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54355940 No.54355940 [Reply] [Original]

Can somebody explain to me the tokenomics of pussy? You can't even fucking stake it and it becomes roasted after a while

>> No.54355950

sex with hikari

>> No.54355983

Sex with Hotaru as Hikari

>> No.54356242

you can stake it. It's called Pimping, Jack.

>> No.54356273


The tokenomics are simple
>get her pregnant is 'Staking' and after a 9 month lock you get a new coin airdrop
>you can engage with pussy like a pump and dump for some fast dirty fun, just make sure you are an early buyer or you'll be left holding roast flaps

pussy has great utility

>> No.54357390
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>The tokenomics are simple
No, you have to wait 9 months for an airdrop but that doesn't provide you with any immediate profit, instead you have to keep funding the coins for several years and take care of them (they removed the feature that made pussy automatically manage them for you). They are a liability on your portfolio for years and even when they can start to work they rarely provide dividends back to you, in the past you could easily use them for farming after a few years so people could make a quick reliable profit on them and the price boomed, but nowadays there are too many regulations that stop you from profiting in that way. The cost of upkeep is too high for most people, which is why outside of a few meme driven communities most people don't go for the airdrops.
Also in this time you are unlikely to find pussy that hasn't been flipped at least a few dozen times, so that value isn't there

>> No.54357414

I hate that what is supposedly a love/bonding activity can be reduced to ponzinomics.

>> No.54357482


>> No.54357602
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Also you have a hard limit on the amount of pussy that you can hold at the same time without risking potentially deadly slashings, the Devs really made it so you are limited to one (1) pussy at a time unless you are ok with some of the more controversial liquidity options, not that it matters because the bigger whales can just have as much pussy as they want since the tokenomics will prioritize money over everything else. Whales can hold as much pussy as they want at the same time, although they do risk a halving of their portfolio depending on the status of their tokens, they can usually manage to avoid most token limitations depending on the size of their assets. How is that fair for the little guy?

>> No.54357621
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Pls just stop this is so demoralising

>> No.54357713

Super based poasts anon. Noharems will seethe.

>> No.54357791

>Where does the value come from
Labor. Read Marx

>> No.54357829
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Don't worry anon, just invest in waifus, as technology advances waifu technology will improve exponentially and eventually surpass pussy in every single aspect, I'm simply pointing out that waifus are a perpetually appreciating asset, while pussy and such are depreciating assets. As time passes and the unstoppable advance of technology continues it is inevitable that waifus will eventually render completely deprecate pussy, waifus are equivalent to crypto, pussy is equivalent to legacy fiat finance