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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 948 KB, 1125x1736, 95F4F1EB-5813-4D13-BF77-881B9A8A787A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54358503 No.54358503 [Reply] [Original]

How does this make you feel?

>> No.54358543

Humorous, since only a typical iphone faggot would bother holding something like xrp in 2023

Oh you didn't think we could tell? How'd you even find this board you mystery meat amerimutt niggerbrain?

BTW I sold ripple at $2.50, in 2018. Highs you will never see again

>> No.54358614

I sold bitcoin at 67k, bought at $200 you dumb nigger
Bitcoin bottom is still at least a year away btw

>> No.54358632

good. all of these are overvalued between 10x-100x.

>> No.54358648

makes me feel like i'm looking at a cellphone screenshot on my laptop. what are you getting at, OP?

>> No.54358653


>> No.54358690

Ah, so you’re angry
as expected

>> No.54358694

your devilish scheme has only temporarily soured my mood, friend :)

>> No.54358727

Obvious troll is obvious.

You did not do either of these things. You have been bagholding since you bought it.

Anyone with more than 1 brain cell does not hold XRP.

>> No.54358735

Kys newfag

>> No.54358900
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>> No.54358921

You and all you nigger friends invading biz? Why are you trannies still in here don’t you have BBC bait threads to post on /pol/?

>> No.54358922
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>> No.54358934
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>> No.54358944

Your little pump on your shitcoin, and yet you're still down vs inflation.

Nice shill, kike.

>> No.54358952

fpbp OP btfo
fuck off faggot

>> No.54358960

>no mention of trannies
seek help mate

>> No.54358966
File: 9 KB, 232x218, 0CDBDF21-DEC4-4A1F-A984-8DC21A322C9E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill yourself slowly and violently in front of your family

>> No.54358970

chud spotted

>> No.54358974
File: 90 KB, 1024x1024, 282CB05A-EAF0-4D07-B10A-ECB3837368CB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FREED is good, coins at home.

>> No.54358981
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pic of op and his girlfriend

>> No.54358985

holy kek you just killed this man.

>> No.54358988

bored, feels like groundhog day

>> No.54359025

Nothing really.
It takes a little more than that to make me hard these days.

>> No.54359033

>le chud
Fucking kek of course this is the average XRP fudnigger. Literally engineered to lose it all after following the herd.

>> No.54359044

>cripple shill is a retard
colour me surprised

>> No.54359055

Really?? Bottom is gonna be like what 10k??

>> No.54359063

I recognize your posting. You’re the most boring fudnigger on biz like not even 4 (You’s) into anything you say it quickly turns into a baseless opinions that aren’t yours and insults because you’re out of things to say since you’re retarded and boring

>> No.54359074

i stuck a nerve :)

>> No.54359090

Okay, incel

>> No.54359097
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>> No.54359107

Haha, nice one! Thanks for the (You)

>> No.54359117

no problem brother

>> No.54359131

Comfy, bought my lil' stack at 33 cents. Can't wait for the judge to rule XRP not a security.

>> No.54359264
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>> No.54359565

Feels juicy, selling all my BUSD for ORE and KCS

>> No.54360225

>Feel happy dumping my XRP at $2 for SPOOL.
>Feel sad when roasties tricked me to dumping my EGLD
pajeets excited by few hours green candles.

>> No.54361341


>> No.54361430

That this was both the worst bull market and bear market in finance history, No lessons learned

>> No.54361475

Reason why I stick to lowcaps, LINK ORE eNS. Best bet

>> No.54361872

XRP will lose

>> No.54361903

Why are you gay

>> No.54361935 [DELETED] 


>> No.54361981
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>> No.54362003

Fuck lessons... I'm now so poor

>> No.54362178
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>> No.54363700

>XRP will lose
The whales pumping it for exit liquidity. Already dumped them for USDT to reap rewards through SpoolFi protocol. Exchanges starting to delist XRP by weekend.

>> No.54364100

nice try Goldstein...not selling before ath

>> No.54366247

Bumping for the seethe