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54358673 No.54358673 [Reply] [Original]

>AI will take over!
Blah blah, not the question.
So just wondering.. in your opinion can the average retard GENUINELY learn to code? And I mean like your typical nothing special worker scooping your ice cream. I don't even mean well enough to get a job. Just well enough to be able to build their own shit i.e. apps/websites/trading bot/etc.

>> No.54358684

>can the average retard GENUINELY learn to code?
>I mean like your typical nothing special worker scooping your ice cream
>I don't even mean well enough to get a job.
>Just well enough to be able to build their own shit i.e. apps/websites/trading bot/etc.

>> No.54358691

its easy as shit. the only thing nerds had going for them was that they already sat at computers for extended periods of time.

AI is going to replace cooders and it will be hilarious. Imagine thinking you're joining the upper class and then AI takes your job.

>> No.54358693

>>I don't even mean well enough to get a job.
So they COULD do it well enough to get a job!

>> No.54358702

pure cope. coding is just nerdy. any random becky or stacey can do it but they dont because they have to work around ugly nerds.

>> No.54358721

Becky and Stacy can't even describe their own programming to you, anon. You seriously think they're going to be staying up to date on the latest and greatest of web UI front end and design trends? Literally why would they do that if they don't need to.

>> No.54358800

>latest and greatest of web UI front end and design trends
sounds like monkey see monkey do

yeah, i think they can manage buddy

>> No.54358819

Yes, but the thing with programming is that most books/tutorials are trash so you need to find a good source.

>> No.54358829

They can learn to code. But they will be filtered by the frustrations of debugging. I can't imagine zoomers desperately trying to find a bug.

>> No.54358870

some people just dont get it. not sure what it is but like with music they simply dont get the simplest concepts. also average is way too social and wont be able to commit the time. like anybody can do sales, its just talking shit to people but in reality most people arent extroverted enough. its not about being too dumb

>> No.54358945

>not sure what it is but like with music they simply dont get the simplest concepts
Explain what you mean with this analogy, you can "not get" something slower than another person but that doesn't mean that it's impossible to get something. It would be one thing if you sat down someone for 3 hours to teach them about arrays and they still couldn't understand what an array was, but for 80% of people, it's all about putting in the time

>> No.54359010

at some point being too slow becomes prohibitive but thats not really what i mean. its more about being able to apply. like if you explain iteration and they get it but then you say, solve this problem using iteration and they cant do it. its like the ability to abstract and generalize idk

>> No.54359104


>trading bot/etc.
If it's fairly basic.