommend the most?

>> No.54364530
File: 463 KB, 1536x2048, 1676571578622578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just accumulate as much as you can anon, every time AVAX starts its own run there are plenty of retards missing out because they were too busy hunting for mooning shitcoins.
checked, is that the faggot spamming the same old and cringe copypastas on every thread?
the only good copypasta is the "fuck this crab dumping shitcoin", and we don't get to see it around as often as before.

>> No.54364612

Try Yield Yak or JOE to farm some. Good staking rewards.

>> No.54364642

He posts some of them. As far as I can tell I think the coin atob guy and some others are different. He's the dude posting the GOATFUCKER and 0.25 AVAX pastas, "hacks" related posts, whining about down time, accusing team of paying shills, eth fork, etc.

>> No.54364671
File: 167 KB, 799x681, 1675537697104857.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every AVAX shill is a grassroots community marketer who gets paid in AVAX to do it. They reply to themselves with different IDs and create lots of fake interest and discussion. If you browse /biz/ for a few days you'll see how inorganic all of this is. Their objective is to make you buy AVAX, hold it and maybe even stake it (for a negative inflation adjusted yield, which they will lie about). They will manipulate you with hope, technojargon, AI waifus and dreams of riches while getting paid by higher-ups who slowly dump on retail with the tokens they created for themselves for free. Go look at EOSETH chart and read about the history of EOS. This is the exact same scam all over again for newfags like you who don't know how this works. Don't fall for it, they are masters at manipulating.

Inflation numbers:
Circulating supply Jan 27 2022: 244,852,769

Circulating supply Jan 27 2023: 314,771,897

(314,771,897 - 244,852,769) / 244,852,769 = 0.2856 = 29%


>> No.54364690
File: 19 KB, 358x296, IMG_20230328_135222_084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I've been fomoing into AVAX, do you think it's gonna get to $90 once BTC starts pumping?

>> No.54364713

Oh look another A-VAX thread, surely this isnt a paid campaign

>> No.54364770
File: 830 KB, 854x480, 1117942605522.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every AVAX shill is a grassroots community marketer who gets paid in AVAX to do it. They reply to themselves with different IDs and create lots of fake interest and discussion. If you browse /biz/ for a few days you'll see how inorganic all of this is. Their objective is to make you buy AVAX, hold it and maybe even stake it (for a negative inflation adjusted yield, which they will lie about). They will manipulate you with hope, technojargon, AI waifus and dreams of riches while getting paid by higher-ups who slowly dump on retail with the tokens they created for themselves for free. Go look at EOSETH chart and read about the history of EOS. This is the exact same scam all over again for newfags like you who don't know how this works. Don't fall for it, they are masters at manipulating. Every AVAX shill is a grassroots community marketer who gets paid in AVAX to do it. They reply to themselves with different IDs and create lots of fake interest and discussion. If you browse /biz/ for a few days you'll see how inorganic all of this is. Their objective is to make you buy AVAX, hold it and maybe even stake it (for a negative inflation adjusted yield, which they will lie about). They will manipulate you with hope, technojargon, AI waifus and dreams of riches while getting paid by higher-ups who slowly dump on retail with the tokens they created for themselves for free. Go look at EOSETH chart and read about the history of EOS. This is the exact same scam all over again for newfags like you who don't know how this works. Don't fall for it, they are masters at manipulating. Every AVAX shill is a grassroots community marketer who gets paid in AVAX to do it. They reply to themselves with different IDs and create lots of fake interest and discussion. If you browse /biz/ for a few days you'll see how inorganic all of this is. Their objective is to make you buy AVAX, hold it and maybe even stake it (for a negative inflation adjusted yield, which they will lie about).

>> No.54364845

Assuredly, avalanche has had so many partnerships and new technical releases announced in the bear with even more to come. This shit is going to fly.

Post your hand(s)

>> No.54364902
File: 141 KB, 950x633, 12414546456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>has a purple id
>fuds avalanche for no reason.
street shitter confirmed

>> No.54364950
File: 882 KB, 896x1344, 1679942920126253.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quite an achievement to reach 400 threads. Here to more AVAX C-Chan pics. Let's keep on accumulating bros.
You're getting slower anon

>> No.54365559
File: 1.33 MB, 896x1344, 206.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Here to more AVAX C-Chan pics

>> No.54365578

What's up handfag?

>> No.54365967
File: 1.24 MB, 896x1344, 207.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54365971
File: 2.10 MB, 8000x5500, 1637166066326.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AvaxChan isn't a subnet
also nice work anon

>> No.54366048
File: 41 KB, 542x536, 1666814324494658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ngl, this curry pasta is getting pretty stale. c'mon Ranjesh, make something new.

>> No.54366930
File: 96 KB, 929x1175, 1670974026879315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello digital commodity chads

>> No.54367177

anons, is becoming a validator worth it? I've been thinking about that, but I can't really tell the profits difference between a validator and someone just sticking to swing trading. Also 2k AVAX might be a little expensive for me.

>> No.54367614
File: 52 KB, 735x1080, FQFPRfwXMAATJaY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54368361

I love this version with the suit and more adult, may you drop more AI anon?
Any name suggestions anon? AVAX C-Chan seems good

>> No.54368454
File: 21 KB, 736x95, ava.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eat my asshole, respectfully
read the last thread
also where is everyone lol, we even have a lesser amount of pajeets and bots shidding in our threads.
are people really shidding their pantsu over some binance fud lol, slap on the wrist whomst care

>> No.54368474

They just released a writeup about both small downtimes: https://medium.com/avalancheavax/avalanchego-v1-9-12-x-chain-regression-9c89c1b3b1ac

>> No.54368544
File: 302 KB, 851x537, 2UQkhMp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh we have 6 other threads open lol
cocks elongated
jannies liquidated
noticing more avaxchads in random misc threads, pretty refreshing

>> No.54369141
File: 636 KB, 1170x1424, CA73CA32-984D-4A8A-B844-FECE2951B23B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you guys have been paying attention. The next 2 months will be crazy.

>> No.54369162

Leak some alpha please

>> No.54369247

I have nothing for you. Only speculating. Just look at their profile pictures. Even more of them had Pokémon set like a month ago.

>> No.54369257

What the fuck, now I see it

>> No.54369350

Nothing is a coincidence. If it doesn't come from Polygon, it comes to fud from ICP.

>> No.54369477

how many oopas you niggers got?

>> No.54369604

time to censor this shitchain like dogbat for spamming the board with this scam

>> No.54369676

It’s funny how you guys ask to post hands then won’t yourselves

>> No.54369864
File: 60 KB, 1170x305, EA9BE7D2-F5D3-4A78-9E1A-7BB60F433122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I may have a problem. Have more in another wallet lol

>> No.54371177

Honestly so bullish how the protocol always works despite the "adversarial" nodes, how quick avalabs fixes shit, and how quick node operators update their shit.

>> No.54372770

why take on no risk validating when you can take on massive risk swing trading. good thinking bro

>> No.54372800

Bullish for avax

Bearish for avax