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54358012 No.54358012 [Reply] [Original]

in line with the value they enable. Lets have a deep dive.
So far they were bootstrapping/subsidising the network. it's been very difficult to find out anything regarding their pricing and how it works. all we know is, it scaled with the project(some sources say 5 link a month for small ones. this may have been in USD or whatever), they built DONs for them, and there were some kind of subscription/tab which these projects funded to use it. Sergey would then take form their balance to pay node operators(in LINK and gas), and the rest out of pocket. they would ensure profitability. The rest was taken from reserves, ie, the big fat betrayals.
This has gone on for YEARS. there is a very long(by crypto standards) track record of flawless level for Chainlink services now and it is established with no real competition.

We had a leak from a dev on twitter of a project saying sergey was demanding $100k a year now. we have very little information but it is time to speculate. it sounds like they are turning on the profits now after establishing. the recent AMA also it was revealed they are "turning off DONs that are not worthwhile" which i found interesting as they had till now just been focused on aggressive expansion even at a loss. he said they were looking to take DONS which had too little usage offline, and that they arent adding tons of more nodes because they want to ensure the existing ones get enough jobs and arent saturated.

>> No.54358014

I would like to know if they start charging 100k, for all projects, this is a scale, if they are just testing the grounds or what. I'd also like to know if this 100k is then converted to LINK(sounds like it is), then put in their balance and use to pay nodes(and maybe Sergey continues to subsidies the rest if necessary). even if he does need to subsidies some still, it is a massive reduction in the release of tokens from the coffer to cover it. I want to assume they demand payment in LINK for this balance, or, if not, will convert it to LINK with a markup and BUY ON MARKET. NOT JUST EXCHANGE THEIR RESERVES AND RELEASE TOKENS. though i have NO way to know this yet. Even if they dont do that, and just exchange it for their reserves, it should substantially reduce to dumps and most projects will be incentivised to hand over LINK(as it wont have a mark up).
Again, no way to know these details and they are very important. time to speculate. either way, looks like a big change is happening.

>> No.54358022

No sneedback

>> No.54358046

how are they gating people in is my question. whitelisted paying addresses?

>> No.54358113

Nobody cares about your Jeet scam coin

>> No.54358118

Basically they planned to become the big dick in town then start dick slapping when no one had any other option from the start. Sounds like they are ready for some dick slapping.
They'll all bend the knee eventually

>> No.54358146

Yeah, thats potentially what is STARTING to happen. however we still have the problem of knowing how they are using these "100k" charges. are they going to take it in LINK(projects need to buy it then hand it over), offer to accept USD? if they accept USD or BTC or whatever, are Chainlink labs going to BUY LINK ON MARKET? because if they are just going to exchange it at market value with their reserves, it is still going to end up releasing a lot of tokens into circulation, and in the end, only Chainlink labs benefit form that by having 100k USD on their balance sheet and releasing a similar amount of tokens to cover operation costs for that projects DON.
if they BUY that LINK on the projects behalf, it is a completely different story.

>> No.54358169

>aggressive expansion even at a loss
well, it wasn't their loss

>> No.54358181
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He overpayed?

>> No.54358230

Correct, we had to pay for it and Sergey better fucking remember that.

>> No.54358260
File: 1.84 MB, 720x4600, token very needed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, they will pay. They will ALL pay. Why? Because they are already addicted. No sneedback.

>> No.54358312

To be honest, its not our problem

Let SN and Chainlink labs figure itout

>> No.54358318

nah they probably just take the usd for their costs and use link from supply for the nops fees
anyway you're being a brainlet focusing on this aspect. speculation is a far stronger driver of price than any adoption this early in the game, same true for all projects
the best thing for the project would be for the twitter fudders to get over themselves for not taking profit after sergey gave them a 150x and get shilling again

>> No.54358353

I'm not being a brainlet. you are. the Token not needed and Sergey betrayal narrative is so fucking strong it is massively hindering speculation. if they can destroy that through this change speculation can go wild.

>> No.54358391
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nothing has changed since 2017... the only thing to drive price is staking
until v1 of staking (ie. collateralisation of all dons) comes there will be no price pressure from "adoption"
the key currently is retail speculation which is dead due CT and people being fucking stupid and not being able to look ahead more than a couple of days

>> No.54358723
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“Our most dangerous tendency is to expect too much of government, and at the same time do for it too little.”

- Warren G. Harding (29th president of the United States of America)

>> No.54358753

Is Chainlink really that good to be asking for this much now, and is it bullish or bearish?

>> No.54358782


Crypto poorfags don't have $100k.

>> No.54358818

if it works, it's bullish. if it fails, bagholders will continue to foot the bill, so crab

>> No.54358830

Last few girls I got head from I’ve been dick slapping them pretending I was Sergey doing it to them. This is something I’ve never done before to chicks.

>> No.54358931

At 1700 integrations that's 170MM per year. Cut that in half for immediate backouts the another 50% within a year and conservatively that's 42.5MM per year in fee revenue alone.

>> No.54359048
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Oh fugg I’m finna buss

>> No.54359219

They accept other form of payments and CAN Be converted to link, not necessarily

>> No.54359281

This is such a retarded take. Of course value capture needs payments as well. You need to capture the increase in users using the network somehow, and I'm not even talking about node sustainability independently of CL.

>> No.54359303

Holly shit you're retarded. You will never have a speculative run until usage leads to market buy. All the fud derives from token not needed. You want speculation, Chainlink needs to send the market a message, each oracle call corresponds to a link market buy, and Chainlink Labs is not diluting one link for node ops anymore. Then you'll witness the biggest pump you've ever seen in link

>> No.54359373

>the biggest pump you've ever seen in link
how does $3 by EOY sound to you?

>> No.54359382

Surely something useful ought to come out of this collosal waste of money and resources known as crypto that has been so far.
It may very well be the backbone of a government/s that denies all forms of corruption and traceable money. That'd be a happy ending.

>> No.54359401

can anyone explain why devs are reeeing over 100k if they already took trillions from VC funding?

Seems like chainlink should be charging more

>> No.54359503
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>market cap $3,500,000,000
>targeted turnover $100,000

>> No.54359531

As foretold. They got used to tue service they pretty much need one way or another (oracles), Chainlink made it so so easy for them to use it and rely on, going as far as building DONs for them. They used these services practically for free, come to expect this necessary item to he a standard of their experience and expectations. Suddenly they want money for the incredible service reflecting its value. This may be a shock for some devs because as said, they just come to expect it “to work” and be cheap and have no idea what really goes on.

Now many will pay up. Many will seethe and look for alternatives which is natural and they’ll end up incredibly frustrated when those alternatives are just a pain in the ass to use(chainlink make it incredibly easy), arent secure and lose funds or just arent there. That is when they come back

>> No.54359588
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ze token is sneeded.

>> No.54359630

Dat infograph… such a beaut!

>> No.54359708

penniless devs are too poor to afford it. just make the vcs or the mev mafia pay

>> No.54359723


They gave the “poor” devs a chance with Build/Scale program. They have every angle covered it seems

>> No.54359750

This. They won’t have a choice but to use chainlink. The fact that Sergey is starting to charge fair prices for services is a good sign that progress is being made. This will continue to happen as ccip and staking roll out

>> No.54360291

Disgusting, vulgar, and degenerate. No one cares. May the Lord have mercy on you.

>> No.54360341

>you're being a brainlet focusing on this aspect. speculation is a far stronger driver of price than any adoption this early in the game
OP is falling for the “muh Sergey dumps” fud.
Half the top 20 dumped more supply than Sergey.

>> No.54360420

If they don't want to pay, they are free to petition the mev mafia or vcs to foot the bill for them. those are two groups that are notoriously selfless and committed to the overall well being of the space, so i'm sure they will be happy to help. I'm not sure why you would expect chainlink to bill those groups, though. naturally chainlink simply bills the ones who are using their service.

>> No.54360473

This entire thread is BS. There is zero evidence that Chainlink has begun charging for these services, let alone what the charges are.
The 'Leak' (kek) OP refers to is something he likely typed himself.
>chainlink are charging for services ... but the prices are a secret!
Lol what a load of shite

>> No.54360725

just a point here, if we're only counting projects that use that much data/can afford it, how much yearly revenue does this actually work out to? Unfortunately, I think it is at this point, quite insignificant

>> No.54360844

Anon already did conservative evaluation. 40mm

>> No.54360881

so what's the fair mcap for a project with 40m revenue.... weren't sergey's dumps worth over 1bil....

>> No.54360892


>> No.54361276

yo you sound mentally ill

>> No.54362195

A guy from OHM complained about having to pay 100k now for Chainlink.

>> No.54362204

Cryptos typically don’t have revenue, dumbass.
Miners and nodes do.

>> No.54362795

Yet no one has a link to it. How inconvenient

>> No.54362882

Ewwwww!! not reading this incel manifesto sweaty.. Buy an ad

>> No.54362922

>how inconvenient
you meant to say "how convenient". I understand why an esl might be confused and make that mistake, don't beat yourself up about it.

>> No.54362923

the token is still not needed as there is not direct mechanism for consumers of price feeds to pay for reading price data
just because the serg demands 100k a year under the table doesn't mean shit for the token price

i wish link holders wouldn't be so intellectually dishonest. kind of devastating to see them to resort to lies

>> No.54362970
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they're doing much more stuff than simply price feeds

>> No.54362990

Because he deleted the tweet you spastic retard

>> No.54363013
File: 40 KB, 675x675, 6F51C0BA-50F8-4B12-BE12-ABB79CEFE640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ad? Bought
>token? Needed
>partnerships? Swift

The only last fud is the price action

>> No.54363066

With the current setup the money will go to node operators just like before.
We really need a transaction fee tax burning mechanism to burn 5-10% of the transaction cost so that the network receives some of the income and not only node operators.

The only positive is that increased income of the network is a positive metric for network profitability and helps "speculators" to project future profits.

>> No.54363320

Are you the same retard that keeps spamming "much burn tax" in every thread?

>> No.54363477

At the very least this newly added revenue will subtract from the amount of link that Sergey dumps every week

>> No.54363569

>42.5mm in price feeds revenue per year, as of TODAY in the year of our lord 2023
At a total supply of 1 billion tokens that makes a revenue of >>54359708
>just because the serg demands 100k a year under the table
Way to out yourself as a disingenuous retarded troon. Who's saying anything about "under the table" you spastic mongoloid? In fact we don't even know the terms of payment. For all we know the 100k a year could be a threshold for X amount of oracle calls, each paid in LINK fractions and amounting to the 100k USD in LINK tokens bought.


>> No.54363800

Bump for Sergay revealing his machinations

>> No.54363868

yes he is

also the same guy who's been spamming that sergey needs to be replaced for 2 years

>> No.54364302

Judaism is a socially transmitted disease.

>> No.54364426

Only 5% of those integration will pay. And that's being generous. The rest will just say fuck it ,take their gains so far and leave. Or use Band and API3 , get attacked and lose everything.

>> No.54364552

There is a lot of money to be made in attacking protocols that used centralized oracles and price feeds.

Too bad Idk how to code. Seriously for someone even moderately skilled in coding its easy money.

If you weren't a total faggot about it you could keep a "bounty fee" and return the bulk of it just proving a point. Or keep all of it but that is definitely questionable.

Price feed manipulation was happening all the time a couple years ago.

>> No.54364790

I doubt it's a flat fee, that would be retarded. Probably $100k for that shitty protocol because it's some % of their revenue they know they can afford. A bigger protocol making millions or billions using feeds more frequently likely will need to hand over more. Do you know how easy it is in this space to get a protocol to give you a few million dollars? You don't even need to have anything built. Chainlink could easily charge a protocol $10MM+ annually for price feed integrations, and simultaneously charge every dapp using it some % of their revenue.

>> No.54365029

if the payment method isn't in code, it's irrelevant

>> No.54365047

i find it interesting how FUD has cycled back into "shadowfork" territory
and that was years ago, when we didn't even have a fraction of the information and developments we have right now

>> No.54365066

The tokenomics are broken. The token not needed fud literally became true..

>> No.54365431

The payment to the nodes is absolutely in code.

>> No.54365700

Sounds like you’re posting from a month ago.
This thread is about how the tokenomics are in fact being implemented and forced on those that wanted a free ride.
Back to the drawing bored bud.

>> No.54366220

That was me in that image but I was inaccurate with the rope analogy. A more appropriate comparison would be someone offering you a rope for free, making you feel comfortable then pushing you back into the sea and charging 100k for a rope. You people who defend Sergey and his vampiric capitalist practices are beyond belief.

>> No.54366235

how is this a matter of tokenomics? this is just cl creating a new revenue stream, which is bullish nonetheless.

>> No.54366272

>charging money for a service is "vampiric capitalism"
lol ok there Karl.

>> No.54366293
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>> No.54366348

>Then you'll witness the biggest pump you've ever seen in link
Best I can do is -0.3%

>> No.54366367

it is if projects can't survive without it, how hard is this for you to understand? Chainlink labs have subsidised node operators this far, so they can continue to do so.

>> No.54366391

Tough luck buddy. Your free lunch is over. Deal with it.

>> No.54366393

>it is if projects can't survive without it
Literally no company on earth can survive without charging for their goods/services.

>> No.54366400

Isnt ohm a scam?

>> No.54366442

I love ohm, you can make CTA with it

>> No.54366490

Its more like letting your train use train tracks that were laid and paid for by another company. Now said company is charging you to place your train on the tracks. You never built the tracks, you dont own them, yet used them for free. Free ride is ova. Infrastructure isnt free.

>> No.54366492

They can charge, sure, but 100k for simple price feed data is way too much.

>> No.54366512

>100k for simple price feed data is way too much
You either pay 100k once per year, or risk losing milllions several times per year.

>> No.54366518

If that's what prevents a hackerman from draining your liquidity...

>> No.54366519

That up to them to decide. It like asking do you trust credit suisse vs JPM with your money.

>> No.54366534
File: 57 KB, 976x850, _91408619_55df76d5-2245-41c1-8031-07a4da3f313f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>our business can only survive if chainlink subsidizes it this isn't fair!

>> No.54366552

How much is too much for security? Theyre free to use any other service. They are not at gun point.

However, would you rather pay 10 guys with shotguns or 1 gun with a knife?

>> No.54366556

This. You have to suck cocks for years to get a feel for size before you whip yours out confidently. Chainlink has sucked more cock than anyone and is ready to show.

>> No.54366609

Settle down pervert, no one wants to read your penis stories.

>> No.54366631

Or they were like porn stars. They had to do all the raunchy/bdsm/deepthroat/orgy shit before they started getting good contracts with more main stream sites like brazzers or naughtyamerica. Now they have their own website too, and do the work they want to do.

>> No.54366695

You can go back to Sergeys Ocean protocol video in Germany, IIRC. Towards the end of the video he relays to one autistic person, you can buy as little or as much security as you want. This is his thesis now in action. Expect there to be custom of scalable systems for people and companies to purchase

>> No.54366715

This means it's decentralized right? right guys? hey guys?

>> No.54366731

Paying out a bunch of kenyan farmers doesn't impress me a whole lot and sounds like some patronizing virtue signaling. What would impress me and make me buy right away would be reading a smart contract that resembles a normal counteract. Say a will. And having it chatgpt interact with it along with and API and what not and it'd give automatic money minus taxes upon a relatives death. I don't like to think about that sort of thing but it'd be pretty cool. It'd be even better if it was some sort of contract where the person in charge can tamper with it but couldn't if it was in the Blockchain. That sort of stuff is what this is all about. The only example I can think of rn is voting.

>> No.54366767

>Paying out a bunch of kenyan farmers doesn't impress me a whole lot and sounds like some patronizing virtue signaling.
>Without a single human intervening.

Its not the 7K farmers thats supposed to impress you.

>> No.54366770

Lol wut, tranny shooter logic

>> No.54366809

Yeah, bro , services and goods should be free for everyone and you deserve to be loved,respected and protected just because you exist.

You get what you work (or pay) for.

>> No.54366819

right. someone should be in charge to make sure all those things happen.

>> No.54366849

Have you written to the CEO of bitcoin? I'm sure he could sort it out.

>> No.54366872

Satoshi? He literally stopped answering messages some time back, didn't he?
Explain to me again, why him hiding his identity means he isn't the president/CEO of bitcoin?

>> No.54366894

He runs chainlink now.

>> No.54366991
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What the fuck? I thought those were just SN pipe dreams used to shill link.

I'm actually impressed.

>> No.54367077

Don't forget flight delay cover.


Everything will be chainlinked.

>> No.54367135
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Not my problem

>> No.54367145
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i'm wheezing at these posts. i can almost hear the gnashing of the teeth and the impotent screams.

you and your 'friends' are going to be sucking so much dick your tongue will melt. you think Ari and Sergey are humiliating you now? just wait until you learn about fast-lanes or DECO or FSS lmao its going to be glorious watching all you cockroaches scramble around for money or face extinction

>> No.54367147

hmm. was that the last project he mentioned? don't think so :)

>> No.54367204

They partnered with Lemonade inc.

KEYWORD: Partnered. First time me hearing about this.

>> No.54367207

Sisters, I believe it’s time to start fudding any other project that doesn’t use chainlink. Imagine the bad reputation and FUD we can create by implying the project is a ticking time bomb if using anything other than chainlink as an oracle.

Devs will need to start buying link and pump the price

>> No.54367239

we don't need to
any project that does not use LINK inevitably suffers some major hack or exploit that drains them millions and either puts them out of business or forces them to use LINK

that alone is hundreds of times more potent than twittertranny-tier marketing, plus we don't embarrass our project like pajeets

>> No.54367822

>doesn't care so much that he turns up in threads to tell everyone he doesn't care.
Based, how can we all be this cool?

>> No.54367962

Imagine not being a btc maximalist in the year 2021+2.

>> No.54367988

all we know is
all we know is
that's all we know!!1

>> No.54368431

I would wait for CLs news of this instead of a random guy on twitter.
Also as we have already seen from sergeys dumps, the team getting usd means nothing for the token price. And the team still charges in usd which means there is no incentive for the token price to ever go up.

Shitcoin fag gives sergey 100k usd and sergey loads his balance with 100k worth of chainlink from his massive premine stack. No link is bought on the open market and no buy pressure ecists for the token itself.
The token can be valueless and treated like a chucke cheese token and the network will still work.

Just like how chuck e cheese tokens are needed to operate games at the establishments yet they dont accrue any value from the company valuation going up.

>> No.54368513

the CIA already assassinated all the hackermen during COVID lockdowns already tho schizo

>> No.54368540

We tried to compete with Chainlink. It was impossible, VC backed hr roasties.

>> No.54368589

>stinkies STILL haven't explained how the token is needed


>> No.54368598

>Just like how chuck e cheese tokens are needed to operate games at the establishments yet they dont accrue any value from the company valuation going up.
this is such strange fud google vintage chuck e cheese tokens and see for yourself its a viable investment up there with paying your electricity bill to end the fed by mining BTC

>> No.54368641
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The same people saying the token isn't sneeded are the same people complaining about having to pay for pricefeeds.

Yeah the token isn't sneeded when the token holders subsidize the entire defi ecosystem for two fucking years. We gave out crack for free, get billions addicted, now these mother fuckers have to pay up.

The Token is sneeded.

>> No.54368671



>> No.54368679
File: 413 KB, 520x769, compound leshner oracle exploit attack hack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Either they fork up the cash or this happens to them.

>> No.54368718

>”but muh poos!!”
It’s a nothing burger

>> No.54368749

That's great news! This means that the shareholders of chainlink labs (the corporation, not the token) are going to maybe start to generate some positive cash flow (from a source other than dumping their near limitless tokens on) at some unspecified point in the future!

It's the second coming!

That's great news for chainlink labs and its owners. Really would consider buying stock in the company. It's too bad that the only way to "buy in" isn't actually buying in at all...

People who buy Chainlink are unironically retarded. It's not a cryptocurrency, it's a way for them to sell you stock without actually giving you an ownership interest in the company in any way shape or form. Chainlink labs could scrap the project tomorrow and do the same shit in dollars and you'd have nobody to complain to other than me.

>> No.54368814

VCs have unlimited capital and brain damage from all the BTC mining they did in their pods back in 2012 so they can afford to play it loose and be stupid.

To them the principle of paying 100k oracle extractable value versus losing millions daily is the cost of business.

They know that whoever hacks them will white hat it back to them. All the allegedly third world hacker men with an interest in defi have returned the money promptly. The VCs know whoever hacks them will just return the money for a white hat reward no questions asked.

I remember when SBF's bitcoin was hacked and the balance kept getting transferred to a new wallet leaving some sats as dust in the previous. Not sure what happened there but at least that hack resulted in significant man hours to restore order abdul chaos.

What I am getting at is I hope these hacks if they do take place have a bit more punitive might than previous little ha ha I got you bro here's your money back its just a prank

Maybe the hackers will buy LINK with the loot?

>> No.54368959

The protocols still need users. If protocol A gets hacked and Protocol B flaunts that they're Chainlinked to prevent this, where are masses going to go? On Protocol B of course. The same thing will happen with FSS where no one is going to use Uniswap over FSSwap because the FSS will in fact lead to cheaper prices by virtue of significantly limiting MEV frontrunning

>> No.54369104

I think you greatly underestimate how centralized the capital is in crypto right now
>where are masses going to go?
to the next animal coin or next dumbest idea of course bro. you are underestimating how stupid the useless eaters are. They cannot be assessed by rational choice theory. They are sheep to be led to the slaughter you have to force the influencers by taking away the money of those who choose to be non cooperative and never return it. Let them miss a bull run for a change.

>The same thing will happen with FSS where no one is going to use Uniswap over FSSwap because the FSS will in fact lead to cheaper prices by virtue of significantly limiting MEV frontrunning
Again you cannot expect average joe crypto ape to understand anything beyond x is the future it go moon soon and you cannot apply rational choice theory to these people. they have no consciousness they are told to do something by some trusted influencer a friend or a crypto celebrity none of them are shilling LINK so FSSwap or whatever will not be the next big thing. Stop leaving options for people to make the choice who do not behave rationally.

Here is what you do. Take the entire TVL of whatever protocol does not cooperate. Hold it as ransom for one bull run. return the next bear market as a white hat.

Watch capital flows to determine where funding is coming from if they receive additional funding. Hack again as needed. Hold funds in saturnine time prison for the bull return as white hat during the bear.

You have to make your threats real anon just like Sergey with his breaking bad crack dealer analogy what is it the bald hitman says?

>> No.54369215


This will never happen.

>> No.54369297

>where are masses going to go?
to the cheapest option of course, i.e. the competition continuing the funding. some might get hacked initially, but long term the stress test will make them as resilient as link. there is a real risk of link designing their own irrelevance

>> No.54369306

I find it very interesting you think swaps will be the next big thing when we have uni on bnb for chinese gamblers. I am not Chinese I do not get excited for swaps gambling on nonsense tokens not needed. just because it solves some problem no one is aware of doesn't mean it is meaningful for the useless eaters. they are happy to be fed poisons and sold products they don't need. The idea of stopping MEV is nonsensical to these people. They only understand X go moon now. you ape ok.

Do the fuck better.

>> No.54369349

Yeah these early hacks really need to have meaning and make these people lose out serious capital when they need it most
If these third worlders hack they should return the funds in several years as a white hat not straight away. hold their liquidity hostage let them miss a bull run or two and see how they fucking like it

>> No.54369360

This, they need to burn some. It can seem rough on the team if they don't get full direct profit. But it increases the value of the entire network.
It only need to be a small amount for a burn.

>> No.54369374

me too
this is live? first I've heard of it

>> No.54369406

And didn't unisocks guy fund ari juels to research mev anyways?
>just use fss by chainlink and ic3
>(VCs said) no.
>oh okay well thanks for the funding I enjoyed the research opportunity.

>> No.54369458
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>> No.54369497

funnily enough the price of LINK has only gone down since this post was made.

And Ed Felten betrayed long ago.

>> No.54369644

chainlink is native on the ETH network, you can literally do everything on chainlink with ETH tokens.

>> No.54369744

holy based

>> No.54369775

why wasn't this posted before here? /biz/ has fallen off

>> No.54369816
File: 114 KB, 1030x533, link blockchain purpose 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ed betrayed when he realized CCIP represents an existential threat to his cash cow.

>> No.54369852

you know that's an interesting idea, but if he really thought that, wouldn't it make sense to hedge his bets and align himself with chainlink?

>> No.54369993
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Holy shit. I understand everything now. Since Link was basically starting up, they made everyone feel comfy with a new paradigm in which they supply essential infrastructure. Now the market, which needs this unparalleled mechanism, and which is essentially an outgrowth of its capacity, will be charged acordingly. Some of these companies being so naive and entitled will act like they deserve to ho to space free. But dickhead, you need to pay for the suit and the vehicle. Of course. And the fudders have been fudding the space program that can take people to mars, implicitly showing their retardation by assuming people can just reinvent rockets and plan trips as needed bro. I'm a late fag. I may get 1K more

>> No.54370030

Or they will just shut down their projects because they don't provide any value that would justify paying out of pocket for oracle services

>> No.54370055

They have the choice not to waste their time building anything if it means paying some ridiculous price for oracle services.

The oracle price should be built into the project and nodes paid just like Ethereum nodes. Why the hell would someone pay a company for a crypto service. That is not how crypto works.

>> No.54370098
File: 44 KB, 586x288, arbitrum - cl nodes validate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alignment is fine and necessary. Dependency is a threat. Perhaps there are reasons why it would not be wise to allow Chainlink nodes to constitute a majority cohort of Arbitrum nodes.

>> No.54370124
File: 7 KB, 225x225, 109520856059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So are we loading up on Link now or what?

>> No.54370129

No, that's not how it works. They offered a service for free, so people treated it like it was free. Now they want money, and almost everyone who was interested when it was free will lose interest.

Would people continue to use YouTube or Twitter if they cost $20 a month? I doubt many people would.

Unless you have a business model that justifies paying $100,000 for some oracle services to make smart contracts work (which nobody has because there is no inherent value with the existing technology), then you just won't waste your time building anything in this space.

Node operators are supposed to be paid directly in LINK. That is how this is supposed to work. If a dapp needs oracle services, then the people using the dapp should pay for them as needed.

>> No.54370134

Charging for services created by the labor of expert engineers is extortion! It should be free, like the food at our local commune. Down with capitalism! This isn't grassroots and punk. Unlike paying for eth gas and mev bots.

>> No.54370179

>Or they will just shut down their projects because they don't provide any value that would justify paying out of pocket for oracle services
>Why the hell would someone pay a company for a crypto service. Why the hell would someone pay a company for a crypto service
lmao what, that's exactly how crypto services or literally any service at all works. the only difference is that Chainlink paid it themselves till now

also this isn't any super secret, literally everyone knew that the subsidy won't be forever which is exactly why you only see slowly dying grifters crying about it

>> No.54370181

its fine if dead weight that can't generate demand enough to sustain itself fails. that's healthy for the ecosystem as a whole. no one is being priced out, and chainlink has the BUILD program for small projects that won't have funds on hand.

>> No.54370182

Charging money for something that has no fundamental value when it costs money is retarded. Build the price of oracle services into the project and make people pay as needed. That's how it's supposed to work.

>> No.54370196

>Would people continue to use YouTube or Twitter if they cost $20 a month? I doubt many people would.
Your analogy is wrong. Link is the internet, not a random monthly subscription for leisure.

>> No.54370217

sergey literally spelled it out for us: this is the year

>> No.54370237

>Charging money for something that has no fundamental value
absolutely no one would cry about it then, you included

but you seem awfully emotional and involved as if LINK services are the exactly opposite of that lol

>> No.54370243

This also puts no buying pressure on the LINK token. The people buying oracle services need to buy LINK to pay for them. They shouldn't be paying a middleman.

>> No.54370309

>chuck e cheese FUD
Vintage, if nothing else

>> No.54370338

Yes. I'll just check coin market cap every few minutes amd get Ranjesh to update continuously 30k usd per year plus I'llbe feedinga hole village. Checkmate. Token not needed

>> No.54370375

America is the greatest country in the entire world because a 19 year old girl out of high school can find a pimp, and earn large quantities of spending cash by offering oral sex and vaginal sex with thousands of men willing to pay for such things. She can keep records with the men she sleeps with, and she can wait up to 50 years for one of them to become super successful and she can cry rape and sue for inappropriate touching and "bribe hush money" from the most successful client. And not only no crime will have been committed, but the entire world will believe you even when the data comes out you're just a simple whore selling sex to men in exchange for cash, and hurled rape allegations that are 50 years late in exchange for television spots, book deals, product lines and getting scooped up to the wealthy class by the creature from the Levant.

The only country where all this horse shit is allowed to fly, and you aren't allowed to criticize it, is America. In every other country they just shrug it off and tell the whore: "That wasn't a bribe, that was your cut of compensation for the sexual service". And tell the woman to stop wasting government resources on false allegations

>> No.54370424

If you think this is fud then you are a cultist

>> No.54370463

Link to leak?

>> No.54370464
File: 832 KB, 2250x2144, i cant take this anymore.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>service can ONLY be paid in specific token
>price flutctuation makes paying in a volatile token a insanely expensive chore
>remove uneeded token and get paid in network token (eth,avax,matic)

>> No.54370481
File: 3.36 MB, 2700x1730, Linkies Crossing the Delaware.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

underrated. brainlets still don't realize link is founding a new government that they are citizens of.

>> No.54370492

how long are we gonna sit in this range

>> No.54370494

Coolio, so wen token price gongo up?

>> No.54370536

Because those are less volatile? The fuck are you even talking about

>> No.54370567

Kek. At that point it would just becomes a digital mafia. Kinda based.

>> No.54370599

Its more to do with ed felton taking thst big vc cock in 2021. Right after that funding round(in may) they stopped all talk of using LINK. I genuinely believe they were going to use it till they got the VCs onboard. I also knew they’d release a token for sure at that point, so farmed it

>> No.54370648

outsider actor mints 1trillion shitcoin
succesfully attacks network
outsider wants to bribe a nop can only do so with link
market buys 1 trillion worth of link
because of quadratic staking security goes up exponentially since link is an illiquid gravel coin

>> No.54370672

Fucking retard. A better analogy is this, and it happened to me:
I sell on Ebay for side income. I get like 15 orders a week. Posting them is a hassle and makes it more work rather than easy side income.
Royal Mail offere a service where they collect your parcel from your door when the local postman does their round. You buy the label online, schedule when they come and they even put the label on it for you. It makes the whole process take 0 time, increases my profit to work ratio.

Sadly this was just a temporary free service(the collection part). They will be charging for it from now on after 1.5 years of doing it free after launching it. It’ll cost £1.20 an order which is a lot imo. However i openly admit im addicted to it now and will just pay because it saves me so much effort. My profit will reduce but not so much that its worth the extra hours of doing it all myself.

Chainlink have done this on a much greater and more important scale. They have also shaped all expectation for oracle services based on their free till now one. Unlike me with royal mail, (i just like the convenience and efficiency but would save money but lose time doing it myself), people who choose to go elsewhere risk losing a lot of capital due to lack of alternatives

>> No.54370730

>chainlink will charge 1.20 nicker for p+h
checked. nah Ed was always going to betray he just pretended to be against the mev mafia for free marketing. He was always going to betray and he was always going to launch a token and do nothing about mev

>> No.54370834


Shut the fuck up cultist. Im tired of you fucking losers

>> No.54370882
File: 175 KB, 668x879, 375805EB-0067-4DFB-8D96-8600D28F3CDC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So how is that turning out?

>> No.54370893

Fockin' hell imagine a top boy like Sergey Nasty Slob chargin' 1.20 nicker for oracle p+h innit LMMMAOOOOOO I fockin' spat muh peas n chips guv

>> No.54370908

What's the strongest crypto currently to trade for the next pump?

>> No.54370909

>Fourth place (4)
so this is what CZ was signalling!


>> No.54370917

CX literally signalled stinkshit today nigger we finna moon!!!


>vaccination not r

>> No.54370975
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>> No.54371011

If the next 3 posts are racial slurs chainlink will go to $1,000 EOY

>> No.54371033


>> No.54371054

checked. niggers

>> No.54371056


>> No.54371059


>> No.54371133

My black africans we are going to make it praise kek mumu bobo and the other false canaanite idols!!!

>> No.54371744
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>> No.54372049
File: 164 KB, 2000x1074, 4thIReich.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chekkked n' kekkked

>> No.54372140

Why don’t you make your own goddamn oracle then?

>> No.54372922

I agree with the spirit of this post but there is one thing he (your pic related) didn't take into account. The whole space has been preparing for CCIP and the completion of the decentralized oracle aka chainlink. Specially arbitrum. Chainlink makes 99% of crypto related projects obsolete (including cexes). Decentralized KYC, autonomous Fiat ramps, abstracted wallets. Everything can be done on-chaik with a decentralized oracles network. Everything can work flawlessly and honestly. The problem is: all this parasites make their living from the inefficiencies of the financial system (crypto and tard-fi). So Link has been at war with big money since the project was born (remember whale anon). I think swift saw the final repercussions of the complete development of Link and had to back track its support for Chainlink (this is just massive speculation on my part I know)

So back to arbitrum their plan is clear: consolidate it as the de facto chain of smart contracts before CCIP releases. How can they do that? The arbitrum token with the support of the deep pockets of the mev mafia and related parasites (pic related). They will keep pumping the token and releasing new airdrops so people move their liquidity there (hopefully for them forever) until CCIP is irrelevant or unnecessary. Keep in mind whales have 95% of the money so they only need the big Ethereum whales and the small fish will follow suit.

Can link win this war? I hope so but I will keep my arb airdrop just in case the worst happens. Good luck faggots

>> No.54373092

He says that every year. Still waiting to "add another zero".

>> No.54373129

Checked my honkey.

>> No.54373201
File: 40 KB, 500x500, chainlinkgod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

delete this

>> No.54373218


I need to let Chainlinkgod digest it and plagiarise first. Once he is comfortable presenting the ideas as his own I can safely remove it from 4channel

>> No.54373254

>I think swift saw the final repercussions of the complete development of Link and had to back track its support for Chainlink (this is just massive speculation on my part I know)
SWIFT is going to use Chainlink to bridge different CBDC clusters to each other.

>> No.54373434

Spot on. It’s truly amazing to see “devs” (too kind a term for these vultures) being outraged at having to pay for price feeds. There’s something so absurd about these vultures not blinking an eye at outrageous gas fees, yet when it comes to using a DON then suddenly Chainlink has gone too far. These morons have the foresight of a retarded fucking chimp.

>> No.54373484

Chainlink ending scams, based

>> No.54373552

Capped. People will see this post in 5 years from now and laugh at you so much you’ll want to die from the embarrassment of being so retarded.

>> No.54373554


>> No.54373558

>They know that whoever hacks them will white hat it back to them. All the allegedly third world hacker men with an interest in defi have returned the money promptly. The VCs know whoever hacks them will just return the money for a white hat reward no questions asked.
Imagine being this retarded and delusional.
>hacks? Exploits? Yeah no worries they'll just return the money. We got that covered

The absolute state of FUDders lmao

>> No.54373628

You will pay. Using a different token? Alright the price has a premium now (+ 30%). Thanks for the money you obtuse dumbass!

I swear to God these porn addicted fudders think they have GOTCHAS for everything, when in reality all of these scenarios have been planned for years in advance.


>> No.54373994

>Fudders hate him

>> No.54374054

so much this, everything has been planned in advance DECADES ago, everybody knows LINK is KINGMADE, everything is a theater, we've already made it, just two more weeks until the singularity
fudders BTFO

>> No.54374060

Do not underestimate the power of positive thought!

>> No.54374093




>> No.54374147 [DELETED] 
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>> No.54374229

>how are they gating people in is my question
They don't, but they are normally the ones providing specific critical feeds to these dApps, which enabled them to grow and acquire a certain TVL.
Sponsors pay voluntarily a certain amount per month / year. That's why most people in the know consider that Chainlink Labs has been running like a charity for the DeFi space while their warchest consists of LINK being sold in OTC batches, that are later sold for retail, so yeah, Chainlink holders have been funding this charity.
RunTheJuels was one of the first twitters fags acknowledging this publicly if i recall correctly. Seeing this transition to a more aggressive "pay or perish" instance is a good thing in my opinion

>> No.54374252

Don't let demoralizers hit you anon, you are doing the right thing. This is constructive and something worth discussing. It's refreshing seeing anons remaining critical without being fudders. Keep em coming

>> No.54374255

wait until you see the assassination contracts at work

>> No.54374278

Welcome to the chans Mr. Schmidt

>> No.54374295
File: 112 KB, 1550x654, Screenshot 2023-03-29 at 7.24.16 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is 150 LINK enough to make it? or should I swap 860 near for LINK?

>> No.54374361

This but unironically

>> No.54374394

how will they enforce it if a dapp is naughty and doesn't pay since it's voluntary?

>> No.54374582

you deluded baggies are extremely sad

>> No.54374612


>> No.54374655
File: 69 KB, 225x225, 1423044972023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it, though?
that's nice. now pay 100k or the plug will be pulled :^)

>> No.54374797

so what is it
either they are useless and anybody can build what they offer very easily in which case
they can just go to another provider or build themselves (not blackmail because just do it yourself)
or they are holding people hostage over their unique and unmatched services which is crucial for your product to function securely
in which case you might want to pay them fairly for it (ie not blackmail just a fair price)

i dont get it are people just getting dumber?

>> No.54374861

There is a big difference there anon the gas/mev fees are paid by the users or the exploited retail while the jeet stacks the loot
If the jeet only ends up shitting in the street it doesn't matter since he never put up his own money
Chainlink changes that now as the jeet needs to put up a lot of money first before he can try to fleece retail
Of course they are howling for blood, their scams just got exposed for what they are

In this space 100k pa is nothing for legit projects they will pay to outsource security to the highest trusted service

>> No.54374877

>i dont get it are people just getting dumber?
No, you and we all get it. What you read is the reckoning of dishonest discussion and FUD against the reality of their situation.

So therefore they will attempt to STILL muddy the waters despite spouting contradictory statements back to back. They are so unhinged and spiteful that no logical train of thought can be had kek

>> No.54374904


But dont worry Ari Juels also has a solution to fudder problem like everything else

>> No.54375164

>Would people continue to use YouTube or Twitter if they cost $20 a month? I doubt many people would.
Wrong analogy, if content creators earning thousands of USD a month were to be charged $20 from now on, they would probably pay for it.

>> No.54375476

Most users are not going to run their own contracts, they'll outsource that to dedicated contract operators, and they in turn pay the nodes in Link tokens.

>> No.54375586

>how will they enforce it if a dapp is naughty and doesn't pay since it's voluntary?
Technically, all on-chain data is easily accessible by anyone, so there are cases where freeloaders or dApps might take advantage of this data without paying. They simply implement a read() function in their contracts. DApps aren't required to pay, which is why when you visit https://data.chain.link/users/, you can see which feeds are sponsored or voluntarily paid for by various sponsors.
These sponsors pay because they derive significantly more value from the feeds than what they pay for them. They are incentivized to support the continued existence of these feeds.

>> No.54376124

Anyone have the Link edit of Connor Murphy in front of these black girls?

>> No.54376205

150 x 81.000 sounds pretty good no?
>should I swap my NEAR

>> No.54376743

>Can link win this war?
nothing will be able to compete with the ability to effortlessly and securely move billions of $ between chains like it's nothing
people fail to understand the crushing impact ccip will have because it is still something abstract, something subject to speculations and what little info we are allowed to get
when it's out there for good, only then will people understand the gravity of the situation. as for us the observers, it will be like when the oracles released and devs slowly started bending the knee one after the other, even faggots who claimed they would never use them

>> No.54376887

>they had to do all the raunchy/bdsm/deepthroat/orgy shit before they started getting good contracts with more main stream sites like brazzers or naughtyamerica. Now they have their own website too, and do the work they want to do.
I'm so glad I don't watch porn.

>> No.54377036

So, are we buying?

>> No.54377385
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Here ya go, Cap'n

>> No.54377532
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>> No.54377616

fuck these fucking niggers. no good prices in years. their team is a bunch of stuck up assholes and diversity hires.

Don't take my word for it. Just go to ETHDenver or any crypto convention and see for yourself. Your money will be gone.

>> No.54379141

Chainlink isn't you tube or Twatter.
It's the tcp/ip protocol.
Of course you gonna pay or you can't exist

>> No.54379545


The losers here fantasizing about a day theyll be heralded as genius investors is so cringe

>> No.54379573

Yeah thats fine and all but then youre just sitting around virtue signaling with nothing to pump a dead altcoin

>> No.54379705
File: 617 KB, 1477x828, B2327170-4D66-4036-90FF-854339F11D5E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks man

>> No.54380322
File: 936 KB, 2223x2560, waged.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you guys have the gif of sergey pissing and the lady slipping?

>> No.54381047

So youre saying link tokens will just be a novelty collectible? Kek ive got some original waves NIGGERS to sell you then.
What im saying is chuckecheese tokens are minted by and required by the company to pay for its services inside the company (games) yet they do not grow in value.
Just like chain link is required to pay for nodes. Yet there is absolutely no mechanism in place for the token to accrue value. Link > usd and usd > link are instantly swapped.

Its not like customers will want to buy link ahead of time incase the token grows in value, because as we know the team prices their services to customers in USD. We all know charging $1000 per call just because the link price is $10000 is absolutely retarded and illogical, and if that were the case its literally in everyones best interest to keep the token price low to encourage usage. Theres a reason dasani cant charge millions of dollars for a waterbottle just because everyone needs water.
If the tokenomics were not broken then link would be gaining value over time equal to its growth of adoption, but its not because the tokenomics are simply fucked up

>> No.54381091

>there is absolutely no mechanism in place for the token to accrue value
What mechanism does BTC have for the coin to accrue value?

>> No.54381101

>Yet there is absolutely no mechanism in place for the token to accrue value.
Point at this stupid motherfucker and laugh.

>> No.54381345

Hows that relevent to chainlink?
Btc is the original digital gold, while link is clone altcoin #5736/50000+

We can all objectively see that the while usage and integration is going up the price is only going down.
This would be impossible if the value capturing mechanism was really in place. Pretty sad when simple logic completely destroys chainlink, but of course emotional bagholders cant think objectively. I pity you guys stuck with your 1k eoy singularity pipe dreams

>> No.54381404

>Hows that relevent to chainlink?
It has everything to do with what you said: a value accrual mechanism.
Tell me what value accrual mechanism is in BTC, ETH, ADA, XRP, LTC, SOL, UNI, ...

>> No.54381456

Okay Linkies. I'm going to buy 40 just in case its not LARP this time around.

>> No.54381573

>buy 40 just in case
lol easy there big guy

>> No.54381643

>ask question about chainlink
>WELL I have no answer... but lets talk about these other shitcoins!!
Blockchains require native tokens to pay tx fees and deploy contracts. Blockchains are charged in native currency, thats why eth tx can cost 40$ or 1$ worth of eth.

Meanwhile chainlink services are charged in usd which is then converted to the native token, that native token is then sold back to usd by node ops.
Notice that chainlink team charged that guy $100000 for their services and not 14,285 chainlink tokens. This system ensures that there is 0 need to buy chainlink tokens ahead of time betting that you will get more service for your $ cost. The token price is completely irrelevent in all of this, and even worse its actually penalizing if the price was too high, every company knows its easier to sell 1000 units of a product for $5 each then 1 unit for $5000.

You dont go to chuckecheese and buy extra tokens to hoard in anticipation of getting to play more games in the future, you buy exactly what you intend to use because its just a utility token rather then an asset.

>> No.54381664

If you can't come up with a value accrual mechanism for other cryptos, then you're applying a double standard to Link.

>> No.54381688

>that native token is then sold back to usd by node ops.
Same with BTC miners.

>> No.54381891

Only BTC is capable of ending FED because you have many people all over globe work together to mine block and pay electricity bill (this part really makes bankers and governments seeth) in USD or local fiat denomination for me its Bulgaria Lev. I know that when I pay electricity bill in Lev that government is going to die and so will central bankers.
You see BTC is decentralized. That means that anyone anywhere in world can mine BTC get a really high energy bill (I think we use nuclear fision here in hometown Bulgaria) and end FED.

I am a sovereign citizen so my mining is tax free you just need to send government letter. Governments are such pushovers since BTC mining seriously weakened their powers and stopped bank bail outs. I thank god everyday BTC was able to provide me with luxury lockdown like food delivery. I love goyslop XD

>> No.54381895

Oh? Then what happened to
>link is not like the other cryptos :)
So are you actually saying link is exactly the same as all the other cryptos and should be treated the same???

Ive already said blockchains are different from link. eth and btc price went up with increased usage, meanwhile chainlink price only goes down with increased usage which is quite alarming so there must be something going wrong right?

>> No.54381920

>eth and btc price went up with increased usage
By what mechanism?

>> No.54381957

No nothing wrong only BTC can end FED not LINK. LINK cannot end FED because no electricity bill to pay with Chainlink mine also called node. Chainlink Node has low cost in electricity this bad. So bad because to end FED decentrally you need pay big bill. This is such strange FUD!
>BTC cannot end FED because you pay tax on electricity bill
[laughs in Bulgarian] I am sovereign citizen I not pay tax.

>> No.54381986

BTC is digital gold, is a fully decentralized payment system, costs money to extract and is backed by the worlds biggest computational power.

In comparison chainlink is a fully centralized premined chuckecheese foundry entirely funded by selling its chuckecheese tokens which didnt cost anything to create. Theyre vastly different things

>> No.54381996

I can't tell if you're both baiting or what. Staking is at the heart of link tokenomics, it isn't turned on yet (0.1 is fake) and can't be until the entire chainlink network is profitable. That can't happen until some combination of layer 1's working with chainlink on gas prices, and/or nodes being compensated at higher rates, and/or nodes being used more (higher network traffic). When/if this happens, staking 1.0 is implemented and chainlink becomes a self sustainable machine whose value is intrinsically linked to the price of the token.

If you do not believe those circumstances will happen, you should be short chainlink. If you do, you should be long. The end.

>> No.54382002
File: 84 KB, 790x507, 1653928874614531.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fully decentralized
time to stop posting

>> No.54382024

Computation is big business for energy company. No one want to pay big electricity bill anymore. Power company sad. They make deal to generate interest in power consumption again like boomer do with old car. soi boi cannot end fed because so little power bill HA HA

>> No.54382078

More people using the network = more people buying the coins, more fees needed to use the network

As you can notice this simple concept is not found with chainlink. Sadly it turns out that telling someone the weather is not a viable business model

>> No.54382109
File: 1 KB, 384x236, 1680119330302.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lets compare that to chainlink

>> No.54382132

>More people using the network = more people buying the coins
So demand.
In other words: speculation.

The network consists of many independent nodes.
You're thinking of the contracts (price feeds etc.) which are run by Chainlink.

>> No.54382145
File: 92 KB, 1076x668, 1680119436935.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>more then one?
Yup checked, it completely meets the definition

>> No.54382162

Two is more than one yes, lmao

>> No.54382191

There are no independent nodes they are all dependent on chainlink allowing them to run. Chainlink can axe any node op at any time, thats literally the opposite of independence

>> No.54382226

>There are no independent nodes they are all dependent on chainlink allowing them to run
Not "to run", to be part of their contracts.
The network =/= the contracts.

>> No.54382229

So you agree that its decentralized right?

>> No.54382290

LOL. Don't forget the other use cases:

>something something NFT lottery drawings... no clue what this is

>paying spotify starving artists by the song instead of getting their music free currently.. or something

>bar bouncers will use link to approve your age...or something

>something about gaming...maybe you send other players Link? Not sure why

>helping pay poor African farmers insurance payments if there's bad weather...not sure how this makes anyone money

>last but not least...buying Sergey real estate that only the top 1% of the 1% in the world can afford. At a net worth of $500M, he can have it all (except for maybe a personal trainer)

>> No.54382293

Chainlink is the sole arbiter of who can participate in the system.
Conversely satoshi the ceo of bitcoin cant arbitrate who can and cant mine bitcoin and participate, because its decentralized unlike chainlink

>> No.54382312

>Chainlink is the sole arbiter of who can participate in the system.
In their contracts, yes.

>> No.54382349


It seems like this guy is samefagging, but hard to say. Regardless the discussion is incredibly low IQ

>> No.54382396
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Glad we can agree that there are no independent node operators on the chainlink network

>> No.54382419

In the Chainlink contracts.
There are plenty of custom DONs.

>> No.54382434

>using logic low IQ

>just be high iq like me and trust the plan from this 2017 larper screencap 1k eoy!! Ooo look he even got dubs thats so bullish!!!

>> No.54382582


>> No.54382633
File: 76 KB, 924x1098, soy berg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>7000 kenyan farmers

>> No.54382637
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>This system ensures that there is 0 need to buy chainlink tokens ahead of time betting that you will get more service for your $ cost.
Citation needed. Oh wait you can't because you are making shit up on the fly. Didn't you start your 16pbtid streak with "buy an ad"?

Your dissertations are uselesss and pointless. Nobody is selling a single LINK token, so you should try a bit harder than this.

>> No.54382851

The team prices its services in usd and not chainlink, chainlink cant buy link on the market while they are also dumping as much as they can, even if they were to buy 1000 link and then dump that same 1k plus another 699k of their own that still adds 0 buying pressure.
Turns out all the high iq ogs dumped and all were left with is low iq bagholding hopium addicts who get all their insight from twitter faggots like CLG.
No linktard can even debate the broken tokenomics, at best they'll say wait 2 more weeks for "real staking (tm)"

>nobody is selling a single link token
Uhh a lot of people are selling (including the founder himself) thats why the price keeps going down lmao

>> No.54382885

Sort of thought the same thing, the idea that anyone would participate in a 100+ post link thread without understanding staking is incredibly unlikely.

That said I'm tired of having to pretend like its bulgarians or paid actors blah blah, its just no life losers who don't want other people to like what they like. You see the same sort of behavior on every other board on this site, and nobody is paying those people to be like that. Its as simple as this, this board figured out 6 years ago that any future for crypto was going to require decentralized oracles, link has no competition, and a bunch of NEETs got in early (its considered nothing to have a 10k stack, that means people here think it is nothing to have 70 grand invested in crypto, the average person doesn't have 5 grand in assets). Now the NEETs stuck in purgatory who haven't made it yet but have no aspirations or goals in life, have made it their mission to fud every last person out of link.

>> No.54382970

Thats a lot of words for saying absolutely nothing. Quick, go bring your loony troons Discord and ask for more technical terms, that will surely cement your non-argument!

>> No.54383023

Web3 CEO here, they asked us to 'sponsor' several price feeds, $100 per month per feed.. not sure who is paying $100k.

>> No.54383147
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>new transexual shooter manifesto just dropped

>> No.54383236
File: 1018 KB, 480x848, 1611884831168.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked and here ya go, Bossman.

>> No.54383242

Unimaginable cope.
T. Lost 300 bucks on shib when I could’ve walked away with 700

>> No.54383634
File: 263 KB, 1280x1280, 1679962357314694.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh REAL staking
>muh NEETS fud out of spite
ITT: link holders still in denial
see you next year

>> No.54383647

meme of the year thank you zachie based king

>> No.54384314

You can pay in whatever you want, but you'll be able to do so at a discount with LINK. The conversion may as well happen on the backend, and the front end user need not think ab it.

>> No.54384412

I didn't get that, what I got was more along the lines of "we're not concerned with the current price action, we're only concerned about building a product that is going to be all things to everyone and if that takes a long time then so be it.".
It's frustrating for sure when you consider the absolute shit show that is the current global financial/corporate landscape but I suppose it's better to have invested in a project with serious people who dot their i's and cross their t's than some jeet scammers who put out a shitty project.

>> No.54384463

>says nothing: the post
Lol that irony

>> No.54384677

>the neet cries out in pain as he strikes you

>> No.54384738

Checked and based chainlink avocado poster

>> No.54385266
File: 164 KB, 1080x1237, catlink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Link joined catgirl, unironically that shit will pull shib holyfuck its just 10 mil gem

>> No.54385303

probably as they have a don exclusively used by their scam
prices will be lower for the big feeds
and yeah we know you're larping btw

>> No.54385330

i can imagine someone showing this to sergey and explaining that we think that it's him. he would laugh hautily like santa claus and saying "Hahaha.. Yes I must admit that one was actually quite comical. I enjoyed that maymay"

>> No.54386593
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>> No.54387531

kek at steve ellis walking through midstream

>> No.54387535
File: 377 KB, 1080x1337, Screenshot_20230329_182010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolute shitcoin that supports CBDCs and the WEF, and no Im not fudding I am serious. Fuck this turdcoin

>> No.54387560

buy BTC instead bro
Mine BTC too. Pay your goddamn electricity bill
Paying higher bills. this is how we defeat the banks unironically!

>> No.54387594

It needs staking beyond what we have for it to matter to holders.

>> No.54387660

You guys are a bunch of capitalist pig criminals you honestly think this shit is cool to get businesses dependent on your product making them think it’s free and then pull the rug on them? You know how many lives you’re ruining with these Enron tier business practices? This is disgusting.

>> No.54387832


Why dismissing it? Its very valid. I made this thread to try iron it out. Fucking tired bros. Nobody wants to be critical of their own investment. Just play bagholder bingo.
Why cant they charge them in LINK? Or a massive mark-up of in USD?

>> No.54388534

trial is over. pay up freeloader

>> No.54388686

ouch, this hurt the linkies. you can tell by the frantic attempt to shift the topic to unrelated projects

>> No.54388706

when you say trial is over pay up do you mean chainlink is like winrar?

>> No.54388800

>The average successful youtuber would stop using youtube and twitter and go to fucking dailymotion and myspace if they were charged $20

fucking deluded, LMAO

>> No.54390398

>you can tell by the frantic attempt to shift the topic to unrelated projects

Not their fault that LINK has a shitty use case when compared to other token.

>> No.54390431

You are just a retard who knows nothing about LINK, i wonder what else you are ignorant about.
>Mine BTC too. Pay your goddamn electricity bill
Why not pay your bills from the crypto you mined are you trying to eat your cake and have it?

>> No.54390491

>Why not pay your bills from the crypto you mined are you trying to eat your cake and have it?
Making payments with crypto is quite seamless at this point considering you can make payments via Apps like CryptMi.

>> No.54390827

When Chainlink is in its rightful place in the top 5, then you can be hypercritical of it.
Right now you just look stupid attacking Link for things they do no worse than the rest of the market.

>> No.54390849

thats so fucking backwards man. i've been holding since Jan 2018, and i dont think there is any reason not to be critical of your own investments. its just fucking weird behaviour to not. why the fuck do you make arbitrary goalposts for when you can criticise your own investments?

Its called fundamental research for fuck sake and its what we did in 2018 like crazy. why the FUCK should we stop being allowed to do FA on new developments? you are fucking twisted and have bagholder rhetoric.

>> No.54390868

The problem is people are much more critical of LInk than of any other crypto, even though Link does nothing worse and so many things better than them.
It makes zero sense.

>> No.54390883

Is this your FUD angle? Every single linkie knew LINK is a wef 4IR coin back in 2018

This is bullish

>> No.54390901

He's trying to tell you "institutional adoption bad".
Then he'll also tell you "normie money bad".

And he'll spam this dozens of times in nearly every Link thread, day in day out, year after year after year.

>> No.54390982

because we have much higher standards for LINK than any other crypto. what is so hard to understand? why would i waste my time doing such critical analysis on a fucking dog coin, AVAX, or whatever VC piece of shit?

The entire reason LINK is a big deal and was memed was because of was the solution to a HIGHLY critical problem, and it took a lot of critical research and understanding to see the value. it makes no sense not to expect continued high standards especially when the people who did that initial FA are heavily, heavily invested still.

Chainlink is one of the few coins without a typical fucking bagholder community where no critisism is allowed, its all good vibes and "i will be that dip" and just pure baghoder bingo shit. sadly there are a lot of those types present, because its impossible to keep them out, but there are a lot of people who are invested and willing to keep up he critique and high standards still.

>> No.54390990

Big truth here
Sad that the concensus is link gets BTFOd by Chuck E Cheese :(

>> No.54391001
File: 233 KB, 1438x1030, 1662531631045319.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure cripplets for instance have expectations that are at least as high as linkies.

>> No.54391010


no they dont lol. go into the xrp thread and if you ever say anything remotely critical they all pile on you with bagholder bingo too. you never see people being critical of XRP in that thread other than people dropping in than being mobbed. link on the otherhand is at least 50% people being critical and doing it back and forth with each other even if the cultists try mob, they are not a high enough percentage of the "community" to do it.

>> No.54391054

That's what I'm saying: cripplets have the same level of expectations as linkies, but nowhere near the level of criticism.

>> No.54391074

most crypto bagholders have extremely high expectations. go look at a fucking vechain reddit or group and see the same fucking shit. its a universal thing. what are you talking about? what none of them have other than LINK is the same people being critical. thats becuase LINK is a better fucking project and people know it, and it attracts the kind of people who do real FA and critique their own investment instead of just bagholder goyim.
unfortunately there are a lot of cultists holding LINK still but not enough for them to dominate.

>> No.54391090

>most crypto bagholders have extremely high expectations
But linkies have a much higher level of criticism.
Hence the glaring double standards you keep seeing from fuddies.

>> No.54391101

i dont see it as a double standard. people being critical of LINK hold it and want it to succeed and have high expectations, and a fucking brain.
They dont critique other projects because all the other projects have no fucking future. there is no reason to be critical and try keep them on track for success.

>> No.54391127

>i dont see it as a double standard
You don't have to "see" it as such, it simply is.
For instance there are people itt saying institutional adoption is actually bad.
Or "token not needed".
Or "Sergey dumping crashed the price".

>> No.54391177


>> No.54391186


>> No.54391191

I honestly feel sorry for you. you are a midwit trapped in all this. Anon, those faggots are fuking retards. there are some genuine cultists, and there are some genuine fucking retard fudders too(and its usually pretty fucking easy to spot them). you cant tell it apart from valid critisism because you are a bagholder bingo cultist

>> No.54391203

You yourself said Linkies have "higher standards".
All a "higher standard" does is lower the speculative baseline and potential.

You yourself complained about Sergey's dumps, even though some of the absolute best-performing cryptos of the past few years dumped a LOT more tokens than he did.

>> No.54391232


>> No.54391235

that victim complex is not healthy, anon

>> No.54391241


>> No.54391240

Yeah, i obviously complained about his dumps. why the fuck would i not? im not a fucking cultist. its been explained i detail through the thread but you just want to label us as fucking bulgarians or something like that. i really fucking hate the fact i started that bulgarian meme again and exposed them because it just made the fuking cultists latch on to it for everything.
Things im responsible for:
>doxing uncle oldfag
>exposing the bulgarians in 2020
>exposing them AGAIN in 2021 after their massive dump/short in May
>spoonfeeding for years

>> No.54391256

You got this backwards, the ones with the victim complex are the faggots whining about Sergey dumping on them.

>i obviously complained about his dumps. why the fuck would i not?
Because so many cryptos dumped a lot more than Sergey did, yet they don't whine about it nearly as much as linkies do.

>> No.54391286

so other cryptos do it, it means we arent allowed to be critical of how LINK works? your a fucking pathetic lost cause. Its not good that other cryptos do it either you fucking spastic. those other cryptos just didnt have it working against their speculative narrative. we cant control what takes hold. maybe cause LINK has a community with a lot of people who have high standards, but arent just mindless bagholding faggots like you, they actually critique it too and the token not needed and sergey betray meme took hold due to it. meanwhile other coins, with just plain old bagholders dont question a thing. you belong with them.

I would much rather be in a coin with people who have high standards and are critical because it shows its fucking important, will go places and its where people with a brain are congregating. you seem more like a Vechain holder.

>> No.54391294

If only some of you had the ability to say "my bad, I was wrong", I swear you could become so much smarter. It's tragic really.
There is nothing to be gained by constantly twisting your argument or shifting goalposts. For what? Win a "contest" on 4chin?
The only benefit from a discussion is to learn something knew, integrate it in your thought process and come back smarter next time. Not the dopamine "look how I BTFOd this anonymous poster"

>> No.54391299

>so other cryptos do it, it means we arent allowed to be critical of how LINK works?
If you criticize Link harder for things other top cryptos do worse, then you're a retard sabotaging your own investment.

>> No.54391336

>Nationalism is a belief that your nation sits that the top of a hierarchy of nations. You believe your nation’s interests are is inherently more important than those of any other country in the world.
>Patriotism, on the other hand, is simply the love of your country and culture. Patriots know that you can love your own nation without thinking it’s objectively better than anyone else’s.

>> No.54391344

thats the truth about cultists. they cant move on form a past narrative unless a new nice happy smiley friendly one comes.
They dont want to fucking learn shit. they want to baghold and play bagholder bingo.
Just because some anons with a brain who do want to learn, continue applying their analysis to new developments (and either celebrate or question it if they believe it is bad, or demand clarity) meme when they do it and call sergey a fat fuck, say chucky cheese tokens, or wahtever... these cultists take it as NOOOO YOU ARE A BULGARIAN YOU SAID CHUCKY CHEESE. yet its find to cal everyone a nigger, a bulgarian, or whatever the fuck you want to meme when we are shilling.

It's just retail for you in general i guess.

>> No.54391392

With everything we know right now, Chainlink belongs firmly in the top 5; agree or disagree?

>> No.54391412


yeah, but why is that anything to do with me why it isn't? why should i not be critical of my own investment just because its not. you have a weird fucking mindset. the fact it isn't is if anything more reason to look closer and evaluate, which is what so man people here do but you just want to call them a bulgarian

>> No.54391415

>Since I am the hottest incel in this thread, your mom should jump on my dick; agree or disagree?

>> No.54391443

Then how does it make sense to be this hypercritical, when virtually every coin above it typically does the exact same things only worse?

>> No.54391484

Your fundamental flaw is trying to operate on this faulty hetoric you think the world should work on anon. thats just fucking lazy and thats how YOU chose to limit yourself on your own subjectivity.
Clearly most of use aren't limiting our thinking to your own self imposed handicaps through your weird little rhetoric. we are being objective instead, which is what leads to the critisism, and its what others can debate and agree on because it is objective rather than subjective.

Bagholders remain subjective. sometimes they form stupid little cultist communities, other times they are more like you and just stick to this bizarre self imposed subjective criteria on things. i hope im explaining it well. that is your own prison. dont include us who prefer to look at things objectively inside your own rules.

Makes sense why you said that weird fucking comment about "waiting till its rank 5 to judge it" now. just your own subjectible little rationale and limitations coming out of nowhere which nobody else would ever relate to because they are yours alone. good luck investing that way.

>> No.54391510

You're not treating Chainlink as an investment.
You're treating it as a pet project of yours, even though your involvement is 0.000000000000000000000000001%

>> No.54392260
File: 103 KB, 960x647, E590F401-3997-49B7-BBA2-ABC7491382E1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le secret investment
>we’re so early
>this is our year